Structural subtyping reflection - scala

Can we get the type of val s: String using reflection from the outside of the function f?
val f = (r: {val s: String}) => {

scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe=>ru}
scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
scala> def typeOf[T: ru.TypeTag](x: T) = ru.typeOf[T] // capture compile-time type info
typeOf: [T](x: T)(implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])reflect.runtime.universe.Type
scala> val f = (r: {val s: String}) => {}
f: AnyRef{val s: String} => Unit = <function1>
scala> val tpe = typeOf(f)
tpe: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.AnyRef{val s: String} => Unit
scala> ru.showRaw(tpe)
res0: String = TypeRef(ThisType(scala), scala.Function1, List(RefinedType(List(TypeRef(ThisType(scala), newTypeName("AnyRef"), List())), Scope(newTermName("s"))), TypeRef(ThisType(scala), scala.Unit, List())))
scala> val ru.TypeRef(_, _, refinement :: _) = tpe
refinement: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.AnyRef{val s: String}
With Scala reflection one can also generate mocks for structural types as follows: The linked gist does this using toolboxes and runtime reflection, but this scenario looks implementable with macros as well.


Mapping over generic tuples with polymorphic functions

Scala 3 provides polymorphic functions and Tuples similar to shapeless HList:
scala> 1 *: "foo" *: Tuple()
val res0: (Int, String) = (1,foo)
scala> val f: ([T] => T => Option[T]) = [T] => (v: T) => Some(v)
val f: PolyFunction{apply: [T](x$1: T): Option[T]} = <function1>
val res1: Option[Int] *: Option[String] *: EmptyTuple = (Some(1),Some(foo))
How could we reimplement the following shapeless example using Scala 3 functionality?
import poly._
object choose extends (Set ~> Option) {
def apply[T](s : Set[T]) = s.headOption
scala> val sets = Set(1) :: Set("foo") :: HNil
sets: Set[Int] :: Set[String] :: HNil = Set(1) :: Set(foo) :: HNil
scala> val opts = sets map choose
opts: Option[Int] :: Option[String] :: HNil = Some(1) :: Some(foo) :: HNil
In other words, how could we make something like so compile
scala> val choose: ([T] => Set[T] => Option[T]) = [T] => (s: Set[T]) => s.headOption
val choose: PolyFunction{apply: [T](x$1: Set[T]): Option[T]} = <function1>
scala> val sets = Set(1) *: Set("foo") *: Tuple()
val sets: (Set[Int], Set[String]) = (Set(1),Set(foo))
1 |
| ^^^^^^
| Found: (choose : PolyFunction{apply: [T](x$1: Set[T]): Option[T]})
| Required: PolyFunction{apply: [t](x$1: t): Any}
Shapeless map is quite a bit more magical than Scala 3 tuple map, the signature of latter being:
def map[F[_]](f: [t] => (x$1: t) => F[t]): Map[Tuple, F]
Map[Tuple, F] is a special match type that is basically tuple with every argument type wrapped in F[_]. The issue is that shape, t => F[t] that prevents too much fanciness.
Except of course, F can be a match type itself:
type Choose[T] = T match {
case Set[a] => Option[a]
def choose[T](t: T): Choose[T] = t match
case set: Set[a] => set.headOption
// messy, but it works
#main def run =
val sets = Set(1) *: Set("foo") *: Tuple()
println([T] => (t: T) => choose(t)))
There's currently an issue that compiler won't infer polymorphic function from methods. Match types aren't fully type-safe either, e.g. doing choose("string") will compile but throw a MatchError. I've also ran into problems with inference of a match type from polymorphic function value, hence the usage of def method.

How to find instance of a value type in Scala?

