In-App Purchase Auto-renewable Subscriptions - iphone

I have an app that sells Virtual Phone Numbers. When an user subscribes, we deliver a new virtual number and the user can manage this number within the app. After that, the user can receive calls but not necesarily through the app. I mean, after the initial purchase the user does not need to open the app to use the service but I need a way to check the subscription status monthly. My question is, can I set up a cron in the server to check the next receipts even the user wont open the app anymore?
Is it possible to sell a subscription service that is not delivered through the app? Thanks.

Take a look at this service that manages IAP and push notifications..
IF your service is eligible for auto-renewable subscriptions you can use that ( this is tricky because they reject this if the app dosen't give content. see more here: )

I've not done this myself, but the gist I get from the store docs is that you will verify the receipt and get an updated transaction if the subscription has been renewed. So presumably on your server you have some indication of when the original subscription was purchased and the time, so you would check before it expires and get the new transition.
I'd suggest maybe using push notification if this were to fail, to engage the user to update/renew.

You can use the Auto-renewable subscription from apple to serve your users.
When user buy the subscription first time store the receipt in the server.
Maintain the expiry date of the subscription per user in the server DB.
Run the cron job and check for the "Active Status" of the subscription via apple APIs
Depending on the status you can extend the service to your users.


Cancelling a user's subscription through the backend

I have a game created in Unity wherein we have subscriptions enabled for various prized packs. We are storing the details of this subscription in a DB in the backend. I wanted to check if it's possible to cancel the subscriptions through the backend itself - if a particular API exists for Google and Apple stores to do the same for all users belonging to a particular prized pack. Changing the status in our DB for the subscriptions is straightforward, but how do we stop the Google and Apple stores from charging these players on a monthly basis? Or does there exist some way to mark a particular subscription pack as obsolete?
On Google, you have an API to cancel a subscription
On Apple, such API doesn't exist and the only thing you can do for now, is explaining to your users the different steps to cancel their subscriptions. You can help them with this deeplink:
Opening this URL launches iTunes or iTunes Store and displays the Manage Subscriptions page where the user can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel their subscription by disabling auto-renew

How to implement auto renew subscription in app billing google play

I'm researching method to implement auto renew subscription in app billing with google play. I read and see
Billing continues indefinitely at the interval and price specified for the subscription. At each subscription renewal, Google Play charges the user account automatically, then notifies the user of the charges afterward by email. For monthly and annual subscriptions, billing cycles will always match subscription cycles, based on the purchase date. (Seasonal subscriptions are charged annually, on the first day of the season.)
When the subscription payment is approved, Google Play provides a purchase token back to the purchasing app through the In-app Billing API. Your apps can store the token locally or pass it to your backend servers, which can then use it to validate or cancel the subscription remotely using the Google Play Developer API.
So have any method to my server know when user's subscription was renewed? Instead of google play send new bill subscription to android app after that android app send this new bill to my server just for validate.
Can google play send a notify to my server when user's subscription renewed such as notify the user by email ? I want to google play send me a notify that user's subscription was renewed automatically so that my backend will update expire their subscription in app increase. Don't need android app have to check bill each time user open store to check have new bill from goole play charge automation or not. Do it implement?
My workfollow
Google charge a new cycle subscription and notify to my server { body such as bundId, bill, product_id or subscription package name, expire date...), also sent mail to user about their subscription automation renewed.
My server determine change subscription of the user and validate in app purchase by google play api and change expire package subscription in your app if validate is valid.
Store newest bill in my db
Is that possible?
[Update] Recommend from goolge play api doc
Recommendation: Include business logic in your app to notify your
backend servers of subscription purchases, tokens, and any billing
errors that may occur. Your backend servers can use the server-side
API to query and update your records and follow up with customers
directly, if needed.
How to implement recommend from google api, any doc or tutorials ?
I have currently exactly the same problem. The concept of Google is not well-conceived. There is a possibility to notify your backend server about financial transactions (see here), but I would not recommend this. You rely your business transactions on a lot of Google services and your server uptime. If anything goes wrong or is down or something, you will not be informed and your backend business logic does not work anymore.
This recommendation of Google you mentioned sucks as well. What happens if there is an auto-renawal (which delivers a new purchaseToken to your app) and the user never opens your app. Then the new subscription data will never be transferred to your server. And if you never got a new token, how can you check, if the user is still a subscriber, since this limited Google Play Developer API stupidly needs a purchaseToken as parameter (see here) that you never get as long as the user does not open your app at least once after an auto-renewal (to submit it to your server).
I think about implementing this in this way:
1.) I continuously check the purchase records by cron job. A purchase record is a database entry which contains all data from the initial subscription (orderId, purchaseToken, and so on, all that is needed for the security validation process on the server). Every purchase record is connected to a user's account (some UserID) in my backend system. As long as the autoRenewing attribute of the purchaseRecord is not false, the subscription is valid. Even if the expiryTimeMillis is exceeded, this one user could still have a valid subscription, because of the use case I described above: Subscription will be auto-renewed by Google, but the user never opens the app, so no transfer token is sent to your server and you are still not informed about the subscription update.
2.) If the use cancels his subscription any when, the autoRenewing would be false at any time. That means that the subscription will indeed end at the expiryTimeMillis.
3.) When the user opens your app and transfers the new purchaseToken to your backend, you will get a new purchase record which is again connected to the user account with his User ID. The user will probably have 2 purchase records now. The old one and the new one. If so, you could delete the old one, and the same process repeats with the new purchase record at step 1.
I didn't have implemented the concept so far, so I don't know if this really works like this. Maybe this could work in a different manner, but maybe it's a step into the right direction.
I don't think, relying upon daily basis cronjob is a feasible way to go about this problem, It is messy and you have to also consider the case when your application is handling too many requests, you have a limit of transactions that made using android developer's api. The better way to implement it would be to use google's recommendation. Which stats:
Note: Due to quota restrictions, it is not recommended to check state by polling the Google Play Developer API at regular intervals instead of leveraging Real-time developer notifications.
Here, You can follow the following url
How to get expiry date for Subscription with client side in Android? and to implement the auto-renewal subscription.

