Run a subroutine in the background until a condition - perl

How could I rewrite this so that info runs in the background until a $aw is equal result?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.12.0;
use warnings;
use Term::ReadLine;
my $term = Term::ReadLine->new( 'something' );
$term->ornaments( 0 );
sub info {
# in the real script this runs some computations instead of the sleep
# and returns some information.
my ( $time ) = #_;
sleep $time;
return $time * 2;
my $value_returned_by_info = info( 10 ); # run this in the background
my $aw;
$aw = $term->readline( 'User input: ' );
if ( $aw eq 'result' ) {
# if info() is still running in the background:
# wait until info() returns because "$value_returned_by_info" is needed.
say $value_returned_by_info;
else {
# if info() is still running in the background:
# let info() in the background because "$value_returned_by_info" is not needed here.
say $aw;
$aw = $term->readline( 'User input: ' );
if ( $aw eq 'result' ) {
# if info() is still running in the background:
# wait until info() returns because "$value_returned_by_info" is needed.
say $value_returned_by_info;
else {
# if info() is still running in the background:
# let info() in the background because "$value_returned_by_info" is not needed here.
say $aw;
$aw = $term->readline( 'User input: ' );
if ( $aw eq 'result' ) {
# if info() is still running in the background:
# wait until info() returns because "$value_returned_by_info" is needed.
say $value_returned_by_info;
else {
# if info() is still running in the background:
# let info() in the background because "$value_returned_by_info" is not needed here.
say $aw;
say "End";

I agree with user5402. The mention of running in the background and the sleeping info function raise a lot of questions.
I wonder if maybe you're looking for a more tidy way of re-prompting for input when the given input is not correct. If that's the case, then maybe the IO::Prompter module works for you.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.10.0;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Prompter;
sub info {
my ($time) = #_;
sleep $time;
return $time * 2;
my $expect = info(10);
my $aw;
$aw = IO::Prompter::prompt( 'Enter number', -i );
if ( $aw eq $expect ) {
say "$aw :)";
else {
say "$aw :(";
redo PROMPT;
say "End";

If info can run in a separate process then you can just use fork. Otherwise you will have to use a threaded version of perl.
Example of using fork:
sub start_info {
my #params = #_;
my $pipe;
my $pid = open($pipe, "-|");
if (!$pid) {
# this code will run in a sub-process
# compute $result from #params
# and print result to STDOUT
my $result = "p = $params[0] - pid $$";
print $result;
my $r;
return sub {
return $r if defined($r);
$r = <$pipe>; # read a single line
waitpid $pid, 0;
sub prompt {
print "Hit return: ";
my $info1 = start_info(4);
print "result = ", $info1->(), "\n";
my $info2 = start_info(30);
print "result = ", $info2->(), "\n";


