Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework - iphone

Its showing up with no graphics because of this, and this just happened. Everything was working fine until this new update came out. I created a new project to test if I messed up the original one, but still same problem. I also repeated the steps but I keep finding the source of the problem to be in the actual Map view in the objects folder for you to add to the storyboard. It does not seem to be in the Mapkits framework, but I may be wrong.
This seems because of the switch for apple, now that they dont have google supporting their maps, and I can not find a single thing online about the solution to this.
I just want to display a mapview and show two points with directions. Is there a way to do this with the new apple update?


In-app tutorial

Im looking at adding a tutorial kind of thing to my app. Basically I want to be able to give a quick message across of what the parts in the app do. I want the users to see it once and not again. I have searched relentlessly for this but I always found app building tutorials.
A lot of games have what I want but I cannot for the life of me find how to do it or, what it is called to find a tutorial. Could someone please help me out.
Thanks in advance,
You'll need to build it yourself.
What I usually do is, on top of the view i want to explain, add a semi transparent view with some arrows pointing at stuff and a small text/button explaining it. All of that has to be modal and you can save in the NSUserDefaults if the user has already seen it/skipped it/launched the app for the first time. You'd have a method that builds all those views and you simply call it in viewDidLoad (by checking against a simple boolean value store in those previously mentioned NSUserDefaults, for example)

Problems with presenting views in Xcode

I hope you can help me with my actual problems with designing an iPhone-App in the latest xCode version.
Here´s what I find a bit strange:
I designed a new project with a Storyboard and a Navigation Controller. Then I placed Objects like UILabels, ImageViews and so on. No when I run the Project in the simulator (as well on the iPhone) I noticed the following: When the App loads all the in the View placed objects fall down from the top to take their defined place. It takes maybe the quarter of a second, but its clearly to see. It also happens on all other views initiated from the root view controller
So, what do I have to change that everything is at it´s fixed place without to fall down from the top at the start of the app?
I hope I described it good enough. Actually I have no idea what´s going on there. I hope you can help me to fix this "problem". I´ve written some small Apps before, but I´ve never noticed a behavior like this.
Got the solution: I´ve had to remove the animations on the main view... now it works proper! :-)

Couldn't find default.styleproto in framework. iOS 6.0 on 4.5

Its showing up with no graphics because of this, and this just happened. Everything was working fine until this new update came out. I created a new project to test if I messed up the original one, but still same problem. I also repeated the steps but I keep finding the source of the problem to be in the actual Map view in the objects folder for you to add to the storyboard. It does not seem to be in the Mapkits framework, but I may be wrong.
I just ran up against the same problem. It appears to be a problem with setting the mapType property of a MKMapView. In my code I commented out this set and everything ran fine.

Custom iOS Controller for multiple collections

I'm still fairly new to the iOS development scene, so I'm not totally sure where to look for open source controls, etc. The app I want to build will have multiple collections in it. I'd love to have a view where I can swipe up and down to browse between collections, and then swipe left and right to scroll though that particular collection -- all on one screen.
The app I've seen that basically resembles this is the "Popular" screen on the Mobli app for iOS.
I'd be grateful if anyone has seen something similar already built that I could base it on instead of trying to program a new view from scratch w/ my still limited knowledge.
The ScrollView sample project from apple does this, you might want to to take a look at it.
As for reusable components, those are few and far between. It's difficult to protect a XIB in an external library, and beginning developers tend to have trouble getting static libraries to work in their project anyway. Github is where I look for OSS code I can use.

How to make UITableView work within TTScrollView?

I'm solving a problem how to make tableviews work within three20's TTScrollView. I have a project which I want to rebuild using three20 library. There is one module which allows user to flip through set of "pages", which contains table showing some list of data.
My problem is that when I rebuilt this module to use three20's TTScrollView, tableviews inside the scrollview do not work anymore. In particular, it cannot be scrolled and cannot select an item, because all touches are intercepted by the scrollview. I'm getting mad about this and cannot figure out how to make it work.
I'm able to make work either tableview or scrollview but not both (means tableview intercepts vertical dragging, while scrollview horizontal). It worked fine with UIKit's UIScrollview, so there must be a way how to do this, but simply cannot figure out how.
Please help, I'm struggling with it yet couple of days now, but cannot get over.
thanks much for any hint.
Unfortunately not many people here at SO help out much with three20 questions for whatever reason. You may have better luck asking the three20 google group (search for that on google).
First guess though without trying it myself: try using three20's built in table items such as TTTableTextItem or TTTableImageItem certain scenarios with three20, he has built in code to ignore everything you write except for his own built in controls (which might be the case here, not sure).
You can see examples of how he creates tables with this code in the TTCatalog example app that you can find via