SetFocus causing Run time error - vb5

I am getting:
Run-time error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument
this seems to happen when Text(1).SetFocus is called.
However, I dont see this run time error for all the cases where I have used SetFocus. Just 2-3 places it is causing this error.
Text(1).SelStart = 3
Text(1).SelLength = 1
I tried:
Text(1).Enabled = True
Text(1).Visible = True
just above .SelStart, but it didn't fix the issue.
If I run the application using debugger/VB5 IDE, then i dont see any error. But when I create the exe and run then I see this error.
Even though I was doing
Text(1).Enabled = True
Text(1).Visible = True
it didnt work, but when I did
If Text(1).Enabled And Text(1).Visible Then
End If
It didnt show run time error. Not sure what is going on.


How to Troubleshoot Dexie bound on IDBKeyRange Error

I'm using Dexie.js version 3.0.3-rc.3 in a Vue JS project and I occasionally run into this exception in Chrome (86):
Failed to execute 'bound' on 'IDBKeyRange': The parameter is not a valid key.↵ DataError: Failed to execute 'bound' on 'IDBKeyRange': The parameter is not a valid key.
Here's a screenshot of the full error:
I'm fairly certain the problem lies with something in my data being undefined, but I'm trying to find a good way to troubleshoot this. I paused the Chrome dev tools on exceptions and inspected the code around this particular part of Dexie, but it doesn't reveal what data was used to make this exception occur.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to find out what's actually wrong? It feels a bit like a needle in a haystack.
== Update ==
Below is the full call stack:
Try inspecting the call stack. I know it can be long until you reach a frame within your application code, but the failing call should be there!

"Neither element nor any descendant has keyboard focus" when running XCTestCase in a real iPhone

I'm trying to run a UI test case where there are two input fields exists. Following is my code
let usernameTextField = app.webViews.otherElements["Identity Server"].textFields["Username"]
let passwordField = app.webViews.otherElements["Identity Server"].secureTextFields["Password"]
_ = usernameTextField.waitForExistence(timeout: 8)
usernameTextField.typeText("TEST") // Breakpoint line
When I run the test case normally it is failing with the error given in the question title. But if I add a breakpoint to the commented line, it will run without any error.
I tried to use following code snippets after the breakpoint line, separately.
_ = passwordField.waitForExistence(timeout: 8)
But non of those work. As for further information, this is a Auth process scenario where those input fields resides in a web view.
I decided to answer myself rather than closing the question. I'll tell what went wrong in my code. The main mistake I have done was continueAfterFailure set as true. Because of that, the error shown in the wrong line not the actual error throwing line.
So the solution is,
continueAfterFailure = false
There should be a small waiting time till keyboard appears in the web view before type text.
Send the \n on the end of the string you send to the username text field:

Problems debugging swift project - can't print any variable to the console while paused (exc_bad_access)

For whatever reason my project has started giving me problems printing any variable when I set a breakpoint. Consider the following code:
if let index = hintTypesInUse.index(of: type) {
let indexPath = IndexPath(item: 0, section: index + 1)
hintTypesCollectionView?.reloadItems(at: [indexPath])
If I set a breakpoint on the second line here, and I try to do 'po hintTypesInUse' I just get:
error: Execution was interrupted, reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x1728c634e).
The process has been returned to the state before expression evaluation.
Now hintTypesInUse is accessible in the code itself after this point, and this is just a random example, it goes for anything in this project. The only variables I seem to be able to access while debugging are local variables within that code block.
Tried looking through my build scheme to see if there was anything weird there, but it's set to debug mode, and I compared it with a blank new project and it looks identical to that.
Why can't I access any non-local variables while debugging?
And of course a restart of Xcode and a reboot was all it took to fix the problem. 😆

