Scala's "postfix ops" - scala

I've searched for a half-hour, and still cannot figure it out.
In SIP: Modularizing Language Features there are a number of features which will require explicit "enabling" in Scala 2.10 (import language.feature).
Amongst them there is postfixOps, to which I just cannot find a reference anywhere. What exactly does this feature allow?

It allows you to use operator syntax in postfix position. For example
List(1,2,3) tail
rather than
In this harmless example it is not a problem, but it can lead to ambiguities. This will not compile:
val appender:List[Int] => List[Int] = List(1,2,3) ::: //add ; here
List(3,4,5).foreach {println}
And the error message is not very helpful:
value ::: is not a member of Unit
It tries to call the ::: method on the result of the foreach call, which is of type Unit. This is likely not what the programmer intended. To get the correct result, you need to insert a semicolon after the first line.

The simplest answer ever:
Dropping dot from methods without parameters is DEPRECATED!
List(1,2,3) reverse //is bad style and will lead to unpredicted behaviour
List(1,2,3) map(_*2) reverse //bad too, because reverse can take first method call from the next line (details below)
OK to drop dot in methods that take one parameter of higher order function like map, filter, count and be safe!
Also, purely functional methods like zip.
List(1,2,3) map(_*2) filter(_>2)
(List(1,2,3) map(_*2)).reverse //safe and good
List(1,3,5) zip List(2,4,6)
Long answer WHY
case class MyBool(x: Boolean) {
def !!! = MyBool(!x) //postfix
def or(other: MyBool): MyBool = if(x) other else this //infix
def justMethod0() = this //method with empty parameters
def justMethod2(a: MyBool, b: MyBool) = this //method with two or more
override def toString = if(x) "true" else "false"
1) Postfix operator - is actually a method call with no parameters (a!==a.!) and without brackets. (considered not safe and deprecated)
val b1 = MyBool(false) !!!
List(1,2,3) head
2) Postfix operator is method, that should end the line, or else it will be treated as infix.
val b1 = MyBool(true) no! no! //ERROR
//is actually parsed like
val b2 = MyBool(true).no!(no!) //(no!) is unknown identifier
//as bad as
Vector(1,2,3) toList map(_*2) //ERROR
3) Infix operator is method with one parameter, that can be called without dot and parentheses. Only for purely functional methods
val c1 = MyBool(true) or b1 or MyBool(true)
val c2 = MyBool(true).or(b1).or(MyBool(true))
c1 == c2
4) Method with one or more parameters will chain without dot if you call it with parameters. def a(), def a(x), def a(x,y)
But you should do this only for methods that use higher order function as parameter!
val d1 = MyBool(true) justMethod2(b1, c1) or b1 justMethod0() justMethod2(c1, b1)
//yes, it works, but it may be confusing idea
val d2 = MyBool(true).justMethod2(b1,c1).or(b1).justMethod0().justMethod2(c1, b1)
d1 == d2
//looks familiar? This is where it should be used:
List(1,2,3) filter(_>1) map(_*2)
Sample warnings:
warning: there were 1 deprecation warning(s); re-run with -deprecation
for details warning: postfix operator tail should be enabled by making
the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. This can be
achieved by adding the import clause 'import
scala.language.postfixOps' or by setting the compiler option
-language:postfixOps. See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion why the feature should be
explicitly enabled.

It refers to the ability to call a nullary (with no arg list or empty arg list) method as a postfix operator:
By example:
case class MyBool(value: Boolean) {
def negated = new MyBool(!value)
val b1 = MyBool( true )
val b2 = b1 negated // Same as b1.negated


