tail-recursive function appending element to list - lisp

i've seen several examples of implementing append an element to a list, but all are not using tail recursion. how to implement such a function in a functional style?
(define (append-list lst elem)

The following is an implementation of tail recursion modulo cons optimization, resulting in a fully tail recursive code. It copies the input structure and then appends the new element to it, by mutation, in the top-down manner. Since this mutation is done to its internal freshly-created data, it is still functional on the outside (does not alter any data passed into it and has no observable effects except for producing its result):
(define (add-elt lst elt)
(let ((result (list 1)))
(let loop ((p result) (lst lst))
((null? lst)
(set-cdr! p (list elt))
(cdr result))
(set-cdr! p (list (car lst)))
(loop (cdr p) (cdr lst)))))))
I like using a "head-sentinel" trick, it greatly simplifies the code at a cost of allocating just one extra cons cell.
This code uses low-level mutation primitives to accomplish what in some languages (e.g. Prolog) is done automatically by a compiler. In TRMC-optimizing hypothetical Scheme, we would be able to write the following tail-recursive modulo cons code, and have a compiler automatically translate it into some equivalent of the code above:
(define (append-elt lst elt) ;; %% in Prolog:
(if (null lst) ;; app1( [], E,R) :- Z=[X].
(list elt) ;; app1( [A|D],E,R) :-
(cons (car lst) ;; R = [A|T], % cons _before_
(append-elt (cdr lst) elt)))) ;; app1( D,E,T). % tail call
If not for the cons operation, append-elt would be tail-recursive. This is where the TRMC optimization comes into play.
2021 update: of course the whole point of having a tail-recursive function is to express a loop (in a functional style, yes), and so as an example, in e.g. Common Lisp (in the CLISP implementation), the loop expression
(loop for x in '(1 2) appending (list x))
(which is kind of high-level specification-y if not even functional in its own very specific way) is translated into the same tail-cons-cell tracking and altering style:
[20]> (macroexpand '(loop for x in '(1 2) appending (list x)))
(LET ((#:G3047 '(1 2)))
(LET ((X NIL))
(LET ((#:ACCULIST-VAR-30483049 NIL) (#:ACCULIST-VAR-3048 NIL))
(SETQ X (CAR #:G3047))
(LET ((#:G3050 (COPY-LIST (LIST X))))
(LAST (RPLACD #:ACCULIST-VAR-30483049 #:G3050)))
(LAST (SETF #:ACCULIST-VAR-3048 #:G3050))))))
(RETURN-FROM NIL #:ACCULIST-VAR-3048)))))))))) ;
(with the mother of all structure-mutating primitives spelled R.P.L.A.C.D.) so that's one example of a Lisp system (not just Prolog) which actually does something similar.

Well it is possible to write a tail-recursive append-element procedure...
(define (append-element lst ele)
(let loop ((lst (reverse lst))
(acc (list ele)))
(if (null? lst)
(loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) acc)))))
... but it's more inefficient with that reverse thrown in (for good measure). I can't think of another functional (e.g., without modifying the input list) way to write this procedure as a tail-recursion without reversing the list first.
For a non-functional answer to the question, #WillNess provided a nice Scheme solution mutating an internal list.

This is a functional, tail recursive append-elt using continuations:
(define (cont-append-elt lst elt)
(let cont-loop ((lst lst)
(cont values))
(if (null? lst)
(cont (cons elt '()))
(cont-loop (cdr lst)
(lambda (x) (cont (cons (car lst) x)))))))
Performance-wise it's close to Will's mutating one in Racket and Gambit but in Ikarus and Chicken Óscar's reverse did better. Mutation was always the best performer though. I wouldn't have used this however, but a slight version of Óscar's entry, purely because it is easier to read.
(define (reverse-append-elt lst elt)
(reverse (cons elt (reverse lst))))
And if you want mutating performance I would have done:
(define (reverse!-append-elt lst elt)
(let ((lst (cons elt (reverse lst))))
(reverse! lst)

You can't naively, but see also implementations that provide TCMC - Tail Call Modulo Cons. That allows
(cons head TAIL-EXPR)
to tail-call TAIL-EXPR if the cons itself is a tail-call.

