Specs2: Use a Hamcrest matcher - scala

I have a wide array of Hamcrest matchers for my domain objects written in Java.
I'm now moving to Scala and would like to reuse these existing matchers in the context of specs2 tests.
Given a Hamcrest matcher for class Foo:
public class FooMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher[Foo] {
I'd like to be able to use it thus:
val myFooMatcher = new FooMatcher(...)
foo must match (myFooMatcher)
foos must contain (myFooMatcher1, myFooMatcher2)
And so on.
Specs2 seems to have the opposite, an adapter of its Matcher[T] trait to org.hamcrest.Matcher, but I'm looking for the other way around.
Any ideas?

You need to add one implicit conversion for this to work:
import org.hamcrest._
import org.specs2.matcher.MustMatchers._
implicit def asSpecs2Matcher[T](hamcrest: org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher[T]):
org.specs2.matcher.Matcher[T] = {
def koMessage(a: Any) = {
val description = new StringDescription
(t: T) => (hamcrest.matches(t), koMessage(t))
Let's see it in action:
case class Foo(isOk: Boolean = true)
// a Hamcrest matcher for Foo elements
class FooMatcher extends TypeSafeMatcher[Foo] {
def matchesSafely(item: Foo): Boolean = item.isOk
def describeTo(description: Description) = description.appendText(" is ko")
// an instance of that matcher
def beMatchingFoo = new FooMatcher
// this returns a success
Foo() must beMatchingFoo
// this returns a failure
Foo(isOk = false) must beMatchingFoo
// this is a way to test that some elements in a collection have
// the desired property
Seq(Foo()) must have oneElementLike { case i => i must beMatchingFoo }
// if you have several matchers you want to try out
Seq(Foo()) must have oneElementLike { case i =>
i must beMatchingFoo and beMatchingBar


How can I override a class' method in a Scala 3 compiler plugin?

I want to auto-generate an overriden method in a compiler plugin (Scala 3) for a class like:
trait SpecialSerialize {
def toJson(sb: StringBuilder, c:SJConfig): Unit = {println("wrong")}
case class Person(name:String, age:Int) extends SpecialSerialize
The plugin would generate:
case class Person(name:String, age:Int) extends SpecialSerialize {
override def toJson(sb: StringBuilder, c:SJConfig): Unit = ... // code here
I have a phase:
class ReflectionWorkerPhase extends PluginPhase {
import tpd._
val phaseName = "reflectionWorker"
override val runsAfter = Set(Pickler.name)
override def transformTypeDef(tree: TypeDef)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
if tree.isClassDef && !tree.rhs.symbol.isStatic then // only look at classes
// 0. Get a FreshContext so we can set the tree to this tree. (for '{} later)
implicit val fresh = ctx.fresh
implicit val quotes:Quotes = QuotesImpl.apply() // picks up fresh
import quotes.reflect.*
// 1. Set up method symbol, define parameters and return type
val toJsonSymbol = Symbol.newMethod(
List("sb","config"))( // parameter list
_ => List( // types of the parameters
_ => TypeRepr.typeConstructorOf(classOf[Unit]) // return type
Flags.Override, // Note override here
// 2. Get our class' Symbol for ownership reassignment
val classDef = tree.asInstanceOf[ClassDef]
val classSymbol = classDef.symbol
// 3. Define our method definition (DefDef) using our method symbol defined above
val toJsonMethodDef = DefDef(
case List(List(sb: Term, config: Term)) =>
given Quotes = toJsonSymbol.asQuotes
// Multiple quotes here intentional...
// Real code will generate a list of quoted statements
'{ println("Hello") },
'{ println("World") }
// 4. Add toJsonMethodDef to tree and return
val cd = ClassDef.copy(classDef)(
name = classDef.name,
constr = classDef.constructor,
parents = classDef.parents,
selfOpt = classDef.self,
body = toJsonMethodDef +: classDef.body
When I use the plugin on a sample Person class, I get this error on compile:
Exception in thread "sbt-bg-threads-1" java.lang.ClassFormatError: Duplicate method name "toJson" with signature "(Lscala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder;Lco.blocke.scala_reflection.SJConfig;)V" in class file com/foo/Person
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:1013)
at java.base/java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:150)
at java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:524)
at java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:427)
at java.base/java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:421)
at java.base/java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(AccessController.java:712)
So something in the other compile phases failed to recognize my generated method as being an override and tried to copy in the "master" method from the trait, and of course the JVM lost its mind at runtime, finding 2 copies of toJson with the same signature.
How can I fix this so my generated method is recognized as a valid override such that a 2nd toJson method won't be generated in a later phase?