I know isInstanceOf can be used to find value type, but how do I find the type of 'str'?
What type is it?
scala> val str = ("Scala", "Elixir","Spark")
str: (String, String, String) = (Scala, Elixir, Spark)
The following throws an error (exclude Any/AnyRef etc for now):
scala> str.isInstanceOf[List]
<console>:13: error: type List takes type parameters
scala> str.isInstanceOf[String]
<console>:13: warning: fruitless type test: a value of type (String, String, String) cannot also be a String (the underlying of String)
res9: Boolean = false
I can check it this way but is there a name for this?
scala> str.isInstanceOf[(String, String, String)]
res12: Boolean = true
Use :type in scala repl to find type
Actual type is Tuple3[String, String, String]
str.isInstanceOf[Tuple3[String, String, String]]
Scala REPL
scala> val str = ("Scala", "Elixir","Spark")
str: (String, String, String) = (Scala,Elixir,Spark)
scala> :type str
(String, String, String)
scala> str.isInstanceOf[Tuple3[String, String, String]]
res2: Boolean = true
scala> str.getClass
res3: Class[_ <: (String, String, String)] = class scala.Tuple3
How to determine val type programmatically?
For instance, you want to know the type of the value is some specific type?
// assign x value
val x: Any = "this is string"
// custom function evaluate type
def f[T](v: T) = v match {
case _: Int => println("Int")
case _: String => println("String")
case _ => println("Unknown")
// determine val type
Yet another way to determine a type programmatically is using Manifest:
scala> def getType[T: Manifest](t: T): Manifest[T] = manifest[T]
getType: [T](t: T)(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T])Manifest[T]
scala> val str = ("Scala", "Elixir","Spark")
str: (String, String, String) = (Scala,Elixir,Spark)
scala> getType(str)
res0: Manifest[(String, String, String)] = scala.Tuple3[java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String]
The modern (meaning Scala 2.10 or later), Scala way of programmatically getting the compile time type of something is using a TypeTag.
scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
scala> def getType[T: TypeTag](value: T) = typeOf[T]
getType: [T](value: T)(implicit evidence$1: reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag[T])reflect.runtime.universe.Type
scala> val str = ("Scala", "Elixir","Spark")
str: (String, String, String) = (Scala,Elixir,Spark)
scala> println(getType(str))
(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
scala> getType(str) <:< typeOf[(String,String,String)]
res1: Boolean = true
scala> getType((1,2,3)) <:< typeOf[(String,String,String)]
res2: Boolean = false
getClass will give your the erased runtime class. isInstanceOf[T] will test whether the erased runtime class is the same as or a subclass of the erased runtime class of T.
And "erased" means that the following evaluates to true.
"runtime" and "compile time" mean that this is true:
val a: Any = (1,2,3)
while this is false:
val a: Any = (1,2,3)
getType(a) <:< typeOf[(Int,Int,Int)]
This method can help you get the type of any val/var at runtime, it's also works in compiled code.
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def printType[T](x: T)(implicit tag: TypeTag[T]): Unit = println(tag.tpe.toString)
printType(List[Int](1,2,3)) // output: List[Int]
printType(("xxx", 123, 0.1)) // output: (String, Int, Double)
printType(2) // output: Int

Scala match function against variable

When I'm matching value of case classes, such as:
sealed abstract class Op
case class UOp[T, K](f: T => K) extends Op
case class BOp[T, Z, K](f: (T, Z) => K) extends Op
like this:
def f(op: Op): Int =
op match
case BOp(g) => g(1,2)
case UOp(g) => g(0)
the compiler infers it as
val g: (Nothing, Nothing) => Any
val g: Nothing => Any
Why am I getting Nothing as the type? Is it because of JVM type erasure? Are there elegant ways to match functions against variables?
I came up with this "hackish" solution, maybe there are other ways or cleaner ways to do this still without relying on reflection.
Define a few partial functions which will handle various args:
scala> val f: PartialFunction[Any, String] = { case (x: Int, y: String) => y * x }
f: PartialFunction[Any,String] = <function1>
scala> val g: PartialFunction[Any, String] = { case x: Int => x.toString }
g: PartialFunction[Any,String] = <function1>
scala> def h: PartialFunction[Any, BigDecimal] = { case (a: Int, b: Double, c: Long) => BigDecimal(a) + b + c }
h: PartialFunction[Any,BigDecimal]
scala> val l: List[PartialFunction[Any, Any]] = f :: g :: h :: Nil
l: List[PartialFunction[Any,Any]] = List(<function1>, <function1>, <function1>)
Check which functions can handle different inputs:
res0: List[Boolean] = List(false, true, false)
scala>, "one")))
res1: List[Boolean] = List(true, false, false)
Given input find and apply a function:
scala> def applyFunction(input: Any): Option[Any] = {
| l find (_.isDefinedAt(input)) map (_ (input))
| }
applyFunction: (input: Any)Option[Any]
scala> applyFunction(1)
res1: Option[Any] = Some(1)
scala> applyFunction((2, "one"))
res2: Option[Any] = Some(oneone)
scala> applyFunction("one")
res3: Option[Any] = None
scala> applyFunction(1, 1.1, 9L)
res10: Option[Any] = Some(11.1)
This looks quite type unsafe and there must be better ways to do this.
I think magnet pattern should handle this well in more typesafe manner.