This is Lisp, not Scheme, but I am sure you can translate:
(defun append-tail-recursive (list tail)
(labels ((atr (rest ret last)
(if rest
(atr (cdr rest) ret
(setf (cdr last) (list (car rest))))
(setf (cdr last) tail)
(if list
(let ((new (list (car list))))
(atr (cdr list) new new))
I keep the head and the tail of the return list and modify the tail as I traverse the list argument.


Check for proper list in Common Lisp

Is there a standard function in Common Lisp that can check against improper lists (i.e. circular and dotted lists) without signaling an error? list-length can check against circular lists (it returns nil for them), but signals type-error when given a dotted list.
Scheme's list? traverses the whole list to make sure it is not dotted or circular; Common Lisp's listp only checks that it's given nil or a cons cell.
Here's the simplest I could come up with:
(defun proper-list-p (x)
(not (null (handler-case (list-length x) (type-error () nil)))))
Since several implementations have been suggested and many unexpected problems have been found, here's a test suite for aspiring proper-list-p writers:
(defun circular (xs)
(let ((xs (copy-list xs)))
(setf (cdr (last xs)) xs)
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '())))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1))))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1 2))))
(assert (eql t (proper-list-p '(1 2 3))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p 1)))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 . 2))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 2 . 3))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p '(1 2 3 . 4))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1 2)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (circular '(1 2 3)))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (list* 1 (circular '(2))))))
(assert (not (proper-list-p (list* 1 2 (circular '(3 4))))))
There is no standard function to do this, perhaps because such a function was seen as rather expensive if it was to be correct, but, really, this just seems like am omission from the language to me.
A minimal (not very performant) implementation, which does not rely on handling errors (Python people think that's a reasonable way to program, I don't, although this is a stylistic choice), is, I think
(defun proper-list-p (l)
(typecase l
(null t)
(loop for tail = l then (cdr tail)
for seen = (list tail) then (push tail seen)
do (cond ((null tail)
(return t))
((not (consp tail))
(return nil))
((member tail (rest seen))
(return nil)))))))
This takes time quadratic in the length of l, and conses proportional to the length of l. You can obviously do better using an hashtable for the occurs check, and you can use a tortoise-&-hare algorithm do avoid the occurs check (but I'm not sure what the complexity of that is off the top of my head).
I am sure there are much better functions than this in libraries. In particular Alexandria has one.
While thinking about this question, I also wrote this function:
(defun classify-list (l)
"Classify a possible list, returning four values.
The first value is a symbol which is
- NULL if the list is empty;
- LIST if the list is a proper list;
- CYCLIC-LIST if it contains a cycle;
- IMPROPER-LIST if it does not end with nil;
- NIL if it is not a list.
The second value is the total number of conses in the list (following
CDRs only). It will be 0 for an empty list or non-list.
The third value is the cons at which the cycle in the list begins, or
NIL if there is no cycle or the list isn't a list.
The fourth value is the number if conses in the cycle, or 0 if there is no cycle.
Note that you can deduce the length of the leading element of the list
by subtracting the total number of conses from the number of conses in
the cycle: you can then use NTHCDR to pull out the cycle."
;; This is written as a tail recursion, I know people don't like
;; that in CL, but I wrote it for me.
(typecase l
(null (values 'null 0 nil 0 0))
(let ((table (make-hash-table)))
(labels ((walk (tail previous-tail n)
(typecase tail
(values 'list n nil 0))
(let ((m (gethash tail table nil)))
(if m
(values 'cyclic-list n tail (- n m))
(setf (gethash tail table) n)
(walk (cdr tail) tail (1+ n))))))
(values 'improper-list n previous-tail 0)))))
(walk l nil 0))))
(t (values nil 0 nil 0))))
This can be used to get a bunch of information about a list: how long it is, if it is proper, if not if it's cyclic, and where the cycle is. Beware that in the cases of cyclic lists this will return circular structure as its third value. I believe that you need to use an occurs check to do this – tortoise & hare will tell you if a list is cyclic, but not where the cycle starts.
in addition, something slightly less verbose, than the accepted answer:
(defun improper-tail (ls)
(do ((x ls (cdr x))
(visited nil (cons x visited)))
((or (not (consp x)) (member x visited)) x)))
(defun proper-list-p (ls)
(null (improper-tail ls)))
or just like this:
(defun proper-list-p (ls)
(do ((x ls (cdr x))
(visited nil (cons x visited)))
((or (not (consp x)) (member x visited)) (null x))))
seen to pass all the op's test assertions
After our hopeless attempts with tailp, here, sth which uses the
sharp-representation of circular lists :) .
With regex (to detect circular sublist)
(setf *print-circle* t)
(ql:quickload :cl-ppcre)
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (cl-ppcre::scan "#\d+=(" (princ-to-string lst)))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
Without regex (cannot detect circular sublists)
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (string= "#" (subseq (princ-to-string lst) 0 1))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
(tailp l (cdr l)) is t for circular lists but nil for non-circular lists.
Credits to #tfp and #RainerJoswig who taught me this here .
So, your function would be:
(defun proper-listp (lst)
(or (null lst) ; either a `'()` or:
(and (consp lst) ; a cons
(not (tailp lst (cdr lst))) ; not circular
(null (cdr (last lst)))))) ; not a dotted list
By the way, I use proper-listp by purpose. Correct would be - by convetion proper-list-p. However, this name is already occupied in the CLISP implementation by SYSTEM::%PROPER-LIST-Pwhy the definition of the function raises a continuable error.
Conclusion of our discussion in the comment section:
The behavior of tailp for circular lists is undefined. Therefore this answer is wrong! Thank you #Lassi for figuring this out!

