We had a configuration issue with one of our apps that was sending a bunch of messages (about 12k+) to the wrong IP. Since that machine doesn't actually exist they're just sitting in the outbound queue. Is there anyway to move all of those messages to the correct outbound queue?
Use queue explorer to "save" all messages to disk. The "load" them into the destination queue
I want a Weblogic queue to receive a message, but I don't want to process that message further. I want the messages I've sent to the queue to stay there before they are consumed.
So I think I need to pause Production and Consumption but leave Insertion to run so every message sent to that Queue will stay there, and I will be able to read each message created there. Am I right?
Based on the Weblogic documentation on this subject you should only pause consumption. If you pause production then producers will not be able to send messages to the queue. As the documentation states:
When a JMS destination is "paused for production," new and existing producers attached to that destination are unable to produce new messages for that destination. A producer that attempts to send a message to a paused destination receives an exception that indicates that the destination is paused.
Also, if you pause insertion then any in-flight messages will not appear on the queue either. Again, from the documentation:
When a JMS destination is paused for "insertion," both messages inserted as a result of in-flight work and new messages sent by producers are prevented from appearing on the destination. Use insertion pause to stop all messages from appearing on a destination.
That said, if consumption is paused then you won't be able to consume the messages either, although you should be able to use a JMS browser to inspect them.
I have a transactional private message queue (among other message queues on which I have not seen this problem) on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server.
This particular queue has a recurring problem happening every few weeks where the console shows a nonzero count of messages in the queue, but it does not have any messages in the queue itself or any subqueue. Queue Explorer shows the same thing. Performance counters indicate there are messages like the count in the built-in msmq console and queue explorer.
I cannot find any messages. I understand that I could see a situation like this for outgoing queues with dead letter tracking such that it may have been delivered to a remote machine but not yet processed. This is not an outgoing queue, though. Messages are sourced from remote machines and have landed here on this machine.
Also, I am certain that the count I'm seeing are not journal messages or subqueues.
Does this make any sense? Is there a logical explanation for this and under some circumstance this is expected? If so, what is it?
EDIT: Removed info about purging queue removing the count - that was incorrect. Purging actually does nothing and leaves me in the same state as before with a count reflected, but no messages showing.
As you noted, you can see a message count on an outgoing queue if source journaling is in use. The invisible messages are there in case they need to be moved to the DLQ.I would expect your problem to be similar - there should be a visible message in the outgoing queue and an invisible message in the destination queue because delivery hasn't completed. I assume a handshaking or storage acknowledgement has been lost along the way. Or maybe the message has been processed and removed from the queue but MSMQ couldn't update the sender of the fact. Check the outgoing queues on the remote machines sending TO this queue.
Is there some standard configuration setting, service, or tool that accepts messages from one queue and moves them on to another one? Automatically handling the dead message problem, and providing some of retry capability? I was thinking this is what "MSMQ Message Routing" does but can't seem to find documentation on it (except for on Windows Mobile 6, and I don't know if that's relevant).
I understand that when using MSMQ you should always write to a local queue so that failure is unlikely, and then X should move that message to a remote queue. Is my understanding wrong? Is this where messaging infrastructure like Biztalk comes in? Is it unnecessary to write to a local queue first to absolutely ensure success? Am I supposed to build X myself?
As Hugh points out, you need only one MSMQ Queue to Send messages in one direction from a source to a destination. Source and destination can be on the same server, same network or across the internet, however, both source and destination must have the MSMQ service running.
If you need to do 'message' routing (e.g. a switch which processes messages from several source or destination queues, or routing a message to one or more subscribers based on the type of message etc) you would need more than just MSMQ queue.
Although you certainly can use BizTalk to do message routing, this would be expensive / overkill if you didn't need to use other features of BizTalk. Would recommend you look at open source, or building something custom yourself.
But by "Routing" you might be referring to the queue redirection capability when using HTTP as the transport e.g. over the internet (e.g. here and here).
Re : Failed delivery and retry
I think you have most of the concepts - generally the message DELIVERY retry functionality should be implicit in MSMQ. If MSMQ cannot deliver the message before the defined expiry, then it will be returned on the Dead Letter Queue, and the source can then process messages from the DLQ and then 'compensate' for them (e.g. reverse the actions of the 'send', indicate failure to the user, etc).
