KineticJS - release outside event - mouse

is there a way to detect if the release of the mouse is on the object itself? Something like an onReleaseOutside event in flash?


Replace Object while it grabbed in oculus SDK Unity

When Grab one object, replace object after some process or task (or after sometime) complete, Grabbed object is disable and other object is come to that place but it can't be grabbed after enable.
I need disablling one object and enable second both are grab in hand or controller (I integrate Oculus SDK).

How is Unity's ExecuteEvents.Execute supposed to be used?

I'm just starting with Unity and got pretty excited when I saw that the Event System existed, and I could create custom events. The event I need is 'IInventoryMessage::NewItemInInventory', so I went ahead and created the interface for that, set it up on my Inventory.
Then it came time to trigger the event, and the documentation threw me a little.
ExecuteEvents.Execute<IInventoryMessage>(target, null, (x,y)=>x.NewItemInInventory());
My confusion is that it seems to be passing in the target.
My hope was the Unity would keep track of all the components with the message's interface and call that when it was executed. But it seems I have to pass in the GameObject myself.
Is it the case that I'm supposed to keep a list of all the GameObjects I want to receive the message, and the loop over them to pass them into Execute? Why do I need the EventSystem at that point, if I'm already looping over the objects I know need to be called?
I use ExecuteEvents only inside my custom input system where the target it's always known and up to date (according to the pointer raycast). Whenever I want to send a message or trigger an action when something happened, I use the standard C# events, as BugFinder said.

Detect Touchpad event in C++ Builder

I am writing an API in C++ Builder that collects information for events on the touchpad of a windows laptop.
This is how I was doing it.
I was creating a window
when the touch pad is touched, I simply paint that information on that window in WM_PAINT event.
But now I dont want to create that window (form), i want to catch all the events, even if user is on desktop screen or on another application's window. If an application that is using my API is running in background i want to be able to get that touch even information in the code. How can I do that??
I hope you are getting my point ... actually i want to do it in a seamless way, otherwise that white form window will irritate the user.
I also want to save these events in a link list and want to return that out of the API is it possible??
I will be very thankful for your time. I really need to work it out in next few hours.
The touchpad is just a mouse like any other. It generates standard mouse events. Use a global WH_MOUSE hook via SetWindowsHookEx() to capture mouse events globally. To replay them, use mouse_event(). Alternatively, use WH_JOURNALRECORD and WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK hooks instead for capture and playback, respectively.

iPhone UIControlEvent when touches have ended

I have a volume slider in my application that I'd like to have a sound effect play when the user changes the value. The standard valueChanged event works well here, and I'd like to use it in conjunction with a touches ended signal to trigger the sound at the end. Is there a control event here that I'm missing that would run my method when the touches finish? It doesn't seem like there is a UIControlEventTouchesEnded...
Some code samples would help, but I guess you're looking for UIControlEventTouchUpInside. I'm not sure, if it works with a slider.
One possibility would be to set the slider's continuous to NO. Now it emits just one valueChanged event, namely when the user is all finished - just what you want to know.

Flash cs5 iOS holding down?

Hey, I was wondering if there was an event or something that can check if my user is holding down a button? (for iphone, iOS)
The Event class is TouchEvent. You'll need to toggle the touch state in a variable if you want to keep the fact someone is pressing down after the fact (of the event).
You can use MouseEvent if you need/desire a single touch point. Though you still need the variable.
You need to set Multitouch.inputMode to MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT in order to turn on touch events on the iPhone. Unfortunately, you can only test touch/gesture events on the iPhone itself. (MouseEvent and TouchEvent are virtually identical in use: MOUSE_DOWN = TOUCH_BEGIN, MOUSE_MOVE = TOUCH_MOVE, TOUCH_END = MOUSE_UP. The main difference is that you can only have one "mouse" yet multiple touches.)
Personally, I use MouseEvent to test on the machine, with an if-then setting up TouchEvent listeners if Multitouch.supportsTouchEvents is true (which it only is on the iPhone/Android).
If the button is a Cocoa Touch UIButton, you can easily connect a number of its gesture events from Interface builder to code Xcode IBActions (where you write the appropriate methods).
How your project would connect to flash, I am not sure. Give us more details and perhaps someone can better help. ;)