How to print the elements in odd positions in a list using an iterative function in Lisp?

I have to make a recursive function in lisp which takes a list and makes another list with only the elements on odd position in the given list.
If I have (1 2 3 4 5) I have to output (1 3 5)
I have a code here:
(defun pozpar(lst) (do(
(l lst (cddr l))
(x '() (cons x (car l))))
((null l) x)))
This outputs:
(5 3 1)
I know cons adds the elements at the beginning and I tried with append or list but nothing worked.
I think this is a way easier solution:
(defun popzar (lst)
(cond ((null lst) nil)
(t (cons (car lst)
(popzar (cdr (cdr lst)))))))
It first checks if the list is empty and if not it creates a new list with the first element and the result of calling itself again with the rest of the list except for the second element.
The easiest way is to reverse the result:
(defun pozpar (lst)
(do ((l lst (cddr l))
(x '() (cons (car l) x)))
((null l)
(nreverse x))))
(pozpar '(1 2 3 4 5))
==> (1 3 5)
This returns, not outputs the value you want.
Prepending values and reverting the result is a common Lisp coding pattern.
Since append is linear in the length of its argument, using it in a loop produces quadratic code.
I formatted the code in the standard Lisp way. If you use this style, lispers will have an easier time reading your code, and, consequently, more willing to help you.
With using loop it's very easy to get the elements in the order you processed them. It is also the most effective and the only one guaranteed to work with all length arguments:
(defun pozpar1 (lst)
(loop :for e :in lst :by #'cddr
:collect e)))
If you really want recursion I would have done it with an accumulator with a linear update reverse in the end:
(defun pozpar2 (lst)
(labels ((helper (lst acc)
(if (endp lst)
(nreverse acc)
(helper (cddr lst) (cons (car lst) acc)))))
(helper lst '())))
However a classical not tail recursive version would look like this:
(defun pozpar3 (lst)
(if (endp lst)
(cons (car lst) (pozpar3 (cddr lst)))))