Enforcing non-emptyness of scala varargs at compile time

I have a function that expects a variable number of parameters of the same type, which sounds like the textbook use case for varargs:
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = ???
The problem I have is that myFunc cannot accept empty parameter lists. There's a trivial way of enforcing that at runtime:
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = {
The problem with that is that it happens at runtime, as opposed to compile time. I would like the compiler to reject myFunc().
One possible solution would be:
def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*) = ???
And this works when myFunc is called with inline arguments, but I'd like users of my library to be able to pass in a List[A], which this syntax makes very awkward.
I could try to have both:
def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*) = myFunc(head +: tail)
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = ???
But we're right back where we started: there's now a way of calling myFunc with an empty parameter list.
I'm aware of scalaz's NonEmptyList, but in as much as possible, I'd like to stay with stlib types.
Is there a way to achieve what I have in mind with just the standard library, or do I need to accept some runtime error handling for something that really feels like the compiler should be able to deal with?
What about something like this?
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
def myFunc()(implicit ev: Nothing) = ???
def myFunc[A](as: A*) = println(as)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
myFunc: ()(implicit ev: Nothing)Nothing <and> [A](as: A*)Unit
myFunc: ()(implicit ev: Nothing)Nothing <and> [A](as: A*)Unit
scala> myFunc(3)
scala> myFunc(List(3): _*)
scala> myFunc()
<console>:13: error: could not find implicit value for parameter ev: Nothing
Replacing Nothing with a class that has an appropriate implicitNotFound annotation should allow for a sensible error message.
Let's start out with what I think is your base requirement: the ability to define myFunc in some way such that the following occurs at the Scala console when a user provides literals. Then maybe if we can achieve that, we can try to go for varargs.
myFunc(List(1)) // no problem
myFunc(List[Int]()) // compile error!
Moreover, we don't want to have to force users either to split a list into a head and tail or have them convert to a ::.
Well when we're given literals, since we have access to the syntax used to construct the value, we can use macros to verify that a list is non-empty. Moreover, there's already a library that'll do it for us, namely refined!
scala> refineMV[NonEmpty]("Hello")
res2: String Refined NonEmpty = Hello
scala> refineMV[NonEmpty]("")
<console>:39: error: Predicate isEmpty() did not fail.
Unfortunately this is still problematic in your case, because you'll need to put refineMV into the body of your function at which point the literal syntactically disappears and macro magic fails.
Okay what about the general case that doesn't rely on syntax?
// Can we do this?
val xs = getListOfIntsFromStdin() // Pretend this function exists
myFunc(xs) // compile error if xs is empty
Well now we're up against a wall; there's no way a compile time error can happen here since the code has already been compiled and yet clearly xs could be empty. We'll have to deal with this case at runtime, either in a type-safe manner with Option and the like or with something like runtime exceptions. But maybe we can do a little better than just throw our hands up in the air. There's two possible paths of improvement.
Somehow provide implicit evidence that xs is nonempty. If the compiler can find that evidence, then great! If not, it's on the user to provide it somehow at runtime.
Track the provenance of xs through your program and statically prove that it must be non-empty. If this cannot be proved, either error out at compile time or somehow force the user to handle the empty case.
Once again, unfortunately this is problematic.
I strongly suspect this is not possible (but this is still only a suspicion and I would be happy to be proved wrong). The reason is that ultimately implicit resolution is type-directed which means that Scala gets the ability to do type-level computation on types, but Scala has no mechanism that I know of to do type-level computation on values (i.e. dependent typing). We require the latter here because List(1, 2, 3) and List[Int]() are indistinguishable at the type level.
Now you're in SMT solver land, which does have some efforts in other languages (hello Liquid Haskell!). Sadly I don't know of any such efforts in Scala (and I imagine it would be a harder task to do in Scala).
The bottom line is that when it comes to error checking there is no free lunch. A compiler can't magically make error handling go away (although it can tell you when you don't strictly need it), the best it can do is yell at you when you forget to handle certain classes of errors, which is itself very valuable. To underscore the no free lunch point, let's return to a language that does have dependent types (Idris) and see how it handles non-empty values of List and the prototypical function that breaks on empty lists, List.head.
First we get a compile error on empty lists
Idris> List.head []
(input):1:11:When checking argument ok to function Prelude.List.head:
Can't find a value of type
NonEmpty []
Good, what about non-empty lists, even if they're obfuscated by a couple of leaps?
Idris> :let x = 5
-- Below is equivalent to
-- val y = identity(Some(x).getOrElse(3))
Idris> :let y = maybe 3 id (Just x)
-- Idris makes a distinction between Natural numbers and Integers
-- Disregarding the Integer to Nat conversion, this is
-- val z = Stream.continually(2).take(y)
Idris> :let z = Stream.take (fromIntegerNat y) (Stream.repeat 2)
Idris> List.head z
2 : Integer
It somehow works! What if we really don't let the Idris compiler know anything about the number we pass along and instead get one at runtime from the user? We blow up with a truly gargantuan error message that starts with When checking argument ok to function Prelude.List.head: Can't find a value of type NonEmpty...
import Data.String
generateN1s : Nat -> List Int
generateN1s x = Stream.take x (Stream.repeat 1)
parseOr0 : String -> Nat
parseOr0 str = case parseInteger str of
Nothing => 0
Just x => fromIntegerNat x
z : IO Int
z = do
x <- getLine
let someNum = parseOr0 x
let firstElem = List.head $ generateN1s someNum -- Compile error here
pure firstElem
Hmmm... well what's the type signature of List.head?
Idris> :t List.head
-- {auto ...} is roughly the same as Scala's implicit
head : (l : List a) -> {auto ok : NonEmpty l} -> a
Ah so we just need to provide a NonEmpty.
data NonEmpty : (xs : List a) -> Type where
IsNonEmpty : NonEmpty (x :: xs)
Oh a ::. And we're back at square one.
Use scala.collection.immutable.::
:: is the cons of the list
defined in std lib
::[A](head: A, tail: List[A])
use :: to define myFunc
def myFunc[A](list: ::[A]): Int = 1
def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*): Int = myFunc(::(head, tail.toList))
Scala REPL
scala> def myFunc[A](list: ::[A]): Int = 1
myFunc: [A](list: scala.collection.immutable.::[A])Int
scala> def myFunc[A](head: A, tail: A*): Int = myFunc(::(head, tail.toList))
myFunc: [A](head: A, tail: A*)Int

