emacs: python auto-complete just doesn't want to work - autocomplete

I couldn't find a specific answer to my question here, so I dare asking it at the off-chance of being directed to the answer ;)
since about two days, I am trying to get the auto-complete-mode to work for python, but I am out of luck :( I have been following the direction from this website and from this website which are both fairly outdated it would appear.
To give a brief description for those unfamiliar: According to the websites, it is apparently necessary to install first rope, rope-mode, pymacs and ropemacs before attempting to install auto-complete. I am reasonably confident, that I have done so successfully (the given tests, if any, in each manual gave the expected result), but once I install auto-complete, it just doesn't, y'know, autocomplete...
Lastly, it is entirely possible that I have done a newbie mistake, so please don't be shy and ask the blatantly obvious question here.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I am using Ubuntu 12.04 and emacs23 and I would like to use it with python2.7

bzr branch lp:python-mode/components-python-mode
includes auto-completion based on company-mode
That's the development branch of python-mode.el, no release so far.


Gaim - How to develop a plugin? (Pidgin)

I need some of your help.
I searched everywhere on the internet, but I could not find how to create a plugin for Gaim, the predecessor of Pidgin.
I do NOT want to create a Pidgin plugin. I want to create a Gaim plugin, but since Gaim is very old, well, it is hard to find documentation for it.
(PS : If you know how to write a plugin for Gaim, please note I want to make one for Windows - not Linux.)
(PPS : I'm french. Sorry for my bad English.)
You're going to run into a number of issues here...
First off, Gaim hasn't existed for 15 years, and of course we (the Pidgin core team many of who got involved during the Gaim days) aren't going to support it for that reason.
Secondly, building on windows has always been a pain for us as we had to carry all of the dependencies. I imagine most of the links that you might find are all long dead because of the 15 years that have passed since that. That said you might be able to get away with using our win32-dev directory from https://data.imfreedom.org/pidgin/win32-dev.7z but of course that's completely untested and that directory is used to build the Pidgin 2.x.y releases.
Finally, as you've found out, most of the documentation from Gaim has been gone for a very long time. We did set up https://gaim.pidgin.im as a joke which was the last copy of the site we had before the rename, but there's not much there when it comes to development documentation. So your best bet is to look at existing plugins. I still have the source code for guifications1 available at https://keep.imfreedom.org/grim/guifications1/file/default.

Filter recent entries in emacs dashboard

When using dashboard (https://melpa.org/#/dashboard) in emacs, how can I set it up so that it ignores directories or filenames matching a pattern like .gitignore ?
For example by default it shows ~/.emacs.d/elpa/*
The emacs community is friendly... but probably not as helpful as they could be. You could try filing a GitHub issue with the dashboard developer (here: https://github.com/rakanalh/emacs-dashboard/issues). If you ever did figure out a fix for your own issue, I bet the dashboard maintainer would be glad to hear about it.
Avoid plugins. Help on opensource plugins is minimal if you are not comfortable with developer jargon, politics and technical skills to understand the source code.
Just wait and see for yourselves - the emacs tag has 5.4K watchers, on average you get about <20 views per question, when do you think the question will be answered ?
Semantics aside, the suggestion is to just use the built in bookmarks feature.

How to Configure CIDER repl?

The markdown for CIDER about configuring the CIDER repl starts off by saying:
You can certainly use CIDER without configuring it any further, but here are some ways other folks are adjusting their CIDER experience.
And then list several expressions like (setq nrepl-log-messages t). But where do those expressions need to be written to??
If you're using CIDER (maintained by Bozhidar Batsov), then also check out his own project for setting up emacs called Prelude. It's an alternative to emacs live (as pointed out by Arthur).
I've used both, but switched to Prelude as the CIDER updates tend to be more tightly matched as versions change due to it being the same author.
These examples go in a file called (assuming linux or mac)
It's also worth knowing about the emacs live starter package which already includes a decently configured cider amongst a bunch of other stuff. I publish my much smaller config here if you're interested in something closer to the defaults or just want more examples.
Another good 'canned' configuration is Purcell's emacs.d. It has a good initial cider and clojure configuration. I also found it was easier to modify/update and (for me anyway) I found it easier to understand, which means easier to fix when something doesn't quite work the way you want. One of the big drawbacks with some of these canned emacs configurations is that you don't get to understand how they work and then when they break, your lost until the author or someone else fixes it. I found Purcell's version was a nice complete setup, but one I was able to easily modify to better fit my needs. Tweaking emacs to fit your needs rather than tweaking yourself to meet the needs of the editor is possibly the greatest strength of emacs and why people end up loving it. Unfortunately, it can also be a PITA when all you want to do is start coding!
See http://www.github.com/purcell/emacs.d.git

