Include common content from xml documentation file - sandcastle

I am using Sandcastle to generate documentation for a project. In order to reference xml documentation file include tag is used.
///<include file='xml_include_tag.doc' path='MyDocs/MyMembers[#name="test"]/*' />
public class Test
And I would like to reference some common content from this XML doc file. For example:
<MyDocs><MyMembers name="test">
<include file='common.xml' path='MyDocs/MyMembers[#name="test"]/*' />
Obviously it does not work this way. What is the right way to do such things? Probably there is some extension for Sandcastle?

Solved the issue by using MAML token files. Sandcastle resolves them without issues.
/// <summary>
/// <token>Token1</token>
/// </summary>


How to use single_media_upload

I am looking for an example for simple use of single_media_upload in SULU AdminUI.
I have a player form, and it has single_media_selection type of field, and it works OK.
Now, how can I use single_media_upload, because, when I replace it instead of single_media_selection, it shows not picture in form after save (but it saves image).
<property name="photo" type="single_media_selection" colspan="4" >
<param name="types" value="image"/>
I replace with
<property name="photo" type="single_media_upload" colspan="4" spaceAfter="2">
<param name="upload_text">
<param name="skin" value="default"/>
<param name="empty_icon" value="su-user"/>
In Entity itself, field is MediaInterface type.
The single_media_upload field-type is not interchangeable with the single_media_selection type. It was implemented for managing the avatar/logo of the built-in contact/account entity and was not optimized for other usecases yet. At the moment, the single_media_upload creates a new media version for the selected media entity rather than creating a separate media entity when uploading a file. This behaviour differs substantially from the single_media_selection and might not fit your usecase. This is also the reason why the field-type is not listed in the Sulu documentation yet.
That said, the reason for your problem is likely that the single_media_upload field-type uses a different data format than the single_media_selection. In general, the field-types of the Sulu form view expect that your API returns the data in the same format as it is sent to the server when submitting the form (see the Form configuration section in the Sulu documentation). You can see the data that is sent to the server by inspecting the request that is made when pressing the save button in the network panel development tools of your browser.
In the case of the single_media_upload field-type, the data that is sent to the server looks like this:
"id": 33,
"url": "/media/33/download/photo-1535683939029-0030b4de2382.jpeg?v=1",
"thumbnails": {
"sulu-400x400": "/uploads/media/sulu-400x400/03/33-photo-1535683939029-0030b4de2382.jpg?v=1-0",
If you want to use the field-type in the form of your custom entity, you need to adjust your controller (or the serialization of your entity) to match this format.

Accessing DOM element with namespace in Freemarker template

I have the following XML
<wmi xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OrderShipmentNotification.xsd">
<shipmentHeader dateTimeCreated="2016-02-29T13:03:42Z" requestNumber="2574445351883" />
<shipmentDetails actualShipmentDateTime="2016-02-29T12:18:54Z" carrierCode="XX" carrierMethodCode="XX-01">
<shipmentPackDetails trackingNumber="9361289672090007124848" trackingURL="">
<shipmentPackLineDetails requestLineNumber="1" partnerItemID="FXT-CC-LB" itemQtyShipped="1" />
I am getting error in Freemarker template when I am trying to access.
If I delete the namespaces from the document it is working fine. I deleted the following content from the XML
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" OrderShipmentNotification.xsd"
I did some investigation. The is a ftl directive. But it is still not clear how this will solve the problem. Please let me know how I can access the attributes.
Start the template with
<#ftl ns_prefixes={"D":""}>
This sets the namespace as the default (D stands for default). Note that if you will also use XPath queries, there you will have to write out the D: before the element names (this is an XPath restriction).
This is documented here:

How to create a repository in ATG?

i would like to know how to create a new repository in ATG. like what all steps are needed to be included? Do i need to create a properties file?
In order to create a new repository, You need to follow these steps if you want to create a repository that uses sql database in as the datastore.
Create a properties file
Create tables you want to map to the repository
Create a definition XML files to map repository item-descriptors and their properties to the respective tables.
The above properties files ensures that a new repository component is created and MyRepository.xml will be marked as its definition file.
The content of the MyRepository.xml file should be something like below...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE gsa-template SYSTEM "">
<name>New Repository creation</name>
<author>Jyothi Prasad Buddha</author>
<item-descriptor name="myRepo" cache-mode="simple">
<table name="my_repo" type="primary" id-column-names="id">
<!-- properties that may (or may not) be used as primary keys -->
<property name="name" data-types="String" />
<property name="age" data-types="int" />
However you will have to create the the necessary tables before you start atg instance. The above xml files refers to a table named my_repo which has comlumns name and age.
Yes you need to create properties file's for more details you can read RepositoryGuide.pdf from Oracle.
for more detail you can read below blog
Just type
"ATG Creating a repository" on Google
and you would get lot of relevant results on the first page itself. Also be specific which version of ATG are you using, and what you have already done/found in your research. (just a suggestion, so you get good responses).
Yes, you need a properties file when creating a custom repository component. There are a lot of blogs that answer your question with detailed steps.
Check this for example

Avoid generating header comments with Hibernate generation tools

When generating DTO objects, hibernate tools generate comments in the header:
// Generated 22 avr. 2013 20:29:27 by Hibernate Tools 3.4.0.CR1
Every generation the comments change (as they contains the generation date/time).
The problem is that in my SVN I end up having many non-usefull changes, so I have to check every single generated file to see whether to commit (if it contains actuals changes) or override it (if it's only the header).
Is there a way to avoid generating said header ?
Thank you.
You would have to customize the Freemarker template which is found in hibernate-tools.jar. Navigate to the /pojo/Pojo.ftl and remove the line // Generated ${date} by Hibernate Tools ${version}.
Checking this out might help:
An example of a Hibernate tool Ant task (by specifying templatepath and hbmtemplate attributes:
<hibernatetool destdir="hibernate-model-gen/pojo" templatepath="hibernate-model-gen/customized-templates">
<jdbcconfiguration configurationfile="hibernate-model-gen/hibernate.cfg.xml" packagename="" revengfile="hibernate-model-gen\gen-conf\hibernate.reveng.xml" detectmanytomany="true" />
<hbmtemplate templateprefix="pojo/" template="pojo/Pojo.ftl" filepattern="{package-name}/{class-name}.java">
<property key="jdk5" value="true" />
<property key="ejb3" value="true" />

Sharepoint 2007 - Custom List provisioning - are List Forms needed at deployment?

I have a feature which is provisioning 1 document library and 2 custom lists. A folder is included for each list containing the schema.xml for that list. Each folder also contains the associated forms (AllItems, DispForm, EditForm, NewForm, etc.). Everything deploys/works correctly but it seems a little redundant having the same forms copied into each list's folder. There is nothing special about these lists - the are basically a default doc library/generic list with additional fields provided through new content types (derived from Item/Document).
As far as I can tell these forms are pretty generic. Are there pre-installed forms that I can reference from my list so I don't have to deploy all of these extra files? Is there any reason I would not want to do this?
Update - moving xml in comment to original question for readability:
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="Forms/DispForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="Forms/EditForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="Forms/Upload.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="NewFormDialog" Path="EditDlg.htm">
There are virtual defaults that are used if you don't specify a concrete page.
All lists use these template defaults unless you use a tool like SharePoint designer to customize the page. Then the template is used to create the concrete page and you can customize the look for a particular list without affecting others.
For my custom definitions, I use
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="DispForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
If you have no reason to customize the out of the box version of these forms, you can use the virtual form and not deploy copies.