Scala AST Select vs Apply

I'm confused over when a select is appropriate and when an apply is. I thought apply was a function or method application, thus
scala> val expr = u reify { Random.nextInt }
expr: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[Int] = Expr[Int](Random.nextInt())
scala> u showRaw expr.tree
res0: String = Apply(Select(Ident(scala.util.Random), newTermName("nextInt")), List())
Is what I expect; an application of nextInt with an empty parameter list.
scala> val expr = u reify { Random.shuffle(List("sammy", "snake")) }
expr: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[List[String]] = Expr[List[String]](Random.shuffle(List.apply("sammy", "snake"))(List.canBuildFrom))
scala> u showRaw expr.tree
res2: String = Apply(Apply(Select(Ident(scala.util.Random), newTermName("shuffle")), List(Apply(Select(Ident(scala.collection.immutable.List), newTermName("apply")), List(Literal(Constant("sammy")), Literal(Constant("snake")))))), List(Select(Ident(scala.collection.immutable.List), newTermName("canBuildFrom"))))
Is again what I expected - an application of the shuffle method, with a list of strings.
scala> val expr = u reify { Random.shuffle(List("sammy", "snake")).head }
expr: reflect.runtime.universe.Expr[String] = Expr[String](Random.shuffle(List.apply("sammy", "snake"))(List.canBuildFrom).head)
scala> u showRaw expr.tree
res1: String = Select(Apply(Apply(Select(Ident(scala.util.Random), newTermName("shuffle")), List(Apply(Select(Ident(scala.collection.immutable.List), newTermName("apply")), List(Literal(Constant("sammy")), Literal(Constant("snake")))))), List(Select(Ident(scala.collection.immutable.List), newTermName("canBuildFrom")))), newTermName("head"))
Is a Select on head. I'm confused because I would have thought that that outer node would be an application of head. Why is it a select when head is a method?
Is there a web page that details the difference between Select and Apply because I cannot find one.
The meaning of Select and Apply is purely syntactical.
Select(prefix, newTermName("member")) means prefix.member
Apply(prefix, List(arg1, arg2, ...)) means prefix(arg1, arg2, ...)
So techically, Random.nextInt is a Select, but the Scala typechecker wrapped it in an additional Apply because Random.nextInt is defined as a function that takes single, empty parameter list. In other words, this is a desugaring performed by the typechecker.
This isn't the case with List's head method. If you look at its definition, it takes no parameter lists:
def head: A
And that's why the typechecker does not wrap it in an Apply tree.
Summarizing - there is difference between methods that take single, empty parameter list and methods that take no parameter lists. As a syntactic sugar, Scala allows to call methods with single, empty parameter list as if they take no parameter lists (without any parens), but the typechecker will still add the Apply in such cases.
In this case, trees precisely reproduce syntactic structure of Scala programs. Select corresponds to member selection, e.g. to, whereas Apply stands for an application of an argument list, e.g. baz(1, 2, 3).
If we have an empty arglist method in Scala, e.g. def x() = ??? (or Random.nextInt()), then its invocation can be written both as a Select (corresponding to something.x) and an Apply(Select(...), Nil) (corresponding to something.x()), because both are valid Scala expressions.
If we have a nullary method in Scala, e.g. def y = ??? (or List.head), then its invocation can only be written as a Select (which corresponds to somethingElse.y). If we write Apply(Select(...), Nil), that would mean somethingElse.y(), which would stand for applying an empty argument list to the result of calling method y on somethingElse.

