Taming the Scala type system - scala

I don't seem to understand the Scala type system. I'm trying to implement
two base traits and a trait for a family of algorithms to work with them.
What am I doing wrong in the below?
The base traits for moves & states; these are simplified to just include
methods that expose the problem.
trait Move
trait State[M <: Move] {
def moves: List[M]
def successor(m: M): State[M]
Here's the trait for the family of algorithms that makes use of above.
I'm Not sure this is right!
There might be some +M / -S stuff involved...
trait Algorithm {
def bestMove[M <: Move, S <: State[M]](s: S): M
Concrete move and state:
case class MyMove(x: Int) extends Move
class MyState(val s: Map[MyMove,Int]) extends State[MyMove] {
def moves = MyMove(1) :: MyMove(2) :: Nil
def successor(p: MyMove) = new MyState(s.updated(p, 1))
I'm on very shaky ground regarding the below, but the compiler seems to accept it...
Attempting to make a concrete implementation of the Algorithm trait.
object MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def bestMove(s: State[Move]) = s.moves.head
So far there are no compile errors; they show up when I try to put all the parts together, however:
object Main extends App {
val s = new MyState(Map())
val m = MyAlgorithm.bestMove(s)
The above throws this error:
error: overloaded method value bestMove with alternatives:
(s: State[Move])Move <and>
[M <: Move, S <: State[M]](s: S)M
cannot be applied to (MyState)
val m = MyAlgorithm.bestMove(s)
Update: I changed the Algorithm trait to use abstract type members, as
suggested. This solved the question as I had phrased it but I had
simplified it a bit too much. The MyAlgorithm.bestMove() method must be
allowed to call itself with the output from s.successor(m), like this:
trait Algorithm {
type M <: Move
type S <: State[M]
def bestMove(s: S): M
trait MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def score(s: S): Int = s.moves.size
def bestMove(s: S): M = {
val groups = s.moves.groupBy(m => score(s.successor(m)))
val max = groups.keys.max
The above gives now 2 errors:
Foo.scala:38: error: type mismatch;
found : State[MyAlgorithm.this.M]
required: MyAlgorithm.this.S
val groups = s.moves.groupBy(m => score(s.successor(m)))
Foo.scala:39: error: diverging implicit expansion for type Ordering[B]
starting with method Tuple9 in object Ordering
val max = groups.keys.max
Do I have to move to an approach using traits of traits, aka the Cake pattern, to make this work? (I'm just guessing here; I'm thoroughly confused still.)

You declare MyAlgorithm#bestMove explicitly as taking a State[Move] parameter, but inside Main you are trying to pass it a MyState, which is a State[MyMove] not a State[Move].
You have a couple of options to resolve this. One would be to not constrain the types in MyAlgorithm:
object MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def bestMove[M <: Move, S <: State[M]](s: S) : M = s.moves.head
Unfortunately, the scala type inference isn't smart enough to figure these types out for you, so at the call site, you have to declare them, making the call to MyAlgorithm#bestMove look like this:
val m = MyAlgorithm.bestMove[MyMove, MyState](s)
Another option use abstract type members of the Algorithm trait:
trait Algorithm {
type M <: Move
type S <: State[M]
def bestMove(s: S): M
And resolve the abstract types in the concrete implementation:
object MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
type M = MyMove
type S = MyState
def bestMove(s: S) : M = s.moves.head
Then the call site gets to return to your original version, without mentioning the types:
val m = MyAlgorithm.bestMove(s)
You may want to keep MyAlgorithm unaware of the actual types, and leave the determining of those types to the 'clients' of that object, in which case, change the object to a trait:
trait MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def bestMove(s: S) : M = s.moves.head
Then in your Main class, you instantiate a MyAlgorithm with the concrete types:
val a = new MyAlgorithm {
type M = MyMove
type S = MyState
val m = a.bestMove(s)
Your comment "There might be some +M / -S stuff involved" was a good guess, but It won't work for you here. You might hope that the covariant type modifier "+" might help here. If you had declared the type parameter on State as
This would indicate that State[M] <:< State[N] if M <:< N. (read <:< as "is a subtype of"). Then you would have no problem passing in a State[MyMove] where a State[Move] was expected. However, you cannot use the covariant modifier on M here because it appears in the contravariant position as an argument to the successor function.
Why is this a problem? Your declaration of successor says that it will take an M and return a State. The covariant annotation says that a State[M] is also a State[Any]. So we should allow this assignment:
val x : State[Any] = y : State[MyMove]
Now if we have a State[Any], then x.successor is what type? Any => MyMove. Which cannot be correct, since your implementation is expecting a MyMove, not an Any

