I'm trying to map the results of a query to JSON using the row_to_json() function that was added in PostgreSQL 9.2.
I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to represent joined rows as nested objects (1:1 relations)
Here's what I've tried (setup code: tables, sample data, followed by query):
-- some test tables to start out with:
create table role_duties (
id serial primary key,
name varchar
create table user_roles (
id serial primary key,
name varchar,
description varchar,
duty_id int, foreign key (duty_id) references role_duties(id)
create table users (
id serial primary key,
name varchar,
email varchar,
user_role_id int, foreign key (user_role_id) references user_roles(id)
DO $$
DECLARE duty_id int;
DECLARE role_id int;
insert into role_duties (name) values ('Script Execution') returning id into duty_id;
insert into user_roles (name, description, duty_id) values ('admin', 'Administrative duties in the system', duty_id) returning id into role_id;
insert into users (name, email, user_role_id) values ('Dan', 'someemail#gmail.com', role_id);
The query itself:
select row_to_json(row)
from (
select u.*, ROW(ur.*::user_roles, ROW(d.*::role_duties)) as user_role
from users u
inner join user_roles ur on ur.id = u.user_role_id
inner join role_duties d on d.id = ur.duty_id
) row;
I found if I used ROW(), I could separate the resulting fields out into a child object, but it seems limited to a single level. I can't insert more AS XXX statements, as I think I should need in this case.
I am afforded column names, because I cast to the appropriate record type, for example with ::user_roles, in the case of that table's results.
Here's what that query returns:
"description":"Administrative duties in the system",
"name":"Script Execution"
What I want to do is generate JSON for joins (again 1:1 is fine) in a way where I can add joins, and have them represented as child objects of the parents they join to, i.e. like the following:
"description":"Administrative duties in the system",
"name":"Script Execution"
Update: In PostgreSQL 9.4 this improves a lot with the introduction of to_json, json_build_object, json_object and json_build_array, though it's verbose due to the need to name all the fields explicitly:
'id', u.id,
'name', u.name,
'email', u.email,
'user_role_id', u.user_role_id,
'user_role', json_build_object(
'id', ur.id,
'name', ur.name,
'description', ur.description,
'duty_id', ur.duty_id,
'duty', json_build_object(
'id', d.id,
'name', d.name
from users u
inner join user_roles ur on ur.id = u.user_role_id
inner join role_duties d on d.id = ur.duty_id;
For older versions, read on.
It isn't limited to a single row, it's just a bit painful. You can't alias composite rowtypes using AS, so you need to use an aliased subquery expression or CTE to achieve the effect:
select row_to_json(row)
from (
select u.*, urd AS user_role
from users u
inner join (
select ur.*, d
from user_roles ur
inner join role_duties d on d.id = ur.duty_id
) urd(id,name,description,duty_id,duty) on urd.id = u.user_role_id
) row;
produces, via http://jsonprettyprint.com/:
"id": 1,
"name": "Dan",
"email": "someemail#gmail.com",
"user_role_id": 1,
"user_role": {
"id": 1,
"name": "admin",
"description": "Administrative duties in the system",
"duty_id": 1,
"duty": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Script Execution"
You will want to use array_to_json(array_agg(...)) when you have a 1:many relationship, btw.
The above query should ideally be able to be written as:
select row_to_json(
ROW(u.*, ROW(ur.*, d AS duty) AS user_role)
from users u
inner join user_roles ur on ur.id = u.user_role_id
inner join role_duties d on d.id = ur.duty_id;
... but PostgreSQL's ROW constructor doesn't accept AS column aliases. Sadly.
Thankfully, they optimize out the same. Compare the plans:
The nested subquery version; vs
The latter nested ROW constructor version with the aliases removed so it executes
Because CTEs are optimisation fences, rephrasing the nested subquery version to use chained CTEs (WITH expressions) may not perform as well, and won't result in the same plan. In this case you're kind of stuck with ugly nested subqueries until we get some improvements to row_to_json or a way to override the column names in a ROW constructor more directly.