Why we need implicit parameters in scala?

I am new to scala, and today when I came across this akka source code I was puzzled:
def traverse[A, B](in: JIterable[A], fn: JFunc[A, Future[B]],
executor: ExecutionContext): Future[JIterable[B]] = {
implicit val d = executor
Future(new JLinkedList[B]())) { (fr, a) ⇒
val fb = fn(a)
for (r ← fr; b ← fb) yield { r add b; r }
Why the code is written using implicit parameters intentionally? Why can't it be written as:
Future(new JLinkedList[B](),executor))
without decalaring a new implicit variable d? Is there any advantage of doing this? For now I only find implicits increase the ambiguity of the code.
I can give you 3 reasons.
1) It hides boilerplate code.
Lets sort some lists:
import math.Ordering
List(1, 2, 3).sorted(Ordering.Int) // Fine. I can tell compiler how to sort ints
List("a", "b", "c").sorted(Ordering.String) // .. and strings.
List(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").sorted(Ordering.Tuple2(Ordering.Int, Ordering.String)) // Not so fine...
With implicit parameters:
List(1, 2, 3).sorted // Compiller knows how to sort ints
List(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").sorted // ... and some other types
2) It alows you to create API with generic methods:
scala> (70 to 75).map{ _.toChar }
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Char] = Vector(F, G, H, I, J, K)
scala> (70 to 75).map{ _.toChar }(collection.breakOut): String // You can change default behaviour.
res1: String = FGHIJK
3) It allows you to focus on what really matters:
Future(new JLinkedList[B]())(executor) // meters: what to do - `new JLinkedList[B]()`. don't: how to do - `executor`
It's not so bad, but what if you need 2 futures:
val f1 = Future(1)(executor)
val f2 = Future(2)(executor) // You have to specify the same executor every time.
Implicit creates "context" for all actions:
implicit val d = executor // All `Future` in this scope will be created with this executor.
val f1 = Future(1)
val f2 = Future(2)
3.5) Implicit parameters allows type-level programming . See shapeless.
About "ambiguity of the code":
You don't have to use implicits, alternatively you can specify all parameters explicitly. It looks ugly sometimes (see sorted example), but you can do it.
If you can't find which implicit variables are used as parameters you can ask compiler:
>echo object Test { List( (1, "a") ).sorted } > test.scala
>scalac -Xprint:typer test.scala
You'll find math.this.Ordering.Tuple2[Int, java.lang.String](math.this.Ordering.Int, math.this.Ordering.String) in output.
In the code from Akka you linked, it is true that executor could be just passed explicitly. But if there was more than one Future used throughout this method, declaring implicit parameter would definitely make sense to avoid passing it around many times.
So I would say that in the code you linked, implicit parameter was used just to follow some code style. It would be ugly to make an exception from it.
Your question intrigued me, so I searched a bit on the net. Here's what I found on this blog:
What is an implicit parameter?
An implicit parameter is a parameter to method or constructor that is marked as implicit. This means that if a parameter value is not supplied then the compiler will search for an "implicit" value defined within scope (according to resolution rules.)
Why use an implicit parameter?
Implicit parameters are very nice for simplifying APIs. For example the collections use implicit parameters to supply CanBuildFrom objects for many of the collection methods. This is because normally the user does not need to be concerned with those parameters. Another example is supplying an encoding to an IO library so the encoding is defined once (perhaps in a package object) and all methods can use the same encoding without having to define it for every method call.

Scala's lazy arguments: How do they work?

