iPhone app submitted with developer certificate - iphone

I've just accidentially submitted an update for my app via organizer -> distribute, not noticing that my build settings still had the developer certificate set instead of the distribution certificate.
will the update still work on the users devices, or will it fail to install? I did not find any option to reset the submitted app, so I will probably have to wait until its published. Or will it even be rejected for not beeing signed with a distribution certificate?

App Store will likely reject if you have the wrong certificate. Send Connect an email and explain, they're usually pretty helpful.


Unable to publish app on the ios device whose MDM profile is "Not Verified"

We have more than 900 iOS devices enrolled on MDM protal. In last month mdm profile for all devices changed to "Not verified". Due to this we are unable to publish apps on iOS devies. All commnds remains in pending states.
I did some research on it, everyone is saying to reenroll the device which we really don't want to...
Any help would be really appreciated...
Check attached screnshots
What Settings is showing there isn't a provisioning profile of the app but the trust of the certificate that signed the MDM enrollment profile. The only way to change that would be to update or reinstall the MDM enrollment profile or determine what's failing in chaining the signing certificate to a trusted root certificate (you can guess which is usually easier).
That said, the MDM profile not being verified shouldn't have any impact on the MDM channel. Are you sure you weren't affected by some bug like updating iOS via MDM with JAMF? https://9to5mac.com/2018/04/04/jamf-pro-mdm-ios-11-3/

How to share final .ipa file with clients to upload into itunes connect?

I am a developer and I am making an app for my client.
I have indie developer account so During testing period I am using client's UDID to build ipa file so they can test on their iOS devices.
Now client will distribute final ipa file into itunes connect.
so What are the different legal solutions for this?
Assume that they have indie developer account too and client is non-technical so they don't want to mess with xcode or source code.
And in future I will do the same for other clients too.
In order to submit an app to iTunesConnect, it has to be signed with a valid distribution certificate and provisioning profile that match the developer account they are submitted to. That means that someone (whether it's you or your client) needs to create an appID, a distribution certificate and a matching app store provisioning profile that you will then use in Xcode to sign the ipa that will be submitted to the store.
Since your client isn't a technical person and you will most likely be able to do that process much quicker and more efficiently than he/she will, the best solution would be for your client to simply give you the credentials to the developer account and for you to perform these steps there. If that's not an option, and your client has a company account (and not a personal account), he/she can give you access to their account by adding you to their development team - that way, you'll still be able to perform the necessary actions on the account, without having the admin's personal credentials.
As for the submission itself, once you have a signed archive, you can either submit it directly via Xcode or you can send the signed ipa to the client, and he/she can submit it via Application Loader from their admin credentials. But, you will still have to sign it with valid certificate/profile from the right developer account.
I hope this makes sense and makes things a bit clearer. Good luck.

Handing out iPhone certificate private key?

The company I work for has outsourced development of an iPhone app to another company. They want the binary to be signed with our certificate for distribution, but they've asked me to pass the private key (certificates.p12) used to create our certificate on to the other company. I am extremely concerned about handing the ability to sign applications as us over to another company.
How can I convince my boss this is a really bad idea? What alternative solutions can I suggest to him? I have already asked him to get the source from them so we can sign and submit it ourselves, but without the ability to conclusively state that giving them the certificate is a bad idea, I'm kinda stuck in the "just look into it for me" limbo.
You don't need the source. You just need the compiled binary (make sure it's ARM, not x86) to sign with codesign.
The outsource company can just build and sign the app with their own certificate. You can then resign the app with your company's certificate before submission (use codesign).
There's not too much a consultant can do with the private key to just an App store Distribution certificate but without the team agent's iTunes Connect login credentials, as Apple's review team are the only ones who can run an app signed with your Distribution certificate, and you can't submit an app to iTunes Connect without the login matching the certificate (AFAIK).

Push notifications work for Ad Hoc, but not when downloaded from the Apple store

My app just got approved for the apple store. I downloaded it an installed it on my iPhone - but it looks like push notifications are broken!
I was successfully testing push notifications in production using an adHoc provisioning profile. I had no problems. The only thing I did differently when I submitted to apple was using an app store distribution profile.
The application never asks me (or anyone else who has downloaded it) if I want to receive push notifications. Consequently, the phone never talks to my server to send the push token (because application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: is presumably never called). Also the application does not appear in the settings app under the notification settings.
What could I be doing wrong??
EDIT: While the app was awaiting approval, I was having some trouble generating my production push certificate. Could this be relevant?
Problem generating APN SSL certificate after submitting to apple store
Be sure you've created your production App ID and have enable push notifications upon it. Then create the provisioning profile for that app. Download and open the file with a text editor to MUST make sure that the profile contains this key and value:
If not, then make sure you really have enabled the app ID for production push before you generated your provisioning profile.
After you make your build, you can check the final build to verify it has the aps-environment entitlement (you're looking for the aps-environment code signing entitlement under "Internal requirements):
codesign -dvvvv --entitlements - MyCoolApp.app
Did you use the same Application ID for both the ad-hoc and the distribution mobileprovision files? It needs to be a complete identifier, rather than just partial.

iPhone app developed by me and submitted by client?

I am finishing an app for my client.
He wants to submit it to Apple himself.
What must I do ?
Should I give him the app unsigned ?
Should I ask him a provisioning profile ?
Should I be added to his team and to his Distribution Profile ?
Thanks a lot for your help ?
Have your client sign up for the iPhone Developer Program so that way when your client submits the app to the App Store it will be under the client's company name. You can still manage all the code signing and provisioning for your client if they do not know how to do this stuff. The client can simply give u access to their developer account to handle all that stuff.
I would just give him the source code, unless you specifically don't want to do that for some reason. That way, he can just compile it himself.
What I've done for clients who want to submit to Apple themselves:
The client must create (or you can create for them if they give you their login info) the app store distribution profile for the app and send it to you. Requires some communication between you and client to make sure they use the right app id, etc.
(I think you may need the client's developer certificate as well in order for them to "own" the app -- not 100% sure about this)
Don't forget to also get the private key file as the certificate signing won't work without it
I set the client cert / app store dist profile into the app and build the app for app store.
Deliver the binary to the client.
Client uploads to itunes connect.