Authentication for twitter API and Rest Call - rest

I have been using FB api for some simple demo and everything was quite easy with the authentication. Now I have to do something similar with twitter v1.1 but there is something that I really don't understand...
I want to do this request:
the problem is that I have to be authenticated, anyone have some examples? I don't want to create a twitter connection because I don't need different users to be connected to my applicaiton. I have just to perform some simple search request but I can't understand how to use the authentication parameters. Which type of Ajax request I have to use in order to perform the REST request authenticated??? (Obviously I have my secret token and my access secret token) but how to use them????
THanks in advance for answers

You can use this javascript library: codebird-js with the "Application-only auth".
Do it yourself: everything is explained in the documentation.
Basically you need to follow 3 steps (and you should do the 2 first just once):
An application encodes its consumer key and secret into a specially encoded set of credentials.
An application makes a request to the POST oauth2/token endpoint to exchange these credentials for a bearer token.
When accessing the REST API, the application uses the bearer token to authenticate.
The steps are detailed in the documentation.
You can do the first 2 separately and when you get your bearer token, you need to add a specific HTTP Header (Authorization) in each request with your bearer token (that's the 3rd step). With jQuery it could be something like that:
headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer '+$my_bearer_token },
url: ''+$search
}).done(function (data) {
// Play with the data


OAuth token with basic POST request

I need to get an OAuth token using a simple POST request.
In Postman, we configure OAuth tokens via the following configuration:
When I click "Get New Access Token", postman makes a request against the Access Token URL.
How does one see what that request looks like? Are these parameters (client id, client secret, etc.) placed in a POST body? What are the headers? I'd like to see the request structure in plain text.
Essentially I need to emulate this request in a script, where I have to include the credentials in the body itself, where the body would look something like this:
That request follows the OAuth 2.0 specification, using the client_credentials grant, and it will use an Authorization Basic header to authenticate the client; so its body will look like this:
POST /token HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic bXlDbGllbnRJZDpteUNsaWVudFNlY3JldA
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Where bXlDbGllbnRJZDpteUNsaWVudFNlY3JldA is the Base64-encoded value of myClientId:myClientSecret.
Note that the Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Also note that what Postman calls the Access Token URL is actually named Token Endpoint in the OAuth 2.0 terminology.

Swagger Inspector version of C# call failing when using token

I have the following code:
string tokenValue = "221e0a91-6530-4790-a969-d1da75b0afd2";
// Configure httpClient to use the above token.
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("token", tokenValue);
The subsequent calls (HEAD, POST, GET) all work fine.
When I try to do the same thing using Swagger Inspector, it fails. I am able to get a token using Swagger Inspector site, and I place the token into a HEAD call as follows:
But as I said, the call fails, with "Authorization has been denied for this request." message returned as an XML file.
I also tried the two other options available on the same page: Basic Authentication, and OAuth 2.0/JWT, all with HTTPS. They all fail.
How can I go about understanding why it's failing?
Also: Is what I am using above called "Bearer Authentication"?
I have below 2 things to mention from your screenshot:
Response for HEAD method never contains the response body, it always contains the response headers
for more details of HEAD: HEAD Request
But in your case response-body is also present (maybe of CML content type).
You should use OAuth 2.0/JWT option on the same page to pass the token along with your request.
To answer your question related to Bearer Authentication:
No, the one you are trying to use is not at all Bearer Authentication.
In your case, "token" will be considered as Custom/User HTTP Header.

Problems getting started--Http 403

I'm trying to access the SmartSheets REST API as described in the "Getting Started" documentation here: and elsewhere. I generated an access token in the UI and, using Postman, tried a couple of simple GET requests cribbed from the documentation:
I set the Authorization and Content-Type headers as indicated. In both cases, I get Http 403-Forbidden errors with the message "You are not authorized to perform this action."
So how do I get authorized to perform these (or any other) actions?
You might want to verify that your access token value is correct. Also, when you set your Authorization header, are you including "Bearer " before your access token?
In Postman, it should look something like this:
Just a typo. I was including "Bearer" in the authorization header, but I had 2 spaces between "Bearer"and the token. You can only have one.

OAuth2 with SPA + REST API

Lets say we have SPA written in Angular 2 and have REST API using Spring Boot.
Both of them deployed in different servers. And now I have to protect this API via Facebook's OAuth2, but I don't know which grant type suits to my problem.
I don't want to be an auth server, I don't want facebook to be my resource server, instead my own REST API is supposed to be a resource server.
From FB I just want username or email or some identifier.
If I understood correctly I have to use implicit grant flow, because it's not a web application, correct me please, if I'm wrong.
Does "authorization code" grant also could be a choice ?
I really read almost all the threads related to oauth, spring security..
But I didn't find any info related to exactly SPA and REST API for separate servers.
Any link/resource related to above problem is appreciated.
Thanks in advance and sorry if I did something wrong, it's my very first post here.
You need to implement Implicit Grant flow
you need HTTPS for safety.
OAuth Server:
send a get request to oauthserver "authorize" url with params
response_type = token (sometimes 'code')
redirect_uri = or (the one u assign while making an oauth client )
client id = dfuvhiurehvher (whatever id)
some providers require additional parameters like "scope".
when you send a request if everything works. you will be redirected to your client with the token in the url.
your request:
if successful you'll be redirected to
you can now use javascript to retrieve and store token value maybe to localStorage and attach it when sending requests to restapi (
heres an example request from
cache: false,
url: "http://localhost:7001/api/appointments",
headers: { "Authorization": "Bearer " + ATTACH_YOUR_TOKEN_VALUE_HERE }
for more details check this

backbone.js is failing with basic auth rest api

I am new to backbone.js. I built a rest api with php and I want to connect to it with backbone.js. I am having a tough time with passing the http basic auth that my rest api uses for authentication.
I can access my rest api easily by using curl from the command line like this
curl -u username:password -X GET
But when I try to do a fetch (which is pretty much all I am trying to do) I get a response from my rest api that the authentication failed.
Here is my call from backbone.js
user.fetch({headers:{'Authorization':'Basic username:password'}});
With backbone.js I am getting back the response I would expect when the basic auth fails. My question is, since I know my rest api with authenticate with curl, why won't it authenticate with the above javascript?
Also, when I look at the headers sent in the js console I don't see anything about Authorization.
I tried the plugin listed in the comment below but got the same result
Here is my code
var User=Backbone.Model.extend({
url: ''
var user=new User();
user.credentials = {
username: 'username',
password: 'password'
The username and password need to be encoded with Baes64 before being sent.
One easy way to do this (at least for testing) is to configure all jQuery ajax requests to send the info (Backbone uses jQuery for the ajax calls):
beforeSend: function(xhr){
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + btoa("USERNAME" + ":" + "PASSWORD"));
Note that btoa is the function that will encode the params with Base64. Now you can call user.fetch() and it should work properly: you don't need to provide the credentials, because we've configured jQuery to send them for us (all the time).
Of course, depending on your situation (e.g. using multiple APIs), you might prefer to specify the beforeSend attribute within each request, or have it defined within a Backbone syncfunction.
I added "Authorization" to the allowed headers list and that did the trick.
header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");