lisp swap list elements

This is my lisp code.
(defun f (lst)
(append (subst (last lst) (first lst) (car lst))
(subst (first lst) (last lst) (cdr lst)))
(f '(a b c d))
This code's output is (D B C . A)
The function works well, but it does not finish because of symbol.
I want make (D B C A) without symbol.
How do I fix it? Or is there a better way?
I would appreciate a help.
Assuming that you are meaning to do something like this, you could try using rotatef:
? (setf lst '(a b c d))
(A B C D)
? lst
(A B C D)
? (rotatef (nth 0 lst) (nth (- (length lst) 1) lst))
;Compiler warnings :
; In an anonymous lambda form at position 0: Undeclared free variable LST (3 references)
? lst
(D B C A)
Assuming you want to swap the first and last elements, here is an implementation which does that. It traverses the list three times and copies it twice: it is possible to do much better than this, but not without being reasonably devious (in particular I'm reasonably sure a naive implementation with rotatef also traverses it three times although it only copies it once as you need an initial copy of the list, since rotatef is destructive):
(defun swapify (list)
;; swap the first and last elements of list
(if (null (rest list))
(cons (first (last list)) ; 1st traversal
(append (butlast (rest list)) ; 2nd and third traversals
(list (first list))))))
And here is the devious implementation which traverses the list exactly once. This relies on tail-call elimination: a version which uses a more straightforward loop is fairly obvious.
(defun swapify (list)
;; return a copy of list with the first and last elements swapped
(if (null (rest list))
(let ((copy (cons nil nil)))
(labels ((walk (current tail)
(if (null (rest tail))
(setf (first copy) (first tail)
(rest current) (cons (first list) nil))
(setf (rest current) (cons (first tail) nil))
(walk (rest current) (rest tail))))))
(walk copy (rest list))))))
the symbol is because you are appending a list to an element, if you turn the element into a list using: (list (car lst)) with the same code and it will no longer have the symbol.

Scheme Function to reverse elements of list of 2-list

This is an exercise from EOPL.
Procedure (invert lst) takes lst which is a list of 2-lists and returns a list with each 2-list reversed.
(define invert
(lambda (lst)
(cond((null? lst )
((= 2 (rtn-len (car lst)))
( cons(swap-elem (car lst))
(invert (cdr lst))))
("List is not a 2-List"))))
;; Auxiliry Procedure swap-elements of 2 element list
(define swap-elem
(lambda (lst)
(cons (car (cdr lst))
(car lst))))
;; returns lengh of the list by calling
(define rtn-len
(lambda (lst)
(calc-len lst 0)))
;; calculate length of the list
(define calc-len
(lambda (lst n)
(if (null? lst)
(calc-len (cdr lst) (+ n 1)))))
This seems to work however looks very verbose. Can this be shortened or written in more elegant way ?
How I can halt the processing in any of the individual element is not a 2-list?
At the moment execution proceed to next member and replacing current member with "List is not a 2-List" if current member is not a 2-list.
The EOPL language provides the eopl:error procedure to exit early with an error message. It is introduced on page 15 of the book (3rd ed.).
The EOPL language does also include the map procedure from standard Scheme. Though it may not be used in the book, you can still use it to get a much shorter solution than one with explicit recursion. Also you can use Scheme's standard length procedure.
#lang eopl
(define invert
(lambda (lst)
(map swap-elem lst)))
;; Auxiliary Procedure swap-elements of 2 element list
(define swap-elem
(lambda (lst)
(if (= 2 (length lst))
(list (cadr lst)
(car lst))
(eopl:error 'swap-elem
"List ~s is not a 2-List~%" lst))))
So it seems that your version of invert actually returns a list of different topology. If you execute (invert ...) on '((1 2) (3 4)), you'll get back '((2 . 1) (4 . 3)), which is a list of conses, not of lists.
I wrote a version of invert that maintains list topology, but it is not tail-recursive so it will end up maintaining a call stack while it's recursing.
(define (invert lst)
(if (null? lst)
(cons (list (cadar lst) (caar lst))
(invert (cdr lst)))))
If you want a version that mimics your invert behavior, replace list with cons in second to last line.
If you want it to exit early on failure, try call/cc.
(lambda (exit)
(for-each (lambda (x)
(if (negative? x)
(exit x)))
'(54 0 37 -3 245 19))
===> -3
(Taken from http://www.schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-9.html#%_idx_566)
What call-with-current-continuation (or call/cc, for short) does is pass the point where the function was called in into the function, which provides a way to have something analogous to a return statement in C. It can also do much more, as you can store continuations, or pass more than one into a function, with a different one being called for success and for failure.
Reverse list containing any number or order of sub-lists inside.
(define (reverse! lst)
(if (null? lst) lst
(if (list? (car lst))
(append (reverse! (cdr lst)) (cons (reverse! (car lst)) '()))
(append (reverse! (cdr lst)) (list (car lst))))))

