store and fetch bold/italic font from sqlite database - iphone

I tried by make Excel file & import as a csv file in sqlite. But it shows me in normal font rather than bold or italic font.
In my app, I uses the sqlite database and fetches data from it. I want to display some text in italic font,How can i do that??
Does Sqlite supports Italic?

yOu should store data with rules, as in case html we store it as <b>topic/b><i>this is topic</i> i mean by adding proper tagging before save.
I am not share about ios or xcode how but you should add some extra information to text before saving the text.

When you read bold text, you are interpreting a "strong" meaning. This strong meaning can be emphasized in a number of different ways (for instance, all caps: BOLD). Your text shouldn't contain information about how the information is presented (style), but it SHOULD contain information about the meaning (structure). Keeping these two separate gives you more flexibility to change how the text is presented if, say, you wanted to change your website template or application design. You could choose to display strong text as bold, all caps, all caps and underlined, etc. on a whim.
I recommend some subset of HTML, as it is structural by nature and very widely used. In HTML, the bold tag exists (<b>; however, it is stylistic, so the <strong> tag is recommended to encode the strong meaning instead).
Databases don't support encoding; however, you can encode the text yourself before sticking it in the database. Here is an example of an HTML-encoded string:
<p><strong>An HTML-encoded string</strong> inside a paragraph.</p>
When you extract it, you could choose to represent the strong text as bold:
An HTML-encoded string inside a paragraph.
Or as CAPS:
AN HTML-ENCODED STRING inside a paragraph.
Or even italic caps:
AN HTML-ENCODED STRING inside a paragraph.
There are many other ways to encode structure, including Mark Down (I believe that's what StackOverflow uses).

where you want to display it? in some label , textfiled or some other? change font type there where you want to display it
For example if you want to display it in UILable
then change the font type of UILabel
[<lblname> setFont:[UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:<whatever_you_want>]];
It's your bad logic to fetch bold text from database.
Enjoy Programming


Where can I get a Font-family to language pair map for Microsoft Word

I am programmatically generating a MSWord 2011 bilingual file(contains text from 2 languages) using docx4j. My plan is to set the font-family of text based on the language in the text. eg: When I have a Latin and Indian language passed, all text containing English will have 'Times New Roman' and Hindi as 'Devanagari' as their font type.
MS Word documentation doesn't have any information on this. Any help to find a list of all prominent languages MS-Word supports and their corresponding Font-Families appreciated.
The starting point is the rFonts element.
As it says:
This element specifies the fonts which shall be used to display the
text contents of this run. Within a single run, there may be up to
four types of content present which shall each be allowed to use a
unique font:
• High ANSI
• Complex Script
• East Asian
The use of each of these fonts shall be determined by the Unicode
character values of the run content, unless manually overridden via
use of the cs element
For further commentary and the actual algorithm used by docx4j (in its PDF output), which aims to mimic Word, see RunFontSelector
To simplify a bit, you need to work out which of the 4 attributes Word would use for your Hindi (from its Unicode character values), then set that attribute to the font you want.
You can set the attribute to an actual font name, or use a theme reference (see the RunFontSelector code for how that works).
If I were you, I'd create a docx in Word which is set up as you like, then look at its underlying XML. If it uses theme references in the font attributes, you can either use the docx you created as a template for your docx4j work, or you can manually 'resolve' the references and replace them with the actual font names.
If you want to programmatically reproduce what Word has created for you, you can upload your docx to the docx4j webapp to generate suitable code.
Finally, note that the fonts need to be available on the computer opening the docx. (Unless the fonts are embedded in the docx) If they aren't, another font may be substituted.

Copy formatted text to clipboard

A simple html page has FORMATTED text - not fancy - line breaks, and italic.
I want to have a button that takes this formatted text, and copies it to the clipboard, formatted (it is planned to be pasted into some LibreOffice document later).
Couldn't find how to do it.
I tried ZeroClipboard, and a suggestion to parse the text, replacing ""-s to "\r\n". That indeed does the trick for line breaks, but what about italic?... Any means to get this functionality?...
When you create an italic tag the responsible for formatting the document and showing the text properly is the browser. If you want to copy the text you should get the text already parse and render by the browser or parse yourself the text like you did with break lines. For italics when you find a ... tag you must create the adequate text. That is, text in italics, but that depends on the language you are using, but i'm sure it can be done.
Turns out that ZeroClipboard had this functionality (of rendering the HTML text upon paste), but have disabled it.
However, the version that supports it can be found at:
You may find that in this version, creating the client, binding the flash to a component, and handling the events are rather different than the documentation of current version of ZeroClipboard (

Missing character in custom font

We are using iTextSharp to create PDF's using a custom font and I am running into an issue with the unicode character 2120 (SM, Service Mark). The problem is the glyph is not in the custom font. Is there a way I can specify a fallback font for a field in a PDF? We tried adding a text field with Verdana so that the form had the secondary font embedded in it but that didn't seem to help.
First you need to find a font (ttf, otf,...) that has the character you need. Then you can use the FontSelector class and add the different fonts you want to use to this selector (see the FontSelectionExample). Now you can process every string:
FontSelector selector = new FontSelector();
Phrase ph = selector.process(some_string);
The FontSelector will return a phrase that consists of Chunks with font f1 for all the glyphs that are available in the first font, and Chunks with font f2 for the glyphs that couldn't be font in f1, but that are present in f2.
If you want the C# port of this example, please consult chapter 11.
Using a FontSelector also works in the context of forms (as long as we're talking about AcroForm technology). It's really easy: you just need to add substitutions fonts to the form:
AcroFields form = stamper.getAcroFields();
Now the font defined in the form has preference, but if that font can't show a specific glyph, it will look at bf1, then at bf2 and so on. You can find an example demonstrating this functionality here.
Note that there's a difference between the first and the second example. In the first example we use a Font object, in the second, we use a BaseFont object.

