Beginner - Subroutine confusion - perl

I'm a beginner and confused about what's happening inside this Perl subroutine.
I'm using only global variables to simplify things, but it's still not working.
I'm simply trying to print a file's read, write and executable attributes using the file test operators with IF statements.
Can anyone point out the problem for me?
sub getfileattributes {
if (-r $file) {
$attributes[0] = "readable";
} else { $attributes[0] = "not readable"; }
if (-w _) {
$attributes[1] = "writable";
} else { $attributes[1] = "not writable"; }
if (-x _) {
$attributes[2] = "executable";
} else { $attributes[2] = "not executable"; }
my #attributes;
my $file;
foreach $file (#ARGV) {
printf "The file $file is %s, %s and %s\n", #attributes;

Using global variables is usually quite bad and points to a design error. In this case, the error seems to be that you don't know how to pass arguments to a sub.
Here is the pattern in Perl:
sub I_take_arguments {
# all my arguments are in #_ array
my ($firstarg, $secondarg, #rest) = #_;
say "1st argument: $firstarg";
say "2nd argument: " .($firstarg+1). " (incremented)";
say "The rest is: [#rest]";
Subs are invoked like
I_take_arguments(1, 2, "three", 4);
(Do not invoke them as &nameOfTheSub, this makes use of very special behaviour you don't usually want.)
This would print
1st argument: 1
2nd argument: 3
The rest is: [three 4]
Subroutines can return values, either with the return statement or as the value of the last statement that is executed. These subs are equivalent:
sub foo {return "return value"}
sub bar {"return value"}
I would write your getfileattributes as
sub getFileAttributes {
my ($name) = #_;
-r $name ? "readable" : "not readable",
-w $name ? "writable" : "not writable",
-x $name ? "executable" : "not executable";
What is happening here? I take an argument $name and then return a list of values. The return keyword could be omitted. The return takes a list of values and does not require parens, so I leave them out. The TEST ? TRUE-STATEMENT : FALSE-STATEMENT operator is known from other languages.
Then, in your loop, the sub would be invoked like
for my $filename (#ARGV) {
my ($r, $w, $x) = getFileAttributes($filename);
say "The file $filename is $r, $w and $x";
foreach my $file (#ARGV) {
my #attributes = getFileAttributes($file);
printf "The file $file is %s, %s and %s\n", #attributes;
say is like print, but adds a newline at the end. To use it, you have to have a Perl > 5.10 and you should use 5.010 or whatever version or use feature qw(say).
always use strict; use warnings; unless you know better for sure.
Often, you can write programs without assigning to a variable twice (Single assignment form). This can make reasoning about control flow much easier. This is why global variables (but not global constants) are bad.

You are not actually using global varaibles. My scopes the variables them local to the main routine, so when you call the subroutine, $file and #attributes are scoped to the subroutine, not to the main routine.
Change my to our for $file and #attributes to make the variables global and available to the subroutine.
You can check this for yourself by using the -d argument for perl to run it in the debugger and check the values of the items.