In the file Parsers.scala (Scala 2.9.1) from the parser combinators library I seem to have come across a lesser known Scala feature called "lazy arguments". Here's an example:
def ~ [U](q: => Parser[U]): Parser[~[T, U]] = { lazy val p = q // lazy argument
(for(a <- this; b <- p) yield new ~(a,b)).named("~")
Apparently, there's something going on here with the assignment of the call-by-name argument q to the lazy val p.
So far I have not been able to work out what this does and why it's useful. Can anyone help?
Call-by-name arguments are called every time you ask for them. Lazy vals are called the first time and then the value is stored. If you ask for it again, you'll get the stored value.
Thus, a pattern like
def foo(x: => Expensive) = {
lazy val cache = x
/* do lots of stuff with cache */
is the ultimate put-off-work-as-long-as-possible-and-only-do-it-once pattern. If your code path never takes you to need x at all, then it will never get evaluated. If you need it multiple times, it'll only be evaluated once and stored for future use. So you do the expensive call either zero (if possible) or one (if not) times, guaranteed.
The wikipedia article for Scala even answers what the lazy keyword does:
Using the keyword lazy defers the initialization of a value until this value is used.
Additionally, what you have in this code sample with q : => Parser[U] is a call-by-name parameter. A parameter declared this way remains unevaluated, until you explicitly evaluate it somewhere in your method.
Here is an example from the scala REPL on how the call-by-name parameters work:
scala> def f(p: => Int, eval : Boolean) = if (eval) println(p)
f: (p: => Int, eval: Boolean)Unit
scala> f(3, true)
scala> f(3/0, false)
scala> f(3/0, true)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at $anonfun$1.apply$mcI$sp(<console>:9)
As you can see, the 3/0 does not get evaluated at all in the second call. Combining the lazy value with a call-by-name parameter like above results in the following meaning: the parameter q is not evaluated immediately when calling the method. Instead it is assigned to the lazy value p, which is also not evaluated immediately. Only lateron, when p is used this leads to the evaluation of q. But, as p is a val the parameter q will only be evaluated once and the result is stored in p for later reuse in the loop.
You can easily see in the repl, that the multiple evaluation can happen otherwise:
scala> def g(p: => Int) = println(p + p)
g: (p: => Int)Unit
scala> def calc = { println("evaluating") ; 10 }
calc: Int
scala> g(calc)