What does it mean for a CTLine to have "string access"?

I'm trying to solve a hairy problem with UILabel, and I've gotten most of it figured out, except for one thing: I'm having a challenge understanding what it means for a CTLine to have "string access".
The method that I'd like to use is CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex. Here's a link to the documentation for the method.
Here's the part of the documentation that I don't understand (emphasis is mine):
The primary offset along the baseline for charIndex, or 0.0 if the
line does not support string access.
When I'm running this method, I'm getting 0.0 back, so I guess that means the line doesn't support string access - but what does that mean, exactly?
The statement "the line does not support string access" may be inferred as meaning that the line of text may not be treated as a sequence of characters that may be accessed by the index of each character.
This may open up a large discussion about visual characters versus non-visual characters, and glyphs versus characters. But to simplify the discussion, assume that a line of text may have one of the following states:
more than zero characters (characters which translate to either glyphs or whitespace within the same line) are present in the line of text in question
there are no characters in the line of text which occupy any "space"
Now to provide some rationale for this inference.
Apple's documentation provides a description of Text Kit, upon which UILabel is built:
The UIKit framework includes several classes whose purpose is to display text in an app’s user interface: UITextView, UITextField, and UILabel, as described in Displaying Text Content in iOS. Text views, created from the UITextView class, are meant to display large amounts of text. Underlying UITextView is a powerful layout engine called Text Kit. If you need to customize the layout process or you need to intervene in that behavior, you can use Text Kit. For smaller amounts of text and special needs requiring custom solutions, you can use alternative, lower-level technologies, as described in Lower Level Text-Handling Technologies.
Text Kit is a set of classes and protocols in the UIKit framework providing high-quality typographical services that enable apps to store, lay out, and display text with all the characteristics of fine typesetting, such as kerning, ligatures, line breaking, and justification. Text Kit is built on top of Core Text, so it provides the same speed and power. UITextView is fully integrated with Text Kit; it provides editing and display capabilities that enable users to input text, specify formatting attributes, and view the results. The other Text Kit classes provide text storage and layout capabilities. Figure 8-1 shows the position of Text Kit among other iOS text and graphics frameworks.
Figure 8-1 Text Kit Framework Position
Text Kit gives you complete control over text rendering in user interface elements. In addition to UITextView, UITextField and UILabel are built on top of Text Kit, and it seamlessly integrates with animations, UICollectionView and UITableView. Text Kit is designed with a fully extensible object-oriented architecture that supports subclassing, delegation, and a thorough set of notifications enabling deep customization.
The answer to the related question mentions several classes such as NSTextStorage, NSLayoutManager, and NSTextContainer.
Consider that the UILabel uses all the above classes to provide the end result of displaying text in the parent UIView, which the end user sees on the screen. A layout manager (an instance of NSLayoutManager) coordinates data flow between the text view, the text container, and the text storage, resulting in the display of characters in the view. The layout manager maps the characters to glyphs, and figures out which lines to use to lay out the glyphs. The layout manager also figures out how to display things like underline and strikethrough, which are not part of the glyphs.
Important to this discussion is the fact that the Layout Manager lays out lines of text. If that line of text is selectable, the user may select visible characters in the line. In this particular case, there is "string access" for the line.
A similar concept is the method posted in the solution to related question:
func boundingRect(forGlyphRange glyphRange: NSRange, in container: NSTextContainer) -> CGRect
Returns a single bounding rectangle (in container coordinates) enclosing all glyphs and other marks drawn in the given text container for the given glyph range, including glyphs that draw outside their line fragment rectangles and text attributes such as underlining.
Finally, the reference discussion for the function CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex speaks about graphical offsets which are suitable for drawing custom carets. The carets may be used to show insertion points or text selection. The primary and secondary offsets may be thought of as beginning and end indices for a string -- a sequence of characters. If there is no sequence of characters for a given line, there can be no selected characters, no carets, no range of glyphs. Therefore no "string access".

Where to get a reference image for any unicode code point?

I am looking for an online service (or collection of images) that can return an image for any unicode code point. does not have an image for each one, consider for example
EDIT: I need to use these images programmatically, so the code chart PDFs provided at are not useful.
The images in the PDF are copyrighted, so there are legal issues around extracting them. (I am not a lawyer.) I suspect that those legal issues prevent a simple solution from being provided, unless someone wants to go to the trouble of drawing all of those images. It might happen, but seems unlikely.
Your best bet is to download a selection of fonts that collectively cover the entire range of characters, and display the characters using those fonts. There are two difficulties with this approach: combining characters and invisible characters.
The combining characters can easily be detected from the Unicode database, and you can supply a base character (such as NBSP) to use for displaying them. (There is a special code point intended for this purpose, but I can't find it at the moment.)
Invisible characters could be displayed with a dotted square box containing the abbreviation for the character. Those you may have to locate manually and construct the necessary abbreviations. I am not aware of any shortcuts for that.