On zoom, UIScrollview subviews not recognizing gesture - iphone

I have a scrollview to which I have added an image view as a subview. The contentsize of the scrollview is same as the size of the imageview (width and height). There are two buttons outside the scrollview. When I click on either on them, a small rectangle view is added as a subview to the imageview. This rectangle view can be dragged anywhere on the imageview by the user after it has been added.
This works fine until I pinch to zoom the scrollview. In the viewForZoomingInScrollView: method, I return the imageview and the zooming works fine. But in the zoomed view when I try to drag around the rectangle view, it does not move. It does not recognize the pan gestures any more. Any idea why this is happening?

Following up to your last comment, I'd suggest to try the following:
In your viewDidLoad method add this:
for (UIGestureRecognizer *gr in self.scrollView.gestureRecognizers) {
if ([gr isKindOfClass:[UIPanGestureRecognizer class]])
[gr requireGestureRecognizerToFail:self.dragGR];
where dragView is your rectangleView.
The following is probably not necessary for the above to work, but it might be good practice to clean up the view hierarchy anyway:
Add a plain UIView as superview of your image view with the same frame and add the rectangle view as subview of that new view. In your viewForZoomingInScrollView: return that new view. As I said in the comments I don't think adding subviews to UIImageViews is considered good practice. But maybe that's just my opinion :)

This should work as well and is slightly more concise:
[self.scrollView.panGestureRecognizer requireGestureRecognizerToFail:self.myPanRecognizer];


Reposition UIButtons after zoom

I have a scrollview with an imageview on it. I am able to zoom the image view placed inside the scrollview. On top of it I have some uibuttons, which do not reposition after zoom.
How do I reposition UIButtons after zoom?
Please help
One way would be to implement the scrollViewDidZoom: delegate method of your scroll view delegate, determine the currently visible rectangle using contentOffset and contentSize properties of your UIScrollView, compute the new location of your buttons relative to the visible rectangle of the scroll view, and reposition your buttons into that rectangle by setting their frame property as desired.
As Fisk mentioned, the UIScrollViewDelegate should help. One of the delegate methods is:
-(void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale
If you implement the UIScrollview delegate this method should get called when your scrollview is done zooming. So in this method you can reposition your button after the zoom:
[yourButton1 setCenter:CGPointMake(newX,newY)];
Good luck.
Your question is a bit vague. However, whatever it is that you are doing, I believe UIScrollViewDelegate can help you.
This is a delegate for the scroll view that lets you know when it is scrolling. I never got where the buttons are supposed to be, but with this delegate I guess you can simply place them wherever they need to be.

Overlaying a UIScrollview without cutting off touch events to the scrollview

I have a transparent overlay that I'd like to put over a UIScrollview. I'm adding it as an Imageview sibling view to the scrollview so that it remains stationary while the scrollview subviews move freely underneath. The problem is that views pass their events to the superview, not the siblings. IS there a way to pass events from this overlay to the scrollview? Or can anyone think of a better way to achieve the same effect? Thanks!
This should Just Work, as long as the UIImageView has its userInteractionEnabled property set to NO: the superview sends -hitTests:withEvent: to its subviews in order, and the UIImageView should return nil, whereas the UIScrollView should return itself (because it has gesture recognizers).
If it's not working for you, the chances are that your view layout is not what you think it is. UIView has a useful method called -recursiveDescription which you should call on the superview and NSLog the result.

Moving UIButton from UIScrollView to UIView in iPhone SDK

I am stuck with a problem actually the scene is like this in my view controller i have place several buttons which i can move within the view now in same view half of the screens is occupied by uiscrollview in this scrollview also i have several uibuttons which i want to move from uiscrollview to uiview Now when i try to move uibutton from uiscrollview to uiview it hides as it moves from the scrollview similarly as i move uibutton from uiview to uiscrollview then also it hides as my drag reaches the scrollview area.
Please help me out with this problem
Thanks in advance....
Your UIButtons each have a superview. For the UIButtons in the scrollview, the UIScrollView is the superview. When you have scrollView.clipsToBounds == YES, then the UIButtons in the scrollview will become obscured if you move them outside of the visible area of the scrollview.
There are several possible solutions, including:
Add code to change the superview of the UIButtons once they reach the edge of the scrollview (but this is tricky, and I wouldn't do it unless there was an easier option, check out Apple's UIView documentation, especially (UIView)removeFromSuperview and (UIView)addSubview:). You would have to perform this switch of superview in the code that moves the button (or tracks the move).
Add the UIButtons to a UIView which is the parent of the scrollview, maybe even your viewcontroller.view (but your UIButtons in the scrollview will no longer move with the scrollview upon scrolling). You would add the buttons to the view behind the scrollview, but so that they show above it.