Anyway, in general, the principle is that where you want to create a json object with columns a, b, c, and you wish you could just write the illegal syntax:
ROW(a, b, c) AS outername(name1, name2, name3)
you can instead use scalar subqueries returning row-typed values:
(SELECT x FROM (SELECT a AS name1, b AS name2, c AS name3) x) AS outername
(SELECT x FROM (SELECT a, b, c) AS x(name1, name2, name3)) AS outername
Additionally, keep in mind that you can compose json values without additional quoting, e.g. if you put the output of a json_agg within a row_to_json, the inner json_agg result won't get quoted as a string, it'll be incorporated directly as json.
e.g. in the arbitrary example:
SELECT row_to_json(
1 AS k1,
2 AS k2,
(SELECT json_agg( (SELECT x FROM (SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b) x) )
FROM generate_series(1,2) ) AS k3
) x),
the output is:
Note that the json_agg product, [{"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2}], hasn't been escaped again, as text would be.
This means you can compose json operations to construct rows, you don't always have to create hugely complex PostgreSQL composite types then call row_to_json on the output.
I am adding this solution becasue the accepted response does not contemplate N:N relationships. aka: collections of collections of objects
If you have N:N relationships the clausula with it's your friend.
In my example, I would like to build a tree view of the following hierarchy.
A Requirement - Has - TestSuites
A Test Suite - Contains - TestCases.
The following query represents the joins.
SELECT reqId ,r.description as reqDesc ,array_agg(s.id)
s.id as suiteId , s."Name" as suiteName,
tc.id as tcId , tc."Title" as testCaseTitle
from "Requirement" r
inner join "Has" h on r.id = h.requirementid
inner join "TestSuite" s on s.id = h.testsuiteid
inner join "Contains" c on c.testsuiteid = s.id
inner join "TestCase" tc on tc.id = c.testcaseid
GROUP BY r.id, s.id;
Since you can not do multiple aggregations, you need to use "WITH".
with testcases as (
select c.testsuiteid,ts."Name" , tc.id, tc."Title" from "TestSuite" ts
inner join "Contains" c on c.testsuiteid = ts.id
inner join "TestCase" tc on tc.id = c.testcaseid
requirements as (
select r.id as reqId ,r.description as reqDesc , s.id as suiteId
from "Requirement" r
inner join "Has" h on r.id = h.requirementid
inner join "TestSuite" s on s.id = h.testsuiteid
, suitesJson as (
select testcases.testsuiteid,
json_build_object('tc_id', testcases.id,'tc_title', testcases."Title" )
) as suiteJson
from testcases
group by testcases.testsuiteid,testcases."Name"
allSuites as (
select has.requirementid,
json_build_object('ts_id', suitesJson.testsuiteid,'name',s."Name" , 'test_cases', suitesJson.suiteJson )
) as suites
from suitesJson inner join "TestSuite" s on s.id = suitesJson.testsuiteid
inner join "Has" has on has.testsuiteid = s.id
group by has.requirementid
allRequirements as (
select json_agg(
json_build_object('req_id', r.id ,'req_description',r.description , 'test_suites', allSuites.suites )
) as suites
from allSuites inner join "Requirement" r on r.id = allSuites.requirementid
select * from allRequirements
What it does is building the JSON object in small collection of items and aggregating them on each with clausules.
"req_id": 1,
"req_description": "<character varying>",
"test_suites": [
"ts_id": 1,
"name": "TestSuite",
"test_cases": [
"tc_id": 1,
"tc_title": "TestCase"
"tc_id": 2,
"tc_title": "TestCase2"
"ts_id": 2,
"name": "TestSuite",
"test_cases": [
"tc_id": 2,
"tc_title": "TestCase2"
"req_id": 2,
"req_description": "<character varying> 2 ",
"test_suites": [
"ts_id": 2,
"name": "TestSuite",
"test_cases": [
"tc_id": 2,
"tc_title": "TestCase2"
My suggestion for maintainability over the long term is to use a VIEW to build the coarse version of your query, and then use a function as below:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fnc_query_prominence_users( )
RETURNS json AS $$
d_result json;
CAST(ROW(users.*) AS prominence.users)
INTO d_result
FROM prominence.users;
RETURN d_result;
END; $$
LANGUAGE plpgsql
In this case, the object prominence.users is a view. Since I selected users.*, I will not have to update this function if I need to update the view to include more fields in a user record.
