shell script not executing despite full permissions - sh

I have a small script that executes fine from my home folder but when moved to a different folder on different partition (EXT4)
$ ls -lah ./
-rwxrwxr-x 1 olmec(me) olmec(me) 510 Oct 31 20:00 ./
$ ./
bash: ./ Permission denied
I have tried chmod 777 but no difference.
The script is in folder /media/data/source
Data drive partition is mounted in FStab as
UUID=affd0ac6-f3da-4f88-ac22-65d94dc5da8c /media/data ext4 user,user 0 0
Resolved by modifying FStab mount command
UUID=affd0ac6-f3da-4f88-ac22-65d94dc5da8c media/data ext4 auto,users,exec 0 0

Most probably it's on a volume which was mounted with the noexec option, I'd check that. If that's not the case, you can still try to find out from strace bash yourscript's output.


Can gsutil create the psudeo-directory entries needed to speed up gcsfuse?

Although Google Cloud Storage is a flat object store that doesn't need directory entries, adding psuedo directory placeholders (empty entries with names ending in /) makes gcsfuse a lot faster. You can leave out the gcsfuse --implicit-dirs option and browse your GCS directories with very workable performance, which is not the case without the placeholders.
Q. Is there a way to issue a command to gsutil like gsutil cp -r your_directory gs://your-bucket/ that will create the directory placeholders while uploading files?
The alternative is to call the GCS API, but gsutil has a lot of useful features including parallel uploads and retry handling.
Make the local tree:
$ mkdir -p your_directory/subdir
$ echo hi > your_directory/hi.txt
$ echo there > your_directory/subdir/there.txt
$ ls -lR your_directory
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 jerry staff 3 Jan 21 17:24 hi.txt
drwxr-xr-x 3 jerry staff 96 Jan 21 17:24 subdir/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 jerry staff 6 Jan 21 17:24 there.txt
gsutil copy it to GCS:
$ gsutil cp -r your_directory gs://your-bucket/
Copying file://your_directory/hi.txt [Content-Type=text/plain]...
Copying file://your_directory/subdir/there.txt [Content-Type=text/plain]...
/ [2 files][ 9.0 B/ 9.0 B]
Operation completed over 2 objects/9.0 B.
$ gsutil ls -lr gs://your-bucket/your_directory
3 2020-01-22T01:25:38Z gs://your-bucket/your_directory/hi.txt
6 2020-01-22T01:25:38Z gs://your-bucket/your_directory/subdir/there.txt
TOTAL: 2 objects, 9 bytes (9 B)
Notice that gsutil only created 2 objects (blobs) -- the text files. It did not create directory placeholder blobs your_directory/ or your_directory/subdir/.
In a gcsfuse your-bucket your-bucket mount:
$ find your_directory
find: your_directory: No such file or directory
In a gcsfuse --implicit-dirs your-bucket your-bucket mount:
$ find your_directory
Back to a gcsfuse your-bucket your-bucket mount, we can make the text files show up by creating the directory placeholders:
$ mkdir your_directory
$ ls your_directory
$ mkdir your_directory/subdir
$ ls your_directory
hi.txt subdir/
$ ls your_directory/subdir/
If I understood correctly and you want to upload files while creating what appear to be empty folders (which in the background are just empty files with a "/" at the end of their path), gsutil cp -r your_directory gs://your-bucket/ does the trick.
For reference here is how subdirectories work in GCS and gsutil cp command

Run scripts on start or end of xsession

I am trying to find a way to run a script on sleep before an x session ends, because the script requires an active x session to execute properly. Storing the script in /etc/pm/sleep.d did not work (and returned errors related to a non-existent x session). Any ideas where to put the script?
Update in response to comments
king#death-star /etc/acpi $ cat 01_revert_kb_on_sleep
touch ~/Desktop/touchfile_my_script_acpi
case "$1" in
sh -c "/home/king/Desktop/Scripts/rotate_desktop normal; /home/king/Desktop/Scripts/misc/my_keyboard on" 2> ~/Desktop/revert_kb_error_log.txt ;;
king#death-star /etc/acpi $ ls
total 1MB
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 1MB Jun 11 23:36 .
drwxr-xr-x 163 root root 1MB Jun 11 23:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1MB Jun 11 23:36 01_revert_kb_on_sleep
king#death-star /etc/acpi $ ps -ef| grep acpid
root 1070 1 0 23:41 ? 00:00:00 acpid -c /etc/acpi/events -s /var/run/acpid.socket
king 3499 2574 0 23:52 pts/2 00:00:00 grep --colour=auto acpid
Step 1.
a. Enable and start the acpi service.
b. Run the acpi_listen command and try putting the computer to sleep via various methods (pushing the power button, closing the lid, etc.)
c. Find out what events are triggered, when you do the above. In my case they were: button/lid LID close and button/sleep SBTN 00000080 00000000
Step 2.
a. Create the file /etc/acpi/events/my_events with the following:
event=(button/sleep SBTN|button/lid LID close)
Substitute the events in the event= line with your events.
b. Create the file /etc/acpi/ with the following:
/home/king/Desktop/Scripts/rotate_desktop normal
/home/king/Desktop/Scripts/misc/my_keyboard on
NB. You might need to add export DISPLAY=:0 before the scripts to get access to your X session.
NB2: Your scripts will run with root user credentials. To run with your user credentials, you might want to do:
sudo -u king /home/king/Desktop/Scripts/rotate_desktop normal
sudo -u king /home/king/Desktop/Scripts/misc/my_keyboard on
c. Make the file /etc/acpi/ executable:
chmod +x /etc/acpi/
d. Restart the acpi service.
Step 3. Share and enjoy.