unable to give value to a scalar from command line in perl

I am trying the following perl code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util ("looks_like_number");
my $color;
if (undef $color)
my $color = $ARGV[0];
print "$0\n";
print "$ARGV[0]\n";
my #colors = ("blue", "yellow", "brown", "white");
print "Please select a num:\n";
foreach my $i (0..$#colors)
my $j = $i+1;
print " $j $colors[$i]\n";
my $num = <STDIN>;
if (looks_like_number($num) and defined $colors[$num-1])
$color = $colors[$num-1];
print "Bad Selection\n";
print "selected color is $color\n";
I want to select any number for the corresponding color choice or I should be able to provide a value of color by $color variable through command line, I am trying to run it in windows cmd using ' perl [C:/] [color] ' but its not taking the argument but when I am printing ARGV[0] it is showing the argument being passed correctly. so what is the issue with my 'if (undef ARGV[0])' statement that its not getting executed.
You are declaring the variable $color twice:
my $color;
if (undef $color)
my $color = $ARGV[0];
The second my $color will create a second binding of the name $color and the value you assign to it and that binding will not be visibile outside of the scope, the enclosing curly brackets.
The expression
if (undef $color)
does not do what you intend it to do. undef will always set a value to undef. You want to use defined instead.
After applying those two changes, the code could look like:
my $color;
if (! defined $color)
$color = $ARGV[0];
my $color;
if (undef $color)
my $color = $ARGV[0];
This looks rather strange. In line 1 you declare a scalar variable called $color. In line 2, you call undef() on that variable which replaces the contents of $color with undef() (that's unnecessary as a newly-declared Perl scalar will always contain undef()). This expression will return undef, which is false, so the code in your if block is never executed.
In line 4, you declare a new variable, also called $color and set that to $ARGV[0]. There are two problems with this. Firstly, that line will never be executed for the reasons explained in the previous paragraph. And, secondly, your new $color variable will cease to exist once you leave the block, so you would never see the effect of this change.
I think the main problem here is that you have confused undef() with defined(). undef() will always give a variable an undefined values, but I suspect you wanted defined() which tells you whether or not a variable contains a defined value.
What you probably wanted was:
my $color;
if (!defined $color) {
$color = $ARGV[0];
Which can be written as:
my $color //= $ARGV[0];
But it's still slightly confusing as it's not clear why you think $color could ever be defined immediately after being declared.

Variable was returned to previous value in Perl

I'm just one-month experience in perl.
For perl-based program executing problem, the commend variable was returned to previous value.
What is the problem?
Here is the code.
sub 1st {
$cmd = "cat asdf";
sub 2nd {
if ( $code =~ /aa/ ) {
my $cmd = "$reg $annotation";
} else {
my $cmd = "$reg $annotation";
open (Work,$cmd);
In this state, the $cmd was registered in if statement, but executing $cmd after if statement, the $cmd value was returned subroutine 1st's value.
Thanks for your advices.
You are mixing lexical and package variables. If your program had use strict and use warnings, this would be quite obvious.
If you do not declare a variable with my, Perl will assume it's a package variable. It will be visible from every part of your program (in the same namespace).
If you declare the variable with my, it will be lexical. That means that it only exists inside the scope it was created in.
my $foo = 1; #
if ($foo) { # #
my $bar = 2; # #
} # #
^ ^
| | scope that $foo exists in
| scope that $bar exists in
The same thing is happening here.
You are setting the package variable $::cmd (with :: being the main namespace) to "cat asdf" inside the 1st sub. You then call the 2nd sub, which will go into the else branch. In that scope, it will create a new lexical $cmd. It's only valid in that part of the program. It is then passed to out_log(), which probably prints it. Afterwards, you pass $::cmd with the "cat asdf" value to out_log(). At that point the new $cmd does not exist any more.
If you had use strict in your program, the program would not work at all, because the default package variable behavior is turned off in that case, so you have to define variables.
In fact you should not operate with package variables at all, but instead pass arguments to your functions.
In addition to that, there are a few other things that are not good practice in your program. You should use 3-argument open and a lexical filehandle, and also check the return value of open.
Names of functions cannot start with numbers, so 1st and 2nd are not valid names. It's better to name things after what they do or represent. That makes it easier to read your program later.
A full program might look like that.
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($code, $reg, $annotation); # these values come from somewhere...
run_cmd( compose_cmd(), $code, $reg, $annotation );
sub compose_cmd {
return "cat asdf";
sub run_cmd {
my ( $cmd, $code, $reg, $annotation ) = #_;
if ( $code =~ /aa/ ) {
my $cmd = "$reg $annotation";
else {
my $cmd = "$reg $annotation";
open my $fh, '<', $cmd or die $!;
# do stuff with $fh ...
sub out_log {
print #_;