My code to change the password from remote server is not working

I was using this in the perl script, where it is login to a couple of servers and trying to change the password for the servers through a remote host. But the problem is that the password is not getting changed on both the servers as well as i am not finding a way to check if the new passwords are passed to the servers using expect. i am posting that part of the code where it is checking for the prompt and trying to change the password.
package Session;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Expect;
use IO::Pty;
use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use Switch;
use YAML;
use feature 'say';
my $host1 = $ARGV[0];
my $host2 = $ARGV[1];
my $host1_adapter_name = $ARGV[2];
my $host2_adapter_name = $ARGV[3];
my $exp = Expect->new;
my ($selfObj) = #_;
my $str = "{$host1}\{root} # ";
my $cmdStr; my $result; my $dev_id;
my $timeout = 10;
my $min = 192;
my $range = 32;
my $host1_dev_id = _adapter($host1_adapter_name);
my $host2_dev_id = _adapter($host2_adapter_name);
my #hosts = ("$host1", "$host2");
print ("host2 name is=$host2------");
foreach my $n (#hosts)
print ("value of n is $n\n");
if ( $n eq $host1 )
if ( $n eq $host2)
print ("inside 2nd if-----\n");
sub _login
my ($host,$host_dev_id) = #_;
my $exit = 1;
$exp = Expect->spawn("telnet $host") or die "unable to connect , Please check the connection & retry again: $!\n";
if (!defined($exp))
print "Please check the connection & retry again\n";
return -1;
`sleep 2 `;
`sleep 3 `;
qr '[#>:][\s]?$',
sub {
$cmdStr = "passwd\r";
$result =_run_cmd($cmdStr);
qr'root\'s New password:\s*';
qr'Enter the new password again:\s*';
# $exp->send('passwd:\s*',5);
$exit = 0;
eof =>
print("FileName : , ERROR: premature EOF in command execution.\n");
'-re', qr'[#$>:]\s?$', # wait for shell prompt, then exit expect
sub _adapter
my ($adapter_name) = #_;
print "Adapter name: $adapter_name\n";
case "AUSTIN" {$dev_id="e414571614102004"}
case "CX5" {$dev_id="b315191014103506"}
case "CX4" {$dev_id="b31513101410f704"}
case "CX4_EG10" {$dev_id="b315151014101f06"}
case "CX4_EG25" {$dev_id="b315151014101e06"}
case "CX3" {$dev_id="RoCE"}
case "CX2" {$dev_id="b315506714106104"}
case "CX3_PRO" {$dev_id="RoCE"}
case "CX3_PRO1" {$dev_id="b31507101410e704"}
case "HOUSTON_LR" {$dev_id="df1020e214104004"}
case "HOUSTON_SR" {$dev_id="df1020e214100f04"}
case "HOUSTON_Cu" {$dev_id="df1020e214103d04"}
case "SHINER_S" {$dev_id="e4148a1614109304"}
case "SHINER_T" {$dev_id="e4148e1614109204"}
case "SLATE_SR" {$dev_id="df1020e21410e304"}
case "SLATE_CU" {$dev_id="df1020e21410e404"}
case "EVERGLADES" {$dev_id="b315151014101e06"}
else { print "Adapter not in list\n"}
return $dev_id;
sub _run_cmd
my $output; my $output1;
my ($cmdStr) = #_;
$exp->send($cmdStr ."\r");
$exp->expect(21, '-re', $str);
$output = $exp->exp_before();
my #PdAt_val = split("\r?\n", $output);
foreach my $line1 (#PdAt_val)
if ( $line1 =~ /(\(\d+\))(\s*root\s*\#\s*)/)
if ( $1 =~ /\((\d+)\)/)
if ($1 != 0)
print("*************** Command $cmdStr didn't ran sucessfully ***************\n");
return $output;
There are individual solutions for different systems. So some systems got from their god the must have highlevel restrictions. So the regular says, that you cant login as root directly. To step up the long way to the stage you can use sudo or su. I didnt see that mind in your lines.
# The simpliest way is to use what you have!
sub passwd
my $user = #_[0];
my $password = #_[1];
# as root
my $execline = qq~passwd $user:$password~;
# as root with second password
my $execline = qq~passwd $user:$password\n$password~;
# for microsoft certified ubuntu noobs, kidding mint's
my $execline = qq~sudo $password && passwd $user:$password~;
# for apple greyed, debian nerds, solaris freaks
my $execline = qq~su $password && passwd $user:$password~;
my $return = system("$execline");
print &passwd("root","the magical word");
# elseif read this.url([to get the higher experience][1]);

How do I add variables to be set based on a numeric input in perl?

