Convert regular xcode application project to iOSOpenDev - iphone

I'm new to jailbroken dev. I have a regular xcode application project. Now I need to convert it, or create a new application project using iOSOpenDev for jailbroken dev. I found the same question:
xcode project conversion to iOSOpenDev
But I have no idea what to do with the first step. Do I need to add some settings or change some values of existed settings? Pleas give some more details.

About the first step, I did some tryings and it worked out. The following steps is just the same as kokoabim said:
1.change the install path to /Applications; add iOSOpenDev's include,lib,framework folder path to Framework Search Paths,delete iphonesimulator from Supported Platforms in Build Settings, Header Search Paths, Library Search Paths(I'm not sure if it's necessary);
Add a run script build phase (must be last in order) to existing target that executes /opt/iOSOpenDev/bin/iosod --xcbp.
3.Create the Debian package control file under the existing target's folder as (target's directory)/Package/DEBIAN/control.
4.Perform a Build For Profiling (Cmd-Shift-I).


Cocoa Swift: Launch At Login not working & throws error in Xcode?

I am using as it reduces the hassle to implement Launch At Login from Scratch.
I did follow all the instructions in the README as follows -
Made a Podfile & installed with pod install
platform :osx, '10.12'
target 'myApp' do
pod 'LaunchAtLogin'
Added a new "Run Script Phase" below "Embed Frameworks" in "Build Phases" with the following:
But I get the error
cp: /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myApp-bcrytpktfvzflmexubmyosnhzksq/Build/Products/Debug/ No such file or directory
Command /bin/sh emitted errors but did not return a nonzero exit code to indicate failure
As you can clearly decode from the error cannot be found at /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myApp-bcrytpktfvzflmexubmyosnhzksq/Build/Products/Debug/ that's why the build is failing.
How do I generate that or what should I do to sort this thing out because this makes Launch At Login not work?
I also made a simplest demo for the app to see if it works but it doesn't -
PS - I have also code signed the application as I did follow this & checked it with codesign -dvv /Applications/ & it returned Build Time perfectly.
I had the same issue while using Carthage instead of CocoaPods. Currently, there seem to be lots of open CocoaPods' related issues in this project's repository so you might consider trying Carthage and follow these steps.
I solved this issue using the following steps:
In XCode, under Build Settings, under signing, make sure Code Signing Identity is set to either Sign to Run Locally or any other form of actual signing
Use this tutorial to install Carthage
Follow the install and usage of the package, using Carthage, as appears in the README file here:
Delete all of the contents in DerivedData
To make sure, also clean the project: (Product -> Clean Build Folder)
In your project's folder, execute carthage build
There should now be a new folder inside your project's root folder named Carthage. Inside, there is a Build folder. Search for the file LaunchAtLogin.framework.dSYM (note the .dSYM extension)
In XCode, under Build Phases, in Embed Frameworks step, drag and drop the .dSYM file (see image below)
Change the destination to Products Directory (see image below)
Check the Code Sign On Copy checkbox of this framework (see image below)
Add another step New Run Script Phase, make sure it runs the native shell (/bin/sh). Inside, add this line: exec "${PROJECT_DIR}/Carthage/Build/Mac/LaunchAtLogin.framework/Resources/" (this is the line that appears in the repository) - (see image below)
Make sure that the script appears after the embedded framework
Build and run
Not exactly an answer but found an alternate solution.
I couldn't solve this with CocoaPods but I did make a simple demo with Carthage & it worked.
Here's the link for the interested -
Found the solution thanks to Ferruccio
Add a new "Run Script" below "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks" in "Build Phases" with the absolute path to
For simplicity, you can just drag & drop Drag it inside label Shell. Then change Location to Absolute Path
Also you can try as a simple working demo.

Copying facebook-ios-sdk and configuring the Xcode project

I have gone through this document :Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for iOS v3.1
I have successfully configured my Xcode project by following it.
But I want to do it without adding the Facebook.framework.
As previously we used to only add the "src" folder which we used to clone from :Facebook SDK for iOS - Github. Why can't I just copy the "src" folder and configure my project.
I want to play around with FBFriendPickerViewController.m (dot m) file. Which I am not able to view if I follow the standard tutorial. But is available in the "src" folder.
Please how can I do that ? And it also seems that FbGraph.h file doesn't exist.
Please help.
If you want to play with the source, go to:
After getting the code, run this script to build the framework locally:
<Install Location>/scripts/
This will drop the framework in the folder:
<Install Location>/build
Follow the same instructions in the Getting Started to include the Facebook SDK, however, you will get the framework from your local build folder.
Note: You'll likely have to modify the build search path in Xcode if you're swapping out, say one of the sample projects (that was looking for the Framework in a particular place).