MKMapView inside a UIScrollView doesn't move with swipes

I've got a detail view with various labels and such providing information about a place (address, phone, etc.). The information provided is taller than an iPhone screen so they're all in a UIScrollView (itself inside a UIView) that allows you to swipe up and down to see everything.
I also have an MKMapView inside the scrollview. When it's not attached to anything in Interface Builder it moves up and down with the scrollview, as it should, staying in it's correct relative position to the other controls in the scrollview. You can play with the map, zooming and panning it, etc. and it shows your current location by default.
However, as soon as I hook it to an MKMapView variable in IB, the mapview no longer scrolls with the scrollview. Instead it literally just sits in the position it's originally displayed in (bottom of the view, with a little of the map hidden below the bottom of the view) and the scrollview scrolls up and down behind it.
What's happening here? I've tried changing a bunch of the mapview's and scrollview's properties in IB, but it has no effect. The only thing I haven't tried is just creating the mapview entirely in code, but that doesn't seem like an obvious solution.
EDIT: Sorry to everyone about the expired bounty. I got hung up in other areas of the project and couldn't get back here until now. I didn't know it would expire.
FURTHER EDIT: Well, I figured out my problem. For reasons completely unknown to me I had
[self.view addSubview:mapView];
in the viewcontoller's ViewDidLoad. Once it was hooked up then that line of code would (obviously) make the map a subview of my of view, effectively yanking it out of the scrollview.
Stupid mistake, sorry to have wasted your time (and the bounty). I'll delete this question after I think the answerers have had a chance to see the result.
Looking like as you are using the ScrollView,you need to scrolling facility in your DetailView.
Instead of using the ScrollView ,I had an alternative of this ....
You can try your hard luck by using the TableView instead of ScrollView.
Just take all the labels and mapView in a single View and then put that view in the header of the TableView.
like this :
--> View
------>All Labels // Inside the singleView
------>MKMApView // At bottom of the View
Still You can play with the map, zooming and panning it, etc. and it will show your current location by default.
Hope this alternative can solve your problem.......
All the Best
If hooking up an outlet in IB is breaking an otherwise working view, you might be able to try this to locate the view at runtime:
- (UIView *) findClass:(Class) aClass inView:(UIView *) aSuperview {
for ( UIView *view in aSuperview.subviews ) {
if ( [view isKindOfClass: aClass] ) break;
if ( ( view = [self findClass: aClass inView: aSuperview] ) ) break;
return view;
- (void) viewDidLoad {
MkMapView *map = [self findClass: [MkMapView class] inView: self.view];
I figured out my problem. For reasons completely unknown to me I had
[self.view addSubview:mapView];
in the viewcontoller's ViewDidLoad. Once it was hooked up then that line of code would (obviously) make the map a subview of my of view, effectively yanking it out of the scrollview.
Do you have setContentSize property set to the content's size in the viewDidLoad method of the UIViewController?

Can a UIScrollView be adapted to zoom horizontally but not vertically? (how)

I'm trying to make a timeline view that shows events as UIButtons that can be pressed for more info.
Ideally I want to lay out the buttons on a UIScrollView, and allow them to stretch/shrink horizontally, but not vertically.
What I'm trying to accomplish would basically be equivalent to using pinch gestures to resize the content view, and using a scroll view to move side to side - could you point me in the right direction, or suggest how you might accomplish something like this?
My first thought is a UIScrollView to scale a UIView subview, and have the UIView subview contain another subview that does not resize vertically, but only does horizontally when bounds change, and disable vertical scrolling. Maybe I could skip one of these UIView subviews and have only one do everything. It just feels like I'm trying to hack this together like an HTML page or something with all these containers.
Not sure if I've explained any of this well enough to hope for an answer, any help is appreciated though.
I've implemented horizontal-only scaling by creating a subclass of UIView that simply overrides setTransform and sets the Y scale to 1 whenever the UIScrollView changes the scale:
#interface DiagramStripView : UIView { }
#implementation DiagramStripView
- (void)setTransform:(CGAffineTransform)newValue;
newValue.d = 1.0;
[super setTransform:newValue];
As the class name suggests, my view holds a series of diagrams that are each one screen wide. When the user lets go, the view controller resets the view's scale to 1 and redraws everything to the new scale:
- (void) scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale
diagramStripView.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
[self redrawDiagrams:scale];
Haven't tried this, but you could try placing everything in a UIScrollView, and whenever you detect a zoom level change, adjust all of the child view transforms to CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.0, 1.0/zoomLevel). This way, the scrollview is zooming everything up, but each subview is scaling themselves vertically downward, canceling out the zoom.
Assuming you don't actually want to stretch/shrink the button text, the easiest way is to resize all the buttons. I know, it's a pain.