For updated code.
The compiler is very fair with complaints. Algorithm use one subclass of State as denoted and state successor may return any other subclass of State[M]
You may declare IntegerOne class
trait Abstract[T]
class IntegerOne extends Abstract[Int]
but the compiler have no clue that all instances of AbstractOne[Int] would be IntegerOne. It assume that there may be another class that also implements Abstract[Int]
class IntegerTwo extends Abstract[Int]
You may try to use implicit conversion to cast from Abstract[Int] to IntegerOne, but traits have no implicit view bounds as they have no value parameters at all.
Solution 0
So you may rewrite your Algorithm trait as an abstract class and use implicit conversion:
abstract class MyAlgorithm[MT <: Move, ST <: State[MT]] (implicit val toSM : State[MT] => ST) extends Algorithm {
override type M = MT // finalize types, no further subtyping allowed
override type S = ST // finalize types, no further subtyping allowed
def score(s : S) : Int = s.moves.size
override def bestMove(s : S) : M = {
val groups = s.moves.groupBy( m => score(toSM ( s.successor(m)) ) )
val max = groups.keys.max
implicit def toMyState(state : State[MyMove]) : MyState = state.asInstanceOf[MyState]
object ConcreteAlgorithm extends MyAlgorithm[MyMove,MyState]
object Main extends App {
val s = new MyState(Map())
val m = ConcreteAlgorithm.bestMove(s)
There are two drawbacks in this solution
using implicit conversion with asInstanceOf
tying types
You may extinguish first as the cost of further type tying.
Solution 1
Let use Algorithm as sole type parameterization source and rewrite type structure accordingly
trait State[A <: Algorithm] { _:A#S =>
def moves : List[A#M]
def successor(m : A#M): A#S
trait Algorithm{
type M <: Move
type S <: State[this.type]
def bestMove(s : S) : M
In that case your MyAlgorithm may be used without rewriting
trait MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def score(s : S) : Int = s.moves.size
override def bestMove(s : S) : M = {
val groups = s.moves.groupBy(m => score(s.successor(m)))
val max = groups.keys.max
Using it:
class MyState(val s : Map[MyMove,Int]) extends State[ConcreteAlgorithm.type] {
def moves = MyMove(1) :: MyMove(2) :: Nil
def successor(p : MyMove) = new MyState(s.updated(p,1))
object ConcreteAlgorithm extends MyAlgorithm {
override type M = MyMove
override type S = MyState
object Main extends App {
val s = new MyState(Map())
val m = ConcreteAlgorithm.bestMove(s)
See more abstract and complicated usage example for this tecnique: Scala: Abstract types vs generics
Solution 2
There is also a simple solution to your question but I doubt it can solve your problem. You will eventually stuck upon type inconsistency once again in more complex use cases.
Just make MyState.successor return this.type instead of State[M]
trait State[M <: Move] {
def moves : List[M]
def successor(m : M): this.type
final class MyState(val s : Map[MyMove,Int]) extends State[MyMove] {
def moves = MyMove(1) :: MyMove(2) :: Nil
def successor(p : MyMove) = (new MyState(s.updated(p,1))).asInstanceOf[this.type]
other things are unchanged
trait Algorithm{
type M <: Move
type S <: State[M]
def bestMove(s : S) : M
trait MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def score(s : S) : Int = s.moves.size
override def bestMove(s : S) : M = {
val groups = s.moves.groupBy(m => score(s.successor(m)))
val max = groups.keys.max
object ConcreteAlgorithm extends MyAlgorithm {
override type M = MyMove
override type S = MyState
object Main extends App {
val s = new MyState(Map())
val m = ConcreteAlgorithm.bestMove(s)
Pay attention to final modifier to MyState class. It ensures that conversion asInstanceOf[this.type] is correct one. Scala compiler may compute itself that final class keeps always this.type but it still have some flaws.
Solution 3
There is no need to tie Algorithm with custom State. As long as Algorithm does not use specific State function it may be written simpler without type bounding exercises.
trait Algorithm{
type M <: Move
def bestMove(s : State[M]) : M
trait MyAlgorithm extends Algorithm {
def score(s : State[M]) : Int = s.moves.size
override def bestMove(s : State[M]) : M = {
val groups = s.moves.groupBy(m => score(s.successor(m)))
val max = groups.keys.max
This simple example doesn't come to my mind quickly because I've assumed that binding to different states are obligatory. But sometimes only part of system really should be parameterized explicitly and your may avoid additional complexity with it
Problem discussed reflects bunch of problems that arises in my practice very often.
There are two competing purposes that should not exclude each other but do so in scala.
First means that you can build complex system, implement some basic realization and be able to replace its parts one by one to implement more complex realization.
Second allows your to define very abstract system, that may be used for different cases.
Scala developers had very challenging task for creating type system for a language that can be both functional and object oriented while being limited to jvm implementation core with huge defects like type erasure. Co/Contra-variance type annotation given to users are insufficient for expressing types relations in complex system
I have my hard times every time I encounter extensiblity-generality dilemma deciding which trade-off to accept.
I'd like not to use design pattern but to declare it in the target language. I hopes that scala will give me this ability someday.