How to pass filehandle as reference between modules and subs in perl

I'm maintaining old Perl code and need to enable strict pragma in all modules. I have a problem in passing a file handle as a reference between modules and subs. We have a common module responsible for opening the log file which is passed as typeglob reference. In other modules, the run function first calls open_log() from the common module, then it passes this file handle to other subs.
Here I've written a simple test to simulate the situation.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
$::STATUS_OK = 0;
sub print_header {
our $file_handle = #_;
print { $$file_handle } "#### HEADER ####"; # reference passing fails
sub print_text {
my ($file_handle, $text)= #_;
print { $$file_handle } $text;
sub open_file_handle {
my ($file_handle, $path, $name) = #_;
my $filename = $path."\\".$name;
unless ( open ($$file_handle, ">".$filename)) {
print STDERR "Failed to open file_handle $filename for writing.\n";
return $::STATUS_NOT_OK;
print STDERR "File $filename was opened for writing successfully.\n";
return $::STATUS_OK;
my $gpath = "C:\\Temp";
my $gname = "mylogfile.log";
my $gfile_handle;
if (open_file_handle(\$gfile_handle, $gpath, $gname) == $::STATUS_OK) {
my $text = "BIG SUCCESS!!!\n";
print_text(\$gfile_handle, $text);
print STDERR $text;
} else {
print STDERR "EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!\n";
The Main function first calls open_file_handle and passes a file handle reference to the print_text function. If I comment out the row:
Everything works fine, but I need to pass the file handle reference to other functions from the print_text function, and this doesn't work.
I'm a Java developer and Perl's reference handling is not familiar to me. I don't want to change the open_log() sub to return a file handle (now it returns only status), since I have lots of modules and hundreds of code lines to go through to make this change in all places.
How can I fix my code to make it work?
There are two types of filehandles in Perl. Lexical and global bareword filehandles:
open my $fh, '>', '/path/to/file' or die $!;
open FILEHANDLE, '>', '/path/to/file' or die $!;
You are dealing with the first, which is good. The second one is global and should not be used.
The file handles you have are lexical, and they are stored in a scalar variable. It's called scalar because it has a dollar sign $. These can be passed as arguments to subs.
They can also be referenced. In that case, you get a scalar reference.
my $ref = \$fh;
Usually you reference stuff if you hand it over to a function so Perl does not make a copy of the data. Think of a reference like a pointer in C. It's only the memory location of the data (structure). The piece of data itself remains where it is.
Now, in your code you have references to these scalars. You can tell because it is dereferenced in the print statement by saying $$fh.
sub print_text {
my ($file_handle, $text)= #_;
print { $$file_handle } $text;
So the $file_handle you get as a parameter (that's what the = #_ does) is actually a reference. You do not need to reference it again when you pass it to a function.
I guess you wrote the print_header yourself:
sub print_header {
our $file_handle = #_;
print { $$file_handle } "#### HEADER ####"; # reference passing fails
There are a few things here:
- our is for globals. Do not use that. Use my instead.
- Put parenthesis around the parameter assignment: my ($fh) = #_
- Since you pass over a reference to a reference to a scalar, you need to dereference twice: ${ ${ $file_handle } }
Of course the double-deref is weird. Get rid of it passing the variable $file_hanlde to print_header instead of a refence to it:
sub print_text {
my ($file_handle, $text)= #_;
print_header($file_handle); # <-- NO BACKSLASH HERE
print { $$file_handle } $text;
That is all you need to to make it work.
In general, I would get rid of all the references to the $file_handle vars here. You don't need them. The lexical filehandle is already a reference to an IO::Handle object, but don't concern yourself with that right now, it is not important. Just remember:
use filehandles that have a $ up front
pass them without references and you do not need to worry about \ and ${} and stuff like that
For more info, see perlref and perlreftut.
You are having difficulties because you added multiple extra level of references. Objects like lexical filehandles already are references.
If you have difficulties keeping track of what is a reference, you might want to use some kind of hungarian notation, like a _ref suffix.
In print_text, this would be:
sub print_text {
my ($file_handle_ref, $text)= #_;
print { $$file_handle_ref } $text;
And in print_header:
sub print_header {
my ($file_handle_ref_ref) = #_; # don't use `our`, and assign to a lvalue list!
print { $$$file_handle_ref_ref } "#### HEADER ####"; # double derefernence … urgh
A far superior solution is to pass the filehandle around directly, without references.
sub print_header {
my ($file_handle) = #_;
print {$file_handle} "#### HEADER ####"; # no reference, no cry
sub print_text {
my ($file_handle, $text)= #_;
print {$file_handle} $text;
And in the main part:
my $gpath = "C:/Temp"; # forward slashes work too, as long as you are consistent
my $gname = "mylogfile.log";
if (open_file_handle(\my $gfile_handle, $gpath, $gname) == $::STATUS_OK) {
my $text = "BIG SUCCESS!!!\n";
print_text($gfile_handle, $text);
} else {
the reference operator is "\" (backslash)
anything includes arrays, hashes and even sub-routines can be referenced
the 5th line to count backwards
print_text(\$gfile_handle, $text);
you passed a referenced variable \$gfile_handle to the sub-routine print_text
sub print_text {
my ($file_handle, $text)= #_;
print { $$file_handle } $text;
and in this sub-routine, $file_handle is already a reference
then your referenced it again and pass it to the sub-routine print_header
so, you can solve this problem by putting off the reference operator the 5th line to count backwards like this:
print_text($gfile_handle, $text);
and try again :-)