I'm trying to join several tables and pull out each DISTINCT root record (from table_a), but for some reason I keep getting duplicates. Here is my select query:
ta.table_a_name as "tableName"
from my_schema.table_a ta
left join my_schema.table_b tb
on (tb.table_a_id = ta.id)
left join my_schema.table_c tc
on (tc.table_b_id = tb.id)
left join my_schema.table_d td
on (td.id = any(tc.table_d_ids))
where td.id = any(array[100]);
This returns the following:
"id": 2,
"tableName": "Root record 2"
"id": 2,
"tableName": "Root record 2"
But I am only expecting, in this case,
"id": 2,
"tableName": "Root record 2"
What am I doing wrong here?
Here's the fiddle and, just in case, the create and insert statements below:
create schema if not exists my_schema;
create table if not exists my_schema.table_a (
id serial primary key,
table_a_name varchar (255) not null
create table if not exists my_schema.table_b (
id serial primary key,
table_a_id bigint not null references my_schema.table_a (id)
create table if not exists my_schema.table_d (
id serial primary key
create table if not exists my_schema.table_c (
id serial primary key,
table_b_id bigint not null references my_schema.table_b (id),
table_d_ids bigint[] not null
insert into my_schema.table_a values
(1, 'Root record 1'),
(2, 'Root record 2'),
(3, 'Root record 3');
insert into my_schema.table_b values
(10, 2),
(11, 2),
(12, 3);
insert into my_schema.table_d values
insert into my_schema.table_c values
(1000, 10, array[]::int[]),
(1001, 10, array[100]),
(1002, 11, array[100, 101]),
(1003, 12, array[102]),
(1004, 12, array[103]);
Short answer is use distinct, and this will get the results you want:
select distinct
ta.table_a_name as "tableName"
from my_schema.table_a ta
left join my_schema.table_b tb
on (tb.table_a_id = ta.id)
left join my_schema.table_c tc
on (tc.table_b_id = tb.id)
left join my_schema.table_d td
on (td.id = any(tc.table_d_ids))
where td.id = any(array[100]);
That said, this doesn't sit well with me because I assume this is not the end of your query.
The root issue is that you have two records from table_b - table_d that match this criteria. If you follow the breadcrumbs back, you will see there really are two matches:
ta.table_a_name as "tableName", tb.*, tc.*, td.*
from my_schema.table_a ta
left join my_schema.table_b tb
on (tb.table_a_id = ta.id)
left join my_schema.table_c tc
on (tc.table_b_id = tb.id)
left join my_schema.table_d td
on (td.id = any(tc.table_d_ids))
where td.id = any(array[100]);
So 'distinct' is just a lazy fix to say if there are dupes, limit it to one...
My next question is, is there more to it than this? What's supposed to happen next? Do you really just want candidates from table_a, or is this part 1 of a longer issue? If there is more to it, then there is likely a better solution than a simple select distinct.
-- edit 10/1/2022 --
Based on your comment, I have one final suggestion. Because this really all there is to your output AND you don't actually need the data from the b/c/d tables, then I think a semi-join is a better solution.
It's slightly more code (not going to win any golf or de-obfuscation contents), but it's much more efficient than a distinct or group by all columns. The reason is a distinct pulls every row result and then has to order and remove dupes. A semi-join, by contrast, will "stop looking" once it finds a match. It also scales very well. Almost every time I see a distinct misused, it's better served by a semi-join.
ta.table_a_name as "tableName"
from my_schema.table_a ta
where exists (
select null
table_b tb,
table_c tc,
table_d tc
tb.table_a_id = ta.id and
tc.table_b_id = tb.id and
td.id = any(tc.table_d_ids) and
td.id = any(array[100])
I didn't suggest this initially because I was unclear on the "what next."
Lets say I have
sequelize.query('SELECT associations FROM users WHERE id = :id')
associations is a JSONB ARRAY column
the output look like so
"role": 2,
"shop_id": 1,
"admin_id": 1,
"manager_id": null
I'd like to loop through the array and search for those associations using those ids
I'd like to perfom that whole thing in the same query.
I have a role table, shop table, users table
all the columns are coming out as null
If association is a column of type jsonb[], then use unnest(association) in order to expand the first level of elements.
Then you can try something like this assuming that all the id are of type integer :
FROM users
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(associations) AS j
ON (j->>\'role\') :: integer = r.id
ON (j->>\'shop_id\') :: integer = s.id
LEFT JOIN users AS a
ON (j->>\'admin_id\') :: integer = a.id
LEFT JOIN users AS m
ON (j->>\'manager_id\') :: integer = m.id
WHERE id = :id'
In PostgreSQL have a relational data model that represents the hierarchy within an organization.
create table employee (
id integer primary key,
name varchar(40) not null,
supervisor_id integer references employee
Only the CEO has supervisor_id=NULL. Every other employ has a supervisor with some supervisor_id.