Is it possible to put an upper type bound mandating that a class has a concrete definition of a member type?

Let's consider:
trait Abstract {
type T
def get :T
def set(t :T) :Unit
class Concrete[X](var x :X) extends Abstract {
override type T = X
override def get :T = x
override def set(t :T) = x = t
class Generic[M <: Abstract](val m :M) {
def get :M#T = m.get
def set(t :M#T) :Unit = m.set(t)
def like[N <: Abstract](n :N) :Generic[N] = new Generic(n)
def trans[N <: Abstract](n :N) :N#T = like[N](n).get
Class Generic rightfully won't compile here because M#T can be literally any type in existence and not m.T. This can be 'fixed' in two ways:
def set(t :m.T) :Unit = ???
class Generic[M <: Abstract with Singleton]
First is unfeasible because in practice Generic might not even have an instance of M to use its member type (which happens in my real-life case), and passing around path dependent types in a compatible way between classes and methods is next to impossible. Here's one of the examples why path-dependent types are too strong (and a huge nuissance):
val c = new Concrete[Int](0)
val g = new Generic[c.type](c)
The last line in the above example does not compile, even though g :Generic[c.type] and thus get :c.type#T which simplifies to c.T.
The second is somewhat better, but it still requires that every class with a M <: Abstract type parameter has an instance of M at instantiation and capturing m.T as a type parameter and passing everywhere a type bound Abstract { type T = Captured } is still a huge pain.
I would like to put a type bound on T specifying that only subclasses of Abstract which have a concrete definition of T are valid, which would make m.T =:= M#T for every m :M and neatly solve everything. So far, I haven't seen any way to do so.
I tried putting a type bound:
class Generic[M <: Abstract { type T = O } forSome { type O }]
which seemingly solved the issue of set, but fails with trans:
def like[N <: Abstract { type T = O } forSome { type O }](n :N) :Generic[N] = ???
def trans[N <: Abstract { type T = O } forSome { type O}](n :N) :N#T = ???
which seems to me like a clear type system deficiency. Additionally, it actually makes the situation worse in some cases, because it defines T early as some O(in class Generic) and won't unify it when additional constraints become available:
def narrow[N <: M { type T = Int }](n :N) :M#T = n.get
The above method will compile as part of class Generic[M <: Abstract], but not Generic[M <: Abstract { type T = O } forSome { type O}]. Replacing Abstract { type T = O } forSome { type O } with Concrete[_] yields very similar results. Both of these classes could be fixed by introducing a type parameter for T:
class Generic[M <: Abstract { type T = O }, O]
class Generic[M <: Concrete[_]]
Unfortunately, in several places I rely on two-argument type constructors such as
trait To[-X <: Abstract, +Y <: Abstract]
and use the infix notation X To Y as part of my dsl, so changing them to multi-argument, standard generic classes is not an option.
Is there a trick to get around this problem, namely to narrow down legal type parameters of a class so that their member type (or type parameter, I don't care) are both expressible as types and compatible with each other?. Think of M as some kind of factory of values of T and of Generic as its input data. I would like to parameterize Generic in such a way, that its instances are dedicated to concrete implementation classes of M. Do I have to write a macro for it?
I'm not sure exactly why you're saying that using a path dependent type will be annoying here, so maybe my answer will be completely off, sorry about that.
What's the problem with this?
class Generic[M <: Abstract](val m: M) {
def get: M#T = m.get
def set(t: m.T): Unit = m.set(t)
object Generic {
def like[N <: Abstract](n: N): Generic[N] = new Generic(n)
def trans[N <: Abstract](n :N): N#T = like(n).get
class Foo
val f = new Generic(new Concrete(new Foo))
f.set(new Foo)
You're saying you won't always have an instance m: M, but can you provide a real example of exactly what you want to achieve?