I am making a score-keeping script in Perl, and would like to have it ask how many players there are, and ask for a name, then score, for each player. I have a good bit of this script done, but only for 3 players. the current script can be found on github here: skore
(from link:)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $version = "1.0";
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command given.\nUse \e[1;32m./skore help\e[0m for a list of commands.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# Main command
sub cmd_go()
print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..)
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n";
print "• Welcome to \e[1;32mskore\e[0m •\n";
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n\n";
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
print "••• Game name locked: #game\n\n";
my #p1name = prompt("Player 1 name?\n");
my #p2name = prompt("Player 2 name?\n");
my #p3name = prompt("Player 3 name?\n");
print "\n";
print "••• Player names locked: #p1name #p2name #p3name\n\n";
my #p1score = prompt_num("score for #p1name?\n");
my #p2score = prompt_num("score for #p2name?\n");
my #p3score = prompt_num("score for #p3name?\n");
print "\n";
print "••• Game: #game\n";
print "••• #p1name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p1score\e[0m\n";
print "••• #p2name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p2score\e[0m\n";
print "••• #p3name\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m#p3score\e[0m\n";
exit 1;
sub cmd_help()
print "To get right into using skore, simply type ./skore\n";
print "For details about skore, such as version, use ./skore pkg\n";
sub cmd_pkg()
print "skore version: $version\n";
print "Detected OS: ";
exec "uname -r";
sub prompt {
my ($query) = #_; # take a prompt string as argument
local $| = 1; # activate autoflush to immediately show the prompt
print $query;
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
sub prompt_num {
my ($querynum) = #_;
print $querynum;
chomp(my $pnum = <STDIN>);
if ($pnum eq $pnum+0) { return $pnum; }
else { print "Error: That is not a number. Try again.\n"; goto NSTART; }
sub prompt_yn {
my ($queryyn) = #_;
my $answer = prompt("$queryyn (y/N): ");
return lc($answer) eq 'y';
I'd like to also point out that I'm new to perl.
OK, wow. Stop for a moment, step back and put the code down. Think about what you're trying to accomplish here.
There's a bunch of things you're doing in your code that's really going to benefit from taking a step back, and understanding what's going on, before proceeding.
First off:
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
What is this intended to do? You only use $arg 3 times here, and one of those is to copy it to $subname.
This could be quite simplified by:
my $subname = shift;
cmd_go() unless defined $subname;
Now this:
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
Where did that come from? Because I'm pretty sure that - as a beginner to perl - you didn't write that yourself, not least because you don't have any subroutines prefixed with dev_ or hid. And this sort of redirect is serious overkill for a program that basically does just one thing.
(And normally, you'd use flags like getopt rather than a command that you leave blank in a default state).
You are also massively overusing arrays - which suggests you're not really sure the difference between #game and $game.
E.g. this:
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
prompt does this though:
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
It returns a scalar (a single line) and you're putting it into an array for - as far as I can tell - no particular reason.
Likewise this:
my #p1score = prompt_num("score for #p1name?\n");
my #p2score = prompt_num("score for #p2name?\n");
my #p3score = prompt_num("score for #p3name?\n");
First off - you're using a bunch of single element arrays. But then you're numbering them. When ... actually, the whole point of arrays is to have numbered values.
So how about instead:
print "Num players?:\n";
chomp ( my $num = <STDIN> );
my #players;
my %scores;
for ( 1..$num ) {
print "Player name\n";
chomp ( my $name = <STDIN> );
push ( #players, $name );
foreach my $person ( #players ) {
print "Score for $person:\n";
chomp ( my $score = <STDIN> );
while ( $score =~ /\D/ ) {
print "Invalid - please enter numeric value\n";
chomp ( $score = <STDIN> );
$scores{$person} = $score;
foreach my $person ( #players ) {
print "$person => $score{$person}\n";
There are a bunch of other things that you're doing that is more complicated than it needs to be.
What I would suggest you do:
go re-read the perl basics. perldata in particular.
have a look at getopt which is a good (and standard) way to take program 'flag' style input. (e.g. showing version, if that's what you really want.
it looks a lot like you've cargo-culted the code here. I would suggest you re-write from the ground up, and when you hit a problem - ask about it on Stack Overflow, if you can't figure it out from the perl docs.
Try this. Hope this is what you wanted.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
my $version = "1.0";
my $arg = shift(#ARGV);
my $subname = $arg;
if (!defined($arg)){
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command given.\nUse \e[1;32m./skore help\e[0m for a list of commands.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
# Main command
sub cmd_go()
print "\e[2J\e[0G\e[0d"; # J = Erase in Display, 2 = Entire Screen, (G, d) = Move cursor to (..,..)
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n";
print "• Welcome to \e[1;32mskore\e[0m •\n";
print "••••••••••••••••••••\n\n";
my #game = prompt("What game are we scoring?\n");
print "••• Game name locked: #game\n\n";
my $players= prompt("Enter total number of players:\n");
my #players_list;
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
push(#players_list , prompt("Enter Player ".($i+1)." name\n"));
print "\n";
print "••• Player names locked: ";
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
print $players_list[$i]."\t";
print "\n\n";
my #players_score;
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
push(#players_score, prompt("score for $players_list[$i]?\n"));
print "\n";
print "••• Game: #game\n";
for(my $i=0;$i<$players;$i++){
print "$players_list[$i]\n";
print "••••• \e[1;32m$players_score[$i]\e[0m\n";
exit 1;
sub cmd_help()
print "To get right into using skore, simply type ./skore\n";
print "For details about skore, such as version, use ./skore pkg\n";
sub cmd_pkg()
print "skore version: $version\n";
print "Detected OS: ";
exec "uname -r";
sub prompt {
my ($query) = #_; # take a prompt string as argument
local $| = 1; # activate autoflush to immediately show the prompt
print $query;
chomp(my $answer = <STDIN>); return $answer;
sub prompt_num {
my ($querynum) = #_;
print $querynum;
chomp(my $pnum = <STDIN>);
if ($pnum eq $pnum+0) { return $pnum; }
else { print "Error: That is not a number. Try again.\n"; goto NSTART; }
sub prompt_yn {
my ($queryyn) = #_;
my $answer = prompt("$queryyn (y/N): ");
return lc($answer) eq 'y';