I would like export the data as a single nested json document
"id": 1,
"name": "Name of company's CEO",
"supervises": [
"id": 2,
"name": "Name of 1st EC member",
"supervises": [ ... nested employees ... ]
"id": 3,
"name": "Name of 2nd EC member",
"supervises": [ ... nested employees ... ]
I followed the example from https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-recursive-query/ but it only helps me to identify all the employees top down along the reporting line using the WITH RECURSIVE clause.
I know that I need to start the aggregation with the employees that have the highest depth in the tree (not just leaf nodes) and aggregate them bottom up but I did not manage to write a query that does the job.
Thanks for your help!
At first glance your question sounds like quite simple using a recursive query, but it is not because of the list of employees who may have the same supervisor, which requires an aggregate function in order to build the corresponding json array, but the aggregate functions are not allowed in a recursive query ...
First step - We build the json objects for every employee and the corresponding array of supervised employees when he/she is a supervisor :
SELECT s.id AS father
, CASE WHEN array_agg(e.id) = array[NULL :: integer] THEN NULL ELSE array_agg(e.id) END AS children_list
, jsonb_build_object
( 'id', s.id
, 'name', s.name
, 'supervises', array_agg(e.id)
) AS json_tree
FROM employee AS s
LEFT JOIN employee AS e
ON s.id = e.supervisor_id
GROUP BY s.id, s.name
Second step - Using a recursive query, we go through the tree of employees in a top-down approach, we assign a rank to every employee and build the corresponding jsonpath that will be used in the next step :
SELECT s.id AS father
, CASE WHEN array_agg(e.id) = array[NULL :: integer] THEN NULL ELSE array_agg(e.id) END AS children_list
, jsonb_build_object
( 'id', s.id
, 'name', s.name
, 'supervises', array_agg(e.id)
) AS json_tree
FROM employee AS s
LEFT JOIN employee AS e
ON s.id = e.supervisor_id
GROUP BY s.id, s.name
), list (father, json_tree, children_list, rank, path) AS
SELECT c.father, c.json_tree, c.children_list, 1, '{}' :: text[]
FROM elt AS c
ON array[c.father] <# f.children_list
WHERE f.father IS NULL
SELECT c.father
, c.json_tree
, c.children_list
, f.rank + 1
, f.path || array['supervises',(array_position(f.children_list, c.father)-1) :: text]
FROM list AS f
ON array[c.father] <# f.children_list
) --, ordered_list AS (
FROM list
Third step - We create the aggregate version of the jsonb_set function so that to build the final jsonb data while iterating on the previous resulting list
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_set(x jsonb, y jsonb, p text[], e jsonb, b boolean)
SELECT CASE WHEN x IS NULL THEN e ELSE jsonb_set(x, p, e, b) END ; $$ ;
CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE jsonb_set_agg(x jsonb, p text[], e jsonb, b boolean)
( STYPE = jsonb, SFUNC = jsonb_set) ;
Final query
SELECT s.id AS father
, CASE WHEN array_agg(e.id) = array[NULL :: integer] THEN NULL ELSE array_agg(e.id) END AS children_list
, jsonb_build_object
( 'id', s.id
, 'name', s.name
, 'supervises', array_agg(e.id)
) AS json_tree
FROM employee AS s
LEFT JOIN employee AS e
ON s.id = e.supervisor_id
GROUP BY s.id, s.name
), list (father, json_tree, children_list, rank, path) AS
SELECT c.father, c.json_tree, c.children_list, 1, '{}' :: text[]
FROM elt AS c
ON array[c.father] <# f.children_list
WHERE f.father IS NULL
SELECT c.father
, c.json_tree
, c.children_list
, f.rank + 1
, f.path || array['supervises',(array_position(f.children_list, c.father)-1) :: text]
FROM list AS f
ON array[c.father] <# f.children_list
SELECT jsonb_set_agg(NULL :: jsonb, path, json_tree, true ORDER BY rank ASC)
FROM list
test result in dbfiddle
From here, and here I have figured out that if I want to aggregate a set of related rows into an array of objects I have to use this syntax:
(select to_json(C) from ( /* subquery */ ) C)
So, if I have three tables: user, creature and their junction table user_creature:
And I want to retrieve each user, and each creature that belongs to this user, I would have to do something like this:
select to_json(T)
from (
select "user".id as user_id,
(select to_json(C) -- !!! There it is
from (
select name, height
from creature
inner join "user_creature" uc on creature.id = "uc".creature_id
inner join "user" u on "uc".user_id = u.id
where u.id = user_id
) C) as "creatures" -- !!! There it is
from "user"
) T;
This query successfully retrieves a list of users and their related creatures:
Is there a way to drop select and from keywords from the query, so that I can write my query like this:
select to_json(T)
from (
select "user".id as user_id,
to_json( -- !!! Calling to_json directly on select statement
select name, height
from creature
inner join "user_creature" uc on creature.id = "uc".creature_id
inner join "user" u on "uc".user_id = u.id
where u.id = user_id
) as "creatures"
from "user"
) T;
It is possible to use a subquery as the argument to to_json, but not practical:
You need to wrap the subquery in a grouping parenthesis: to_json( (SELECT … FROM …) )
The subquery must return exactly one row (but that's normal)
The subquery must return exactly one column. This is a bit harder - you can return a record, but if you build it dynamically (e.g. from a selection of columns, you can hardly control the field names)
(See a demo here).