How to find the type of a Scala expression

Can I find out the type of an expression in Scala. This would be particuarly useful when debugging complex partial functions, implicit conversions, etc...
For example:
println( typeOf( x+y ) )
If you wish to print as you have specified then:
scala> def manOf[T: Manifest](t: T): Manifest[T] = manifest[T]
manOf: [T](t: T)(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T])Manifest[T]
scala> val x = List(1,2,3)
x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> println(manOf(x))
If you are in repl mode then
scala> :type List(1,2,3)
In the scala console, you can use :type:
:type x+y
At runtime (including in the console) you can do:
scala> import reflect.ClassTag
import reflect.ClassTag
scala> def exprType[T:ClassTag]( x: T ) = implicitly[ClassTag[T]]
exprType: [T](x: T)(implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[T])scala.reflect.ClassTag[T]
scala> exprType( x+y)
res1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[String] = java.lang.String
exprType will return the ClassTag the parameter. Because ClassTag are not resilient to erasure, you might want to use a TypeTag instead (but this requires to have "scala-reflect.jar" in the classpath):
import reflect.runtime.universe._
def exprType[T:TypeTag]( x: T ) = implicitly[TypeTag[T]]

Use functional combinators on Scala Tuples?

'map' preserves the number of elements, so using it on a Tuple seems sensible.
My attempts so far:
scala> (3,4).map(_*2)
error: value map is not a member of (Int, Int)
scala> (3,4)*2)
error: value * is not a member of Any
scala> (3,4)[Int]*2)
res4: Iterator[Int] = non-empty iterator
scala> (3,4)[Int]*2).toList
res5: List[Int] = List(6, 8)
It looks quite painful... And I haven't even begun to try to convert it back to a tuple.
Am I doing it wrong? Could the library be improved?
In general, the element types of a tuple aren't the same, so map doesn't make sense. You can define a function to handle the special case, though:
scala> def map[A, B](as: (A, A))(f: A => B) =
as match { case (a1, a2) => (f(a1), f(a2)) }
map: [A,B](as: (A, A))(f: (A) => B)(B, B)
scala> val p = (1, 2)
p: (Int, Int) = (1,2)
scala> map(p){ _ * 2 }
res1: (Int, Int) = (2,4)
You could use the Pimp My Library pattern to call this as * 2).
Even when the types of the elements are not the same, Tuple2[A, B] is a Bifunctor, which can be mapped with the bimap operation.
scala> import scalaz._
import scalaz._
scala> import Scalaz._
import Scalaz._
scala> val f = (_: Int) * 2
f: (Int) => Int = <function1>
scala> val g = (_: String) * 2
g: (String) => String = <function1>
scala> f <-: (1, "1") :-> g
res12: (Int, String) = (2,11)
shapeless Supports mapping and folding over tuples via an intermediary HList representation,
Sample REPL session,
scala> import shapeless._ ; import Tuples._
import shapeless._
import Tuples._
scala> object double extends (Int -> Int) (_*2)
defined module double
scala> (3, 4)
res0: (Int, Int) = (6,8)
Where the elements of the tuple are of different types you can map with a polymorphic function with type-specific cases,
scala> object frob extends Poly1 {
| implicit def caseInt = at[Int](_*2)
| implicit def caseString = at[String]("!"+_+"!")
| implicit def caseBoolean = at[Boolean](!_)
| }
defined module frob
scala> (23, "foo", false, "bar", 13)
res1: (Int, String, Boolean, String, Int) = (46,!foo!,true,!bar!,26)
As of shapeless 2.0.0-M1 mapping over tuples is supported directly. The above examples now look like this,
scala> import shapeless._, poly._, syntax.std.tuple._
import shapeless._
import poly._
import syntax.std.tuple._
scala> object double extends (Int -> Int) (_*2)
defined module double
scala> (3, 4) map double
res0: (Int, Int) = (6,8)
scala> object frob extends Poly1 {
| implicit def caseInt = at[Int](_*2)
| implicit def caseString = at[String]("!"+_+"!")
| implicit def caseBoolean = at[Boolean](!_)
| }
defined module frob
scala> (23, "foo", false, "bar", 13) map frob
res1: (Int, String, Boolean, String, Int) = (46,!foo!,true,!bar!,26)
map function gets an A => B and returns F[B].
def map[A, B](f: A => B) : F[B]
As retronym wrote Tuple2[A, B] is a Bifunctor, so you can look for the bimap function in scalaz or cats.
bimap is a function that maps both sides of the tuple:
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fa: A => C, fb: B => D): Tuple2[C, D]
Because Tuple[A, B] holds 2 values and only one value can be mapped (by convention the right value), you can just return the same value for the left side and use the right
function to map over the right value of the tuple.
(3, 4).bimap(identity, _ * 2)