Sending iOS push notifications from my Machine? - iphone

I would like to add iOS push notification to my FREE iOS App
The push notification will be mainly advertising my other iOS applications. so I am expecting 1 or 2 push notifications every month
I checked service like urban airship, but I think it is expensive considering I have more than 1.5 Million active users.
So, what I am thinking of is collecting the devices token at Google App Engine ( java ), then whenever I want to send push notifications I export those tokens then send them from my Machine.
Is this is the right approach? what do you think?
Is there any framework that I could use instead of building things from scratch?
Many thanks

This approach looks ok to me. Having an app on Google App Engine to whom each of the iOS device is sending their device token. Later at any time utilizing a web page or web service running on Google App Engine APP you can push custom notification to all respective device tokens. Just keep in mind to filter the list of device tokens with obsoleted ones (in case somebody uninstall your app).
You may check for APNS communication. I tried it couple of times and it worked really well.

You should also give a try.
Among other things this framework does, it also gives you a free push notifications service to send push messages to all your users or some of them (based on your custom criteria).


Flutter own push notifications (store agnostic)

I was wondering, given that Flutter is multi platform and each store requires its own procedure for the final step of setting up Push notifications, would it be worthwhile to implement a full "flutter proprietary push notification system" something that would ignore completely the Android/iOS and other stores implementation?
The main service that the store provides is to "find" the device in the final step of the push, this could be replaced with:
a subscribe / ack of this flutter layer to a server (whenever the app declares that it wants to use it), that will send the message when required (with a messaging queue?)
an always on instance on the phone to actually receive the push (this is probably the most critical part)
UPDATE: I am realising that this necessity will probably be covered by some sort of third party provider, such as what Crashlytics has done with error and crash reports.
Operating system push notification services (OSPNS) are provided by the Android and iOS and other platforms. If you want your messages to be shown as notifications on the notification tray/status bar you have to configure it as required by that platform and there is no other option for this. If you want to use only one push service than Huawei Push Kit might be the one to choose since it can send push notifications to all platforms Android, iOS, Huawei devices and also Web.
This is almost impossible.
Because on the basis of Android, there is a part handled by the OS in the case of push, so even if the app does not reside in memory, it can be processed. If you're going to create a Flutter-only Push system, the Flutter app should always be running as a background service (iOS is a different issue).
If you only want to be able to use push while the Flutter app is running, that might be the way to go. However, it will be difficult after the app is closed.
url link :

Messaging service within my app

I need to implement a message service into my app that works exactly like this:
users register with a nickname within the app
they can add contacts (just nicknames) and send them a message by just specifying their nickname
they can send a message whenever they want, and the message is stored on a server until when the receiver connects to internet.
when a message is received, a push notification is triggered.
So, the messages work pretty much like emails, however instead of using email addresses, we only use usernames. I'm also going to build my own back-end for it.
Which APIs should I use or which 3rd party framework can I use ?
And any tip ?
N.B. I need to make it work with iOS 3.0 as well.
and in the future I will develop an Android app, so the nicknames should be unique and I should be able to send messages from iPhone to Android devices within the same app.
I've successfully used the Three20 library and would recommend giving it a try. It's an open source spin-off originated by the author of the Facebook app. It features a bunch of additional GUI components that might be useful to your project, like a message composer that resembles the one used by Apple's email app.
Also, Three20 features a nice framework for handling navigation within your app. Currently, the biggest drawback seems to be that certain features don't play well with the iPad API.
The answer seems to be Push Notifications

Whats the point in UrbanAirship?

I'm looking into push notifications for an app I'm creating. I've heard lots about UrbanAirship but I can't seem to find a definitive reason why I should use it? As far as I understand it UA is a middle man? This page shows the free version doesn't have a push composer, so a developer will still need a server themselves to create the notification, if their own server is needed then I might as well go directly to APNS?
What is the point and advantage of UA? And if you use it how do you send notifications without your own server?
A working implementation of push notifications involves many things, such as:
Keeping track of Device IDs (web service for the device to contact, database to store the IDs)
Storing metadata associated with each Device ID (ie. so you can refer to a device by a username or a group of devices by a tag)
Keeping track of which devices have been deactivated (which happens if the user turns of notifications)
Clearing out bad Device IDs
Actually forming the raw request to send the message to Apple's servers
Some sort of service/program to know when you need to send the notifications
Urban Airship takes care of 1-5 for you, which greatly simplifies the whole process. Yes, you if were just sending a message to one device, you could probably find a C# or python or Objective-C library to connect to Apple and form the message but as soon as you need to keep track of a large number of devices, Urban Airship provides a service for free (if under 1 million pushes a month) to take a lot of work off your shoulders.
(And this is just for the basic push service for iPhone, as this is the only service I have used)
To answer your other question, you do still need some 'server' or program to know when to push (#6). I, for example, monitor twitter with a python program for keywords and send out notifications when I see those. My program is not concerned with the details of how to send notifications, the Urban Airship library I use takes care of the interaction with Urban Airship and Apple.
If you start your free trial at nextdns, you find urbanairship becomes one of the most common offenders that they block.

How to use Push Notifications

Regarding push notifications. How do I get the provision from APNS to implement push notifications in to my application. Help me guys.
start from these series
iOS developers love to imagine users of their awesome app using the app all day, every day. Unfortunately, the cold hard truth is that users will sometimes have to close the app and perform other activities. Laundry doesn’t fold itself, you know :]
Happily, push notifications allow developers to reach users and perform small tasks even when users aren’t actively using an app!
Push notifications have become more and more powerful since they were first introduced. In iOS 9, push notifications can:
Display a short text message
Play a notification sound
Set a badge number on the app’s icon
Provide actions the user can take without opening the app
Be silent, allowing the app to wake up in the background and perform a task
This push notifications tutorial will go over how push notifications work, and let you try out their features...
I followed the steps mentioned in raywenderlich tutorial. It's some what easy to send Push notifications to my iPhone app by using my system as the temporary server(ie, sending the message by running the PHP code from the Terminal window).
But, while going for production and dynamic messages for different users at different time, it's very tough for me to set the service in a server.
So, I go with third party server to send Push Notifications. -
Tutorial for how to use that API.
Documentation about the installations of the application.
Here, we have a tag for questions about this process.

iPhone real time notification from a server, without using Apple push notification

I'm looking for a way to get real time notification from a server in an iPhone App. I don't want to use Apple Push Notification as I have many notifications. My web service is coded in PHP, and I haven't figured out an easy way to implement this functionnality. Any idea what should I do?
Thx a lot for your help!
EDIT : I'm looking for a way to get notification only when the app is launched (otherwise, the only option IS Apple Push not.).
If the app is running you can open an http connection from the app to the server and have the server hold it open, pushing data through it when you want. This is basically how COMET works.
This will only work while your app is running. If you need the notification to happen even if the user has closed the app then Apple Push Notifications are your only option.
You must use Apple Push Notification for achieving push notifications cycle on Apple's mobile devices.