Determine if the field of a case class is a case class

I'm trying to figure out if a member field in any given case class is also a case class. Taken from this answer, given an instance or an object, I can pass it along and determine if it's a case class:
def isCaseClass(v: Any): Boolean = {
import reflect.runtime.universe._
val typeMirror = runtimeMirror(v.getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirror = typeMirror.reflect(v)
val symbol = instanceMirror.symbol
However, what I'd like, is to take a case class, extract all of its member fields, and find out which ones are case classes themselves. Something in this manner:
def innerCaseClasses[A](parentCaseClass:A): List[Class[_]] = {
val nestedCaseClasses = ListBuffer[Class[_]]()
val fields = parentCaseClass.getClass.getDeclaredFields
fields.foreach(field => {
if (??? /*field is case class */ ) {
nestedCaseClasses += field.getType
I thought maybe I could extract the fields, their classes, and use reflection to instantiate a new instance of that member field as its own class. I'm not 100% how to do that, and it seems like perhaps there's an easier way. Is there?
Ah! I've figured it out (simplified the function which tells the determination):
import reflect.runtime.universe._
case class MyThing(str:String, num:Int)
case class WithMyThing(name:String, aThing:MyThing)
val childThing = MyThing("Neat" , 293923)
val parentCaseClass = WithMyThing("Nate", childThing)
def isCaseClass(v: Any): Boolean = {
val typeMirror = runtimeMirror(v.getClass.getClassLoader)
val instanceMirror = typeMirror.reflect(v)
val symbol = instanceMirror.symbol
def innerCaseClasses[A](parentCaseClass:A): Unit = {
val fields = parentCaseClass.asInstanceOf[Product].productIterator
fields.foreach(field => {
println(s"Field: ${field.getClass.getSimpleName} isCaseClass? " + isCaseClass(field))
Field: String isCaseClass? false
Field: MyThing isCaseClass? true

spray-json Cannot find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class for Class

I still get the same error, I have defined the marshaller (and imported it); it appears that the case class entry is not in context when the function is polymorphic. and this throws a Cannot find JsonWriter or JsonFormat type class for Case Class. Is there a reason why spray-json can not find the implicit marshaller for the case class, (even when defined) is this case class in context? Link to marshaller
import spray.json._
import queue.MedusaJsonProtocol._
object MysqlDb {
case class UserDbEntry(
id: Int,
username: String,
countryId: Int,
created: LocalDateTime
trait MysqlDb {
implicit lazy val pool = MysqlDb.pool
trait HydraMapperT extends MysqlDb {
val FetchAllSql: String
def fetchAll(currentDate: String): Future[List[HydraDbRow]]
def getJson[T](row: T): String
object UserHydraDbMapper extends HydraMapperT {
override val FetchAllSql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE created >= ?"
override def fetchAll(currentDate: String): Future[List[UserDbEntry]] = {
pool.sendPreparedStatement(FetchAllSql, Array(currentDate)).map { queryResult =>
queryResult.rows match {
case Some(rows) =>
rows.toList map (x => rowToModel(x))
case None => List()
override def getJson[UserDbEntry](row: UserDbEntry): String = {
tableType = HydraTableName.UserTable,
payload = row.toJson.toString()
private def rowToModel(row: RowData): UserDbEntry = {
UserDbEntry (
id = row("id").asInstanceOf[Int],
username = row("username").asInstanceOf[String],
countryId = row("country_id").asInstanceOf[Int],
created = row("created").asInstanceOf[LocalDateTime]
payload = row.toJson.toString() Can't find marshaller for UserDbEntry
You have defined UserDbEntry locally and there is no JSON marshaller for that type. Add the following:
implicit val userDbEntryFormat = Json.format[UserDbEntry]
I'm not sure how you can call row.toJson given UserDbEntry is a local case class. There must be a macro in there somewhere, but it's fairly clear that it's not in scope for the local UserDbEntry.
Now that I see your Gist, it looks like you have a package dependency problem. As designed, it'll be circular. You have defined the JSON marshaller in package com.at.medusa.core.queue, which imports UserDbEntry, which depends on package com.at.medusa.core.queue for marshalling.