When using the singleton type feature of Scala shapeless, how to force the compiler to use narrow/singleton type as an implicit parameter?

This is a follow-up of one of my previous questions:
In scala shapeless, is it possible to use literal type as a generic type parameter?
I'm trying to write scala code for vector multiplication, while using shapeless to make the compiler aware of the dimension of each vector:
trait IntTypeMagnet[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]] extends Serializable {
def witness: W
object IntTypeMagnet {
case class Impl[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](witness: W) extends IntTypeMagnet[W] {}
implicit def fromInt[W <: Int](v: W): Impl[Lt[W]] = Impl(Witness(v))
implicit def fromWitness[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](witness: W): Impl[W] = Impl(witness)
trait Axis extends Serializable
case object UnknownAxis extends Axis
trait KnownAxis[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]] extends Axis {
def n: Int
def ++(that: KnownAxis[W]): Unit = {}
Ideally the implicit fromInt can deduce v.narrow (Witness can only work on final, singleton type), yet it doesn't behave as so:
object Attempt1 {
case class KN[W <: Witness.Lt[Int]](magnet: IntTypeMagnet[W]) extends KnownAxis[W] {
val n = magnet.witness.value
// looking good, works as intended
KN(1) ++ KN(1)
KN(Witness(1)) ++ KN(2)
KN(Witness(1)) ++ KN(Witness(2))
val v1_simple: KN[Lt[Int]] = KN(1)
KN(1) ++ KN(2) // should break
KN(1) ++ KN(Witness(2)) // should break
The last 2 lines doesn't cause any compilation error, which contradicts my hypothesis. Is there a way to change this behaviour such that KN created using fromInt can find the correct type? I'm using scala-2.12 so the singleton type of shapeless seems to be the only option.

Context bounds for generic polymorphic data in collection

I have the simplified situation:
abstract sealed trait Top
class A[T] extends Top
class B[T] extends Top
class Typeclass[T]
implicit def a[T] = new Typeclass[A[T]]
implicit def b[T] = new Typeclass[B[T]]
Now I have a Map[String, Top] and want to use an operation on all values in the map that require the presence of an instance of Typeclass to be available in the context. This will not compile as the concrete types of the values in the map are not visible from its type and I can therefore not set a context bound for them.
Is there a way to tell the compiler that in fact there will always be an instance available? In this example this is given as there are implicit functions to generate those instances for every concrete subtype of Top.
Or is the only solution to use a HList and recurse over its type requiring all the instances to be in context?
I recommend using some variation on this adaptation of Oleg's Existentials as universals in this sort of situation ... pack the the type class instance along with the value it's the instance for,
abstract sealed trait Top
class A[T] extends Top
class B[T] extends Top
class Typeclass[T]
implicit def a[T] = new Typeclass[A[T]]
implicit def b[T] = new Typeclass[B[T]]
trait Pack {
type T <: Top
val top: T
implicit val tc: Typeclass[T]
object Pack {
def apply[T0 <: Top](t0: T0)(implicit tc0: Typeclass[T0]): Pack =
new Pack { type T = T0 ; val top = t0 ; val tc = tc0 }
val m = Map("a" -> Pack(new A[Int]), "b" -> Pack(new B[Double]))
def foo[T: Typeclass](t: T): Unit = ()
def bar(m: Map[String, Pack], k: String): Unit =
m.get(k).map { pack =>
import pack._ // imports T, top and implicit tc
foo(top) // instance available for call of foo
bar(m, "a")
As discussed in comment it would be more convenient to have the typeclass defined on Top, and it might be done with pattern matching.
supposing part of the definition of the typeclass is
def f[T](t: T): FResult[T],
and you have the corresponding implentations
def fOnA[T](t: A[T]): FResult[A[T]] = ...
def fOnB[T](t: B[T]): FResult[B[T]] = ...
Then you can define
def fOnT(t: Top) : FResult[Top] = t match {
case a: A[_] => fOnA(a)
// provided an FResult[A[T]] is an FResult[Top],
// or some conversion is possible
case b: B[_] => fOnB(b)
If is both legal and safe to call a generic method, such as fOnA[T] with an existential (a matching A[_])
However, it might be difficult to convince the compiler that the parameter you pass to f or the result you get are ok, given the reduced information of the existential. If so, please post the signatures you need.