Removing autorenewable subscriptions from iPhone App

I have an iPhone app that also features autorenewable products as an in-app purchase. The products are subscriptions to our service for up to 1 year in the future. We wanted to remove the whole in-app-purchase and autorenewable product from our app in the next version.
To accomplish this, we removed the signup option inside our app, so no new user should be able to sign up. Now we would like to disable the automatic renewal for all existing users.
How can I accomplish this? Is it sufficient to remove the in-app-products for our app inside iTunes Connect? Do the users get notified about this?
According to Apple (see WWDC 2011 Session 510, In App Purchases for iOS and OS X, at the 48:55 mark), the only things you can do as a developer to prevent subscriptions from auto-renewing are:
Raise the price.
Remove the auto-renewing IAP product from iTunes connect.
In both cases, notification emails are sent to subscribers, though not immediately. The talk says Apple checks 10 days before a (yearly) subscription renewal and sends email at that time. It's not documented anywhere, though, so I'd treat that as an implementation detail.
I've done the latter (removing the product) several times with my own (monthly) apps, and it seems to work as advertised.
One important note: if your app is a Newsstand app, it must have at least one auto-renewing subscription available. If you remove the last one, the app will be removed form the App Store. Users who have already purchased it will still be able to use it, and will be able to download copies from the "previously purchased" section of the app store, but no new copies will show up for purchase in the App Store proper.
It will depend on how you've implemented your system. Do you check receipts (and provide data/service) from your own server, or do it all within the app directly with Apple's servers?
In iTunes Connect you can remove a product from sale, effective immediately or at a future date. I suspect that's enough to stop a renewing subscription. (Remember you can test this with shortened timescales in the Sandbox.) But if not:
If you use your own server to validate receipts, go and give it an incorrect shared secret so that the verification step fails. That means the subscription validity will return as false (although for the 'wrong' reason) so your customers won't be able to renew.
If you do it within the app, generate a new shared secret so the one within your existing structures is incorrect. Then, as above.
If you can, I suggest sending a notification to your current users notifying them of the change, suggesting that they change, and letting them know it will 'fail' in the future but that's ok.

Floored by new rejection on non renewable subscription type in app purchases in iphone?

I have an Iphone application in which i am trying to implement non renewable subscription.I had done it a manner that after the purchase i am adding that details to user account he can get it on all the devices.I have a login at the start of my application.And after associating the reciept data with the user account i was finding out the expiry date in my server from the purchase date in the reciept data, by using that information i was showing the buy button again to my user.But the apple is rejecting it for the reasons
11.6: Content subscriptions using IAP must last a minimum of 7 days and be available to the user from all of their iOS devices
17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected
Can anybody know the exact mechanism to implement nonrenewable subscriptions ?
From your description it sounds like your login when they start your app is mandatory. Apple forbids this. They insist that the login be optional, but it must still be available to everyone who wants to use it (when using non-renewing subscriptions).
What I did on my app was, next to where I show the user's purchased subscription level, I have a button that says Save your account.... And when they click it it describes to them how, if they create an e-mail and password than they can share their subscription across all their devices and they can restore their account if their iPhone gets lost or stolen. You want to incentivize the user to do this because a better experience for them means a better experience for you. You could even offer them a perk, like 2-weeks free if they create an account. And since you're using non-renewing subscriptions, you have the power to do this since you're calculating your own expiration date, instead of letting the app store do it for you.