Perl script can't unzip to mounted Windows share - permission denied

I have a simple script that is unzipping a file to a mounted Windows share. It is normally launched as a Postfix alias when a new email arrives, but even when I run it as root I get a permission denied error.
The script is doing this:
if ( </tmp/*.zip> ){
unzip '</tmp/*.zip>' => '</mnt/win/#1.txt>'
or die "unzip failed: $UnzipError\n";
As root I can copy files to /mnt/win without a problem, but when this script is launched by Postfix it fails with permission denied.
/etc/fstab looks like:
//srvr1/tmp /mnt/win cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=iso8859-1,sec=ntlm 0 0
ls -ld looks like:
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 196608 Jul 15 17:24 /mnt/win
Files produced by the script are nobody/nogroup, but I'm not sure how I change the permissions of /mnt/win to allow nobody/nogroup to read/write.
cmhod -R ugo+RW /mnt/win
Also gives permission denied. Is there a way to change permissions in /etc/fstab to allow nobody/nogroup?
You need to use this command to change the permissions of folder & files inside it.
sudo chmod -R R+X /mnt/win
If you want to change the user of the file as well which is nobody/nogroup rightnow, you can use this commands :
sudo chown -R username.username /mnt/win/
Here you can choose any user's name e.g. mine is mukesh
sudo chown -R mueksh.mukesh /mnt/win/

Problems with permissions for logrotate

I'm writing my own logrotate configuration for some web application:
/home/me/public_html/logs/*.log {
rotate 15
create 0660 me www-data
But running logrotate for these files results in:
$ sudo logrotate -d -v *.log
Ignoring logfile1.log because of bad file mode.
Ignoring logfile2.log because of bad file mode.
Ignoring otherlogfile.log because of bad file mode.
Handling 0 logs
$ ls -l
-rw-rw---- 1 me www-data 893584 Jan 27 16:01 logfile1.log
-rw-rw---- 1 me www-data 395011 Jan 27 16:01 logfile2.log
-rw-rw---- 1 me www-data 4949115 Jan 27 16:01 otherlogfile.log
Is this related to the file permissions of the actual logfiles in the directory of to the permissions specified with create 0660 me www-data?
If I change the filepermissions to -rw-r----- and the create line to
create 0640 me www-data
I get
$ sudo logrotate -d -v *.log
Ignoring logfile1.log because the file owner is wrong (should be root).
Ignoring logfile2.log because the file owner is wrong (should be root).
Ignoring otherlogfile.log because the file owner is wrong (should be root).
Handling 0 logs
My system is a debian testing/jessie.
Ok, stupid situation. The logrotate command has to be executed on the configuration file instead of the log file.
$ sudo logrotate -d -v /etc/logrotate.d/my-app
It seems to be important that the parent directory of the logfile is not world writable (------rw-) and not writable by any non root group (---rw----). Otherwise, you will see:
error: skipping "/home/me/public_html/logs/logfile1.log" because parent
directory has insecure permissions (It's world writable or writable by
group which is not "root") Set "su" directive in config file to tell
logrotate which user/group should be used for rotation.

Cannot remove file or Directory

I have root on the server in question.
OS: Solaris 10 sparc
When I ls the audit_old directory I get:
root#z10801 audit_old # ls
ls -al results in:
root#z10801 audit_old # ls -al
total 250658
drwxr-x--- 2 oraqm2 dba 128261632 Mar 6 21:55 .
drwxr-x--- 17 oraqm2 dba 512 Mar 6 20:55 ..
rm gives me:
root#z10801 audit_old # rm qm2_ora_24871_1c.aud.gz
qm2_ora_24871_1c.aud.gz: No such file or directory
rm -rf the dir gives me:
root#z10801 rdbms # rm -rf audit_old/
rm: Unable to remove directory audit_old/: File exists
Any help would be great!
This behavior may be due to a file currently open by a separate process.
Even though you have removed it, the file is not truly removed by the OS until the process closes the file.
Try to find out the process that has the file open by using:
$ fuser .
In the directory which has the problem.
This command will print the process Id's which have files currently in use.