just can't get perl working as expected ( conditionals and variable declaring )

I will try a better explication this time, this is the exact code from my script (sorry for all them coments, they are a result of your sugestions, and apear in the video below).
#use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;
open(my $tmp_file, ">>", "/tmp/some_bad.log") or die "Can not open log file: $!\n";
#if( $id_client != "")
#allowed_locations = ();
#print $tmp_file "Before the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#allowed_locations, $id_client]) . "";
if( $id_client )
# print $tmp_file "Start the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#allowed_locations, $id_client]) . "";
# my $q = "select distinct id_location from locations inner join address using (id_db5_address) inner join zona_rural_detaliat using (id_city) where id_client=$id_client";
# my $st = &sql_special_transaction($sql_local_host, $sql_local_database, $sql_local_root, $sql_local_root_password, $q);
# print $tmp_file "Before the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "\n";
# while((my $id)=$st->fetchrow())
# {
# print $tmp_file "Row the while loop: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([$id]) . "";
# my $id = 12121212;
# push(#allowed_locations, $id);
# }
# print $tmp_file "After the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "\n";
# my($a) = 1;
#} else {
# my($a) = 0;
#print $tmp_file "After the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#allowed_locations, $id_client]) . "";
close($tmp_file) or die "Can not close file: $!\n";
First off all, somebody said that I should try to run it in command line, the script works fine in command line (no warnings, It was uncommented then), but when triyng to load in via apache in the browser it fails, please see this video where I captured the script behavior, what I tried to show in the video:
I have opened 2 tabs the first doesn't define the variable $id_client, the second defines the variable $id_client that is read from GET: ?id_client=36124 => $id_client = 36124; , both of them include the library in the video ""
When running the script with all the
new code commented the page loads
when uncoment the line that defines
the #allowed_locations = (); the
script fails
leave this definition and uncoment
the if block, and the definition of
my $a; in the if block; Now the script works fine when $id_client is
defined, but fails when $id_client
is not defined
Uncoment the else block and the
definition of my $a; in the else
block. Now the script works fine
with or without $id_client
now comment all the my $a;
definisions and comment the else
block, the script fails
but if I'm using open() to open
a file before the IF, and
close() to close it after the if it does't fail even if the IF block
is empty and event if there is no
else block
I have replicated all the steps when running the script in the command line, and the script worked after each step.
I know it sounds like something that cannot be the behavior of the script, but please watch the video (2 minutes), maybe you will notice something that I'm doing wrong there.
Using perl version:
[root#db]# perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.6 built for i386-linux-thread-mult
Somebody asked if I don't have a test server, answer: NO, my company has a production server that has multiple purposes, not only the web interface, and I cannot risk to update the kernel or the perl version, and cannot risk instaling any debuger, as the company owners say: "If it works, leave it alone", and for them the solution with my ($a); is perfect beacause it works, I'm asking here just for me, to learn more about perl, and to understand what is going wrong and what can I do better next time.
Thank you.
P.S. hope this new approach will restore some of my -1 :)
I had success starting the error logging, and found this in the error log after each step that resulted in a failure I got this messages:
[Thu Jul 15 14:29:19 2010] [error] did not return a true value at /var/www/html/rdsdb4/cgi-bin/clients/quicksearch.cgi line 2.
[Thu Jul 15 14:29:19 2010] [error] Premature end of script headers: quicksearch.cgi
What I found is that this code is at the end of the main code in the after this there are sub definitions, and is a library not a program file, so it's last statement must returns true. , a simple 1; statement at the end of the library ensures that (I put it after sub definitions to ensure that noobody writes code in the main after the 1;) and the problem was fixed.
Don't know why in CLI it had no problem ...
Maybe I will get a lot of down votes now ( be gentle :) ) , but what can I do ...and I hope that some newbies will read this and learn something from my mistake.
Thank you all for your help.
You need to explicitly check for definedness.
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined,
use if ( defined $client ).
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined and a valid integer,
use if ( defined $client && $client =~ /^-?\d+$/ ).
I assume it's an integer from the context, if it can be a float, the regex needs to be enhanced - there's a standard Perl library containing pre-canned regexes, including ones to match floats. If you require a non-negative int, drop -? from regex's start.
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined and a non-zero (and assuming it shouldn't ever be an empty string),
use if ( $client ).
If you want to enter the loop when $client is defined and a valid non-zero int,
