Give Link to Toast Notification in windows 8 application - microsoft-metro

I am developing an app for windows 8 , in which I want the toast to have link to any webpage or any other metro application rather than the own application.
note:The web link or App Name will be entered by the user.

This isn't supported. Toasts can only take the user to the application that sent the toast. See below.
From MSDN:
A toast notification can contain text and/or images, but secondary
actions such as buttons are not supported.
When a user taps or clicks the notification, the associated app is
launched and the user can expect that the resulting view is related to
the content of the notification. It is the only mechanism by which one
app can interrupt a user in another app.

You can also try this :
create a new xaml page with WebBrowser element and use following code to easily navigate to webpage.
Here On clicking the shell Toast it is navigated to the specific page inside your app specified in the url.
It's just a workaround it's not great but will partially accomplish your task.
Thanks .


Auto Login using flutter when using FirebaseAuth

I want to auto-login every time the app starts, I am using FirebaseAuth, so my userid is auto-fetched, but it goes to the registration page directly, I want to check if the user exists or not if it exists, move it to the home screen else to the registration page.
I know what to do, but where to check this and so navigation?
What you're looking for is what we usually call a Splashscreen.
That's the screen you usually see on huge app's startup, with a loader.
On this screen, you can do all the stuff that is required for your app to run correctly :
Preload your images.
Load some datas from an API
Check the user's state
That's the good place to choose to redirect your user toward the most appropriate screen

Is it possible to hide or remove a breadcrumb URL in the status bar?

For universal links, there are two breadcrumbs: one for going back to the app containing the original link and the other sending the user to the unviversal URL in safari. Is there anyway to hide the forwarding breadcrumb so the user doesn't have the option to click it? The problem i'm facing is, once they hit that URL, when using another universal link in the future, it automatically sends the user to the app store rather than the app itself, despite the app being installed.

codename one. How to share a link to your app.

What I want to achieve here is similar to what most apps do, specifically like Youtube. If I share a video on youtube the user gets a link to the video. When the link is clicked the user is automatically taken to the video in the Youtube app (if the user has the app). I want that sort of functionality. My app has different stores on it and information about the store. I want the user to be able to "Share" a store via Whatsapp, sms etc so then when the receiver clicks on the shared link they are automatically taken to that specific store's page INSIDE my app. And if they do not have the app the link must take them to my app's page in the app store to allow them to download it. How do I achieve this in codename one. I looked at the share functionality in the developer doc and the How To section and that only shows me how to share text or images. Not a link to my app.
You can use the ShareButton or it's underlying native share API call (notice this behaves differently on devices as this relies on native functionality).
To share one URL that works on all platforms you need server side code as we have no way of knowing if the guy who will click the link has the same device as you have.
How to make QR code for BOTH Android Market and App Store answers that although it discusses QR codes this is applicable to links as well e.g. looks like it could solve that although I haven't tried their service.
The correct answer to this question was actually URL intercepting. You share a url from your app to an external application. When the user opens that lick in an external application the user is automatically taken to your app if your app intercepts it.

How to relaunch an app like facebook-ios-sdk does?

I am actively looking in the source code on Github's facebook-ios-sdk project myself but I was wondering if anyone already knows how to relaunch an app that sent an iPhone user to Safari, such that the user can come back after some work has been finished?
When using facebook to login, the original app is relaunched after the facebook login page has authenticated the user.
I would like to be able to do the same for youtube videos without having to completely lose the user. I don't want to use the standard webview approach because I don't want to provide extra space to first let the video load for the user and then have the user click the play button. I want to skip the play button and its associated click entirely! Instead I want the user to be able to click on just an everyday regular iPhone button and be shown the video with the navigation for coming back to the app via relaunch.
You need your app to register a "custom URL scheme". Then get the callback in the remote web service to return a URL with that scheme. iOS will then launch your application.
More (somewhat old) info available here.
A list of common custom URL schems on iOS can be found here.
Generally, as part of the OAuth login process, you supply a callback URL as one of the paramaters. What this does, is tell the remote server (YouTube), that on successful authentication, redirect the user to the supplied URL. If YouTube supports this (does it support OAuth?) then on successful user login within safari, youtube will tell users safari to redirect to the supplied url. If this url is a "custom URL scheme" it will cause your app to relaunch and you can handle the situation from there.

Can an application be rejected if on 1st launch user is asked to Activate app via Safari?

possibly a simple question, but I couldn't find definitive answer (see below for excerpt from HIG) myself that would state below scenario as 'unacceptable' and will result in app being rejected:
On 1st application launch after installation user will see an alert
asking to activate the app.
Tapping "Activate" will open Safari and display a web page with
"Activate" button.
Tapping it will launch my app via URL-scheme, pass some server
generated data and allow user to enter main UI.
The application will be locked until user activates.
If you need more context on why and how, please see this answer.
Mobile HIG (as of 2011-10-12):
"If possible, avoid requiring users to indicate their agreement to your EULA when they first start your application. Without an agreement displayed, users can enjoy your application without delay. However, even though this is the preferred user experience, it might not be feasible in all cases. If you must display a license agreement within your application, do so in a way that harmonizes with your user interface and causes the least inconvenience to users."
Well there's similar cases where an app is almost useless until the user registers to some service, take Instagram as an example.
I'd suggest however that you solve this by not forcing the user to leave your app. Instead, present the user with a web view within your app where you politely describe why it is necessary for the user to go through the activation process.
We've done something similar before (EULA presented modally within a web view on first launch, which could only be dismissed by accepting it) and it was approved right away.