However 'processing' type Retries in the destination will need to be performed by the destination application / listener (e.g. if the destination system is down, deadlocks, etc)
Common ways to do this include:
Using 2 Phase commit - under a distributed unit of work, pull the message off MSMQ and process it (e.g. insert data into a database, change the status of some records etc), and if any failure is encountered, then leave the message back onto the queue and the DB changes will be rolled back.
Application level retries - i.e. on the destination system, in the event of 'retryable' type errors (timeout due to load, deadlocks etc) then to sleep for a few seconds and then retry the same transaction.
However, in most cases, indefinite processing retries are not desirable and you would ultimately need to admit defeat and implement a mechanism to log the message and the error and remove it from the queue.
But I wouldn't 'retry' business failures (e.g. Business Rules, Validation etc) and the behaviour should be defined in your requirements of how to handle these (e.g. account is overdrawn, message is not in a correct format or not valid, etc), e.g. by returning a "NACK" type message back to the source.
MSMQ sends messages from one queue to another queue.
Let's say you have a queue on a remote machine. You want to send a message to that queue.
So you create a sender. A sender is an application that can use the MSMQ transport to send a message. This can be a .Net queue client (System.Messaging), a WCF service consumer (either over netMsmqBinding or msmqIntegrationBinding, BizTalk using the MSMQ adapter, etc etc.
When you send the message, what actually happens is:
The MSMQ queue manager on the sender machine writes the message to a temporary local queue.
The MSMQ queue manager on the sender machine connects to the MSMQ manager on the receiving machine and transmits the message.
The MSMQ queue manager on the receivers machine puts the message onto the destination queue.
In certain situations MSMQ will encounter messages which for some reason or another cannot be received on the destination queue. In these situations, if you have indicated that a message will use the dead-letter queue then MSMQ will make sure that the message is forwarded to the dead-letter queue.
I have a situation where I'd like to keep a history or log of all MSMQ messages which have been processed (at least for a period of time). I realize that I can look at the current Queues using Computer Management -> Services and Applications -> Message Queuing. But what I'd like is a history or log of the messages which have already been processed.
I have so far been unable to find a non-programmatic way to do this. Ideally, it's a simple as setting an MSMQ property so that all messages get logged to either a file or even the windows log.
Does anyone know if this (or something similar) is possible?
You can do this with target journaling. This is assuming you want to store the message on the receiving machine? From MSDN:
Target journaling is the process of storing a copy of incoming messages. It is configured on a queue basis. When target journaling is enabled, a copy of each incoming message is placed in the target-journal queue when the message is removed (read) from the target queue. A target-journal queue (Journal) is created for each queue when the queue is created. MSMQ Explorer displays target-journal queues under each public queue.
MSMQ maintains a type of queue called "Outgoing Queues". These queues are used by the MSMQ service to hold messages destined for servers that it cannot contact when the message is generated. These are special, temporary queues that are separate from the normal Public and Private queues.
I've recently encountered a scenario where some messages destined for the local system (i.e. the same computer that generated the message) end up in one of the "Outgoing Queues". When drilling into the Outgoing Queues with the Management Console one can see that the destination has the correct path information for the local system and the queue. In this particular scenario, the messages that are held in these "Outgoing Queues" are never delivered to the correct queue. The remain there, effectively lost.
Some messages destined for queues on the local system, including ones for the same queues listed in the "Outgoing Queues", are delivered just fine. When messages end up in the "Outgoing Queues" seems to be random. That is: some will work fine, others will not.
The queues that seem to be afflicted by this are all non-transactional. Transactional queues always seem to receive messages. At least, the application sending the message has not captured an exception for transactional queues.
What would cause MSMQ to place messages destined for queues on the local system into the "Outgoing Queues"? Is it that the MSMQ service cannot contact itself to send the message? The system is pretty busy (80%+ CPU usage). Could MSMQ be starved for resources when it does this?
I've seen issues with MSMQ in the past in relation to DNS. Try putting a fully qualified DNS entry in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS file to see if it helps.
Not sure why you'd have a DNS issue here, but it may help.