Eclipse checkout SVN for JUnit testing - eclipse

Im using Eclipse Juno. I imported a SVN (Subversion) project. I am trying to unit test the java classes on a module. I am using Java Perspective.
build path library has Junit4.
I have this Problems:
When im adding a new JUnit test case, the textbox from "class under test" has an error of "class under test doesnt exist in current project". But I just right clicked the java class I want to be tested and add new JUnit Test Case.So basically the error showing up doesnt make any sense. Because the class under test exist.
Theres no "run as JUnit Test" in the existing Java Test Class imported from SVN.
if I right clicked the test class > run as > run config only ***Theres no Junit Test
Eclipse Setup is Default except this settings:
in Window> Preferences > Java> Installed JRE > Jdk 1.7
in Window> Preferences > Maven > Installtion > Maven 3.0.4 (External)
Please Help me, consider me as a newbie in Unit Testing and in SVN Projects. I dont have any idea what to do.
Can anyone teach me how to create a Junit Test Case from a test class of a SVN Project.
Can You also Instruct the proper Eclipse Settings. (Files and Instructions)
Thanks in advance.

Add JUnit to your buildpath and it will solve some or both of your problems. I just tested this on Indigo though I couldn't recreate your first issue.


class missing after Importing spring framework project in eclipse

I am new to spring framework and having basic knowledge of maven. I tried to import spring project in eclipse. (File - Import - Existing Maven Projects). I see that,
1) The project is not imported as java project. i.e. if I right click on project and see the properties, I dont see options such as Java build path, Java Compiler etc.
2) I am looking for one particular class in the project, but it is not there, although I can see that class from terminal. Therefore it very much exists in the project. So why cant I see it in Eclipse ? Why is it not imported with the project ?
Please note that I use Eclipse_Juno and I can compile the project with maven on terminal and in eclipse.
There are a couple of things that could have gone wrong. Hard to say what happened.
If the project you have imported builds on the command line (mvn clean install) then chances are good it is importable into an IDE with not much trouble once the settings are ok.
Make sure you have the m2e (maven 2 eclipse) plugin available. So eclipse can detect its a maven project. If you also use spring I would give the Spring Tool Suite (STS) a try:
If the project is not recognized as java - or the essential facets are not detected - I would try to figure out why. Maybe something in the preferences is not properly set up? (maven home, executables, sdk, ...)

Creating a Mule project in Eclipse

I have started working with Mule. I am working with Mule Studio. This looks good.
But when I want to create a Mule project in Eclipse I am struck.
Please suggest me how I can create a Mule project in Eclipse.
Option 1: With Mule IDE Plugin for Eclipse.
You can use the Mule IDE plugin from eclipse. This helps in creating the mule project in eclipse.
To add plugins please start eclipse and navigate to help->install new software -> Add site and select the artifacts presented
Add muleide (mule plugin) -
Then restart Eclipse after the plugin installation and You can create a Mule Project under the New Project option.
Option 2: Without Mule IDE. With Maven and Eclipse.
Open Command prompt.
Run the following Maven command to create a Mule project.
mvn -DartifactId=MySampleMuleProj -DmuleVersion=3.3.0
Then run the follwoing commands.
mvn clean compile
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
After this open Eclipse IDE
Import this project into the eclipse workspace.
Note: Use Import "Existing Maven Project" option for importing this project.
To run the Mule project in eclipse forllow the below steps.
1. Goto Run -> Run Configurations in eclipse and select Java Application.
2. Click on New launch configuration and enter name of the configuration(for ex. MyMuleProj).
3. Select MyMuleProj as a project and Main class "org.mule.MuleServer".
4. Click on Arguments tab and enter Program arguments "-config src/main/app/mule-config.xml".
You can see the Mule project up and Running.
:) Happy Learning.
You can import your existing project in eclipse or if you've a Maven project, create an Other project and select Maven-> Checkout Maven Projects from SCM or create a Java project. There are so many ways to do it.
I run my mule project in eclipse through MuleServer class and passing mule-config.xml as program argument.
Actually Mule Anypoint Studio is built on Eclipse. If you want to import any maven project, then do this : mvn clean compile
mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

JUnit4 plug-in and build path for junit.jar in Eclipse

I've got Eclipse (Helios) installed along with the JUnit3, JUnit4 and Java Development Tools plug-ins for some Android development.
I've created some unit tests but the only way they run (without throwing a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for org.junit.Test) is if I add an External JAR to the test project build path for junit.jar from the normal JUnit install I have.
Why isn't Eclipse able to reference the junit.jar from the JUnit4 plugin which I can see when I expand the library in Package Explorer? In fact I can remove the JUnit4 Library from the test project leaving just the External JAR and the tests run fine.
I tried adding the path to the plug-in folder to my CLASSPATH system environment variable as I had to setting up JUnit but this made no difference. The plugin path is created as a JUNIT_HOME Classpath Variable in Eclipse but this is labeled as deprecated.
Do I even need the JUnit3 and JUnit4 plugins as these must have come with the distro I used?
In any new project, the sure way I add the required Junit deps (with the exception of declaring them in maven) is through creating the test using the in-built Junit test shortcut.
Go to New > Junit Test Case. If the right deps are not on the project classpath, eclipse will pull them in automatically.

Unable to create new junit test case in helios

I'm currently using the Eclipse Helios IDK and have the newest JRE (1.6) installed. I have added both the 4.8 and 4.9 versions of the junit jar to the build path. However, whenever I right click>new there is not an option to create a junit test case like you would expect. Even after going to other>java and every other directory within other I couldn't find the option to create a test case. Do I need to get a plugin in order to initialize these .jar files?
Thanks for any help in advance!
By default (and in my Helios, too) JUnit Test Case should be available even if no JUnit jar is in your classpath. Eclipse then asks to add the JUnit jar to the classpath.
Try removing the jars and start the "New.." wizard again.

on save compile and deploy with maven eclipse and weblogic

I just started maven in general and m2eclipse in specific.
What I have been doing before is follow:
1)Deploy my application to tomcat.
2) make any changes to the java or jsp files.
3) save and run the application again ( no restart is neccessary unless I changed a config file).
now, everytime I make a minor change to my maven project in eclipse I have to do a "pre-clean install" to compile and deploy the application again and then restart weblogic 10 to view the changes.
Is there anyway ( or maybe I m not doing something right) that I when I modify a class or jsp file, the code will get compiled and deployed when I save the file like I was doing before with the eclipse default project builder and tomcat?
Also, When I checkout the maven project from SVN, Eclipes shows bunch of compiling errors due to some missing classes, but when I build the project using m2eclipse everything builds successfull. Why is eclipse not recognizing the classes??
I have looked at the following answer but I was not able to figure out the problem.
How do I start Maven "compile" goal on save in Eclipse?
now, everytime I make a minor change to my maven project in eclipse I have to do a "pre-clean install" to compile and deploy the application again and then restart weblogic 10 to view the changes.
You shouldn't have to do that. Are you using the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse (OEPE) (available from the market place or from an update site) and the WTP?
Is there anyway ( or maybe I m not doing something right) that I when I modify a class or jsp file, the code will get compiled and deployed when I save the file like I was doing before with the eclipse default project builder and tomcat?
See above.
Also, When I checkout the maven project from SVN, Eclipes shows bunch of compiling errors due to some missing classes, but when I build the project using m2eclipse everything builds successful. Why is eclipse not recognizing the classes??
Try the following: right-click on the project then Maven > Update Project Configuration.