How to remove nested parentheses in LISP

How can I remove nested parentheses recursively in Common LISP Such as
(unnest '(a b c (d e) ((f) g))) => (a b c d e f g)
(unnest '(a b)) => (a b)
(unnest '(() ((((a)))) ())) => (a)
Here's what I'd do:
(ql:quickload "alexandria")
(alexandria:flatten list)
That works mainly because I have Quicklisp installed already.
(defun flatten (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((atom l) (list l))
(t (loop for a in l appending (flatten a)))))
I realize this is an old thread, but it is one of the first that comes up when I google lisp flatten. The solution I discovered is similar to those discussed above, but the formatting is slightly different. I will explain it as if you are new to lisp, as I was when I first googled this question, so it's likely that others will be too.
(defun flatten (L)
"Converts a list to single level."
(if (null L)
(if (atom (first L))
(cons (first L) (flatten (rest L)))
(append (flatten (first L)) (flatten (rest L))))))
For those new to lisp, this is a brief summary.
The following line declares a function called flatten with argument L.
(defun flatten (L)
The line below checks for an empty list.
(if (null L)
The next line returns nil because cons ATOM nil declares a list with one entry (ATOM). This is the base case of the recursion and lets the function know when to stop. The line after this checks to see if the first item in the list is an atom instead of another list.
(if (atom (first L))
Then, if it is, it uses recursion to create a flattened list of this atom combined with the rest of the flattened list that the function will generate. cons combines an atom with another list.
(cons (first L) (flatten (rest L)))
If it's not an atom, then we have to flatten on it, because it is another list that may have further lists inside of it.
(append (flatten (first L)) (flatten (rest L))))))
The append function will append the first list to the start of the second list.
Also note that every time you use a function in lisp, you have to surround it with parenthesis. This confused me at first.
You could define it like this for example:
(defun unnest (x)
(labels ((rec (x acc)
(cond ((null x) acc)
((atom x) (cons x acc))
(t (rec (car x) (rec (cdr x) acc))))))
(rec x nil)))
(defun flatten (l)
(cond ((null l) nil)
((atom (car l)) (cons (car l) (flatten (cdr l))))
(t (append (flatten (car l)) (flatten (cdr l))))))
Lisp has the function remove to remove things. Here I use a version REMOVE-IF that removes every item for which a predicate is true. I test if the thing is a parenthesis and remove it if true.
If you want to remove parentheses, see this function:
(defun unnest (thing)
(remove-if (lambda (c)
(member c '(#\( #\))))
(princ-to-string thing))
Note, though, as Svante mentions, one does not usually 'remove' parentheses.
Most of the answers have already mentioned a recursive solution to the Flatten problem. Using Common Lisp Object System's multiple dispatching you could solve the problem recursively by defining 3 methods for 3 possible scenarios:
(defmethod flatten ((tree null))
"Tree is empty list."
(defmethod flatten ((tree list))
"Tree is a list."
(append (flatten (car tree))
(flatten (cdr tree))))
(defmethod flatten (tree)
"Tree is something else (atom?)."
(list tree))
(flatten '(2 ((8) 2 (9 (d (s (((((a))))))))))) ; => (2 8 2 9 D S A)
Just leaving this here as I visited this question with the need of only flattening one level and later figure out for myself that (apply 'concatenate 'list ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6 7))) is a cleaner solution in that case.
