Android Camera Consumes airtime - android-camera

When I use my android phone after a while I find out that the camera has consumed a lot of data. If I forcestop the camera, it doesnt stop consuming. How can I stop my camera from consuming so much of the airtime by downloading many MB of data and why is that happening?

You probably see gallery synchronisation with picasa web albums. Try to turn off sync in Gallery app and maybe also in google+ app.


Stream / play Movies (Lot's of GB) in flutter offline?

I want to make an offline app which will be installed on android smart tv, there the idea is to stream movies offline (the movies will require lots of storage).
Can anyone provide an approach or a solution to this?
I could store the movies on assets but it will be really big, one solution I was thinking was with external HDD, is there a way maybe to get / read the video from external HDD and stream it offline inside the installed app on tv?
Any other approaches will be acceptable.
Thank you!

Youtube caching on Chrome app

Does anyone knows a solution to cache YouTube videos on a chrome app ?
I know there are ways to write data and access it later, but i can't find a way to do it with Youtube.
I'm aiming at be able to display those videos Offline or just to consume a small amount of bandwidth.
Thanks in advance.

Detect video is going to be played in UIWebView

I want something similar to this:
I want to detect there is any video in web page and want to download that stream into iphone device.
In console media players tells that it is setting the movie path to some URL. There must be a way to download stream and save in local device.
P.S: I know how to download a video file. I want it using online streaming or from sites which does not provide a download link.
P.S++: Video download from HTML + UIWebView is not helpful.
The post is old but it might be worth to clear this
Those apps are probably using undocumented API. Apple doesn't accept private API when apps are submitted to the app store, however they might not be looking for usage of undocumented notifications
You can find more information in here and here
Those apps show you the download button after you click video, and after the video starts. So probably they are listening for media playback notifications and get the url from MPMoviePlayer instance.
By the way, apple doesn't allow apps that download videos from youtube. There might be some apps on the app store that does that, but I recently got rejected because of this. It might not be worth the hassle, as most big video streaming websites don't want people downloading their videos and work hard to make sure that they don't.

iOS streaming camera feed to another device

Has anyone tried to streaming the camera feed of one iOS device to another device? So for example a iPhone camera feed to a iPad 1. I guess you could keep taking pictures and sending over Bluetooth but that would probably work very badly.
The ideal solution would be to stream video and location over to one device via wifi and be able to send data back.
Check out this project I hope this helps.

iPhone MP3 Streaming alternative to Segmenting

I have run into a bit of a problem. I built an iPhone app that streams my podcasts via the MPMoviePlayerController. Apple will not approve it because it can use too much bandwidth over the Carrier Network. So their workaround is to use a Stream Segmenter. I am unable to install a stream segmenter on my server. Are their ANY other solutions people have come up with that can help me stream my podcast to iPhone devices? Even if I have to make it a Web Application as opposed to a native application.
You could use a simple service like to create iphone segmented ondemand versions of your files for multi bitrate adaptive playback. You could also provide a high and low quality and only display the high when the reachability class shows that your using wifi. I had to do the second option to get one of my apps to pass approval. Hope this helps!
Well if you don't want a native app, I think you can just put a video link on a webpage and when the user clicks it Quicktime will take over and play the file. It will play the file as it downloads it.
I don't have any experience streaming large files over the iPhone, so I can't help guide you on alternatives and keeping it a native app.