use if ( $client && $client =~ /^-?\d+$/ ).
Your #ids is "undef" when if condition is false, which may break the code later on if it relies on #ids being an array. Since you didn't actually specify how the script breaks without an else, this is the most likely cause.
Please see if this version works (use whichever "if" condition from above you need, I picked the last one as it appears to match the closest witrh the original code's intent - only enter for non-zero integers):
use Data::Dumper;
open(my $tmp_file, ">", "/tmp/some_bad.log") or die "Can not open log file: $!\n";
#ids = (); # Do this first so #ids is always an array, even for non-client!
print $tmp_file "Before the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#ids, $client]) . "\n";
if ( $client && $client =~ /^-?\d+$/ ) # First expression catches undef and zero
print $tmp_file "Start the if: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([\#ids, $client]) . "\n";
my $st = &sql_query("select id from table where client=$client");
print $tmp_file "Before the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "'\n";
while(my $row = $st->fetchrow())
print $tmp_file "Row the while loop: ". Data::Dumper->Dump([row]) . "'\n";
push(#ids, $row->[0]);
print $tmp_file "After the while loop: ref(st)='". ref($st) . "'\n";
# No need to undef since both variables are lexically in this block only
print $tmp_file "After the if\n";
close($tmp_file) or die "Can not close file: $!\n";
when checking against a string, == and != should be respectively 'eq' or 'ne'
if( $client != "" )
should be
if( $client ne "" )
Otherwise you don't get what you're expecting to get.
Always begin your script with :
use warnings;
use strict;
these will give you usefull informations.
Then you could write :
my #ids;
if (defined $client) {
#ids = (); # not necessary if you run this part only once
my $st = sql_query("select id from table where client=$client");
while( my ($id) = $st->fetchrow ) {
push #ids, $id;
} else {
warn '$client not defined';
if (#ids) { # Your query returned something
# do stuff with #ids
} else {
warn "client '$client' does not exist in database";
Note: this answer was deleted because I consider that this is not a real question. I am undeleting it to save other people repeating this.
Instead of
if( $client != "" )
if ($client)
Also, Perl debugging is easier if you
use warnings;
use strict;
What I found is that this code is at the end of the main code in the after this there are sub definitions, and is a library not a program file, so it's last statement must returns true, a simple 1; statement at the end of the library ensures that (put it after sub definitions to ensure that noobody writes code in the main after the 1;) and the problem was fixed.
The conclusion:
I have learned that every time you write a library or modify one, ensure that it's last statment returns true;
Oh my... Try this as an example instead...
# Move the logic into a subroutine
# Forward definition so perl knows func exists
sub getClientIds($);
# Call subroutine to find id's - defined later.
my #ids_from_database = &getClientIds("Joe Smith");
# If sub returned an empty list () then variable will be false.
# Otherwise, print each ID we found.
if (#ids_from_database) {
foreach my $i (#ids_from_database) {
print "Found ID $i \n";
} else {
print "Found nothing! \n";
# This is the end of the "main" code - now we define the logic.
# Here's the real work
sub getClientIds($) {
my $client = shift #_; # assign first parameter to var $client
my #ids = (); # what we will return
# ensure we weren't called with &getClientIds("") or something...
if (not $client) {
print "I really need you to give me a parameter...\n";
return #ids;
# I'm assuming the query is string based, so probably need to put it
# inside \"quotes\"
my $st = &sql_query("select id from table where client=\"$client\"");
# Did sql_query() fail?
if (not $st) {
print "Oops someone made a problem in the SQL...\n";
return #ids;
my #result;
# Returns a list, so putting it in a list and then pulling the first element
# in two steps instead of one.
while (#result = $st->fetchrow()) {
push #ids, $result[0];
# Always a good idea to clean up once you're done.
return #ids;
To your specific questions:
If you want to test if $client is defined, you want "if ( eval { defined $client; } )", but that's almost certainly NOT what you're looking for! It's far easier to ensure $client has some definition early in the program (e.g. $client = "";). Also note Kaklon's answer about the difference between ne and !=
if (X) { stuff } else { } is not valid perl. You could do: if (X) { stuff } else { 1; } but that's kind of begging the question, because the real issue is the test of the variable, not an else clause.
Sorry, no clue on that - I think the problem's elsewhere.
I also echo Kinopiko in recommending you add "use strict;" at the start of your program. That means that any $variable #that %you use has to be pre-defined as "my $varable; my #that; my %you;" It may seem like more work, but it's less work than trying to deal with undefined versus defined variables in code. It's a good habit to get into.
Note that my variables only live within the squiggliez in which they are defined (there's implicit squiggliez around the whole file:
my $x = 1;
if ($x == 1)
my $x = 2;
print "$x \n"; # prints 2. This is NOT the same $x as was set to 1 above.
print "$x \n"; # prints 1, because the $x in the squiggliez is gone.