This is a accumulator based approach. The local function %flatten keeps an accumulator of the tail (the right part of the list that's already been flattened). When the part remaining to be flattened (the left part of the list) is empty, it returns the tail. When the part to be flattened is a non-list, it returns that part prefixed onto the tail. When the part to be flattened is a list, it flattens the rest of the list (with the current tail), then uses that result as the tail for flattening the first part of the list.
(defun flatten (list)
(labels ((%flatten (list tail)
((null list) tail)
((atom list) (list* list tail))
(t (%flatten (first list)
(%flatten (rest list)
(%flatten list '())))
CL-USER> (flatten '((1 2) (3 4) ((5) 6) 7))
(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
I know this question is really old but I noticed that nobody used the push/nreverse idiom, so I am uploading that here.
the function reverse-atomize takes out each "atom" and puts it into the output of the next call. At the end it produces a flattened list that is backwards, which is resolved with the nreverse function in the atomize function.
(defun reverse-atomize (tree output)
"Auxillary function for atomize"
(if (null tree)
(if (atom (car tree))
(reverse-atomize (cdr tree) (push (car tree) output))
(reverse-atomize (cdr tree) (nconc (reverse-atomize (car tree)
(defun atomize (tree)
"Flattens a list into only the atoms in it"
(nreverse (reverse-atomize tree nil)))
So calling atomize '((a b) (c) d) looks like this:
(A B C D)
And if you were to call reverse-atomize with reverse-atomize '((a b) (c) d) this would occur:
(D C B A)
People like using functions like push, nreverse, and nconc because they use less RAM than their respective cons, reverse, and append functions. That being said the double recursive nature of reverse-atomize does come with it's own RAMifications.
This popular question only has recursive solutions (not counting Rainer's answer).
Let's have a loop version:
(defun flatten (tree &aux todo flat)
(check-type tree list)
(shiftf todo tree nil)
(unless todo (return flat))
(dolist (elt todo)
(if (listp elt)
(dolist (e elt)
(push e tree))
(push elt flat))))))
(defun unnest (somewhat)
((null somewhat) nil)
((atom somewhat) (list somewhat))
(append (unnest (car somewhat)) (unnest (cdr somewhat))))))
I couldn't resist adding my two cents. While the CL spec does not require tail call optimization (TCO), many (most?) implementations have that feature.
So here's a tail recursive version that collects the leaf nodes of a tree into a flat list (which is one version of "removing parentheses"):
(defun flatten (tree &key (include-nil t))
(check-type tree list)
(labels ((%flatten (lst accum)
(if (null lst)
(nreverse accum)
(let ((elem (first lst)))
(if (atom elem)
(%flatten (cdr lst) (if (or elem include-nil)
(cons elem accum)
(%flatten (append elem (cdr lst)) accum))))))
(%flatten tree nil)))
It preserves null leaf nodes by default, with the option to remove them. It also preserves the left-to-right order of the tree's leaf nodes.
Note from Google lisp style guide about TCO:
You should favor iteration over recursion.
...most serious implementations (including SBCL and CCL) do implement proper tail calls, but with restrictions:
The (DECLARE (OPTIMIZE ...)) settings must favor SPEED enough and not favor DEBUG too much, for some compiler-dependent meanings of "enough" and "too much".
And this from SBCL docs:
... disabling tail-recursion optimization ... happens when the debug optimization quality is greater than 2.