PyQt4: Items disappear when using Drag and Drop with QComboBox - drag-and-drop

I would like to use drag-and-drop to rearrange the items in a QComboBox. I tried this:
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QComboBox, QAbstractItemView
a = QApplication([''])
c = QComboBox()
view = c.view()
However, dragging an item on top of another item deletes the dragged item -- I want that item to be moved above/below the drop location. Am I doing this incorrectly?

Each combo item needs to be disabled as a drop target by setting the appropriate item flags.
Here's one way to achieve that:
import sys
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
combo = QtGui.QComboBox()
model = QtGui.QStandardItemModel()
for text in 'One Two Three Four'.split():
item = QtGui.QStandardItem(text)
item.setFlags(item.flags() & ~QtCore.Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled)


Perl Gtk3::ScrolledWindow that contains more than one Gtk3::TreeView child. How do you disable child from scrolling to the top when selecting a row?

I am writing a program in Perl using Gtk3. I have a left sidebar (not using any sidebar widgets) that contains multiple tree views.
I it setup like this:
my $sidebarscrollarea = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new( undef, undef );
my $sidebarlabelaccounts = Gtk3::Label->new("Accounts");
my $sidebarlabelincome = Gtk3::Label->new("Income Envelopes");
my $sidebarlabelexpense = Gtk3::Label->new("Expense Envelopes");
# *_create_model() builds the models
my $account_tstore = account_create_model();
my $income_tstore = envelope_create_model();
my $expense_tstore = envelope_create_model();
# populate the models with another subroutine
my $accountslist = Gtk3::TreeView->new();
my $incomelist = Gtk3::TreeView->new();
my $expenselist = Gtk3::TreeView->new();
# Add columns to model and view via view ( Gtk3::TreeView )
my $sidebarbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical',1);
The envelopeslist is very long. When I click a row from that list that is toward the bottom of the window, it scrolls so that the envelopes list at the top of the window. I do not want it to move anywhere regardless of where I click a row. Thanks for your help. I am new to all of this.
Simply adding:
solves my problem.

adding/changing 'text' to an item in a group

I'm designing a UI with Enthought's TraitsUI, and I can't figure out how to get done what I want...
Here's what I want:
I have Items() in the view that I want to display as either English or SI units. I can change the value in the 'edit' box based on a SI/English button, but I can't figure out how to change the text of the label. For example, if I have an item 'Length, ft [ 3.28]' and convert it to SI, I'd like it to show 'Length, m [ 1.00]'. I can handle the 3.28->1.00 conversion, but can't figure out how to change the 'ft' to 'm'.
Any suggestions?
One thing I've tried is to define a string which holds the units name (like 'm' or 'ft')...then, in the item, I set the label like this:
label = 'Top, '+lengthUnits
This works fine when the view is first built, but it doesn't update the label when I change the units control. Is there some way to force the view to update with all the new values?
Here's a small py program that shows what I'm trying to do (feel free to critique my style :)). I'll also try and add in a couple of images that shows what happens:
# NOTE: This version of the code has been modified so that it works as I want it to :)
# Example trying to change text on a View...
from traits.api \
import HasTraits, Enum, CFloat, String
from traitsui.api \
import View, Group, HGroup, Item, spring
class TestDialog ( HasTraits ):
length = CFloat(1.0)
choose_units = Enum('English', 'SI')
current_units = 'English'
unit_name = String('ft')
ft_to_m = CFloat(3.28)
view = View(
Item(name = "length", label = 'Test length'),
Item(name = 'unit_name', style = 'readonly', show_label = False),
Item(name = "choose_units"),
title = 'Test Changing View Test'
def _choose_units_changed(self):
if self.current_units != self.choose_units:
if self.choose_units == 'SI':
self.length /= self.ft_to_m
self.unit_name = 'm'
self.length *= self.ft_to_m
self.unit_name = 'ft'
self.current_units = self.choose_units
# Run the program (if invoked from the command line):
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create the dialog:
TestIt = TestDialog()
# put the actual dialog up...
Use a notification as described here:
Update in response to updated question:
Right, labels are not dynamically updated. Instead, make a text field that looks like a label, e.g. with:
label_text = String('Test length, English:')
Then display it in your View with something like:
Item("label_text", style='readonly', show_label=False),
You'll probably also want to use an HGroup nested inside your (V)Group, to position it to the left of your "length" display.
Then modify label_text inside your listener.

GtkToolbar: How to add Toolitem to toolbar using PyGObject

How can I add icons to a GtkToolbar using PyGObject?
I can create the toolbar and an icon without any problems:
self.toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar()
self.item = Gtk.ToolItem()
But adding the item to the toolbar doesn't seem to work like this (Found this in the PyGTK documentation):
The solution is actually pretty simple:
self.button = Gtk.ToolButton(Gtk.STOCK_ABOUT)
self.toolbar.insert(self.button, 0)
User button instead of item and then choose an icon from this list:
Then use .inset with the object and the position (in this case 0, meaning the first item in the toolbar).

Menu or MenuButton with separate click handler

I'm looking for a widget like this.
Clicking "View" and triangle (drop down icon) need to perform two different functions.
Clicking the triangle opening the menu.
I tried creating 2 buttons to emulate, but the 2 buttons have extra space in between them.
How can I eliminate the space between buttons or, is there a convenient way to accomplish this?
thank you all!!
An IconMenuButton (which is a sub class of IconButton) will provide what you need.
Menu menu = new Menu();
MenuItem newItem = new MenuItem("New");
MenuItem openItem = new MenuItem("Open");
MenuItem saveItem = new MenuItem("Save");
MenuItem saveAsItem = new MenuItem("Save As");
menu.setItems(newItem, openItem, saveItem, saveAsItem);
IconMenuButton menuButton = new IconMenuButton("View", menu);
Also check SmartGWT samples I've given in my comment and RibbonBar sample.

set up the entry of a combobox (gtk)

How could I set up the text of a combobox without knowing its id? I have a combobox populated with a list of name ('Jack','Emily','Paul',...). By default, the combo is set on -1 but I want it to be set on "Paul".
Here is my code to declare and populate the combo with tuple (id,fabName) :
self.cmbFabricant = builder.get_object("cmbFabricant")
Now, I'd like to set the combobox on the item called "Paul". I thought I could write :
I was wrong.
I could be wrong, but I think set_active_id is new in GTK+ 3, and PyGTK is GTK+ 2. If you want to use GTK+ 3, you have to switch to PyGObject.
But if you're stuck on PyGTK, you can easily work around it by doing something like this:
import gtk
def set_active_name(combobox, col, name):
liststore = combobox.get_model()
for i in xrange(len(liststore)):
row = liststore[i]
if row[col] == name:
window = gtk.Window()
window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
liststore = gtk.ListStore(int, str)
liststore.append([0, 'Jack'])
liststore.append([1, 'Emily'])
liststore.append([2, 'Paul'])
combobox = gtk.ComboBox()
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
combobox.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 1)
set_active_name(combobox, 1, 'Paul')
I'm not sure if there is a more elegant/efficient way, but this works at least.