Generalising a "next permutation" function

Below is an implementation of a function that returns the lexographically next permutation. This is useful in one of the Euler problems.
It's written to work on Strings (which I needed for that). However, it should work on any indexed sequence of comparable values. I've tried generalising it by changing the two occurrences of String to IndexedSeq[Char], but this gets an error:
euler-lib.scala:26: error: type mismatch;
found : IndexedSeq[Char]
required: String
((n.slice(pivot+1, successor):+ n(pivot)) + n.drop(successor+1)).reverse
Why has the type inferencer inferred String there? I don't seem to have done any operation that requires a String?
And can I make it more general still by having IndexedSeq["something-comparable"]? I've not been able to make this work.
// return the lexographically next permutation to the one passed as a parameter
// pseudo-code from an article on StackOverflow
def nextPermutation(n:String):String = {
// 1. scan the array from right-to-left
//1.1. if the current element is less than its right-hand neighbor,
// call the current element the pivot,
// and stop scanning
// (We scan left-to-right and return the last such).
val pivot ={ case (first, second) => first < second }
//1.2. if the left end is reached without finding a pivot,
// reverse the array and return
// (the permutation was the lexicographically last, so its time to start over)
if (pivot < 0) return n.reverse
//2. scan the array from right-to-left again,
// to find the rightmost element larger than the pivot
// (call that one the successor)
val successor = n.lastIndexWhere{_ > n(pivot)}
//3. swap the pivot and the successor, and
//4. reverse the portion of the array to the right of where the pivot was found
return (n.take(pivot) :+ n(successor)) +
((n.slice(pivot+1, successor):+ n(pivot)) + n.drop(successor+1)).reverse
The method + in IndexedSeq is used to produce a new sequence containing one additional given element but you want to produce one containing an additional sequence. The method for this is ++ thus your last line must look like this:
(n.take(pivot) :+ n(successor)) ++
((n.slice(pivot+1, successor):+ n(pivot)) ++ n.drop(successor+1)).reverse
You are seeing this strange compiler message about a String being expected because +'s signature does not match and thus an explicit conversion used for String concatenation kicks in (this conversion is there because it lets you write something like List(8) + " Test").
EDIT: Generalization over sequence types of ordered elements:
As I said in the comments, generalization over sequences is a bit more complicated. In addition to your element type A you will need another type CC[X] <: SeqLike[X,CC[X]] that represents the sequence. Normally C <: SeqLike[A,C] would be sufficient but the type inferencer does not like that one (you would always need to pass the types of A and C when calling that method).
If you just change your signature that way the compiler will complain that it requires an implicit CanBuildFrom[CC[A],A,CC[A]] parameter as that one is needed e.g. by the reverse method. That parameter is used to build one sequence type from another one - just search the site to see some examples of how it is used by the collections API.
The final result would look like this:
import collection.SeqLike
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
def nextPermutation[A, CC[X] <: SeqLike[X,CC[X]]](n: CC[A])(
implicit ord: Ordering[A], bf: CanBuildFrom[CC[A],A,CC[A]]): CC[A] = {
import ord._
// call toSeq to avoid having to require an implicit CanBuildFrom for (A,A)
val pivot ={
case (first, second) => first < second
if (pivot < 0) {
else {
val successor = n.lastIndexWhere{_ > n(pivot)}
(n.take(pivot) :+ n(successor)) ++
((n.slice(pivot+1, successor):+ n(pivot)) ++ n.drop(successor+1)).reverse
This way you get a Vector[Int] if you passed one to the method and a List[Double] if you passed that to the method. So what about Strings? Those are not actual sequences but they can be implicitly converted into a Seq[Char]. It is possible alter the definition of that method expect some type that can be implicitly converted into a Seq[A] but then again type inference would not work reliably - or at least I could not make it work reliably. As a simple workaround you could define an additional method for Strings:
def nextPermutation(s: String): String =
Little tip here:
n(pivot)) + n.drop(successor+1)
When you get a type mismatch error, and the ^ points to the first parenthesis of the last argument list (ie, it would point to the second ( in x.foldLeft(y)(z)), that means the value returned by that method has the wrong type.
Or, in this case, n.drop(sucessor+1) has type IndexedSeq[Char], but the + method expects a String.
Another little tip: the only things that accept + are the numeric classes and String. If you try to add things and get an error, most likely it is Scala thinking you are using + to add Strings. For example:
true + true // expected String, got Boolean error
"true" + true // works, the second true is converted to String
true + "true" // works, the first true is converted to String
So, avoid + unless you are working with numbers or strings.
So, about making that general...
def nextPermutation[A <% Ordered[A]](n: IndexedSeq[A]): IndexedSeq[A] = {
val pivot ={ case (first, second) => first < second }
if (pivot < 0) return n.reverse
val successor = n.lastIndexWhere{_ > n(pivot)}
return (n.take(pivot) :+ n(successor)) ++
((n.slice(pivot+1, successor):+ n(pivot)) ++ n.drop(successor+1)).reverse
The easy part is just declaring IndexedSeq. But you have to parameterize on A, and there must be a way to order A so that you can compare the elements (<% means there's an implicit conversion from A to an Ordered[A] available). Another way to declare it would be like this:
def nextPermutation[A : Ordering](n: IndexedSeq[A]): IndexedSeq[A] = {
val ordering = implicitly[Ordering[A]]; import ordering._
val pivot ={ case (first, second) => first < second }
if (pivot < 0) return n.reverse
val successor = n.lastIndexWhere{_ > n(pivot)}
return (n.take(pivot) :+ n(successor)) ++
((n.slice(pivot+1, successor):+ n(pivot)) ++ n.drop(successor+1)).reverse
Here, A : Ordering means there is an implicit Ordering[A] available, which is then obtained and imported into scope, so that it can offer implicit conversions to make < work. The difference between an Ordered[A] and an Ordering[A] can be found on other questions.
Problem 24 had me stumped for a while:
println("0123456789".permutations.drop(1000000 - 1).next);
The code compiles correclty for me in Scala 2.8.0. Which version of Scala are you using ?
scala> nextPermutation("12354")
res0: String = 12435