This target might include its own product

File .../ depends on itself.
This target might include its own product.
File .../ depends on itself.
This target might include its own product.
I have done my project in os Snow leopard but now my os version also changed and it is now 10.7.3. This is installed in my Imac machine. This app start first in MacBook but now I want to develop it in IMac. But the above error is shown so what i have to do. Though I have change all of my certificate, and all provisioning profiles newly.
Please help.
Thanks i advance.
Select the target in your Xcode project and click the Build Phases tab. Look at the Target Dependencies list; the target's product should not be listed there, but it sounds like it may have been added to that list by mistake. Also check the other areas in that same tab -- you don't want your product listed in Copy Bundle Resources or Link Binary With Libraries, either -- you obviously can't use the thing that you're building as a resource or library to build the product in the first place. That's what Xcode seems to be complaining about.
Ran across this issue using Xcode 7 (beta 1) when trying to build a Static Library target. Here was the error message from the build output:
Unable to run command 'CopySwiftLibs libMyStaticLibraryName.a' - this target might include its own product.
(I substituted libMyStaticLibraryName.a above in place of the actual name of my static library.)
The problem turned out to be that this static library target had the Embedded Content Contains Swift Code build setting (EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT) set to YES, when in reality there was no Swift code associated with this target. Setting this to NO in Xcode fixed the issue.
Static libraries cannot include Swift code, so if this build setting is set it causes the error, even if there is no actual Swift code in the target.
In my case, very simple, please delete Universal target, then add new target.
That's all
In my case my project had submodule inside, so commands
git submodule add submoduleURL
git submodule init
git submodule update
solved this issue.
I had the same problem, when podspec file was incorrect. My mistake was that I didn't specify .h and .m extensions for source_files. Because of that .xib files were added twice. This is a correct example:
s.source_files = 'YourTarget/Classes/**/*.{h,m}'
s.resources = ['YourTarget/Classes/UIComponents/**/*.xib']

CorePlot: how to run on device? (works OK on simulator)

My app uses CorePlot and runs fine on simulator
(it accesses libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a from:
/Users/myName/core-plot/build/Debug-iphonesimulator ).
To run on device, xcode expects libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a in:
but that file is missing, so xcode gives error:
'/Users/Giovanni/core-plot/build/Debug-iphoneos/libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a: No such file or directory'
I tried generating one by doing:
CorePlot-CocoaTouch.proj > set Xcode to build on 'device' > 'Build And Run'
but 'Build and Run' is grayed out.
Copying the simulator version obviously does not work.
Any ideas?
Consider adding CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj as a sub-project and then add libCorePlot-CocoaTouch as a dependency.
Try opening the Core Plot project itself and building the framework first. You should build (not "Build and Run") the CorePlot-CocoaTouch target. Do it for each combination of SDK {simulator, device} and configuration {debug, release} (total of four builds). This will create the .a files you need.
After Core Plot is built, go back to your project and build it. It should now link and run correctly.
Check out my answer here if you don't want to use the CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj import method (don't need to import the whole project, only the CorePlotHeader folder and the libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a library file) Fix linker errors for Core Plot when using Xcode 5
Ultimately you might need to delete the old library by right clicking on your file in the Products folder and copy and past the new CorePlot_1.4 .a file into the Debug-iphoneos folder...clean, build, and it should run on an iOS 7 device.
SOLUTION: the issue was CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj must also be added as Targets>MyApp>getInfo>DIRECT dependency (in addition to as subproject and in addition to libCorePlot-CocoaTouch being added as Targets>MyApp>getInfo>LinkedLibraries). Thanks

dyld: Library not loaded - When app run from the command line

I face some difficulties when adding a framework to my project when i run an iPhone app from the command line.
My final goal is to run applications tests from an automated build process.
When i run my app from xCode :
I add a "Copy File" build phase to my target and everything goes fine.
The copy is set to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) as "Absolute path"
When i run my app from the terminal (using iphonesim project) i get this error :
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/OCMock.framework/Versions/A/OCMock
UIKitApplication:indemnisation[0xb894][26380] Referenced from: /Users/Admin/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/CD5729B5-A674-49B2-91F6-AD398094B6F8/
What i dont understand is that the copy build phase just copies the framework files in the same directory as the app.
When i run the app from the command line the framework files are already in the same directory. Does anyone knows why it doesn't work ?
I've also tried to add the OCMock.framework in the following directories (without success) :
/Users/Admin/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications/CD5729B5-A674-49B2-91F6-AD398094B6F8
Thanks in advance,
I just had this same exact error in Xcode 4.2 (4D199) on Lion. I dragged/dropped the OCMock.framework folder into my project and selected the "copy files" checkbox. I saw the above answers and realized I neglected to add a "Copy Files" build phase to move the framework into place. I added one and dragged it right after the compile files build phase and tried to run my tests again. I couldn't get it to work until I had changed the destination in the "Copy Files" phase to the "Products Directory". Using "Frameworks" or "Shared Frameworks" did not work.
The iPhone does not support traditional Mac OS X frameworks. While the iPhone does use folders that end in ".framework", these folders are structured differently than typical Mac OS X frameworks. Most notably, iPhone frameworks are only permitted to use static libraries, while typical Mac OS X frameworks are dynamically loaded. That the message comes from dyld indicates that you are using a shared libary; however, applications targetting the iPhone may only be statically linked.
OCMock is distributed as a framework, and the iPhone does not allow you build your own arbitrary frameworks (there are good reasons to do this on a device with only 128MB of RAM and no swap).
The solution I see in a lot of places around the web is to put OCMock.framework in /Library/Frameworks or anywhere else in the standard framework search paths. This isn’t a very good solution: your build system is now dependent upon the state of your particular machine. Not good.
Another option would be to add the source for OCMock to your unit test target. This would work but is unnecessary, as your tests will never run on the iPhone,2 so why bother building them for ARM? Executables built for the iPhone simulator, being Mac OS X binaries, can link against dynamic libraries just fine. We can use this to our advantage.
What follows is what I believe is the best way to get OCMock working with iPhone projects:
First, add OCMock.framework to your project. Make sure that it’s being added to your Unit Tests target, not your application.
Next, add a Copy Files phase to your Unit Tests target. Set it up like so:
Destination :Absolute Path
Now, drag OCMock.framework onto your new Copy Files phase to add it to the list of files to be copied.
Finally, drag the Copy Files phase, which I renamed it to “Copy OCMock”, between the Compile Sources and Link Binary With Libraries phases.
That’s it! Run (and by run I mean build) your tests and everything should work correctly.