500 error while creating a pull request - github

I always get "500 error " whenever I try to create a pull request on my fork in github, I just keep on trying it, at some point the page loads(it is . Is there any update or something that I have to do.?
My fork is uptodate with the branch I forked from. No clue how to fix it.

I was having the same issue -- going to https://github.com/[your account]/[repository]/pull/new and creating a PR from that page worked for me.

I guess the url for 500 error was like https://github.com/[your account]/[repository]/pull/new/[branch].
You can avoid 500 error by accessing via a URL like https://github.com/[your account]/[repository]/pull/new, then you can choose a branch to send pull request from and to.


how to check any open pull request in GitHubs?

I got a coding challenge from a company and they require to complete a project on https://www.hatchways.io/
I already completed all of the code, but as I submit it shows that
{ Before you submit the Front-end Work Simulation - Hatchways Times project, you will need to pass the following pre-checks:
You must have an open pull request. ❌
You do not have multiple pull requests opened. ✅
Sorry, looks like you didn't pass all the pre-checks above. Please make sure you satisfy all the requirements before you retry. }
I have two branches one is 'main' another one is 'practice'. I already checked I don't have any pull request both of branches.
Is there anyone know how to solve it please?
Pull Request
record of pull request
Click New pull request
Set the branch to practice and the base branch to main

GitHub pages return 404 error when directly accessing to sub link

When I go to https://paisoemoe.github.io/shopping it work just fine but if i go straight to sublinks like https://paisoemoe.github.io/shopping/products/women/all or https://paisoemoe.github.io/shopping/products/shoes/all, then it return 404 error even though the pages are there. Why is this happening and how can i fix that? I deployed with travis Ci.

I've got an error 404 while creating my new repository on Github. How to fix?

This is my first time using Github to host my personal webpage. I've assumed that there is nothing wrong with my repository name which is tonyng.github.io, in which I've followed the format accurately.
However, there just seems to be an error whenever I tried to access the link through tonyng.github.io.
Here are my files for my webpage in this link : https://github.com/tonystaark/tonyng.github.io
Any advice?
So it seems to me that your username is tonystaark but repo name is tonyng.github.io
According to the doc:
If the first part of the repository doesn’t exactly match your
username, it won’t work, so make sure to get it right.

Github : Automated tagging on Merging of Pull Requests

Is there a way to trigger an automatic, custom tagging of a repository every time a pull request is merged in github ? for example...
After merging "pull request 8", id like to automatically tag the repository at that state as "$Major_Version.$pr_id".
The result might be "0.1.8".
Is this possible?
Worst case, if someone hasn't written a thing to do that yet, is to use the post-receive webhooks https://help.github.com/articles/post-receive-hooks
You'd need an internet-visible web server to do this, and some code to recognize the merge (it will have two parents) and see if it mentions a pull-request.

Bitbucket web hook not posting

I have set up a web hook on Bitbucket to POST to my webserver to log some details. There is two webhooks on the repo, my custom one, and one for FTPloy.com. I have been pushing random commits to test the POST on my server etc, but after a while it stopped.
Never FTPloy.com or my own webserver receives a post request from Bitbucket after I pushed.
How is this possible/how can I fix it?
I had a hard time testing my web hook as well. I figured out that the best way to test is via command line. I copied the sample data shown here, added payload= to the beginning and saved it to a file: bb.post
Then via command line I submitted a POST request to my web hook using that file as the POST data: curl --data #bb.post http://mydomain.com/customWebHook.php
This is the best way I found to debug it.
Note: They never mention that when the last commit was from a merge, the "branch" attribute from that commit is null. Instead you need to look at "branches" attribute which is an array of the two branches that created the merge.