Scala Reflection Conundrum: Can you explain these weird results?

I wrote some Scala code, using reflection, that returns all vals in an object that are of a certain type. Below are three versions of this code. One of them works but is ugly. Two attempts to improve it don't work, in very different ways. Can you explain why?
First, the code:
import scala.reflect.runtime._
import scala.util.Try
trait ScopeBase[T] {
// this version tries to generalize the type. The only difference
// from the working version is [T] instead of [String]
def enumerateBase[S: universe.TypeTag]: Seq[T] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
universe.typeOf[S].decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[T])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
trait ScopeString extends ScopeBase[String] {
// This version works but requires passing the val type
// (String, in this example) explicitly. I don't want to
// duplicate the code for different val types.
def enumerate[S: universe.TypeTag]: Seq[String] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
universe.typeOf[S].decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[String])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
// This version tries to avoid passing the object's type
// as the [S] type parameter. After all, the method is called
// on the object itself; so why pass the type?
def enumerateThis: Seq[String] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
universe.typeOf[this.type].decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[String])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
// The working example
object Test1 extends ScopeString {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerate[Test1.type]
// This shows how the attempt to generalize the type doesn't work
object Test2 extends ScopeString {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerateBase[Test2.type]
// This shows how the attempt to drop the object's type doesn't work
object Test3 extends ScopeString {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerateThis
val test1 = Test1.fields // List(test)
val test2 = Test2.fields // List(13, test)
val test3 = Test3.fields // List()
The "enumerate" method does work. However, as you can see from the Test1 example, it requires passing the object's own type (Test1.type) as a parameter, which should not have been necessary. The "enumerateThis" method tries to avoid that but fails, producing an empty list. The "enumerateBase" method attempts to generalize the "enumerate" code by passing the val type as a parameter. But it fails, too, producing the list of all vals, not just those of a certain type.
Any idea what's going on?
Your problem in your generic implementation is the loss of the type information of T. Also, don't use exceptions as your primary method of control logic (it's very slow!). Here's a working version of your base.
abstract class ScopeBase[T : universe.TypeTag, S <: ScopeBase[T, S] : universe.TypeTag : scala.reflect.ClassTag] {
self: S =>
def enumerateBase: Seq[T] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
.filter(_.typeSignature.resultType <:< universe.typeOf[T])
.map(decl => mirror.reflectMethod(decl).apply().asInstanceOf[T])
.filter(_ != null)
trait Inherit {
val StringField2: String = "test2"
class Test1 extends ScopeBase[String, Test1] with Inherit {
val IntField: Int = 13
val StringField: String = "test"
lazy val fields = enumerateBase
object Test extends App {
println(new Test1().fields)
Instead of getting the type from universe.typeOf you can use the runtime class currentMirror.classSymbol(getClass).toType, below is an example that works:
def enumerateThis: Seq[String] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
currentMirror.classSymbol(getClass).toType.decls.map {
decl => Try(mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[String])
}.filter(_.isSuccess).map(_.get).filter(_ != null).toSeq
//prints List(test)
With everyone's help, here's the final version that works:
import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror, universe}
abstract class ScopeBase[T: universe.TypeTag] {
lazy val enumerate: Seq[T] = {
val mirror = currentMirror.reflect(this)
currentMirror.classSymbol(getClass).baseClasses.map(_.asType.toType).flatMap {
.filter(_.typeSignature.resultType <:< universe.typeOf[T])
.filter(_.paramLists.size == 0)
.map(decl => mirror.reflectField(decl.asMethod).get.asInstanceOf[T])
.filter(_ != null).toSeq
trait FieldScope extends ScopeBase[Field[_]]
trait DbFieldScope extends ScopeBase[DbField[_, _]] {
// etc....
As you see from the last few lines, my use cases are limited to scope objects for specific field types. This is why I want to parameterize the scope container. If I wanted to enumerate the fields of multiple types in a single scope container, then I would have parameterized the enumerate method.