Xcode 8 random command failed due to signal segmentation fault 11

I have a strange problem with the new Xcode 8 (no beta version) and swift3.
Once every other 3-4 times that I compile my code I get a 'command failed due to signal segmentation fault 11' error. I just need to enter new empty line, or sometimes changing some spaces, or add a comment (everywhere in the code) and the error disappears and I can compile again.
This is really strange because I'm not changing anything in the code! And sometimes I can compile and it works, then I don't change anything, I compile again and I get the error.
This is really annoying!
I have noticed this is happening since I have installed several 'Firebase' pods (Firebase, Firebase/Auth etc...). But I need them.
Anyone has any suggestion?
PS: I have set the Enable Bitcode of my project to No as many solution suggested, but nothing. In the error message it is not indicated any swift page where the error can be, an example is:
While loading members for 'Class_name' at
While deserializing 'func_name' (FuncDecl #42)
'func_name' is this one:
public class func loginUser(fir_user: FIRUser) {
let user = SFUser() =
user.isLogged = true
try! sfRealm.write() {
sfRealm.add(user, update:true)
var userToAdd = [String:AnyObject]()
userToAdd["email"] =! as NSString
let ref=FIRDatabase.database().reference()
let usersRef = ref.child(childName)
But then, as I said, I can just enter an empty row in another file and it compiles!
I have the same issue i just figure out that i was using xcode 8.1 and the project's working copy was in xcode 8.2.1 so i just re install xcode 8.2.1 and problem got solved. Hope other can get the help trough this.
Ok, it seems that I have found the solution: it is a problem with Firebase and cocoapods, so 2 solutions:
Download Firebase and import into your project
I, instead, updated cocoapods to the last version and it worked. Upgraded Firebase - Now Getting Swift Compile Error
In my case there was some type checking issue deep down the compiler so the editor didn't give error in the gutter but on building the project I was getting signal setmentation fault 11 error:
1. While type-checking 'GetStoreAPIRequestModel' at /Users/.../StoreAPIModel.swift:9:1
2. While type-checking expression at [/Users/.../StoreAPIModel.swift:15:18 - line:15:31] RangeText="[Dictionary]()"
3. While resolving type [Dictionary] at [/Users/.../StoreAPIModel.swift:15:18 - line:15:29] RangeText="[Dictionary]"
So I changed my code from:
var stores = [Dictionary]() {
willSet {
for model in newValue {
allStores.append(StoreAPIModel(dictionary: model as! Dictionary).getModel())
To (more descriptive dictionary):
var stores = [[String : Any]]() {
willSet {
for model in newValue {
allStores.append(StoreAPIModel(dictionary: model as [String : AnyObject]).getModel())
This is tricky problem. Issue can be with line of code or syntax. I was getting similar error and it was due to incorrect usage of dictionary. I was trying to increment the value of dictionary element.
Solution is to triage the code, detailed error provide which module has issue, so try commenting part of code until you find the line which is causing the issue.
Hi i had the same issue with FireBase , my problem was that i was extending FIRStorageReference and FIRDatabaseReference and some time it compile successfully some time i get
command failed due to signal segmentation fault 11
so i removed that files and implement the method other way , now everything works fine.
Found my problem when this occurred. (No cocoapods.) I thought I had left the program in a working state, but I was wrong. I am writing a straightforward command-line program. What it does is somewhat general, so I defined all the strings that make it specific in let statements at the top of the program so that I could someday use the program in a different context.
Since that was working so well, I thought I'd be clever and do the same with a filter of an array of dictionaries. I turned:
list.filter { $0["SearchStrings"] == nil }
let test = { $0["SearchStrings"] == nil }
// ...
meaning to continue working on the let, but I never went back and did that. Building gave me the segmentation fault error. Defining test as a function fixed the problem.
(Incidentally, I understand how to strip a filtering function down to the terse braces notation in the context of the call to Array.filter, and why that works, but I don't understand why I can't assign the brace expression to a constant and use it as such.)

Debugging an Execution Exception Error Based on a Function Within Playframework

Today I did couple of updates on the front-end side of things, and then I did get the execution exception error, while running the app, that points to the written code within the target folder.
Execution exception
[IllegalStateException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException]
Pinter to the error on line 31 (/target/scala2.11/routes/main/controllers/ReverseRoutes.scala:31):
28 // #LINE:65
29 def versioned(file:Asset): Call = {
30 implicit val _rrc = new ReverseRouteContext(Map(("path", "/public")))
31 Call("GET", _prefix + { _defaultPrefix } + "vassets/" + implicitly[PathBindable[Asset]].unbind("file", file))
32 }
Where should I look for this error, as obviously I did not wrote the code within the target folder.
Note 1: Commented whatever I did after I did get the error, and I do still get the error.
Note 2: I did clean compile with no error, however when I try to run it through the browser I do get the error.
this error is strictly connected with template and using controllers call (your methods from controllers)
you have to localize on your template which controller method calls this error
for instance I had a problem with nullpointerexception and I found a problem. I had below controller:
and it turns out that in db getValue had null and play reported it as a problem. he somehow detect that this value is null
Strange for me but maybe it will help