Install and use LISP on Mac

I've read many topics regarding this issue, but couldn't get it to an end. I want to be able to code in LISP on Mac, using Emacs and XLispStat.
So far, I've installed Emacs with HomeBrew but I got stuck when installing XLispStat. Can someone detail the steps for doing this? I'll appreciate!
P.S.: This is the required installation for Lisp. If there is something easier to achieve on Mac, I'll try that as well!
I posted a similar answer on this question. Short version: your options for an OS X Lisp environment are LispBox, LispWorks personal (crippleware warning) or Emacs+SLIME via quicklisp/ELPA.
Since your comments imply that you're casting a pretty wide net for workable Common Lisp tools, I'll also mention that CLISP seems to be supported via various OS X ports/package managers and has a fairly comfortable REPL (you can, of course get the same in SBCL with Linedit).
EDIT: As Rainer and Vsevolod mention below, Clozure and MCLIDE also exist. I've used neither myself, so I can't give you any details (though Clozure has been recommended to me on multiple occasions).
Oh, and is there a possibility to write the code is some normal text editor and compile it somehow in the terminal?
Not in the way that I think you mean, but yes, you can write a .lisp file with Sublime or whatever, then sbcl your-file-here.lisp. Note that sbcl your-file-here.lisp starts a running Lisp instance with a REPL, and incurs all the overhead that implies. If you're dead set against Emacs, what you could do is run a REPL separately from your project directory, then just (load "file-you-changed.lisp") or (ql:quickload :your-project-name) every so often.
xlispstat can be compiled on Mac OS 10.8 and works perfectly fine. It needs a couple of little edits for the nitpicking compiler but works perfectly with XQuartz. The people who are telling you to use other systems don't know how well integrated xlispstat is for people doing numerical work.

How do I use Mercurial?

I'm assuming Mercurial is for having an updated website and it archiving the old stuff? Easy to test things and such?
My question is, how exactly should I get started and can somebody give me a crash course in using Mercurial and using the following techs below:
Notepad++ for coding
Jquery & other js libraries
I use windows and would like to keep things fairly simple. I'm developing 1 website currently and want some kind of CVS system in place. Or should I just stick to my current edit file in notepad++ and upload via ftp method and make a backup copy of everything every once and a while?
Any thoughts?
EDIT: I'm doing http://bugtracker.gttools.com/public/wiki/bluehost/Mercurial right now in order to try and 'install' it.
I'd definitely recommend taking a read through the excellent HGinit http://hginit.com/ site in addition to the official guide.
Definitely try and move across to using some form of version control (SVN, git or mercurial) as it'll save you down the line.
Mercurial is a distributed version control system, much like Git but allegedly slightly simpler.
A good tutorial by Joel Spolsky can be found here.
If you read up on https://www.mercurial-scm.org/guide under Basic Workflow you should be able to figure out how to work with it while editing files using Notepad++ etc.
From your question it sounds like you don't know much about version control (like you have a very basic grasp of what it is and why it is useful). So perhaps the first thing you should do is read up on that in general first of all.
But in terms of using Mercurial I don't think you will find a better insight into how to use it and why it is so good than Joel's tutorial, which you can find here hginit Tutorial
HGInit is a good tutorial for mercurial. Basically you have to hg init in the directory you want to be under version control. If you don't like the command line, you can also use gui tools, like tortoisehg.
If I'm not mistaken you also want to upload the latest version to the website. If I'm right ftp access won't be enough for this (unless you define a post-commit hook, that uploads the directory using ftp).
I'm assuming Mercurial is for having
an updated website and it archiving
the old stuff? Easy to test things and
Not sure what you mean here. Mercurial (and all version control systems) lets you archive your changes as you make them, label and manage your releases so you can track code that goes together, and branch when you need to do parallel development.
You should be checking in your changes as you make them. If anything goes wrong during development, you can roll back to the last good version you had. It's a great way to make sure that you don't lose days and days of work because you forgot to check in.
Check in early, check in often.