Instead, use json_build_object if you want to write a single SELECT query only:
SELECT json_build_object(
'user_id', u.id,
'creatures', (
SELECT json_build_object(
'name', c.name,
'height', c.height
FROM creature c
INNER JOIN "user_creature" uc ON c.id = uc.creature_id
WHERE uc.user_id = u.id
FROM "user" u;
And, if you want to be able to retrieve multiple rows use SELECT json_agg(json_build_object(…)) FROM … or ARRAY(SELECT json_build_object(…) FROM …):
SELECT json_build_object(
'user_id', u.id,
'creatures', (
SELECT json_agg(json_build_object(
'name', c.name,
'height', c.height
FROM creature c
INNER JOIN "user_creature" uc ON c.id = uc.creature_id
WHERE uc.user_id = u.id
FROM "user" u;
This is my query:
SELECT "vehicle"."id",
"tag"."id" AS "tag_id",
"tag"."name" AS "tag_name"
FROM "vehicle"
INNER JOIN "vehicle_tag_pivot" ON "vehicle"."id" = "vehicle_tag_pivot"."vehicle_id"
INNER JOIN "tag" ON "vehicle_tag_pivot"."tag_id" = "tag"."id"
WHERE "tag"."name" IN ('car', 'busses')
AND "vehicle"."category_id" = '1E4FD2C5-C32E-4E3F-91B3-45478BCF0185'
I only have one vehicle in my database. It has two tags -> car and busses (this is test data).
So when I run the query, it returns The exact same vehicle showing the 2 tags it has.
How do I get it to return the vehicle once? I do not really want to return the tag_name. I only want to filter and return all the vehicles that has the both tags car and busses. If one vehicle has both those tags, then it should return that vehicle only. But instead it is returning the same vehicle twice showing its tags.
This should work for you.
FROM "interest" as "i"
where i.id in (
select it.interest_id
from interest_tag_pivot it
join tag t on it.tag_id = t.id
where t.name in ('car', 'busses')
group by it.interest_id
having count (*) = 2
and i.category_id = '1E4FD2C5-C32E-4E3F-91B3-45478BCF0185'
Do not JOIN - joins leads to duplications. Put all tags logic to WHERE EXISTS(...) or similar.
Here two scalar subqueries comparison in WHERE, try this (important! - it is assumed that tags for each vehicle can't duplicate, so we can compare its counts):
WITH required_tags(val) AS (
VALUES ('car'),
SELECT "vehicle"."id",
"tag"."id" AS "tag_id",
"tag"."name" AS "tag_name"
FROM "vehicle"
WHERE "vehicle"."category_id" = '1E4FD2C5-C32E-4E3F-91B3-45478BCF0185'
-- count matching tags...
SELECT count(1)
FROM "vehicle_tag_pivot"
INNER JOIN "tag" ON "vehicle_tag_pivot"."tag_id" = "tag"."id"
WHERE "vehicle"."id" = "vehicle_tag_pivot"."vehicle_id"
AND "tag"."name" IN (SELECT val FROM required_tags)
) = (
-- ...equals to count required tags
SELECT count(1)
FROM required_tags