Why doesn't Scala's implicit class work when one of the type parameters should be Nothing?

Update: I modified the example so that can be compiled and tested.
I have an implicit class that defines an enrichment method:
case class Pipe[-I,+O,+R](f: I => (O, R));
object Pipe {
// The problematic implicit class:
implicit class PipeEnrich[I,O,R](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,R]) extends AnyVal {
def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] = Pipe.fuse(pipe, that);
def <-<[X](that: Pipe[X,I,R]): Pipe[X,O,R] = Pipe.fuse(that, pipe);
def fuse[I,O,X,R](i: Pipe[I,O,R], o: Pipe[O,X,R]): Pipe[I,X,R] = null;
// Example that works:
val p1: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = Pipe((x: Int) => (x, ""));
val q1: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = p1 >-> p1;
// Example that does not, just because R = Nothing:
val p2: Pipe[Int,Int,Nothing] = Pipe((x: Int) => (x, throw new Exception));
val q2: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = p2 >-> p2;
The problem is it doesn't work when R is Nothing in the second example. It results in an compiler error: In such a case, I get the following compiler error:
Pipe.scala:19: error: type mismatch;
found : Pipe[Int,Int,R]
required: Pipe[Int,Int,String]
val q2: Pipe[Int,Int,String] = p2 >-> p2;
Why does this happen?
I managed to solve it by creating a separate implicit class for that case:
trait Fuse[I,O,R] extends Any {
def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R])(implicit finalizer: Finalizer): Pipe[I,X,R];
protected trait FuseImpl[I,O,R] extends Any with Fuse[I,O,R] {
def pipe: Pipe[I,O,R];
def >->[X](that: Pipe[O,X,R]) = Pipe.fuse(pipe, that);
def <-<[X](that: Pipe[X,I,R]) = Pipe.fuse(that, pipe);
implicit class PipeEnrich[I,O,R](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,R])
extends AnyVal with FuseImpl[I,O,R];
implicit class PipeEnrichNothing[I,O](val pipe: Pipe[I,O,Nothing])
extends AnyVal with FuseImpl[I,O,Nothing];
But can I rely on Scala's behavior in the future, that it will not consider Nothing as an option for R? If that changes in the future, the code will stop working because I'll have two different applicable implicits.
Well... You haven't shown all your code, and the code you did show has some confusing inconsistencies. So this is going to be a wild guess. I suspect your problem is that Pipe is invariant in its type parameter R. Here's my simplified example:
case class Test[A](a: A)
object Test {
implicit class TestOps[A](val lhs: Test[A]) extends AnyVal {
def >->(rhs: Test[A]): Test[A] = ???
def test {
def lhs = Test(???)
def rhs = Test(???)
lhs >-> rhs
The compile error I get from this code is:
value >-> is not a member of Test[Nothing]
lhs >-> rhs
... which I admit is not the same as the error you posted. But I don't entirely trust what you posted, so I'm going to keep going! The fix for this is to make Test covariant in its type parameter A:
case class Test[+A](a: A)
I honestly don't understand why the compile error happens to begin with. It seems like the compiler doesn't want to unify A =:= Nothing in the conversion to TestOps, but I don't see why not. Nevertheless, Test should be covariant in A anyways, and I'm guessing your Pipe class should likewise be covariant in R.
I just spent a few minutes looking through the Scala bug list and found several possibly related issues: SI-1570, SI-4509, SI-4982 and SI-5505. I don't really know any details, but it sounds like Nothing is treated specially and shouldn't be. Paul and Adriaan would be the guys to ask...

Implicits and order of declaration

Here is a simplification of what I encountered. This compiles:
trait A { implicit val x = 1 }
trait B extends A { val y = implicitly[Int] }
While this don't (could not find implicit value):
trait B extends A { val y = implicitly[Int] }
trait A { implicit val x = 1 }
I tried to make my intentions clear by specifying a self-type: trait A { this: B => ... }, but to no avail.
How do I deal with this kind of dependencies without worrying about how my code is laid out?
You need to declare the type explicitly, at least for the latter one
trait B extends A { val y = implicitly[Int] }
trait A { implicit val x : Int = 1 }
The rules for implicit visibility is different whether its type is declared explicitely or not. If it is not, the implicit is available (as an implicit) only after the point of declaration.
The reason is that type inference may become too difficult if the type was not declared (as in recursive routine). In many cases, inference would be easy (as in your code) but the spec has to be clear cut.