Perl: How to pass and use a lexical file handle to a subroutine as a named argument?

I want to pass a lexical file handle to a subroutine using a named argument, but the following does not compile:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $log_fh;
my $logname = "my.log";
sub primitive {
my ($fh, $m) = #_;
print $fh $m;
sub sophisticated {
my ($args) = #_;
print $args->{m};
print $args->{fh} $args->{m} ;
open $log_fh, ">", $logname;
print $log_fh "Today I learned ...\n";
primitive($log_fh,"... the old way works ...\n");
m=>"... and the new way requires an intervention by SO.",
close $log_fh;
The complaint is:
Scalar found where operator expected at ./ line 15, near
} $args"
(Missing operator before $args?)
$ perl --version
This is perl, v5.10.1
It works O.K. when I use the primitive technique of passing arguments, and the named-argument hash technique works for the message portion, just not for the file handle portion. Do I need a new version of print ?
When you've got a complex expression that returns a filehandle (like $args->{fh}) you'll need to disambiguate the syntax a bit by adding some extra curlies:
print { $args->{fh} } $args->{m};
This is due to the weird way the print operator is designed, with no comma between the filehandle and the list of stuff to print.
Alternatively, you could grab the filehandle out of your arguments hashref first, e.g.
my $fh = $args->{fh};
print $fh $args->{m};
friedo's answer covers your problem, but there's a stylistic issue I'd like to point out. You don't need to wrap everything in an anonymous hash to emulate named arguments. A hash initializer is just a list interpreted as key/value pairs. Passing such a list to a sub provides a cleaner syntax for the caller:
sub sophisticated {
my %arg = #_;
print $arg{m};
print {$arg{fh}} $arg{m};
sophisticated(fh => $log_fh, m => "Hello, world!\n");