Scala Pickling: Writing a custom pickler / unpickler for nested structures

I'm trying to write a custom SPickler / Unpickler pair to work around some the current limitations of scala-pickling.
The data type I'm trying to pickle is a case class, where some of the fields already have their own SPickler and Unpickler instances.
I'd like to use these instances in my custom pickler, but I don't know how.
Here's an example of what I mean:
// Here's a class for which I want a custom SPickler / Unpickler.
// One of its fields can already be pickled, so I'd like to reuse that logic.
case class MyClass[A: SPickler: Unpickler: FastTypeTag](myString: String, a: A)
// Here's my custom pickler.
class MyClassPickler[A: SPickler: Unpickler: FastTypeTag](
implicit val format: PickleFormat) extends SPickler[MyClass[A]] with Unpickler[MyClass[A]] {
override def pickle(
picklee: MyClass[A],
builder: PBuilder) {
// Here we save `myString` in some custom way.
b => b.hintTag(FastTypeTag.ScalaString).beginEntry(
// Now we need to save `a`, which has an implicit SPickler.
// But how do we use it?
override def unpickle(
tag: => FastTypeTag[_],
reader: PReader): MyClass[A] = {
// First we read the string.
val myString = reader.readField("mySpecialPickler").unpickle[String]
// Now we need to read `a`, which has an implicit Unpickler.
// But how do we use it?
val a: A = ???
MyClass(myString, a)
I would really appreciate a working example.
Here is a working example:
case class MyClass[A](myString: String, a: A)
Note that the type parameter of MyClass does not need context bounds. Only the custom pickler class needs the corresponding implicits:
class MyClassPickler[A](implicit val format: PickleFormat, aTypeTag: FastTypeTag[A],
aPickler: SPickler[A], aUnpickler: Unpickler[A])
extends SPickler[MyClass[A]] with Unpickler[MyClass[A]] {
private val stringUnpickler = implicitly[Unpickler[String]]
override def pickle(picklee: MyClass[A], builder: PBuilder) = {
b => b.hintTag(FastTypeTag.ScalaString).beginEntry(picklee.myString).endEntry()
b => {
aPickler.pickle(picklee.a, b)
override def unpickle(tag: => FastTypeTag[_], reader: PReader): MyClass[A] = {
val tag = reader.beginEntry()
val myStringUnpickled = stringUnpickler.unpickle(tag, reader).asInstanceOf[String]
val aTag = reader.beginEntry()
val aUnpickled = aUnpickler.unpickle(aTag, reader).asInstanceOf[A]
MyClass(myStringUnpickled, aUnpickled)
In addition to the custom pickler class, we also need an implicit def which returns a pickler instance specialized for concrete type arguments:
implicit def myClassPickler[A: SPickler: Unpickler: FastTypeTag](implicit pf: PickleFormat) =
new MyClassPickler