In app auto-renewable subscriptions

Sorry for the millionth question about iTunes subscriptions, but I still have a few doubts.
Basically I'm implementing auto-renewable subscriptions in my app and I want to make sure I got it right. Here's a list of steps to take that I came up with:
whenever an user buys a subscription, send the receipt to the server to validate it
if the receipt is valid, save it on the database
on application load, ask the server if a receipt for this UDID exists (this is to figure out if the user has a valid subscription)
if so, check if a new item has been added on the store in a date range from the subscription start date to the expire date
if any, notify the user about those items in some way and mark them as freely downloadable
Are these steps correct? And if so, why does the Apple doc say:
In most cases, your iOS client application should not need to change. In fact, your client application is now made simpler, as you can use the same code to recover auto-renewable subscriptions as you do to recover nonconsumable products. This is described in “Restoring Transactions.”Your application receives a separate transaction for each period of time where the subscription was renewed; your application should verify each receipt separately.
To me it looks like this needs some code to handle all the various cases I mentioned, instead. Or I'm totally wrong about it. Am I?
Plus, how do I know about the subscription expiration date? I can't find a way to get this information anywhere. Am I supposed to save this on my own database?
I've figured out a few things since I posted this question. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
First of all I guess I'm supposed to store the length of the subscription somewhere on my own database, because as stated on Apple's docs, you cannot retrieve it in any way through Apple's web services. In fact, each subscription length has a different product identifier, so you should have a way to convert a product identifier to a subscription length.
Also, Sylvian has posted details about his implementation of auto-renewable subscriptions, so at least I know my thinking wasn't too much flawed.
Now the only problem is this: how do I know that an user has a valid subscription? I could store this information on my server, yeah, but how do I associate an user with a completed transaction? Should I save the device's UDID?
Here is how we implemented In App Purchases and specifically the new auto-renewable products at my company.
The application transmits the transaction receipt to our webservice, we return OK to the application if we handled it correctly and Apple could verify it. In that case we updated the user account (i.e. the database) to say "yes he has paid and his subscription is valid till the receipt expiration date".
After the OK for this webservice, the application reloads the account info through another webservice, and see there is a valid subscription. That was it... Until auto-renewable products appeared.
We now had to implement some CRON jobs which runs every day: every day we make a list of passes which are supposed to expire, and we ask Apple if the original receipt is still valid: the magic thing is that in their answer, there is a field latest-receipt which embeds the latest receipt. If it is not the same as the one we have, we understand that the subscription has been renewed automatically, we store the latest receipt for the next cron check, and we update the user account to extend the expiration date.
Hope it helps.
I think I found a solution. It doesn't require an additional username/password and it seems to be working.
Note: If you think this is inappropriate, please explain why in the comments. Thanks.
Basically, whenever an user buys a subscription, I validate the receipt against my server and store the receipt data in the user defaults. Then, when the app is opened, or whenever I need to check if the subscription is still valid, I retrieve the previously saved receipt data from the user defaults and validate it against the server.
My webservice just returns whether the subscription is still valid or has expired, plus some other related information such as the subscription length. To do this, it just queries the iTunes server as usual, and checks if the status response is nonzero. 21006 means that the subscription has expired.
If your app has some user management i.e. you use username/password to use the app, then you have to maintain a server to record the purchase/validity of the currently logged in user. This is applicable for normal subscription and non-consumable purchase. But... if you use the new auto-renewable subscription, then it's NOT possible to maintain multiple user in that app, because : this kind of purchase can not be done multiple times within the subscription period using the same Apple ID from the same application and I found it really annoying and finding a better solution for this case i.e where I have multiple child account in the app but I want to use the same Apple-Id to purchase a auto-renewable subscription for each account. And I think I have to use the old subscription model. Any new thoughts ?
as far as I have understand it the apple server will contact you (or the customer with his iPhone) and tell "look here I have a valid purchase for you". Inside your App you read this message and unlock the regarding content for use. The next step is to tell the apple server that you have responded to the receipt and the apple server will not show the message again.
So with a renewable subscription you get for each period a new message. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.