xargs equivalent in perl

I liked to make something, what xargs in shellscripting does. Thus:
Running external commands by the exec() system calls
as child processes
waiting their execution (ideally with a timeout)
How can it be done in perl?
You could use the Proc::Background module.
Particularly interesting is the sub timeout_system(..).
Here's an example coming from the Proc::Background module page:
use Proc::Background;
timeout_system($seconds, $command, $arg1);
timeout_system($seconds, "$command $arg1");
my $proc1 = Proc::Background->new($command, $arg1, $arg2);
my $proc2 = Proc::Background->new("$command $arg1 1>&2");
my $time1 = $proc1->start_time;
my $time2 = $proc1->end_time;
# Add an option to kill the process with die when the variable is
my $opts = {'die_upon_destroy' => 1};
my $proc3 = Proc::Background->new($opts, $command, $arg1, $arg2);
$proc3 = undef;
my #join;
push #join, fasync {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm 10;
# exec(..);
sleep 20;
print "job1\n";
push #join, fasync {
print "job2\n";
# wait for jobs
$_->() for #join;
sub fasync(&) {
my ($worker) = #_;
my $pid = fork() // die "can't fork!";
if ($pid == 0) {
return sub {
my ($flags) = #_;
return waitpid($pid, $flags // 0);

Is it unpolite to put an END block in a module?

Would it be OK to keep the END block in this example, because nobody wants a broken terminal or shouldn't I put an END block in a module?
package My_Package;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Term::ReadKey;
sub _init_scr {
my ( $arg ) = #_;
$arg->{backup_flush} = $|;
$| = 1;
Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 'ultra-raw';
sub _end_win {
my ( $arg ) = #_;
print "\n\r";
Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 'restore';
$| = $arg->{backup_flush};
Term::ReadKey::ReadMode 'restore';
sub my_function {
my $arg = {};
_init_scr( $arg );
while ( 1 ) {
my $c = ReadKey 0;
if ( ! defined $c ) {
_end_win( $arg );
warn "EOT";
next if $c eq "\e";
given ( $c ) {
when ( $c ge 'a' && $c le 'z' ) {
print $c;
$arg->{string} .= $c;
when ( $c eq "\cC" ) {
_end_win( $arg );
print STDERR "^C";
kill( 'INT', $$ );
when ( $c eq "\r" ) {
_end_win( $arg );
return $arg->{string};
If your module changes the terminal mode, then I would think the most polite thing to do would be for it to also install an END block to restore the terminal mode before the program exits.
No, it's polite and expected that you put things back as you found them.
However, it's unwelcome to tidy up someone else's workspace unless you've been asked to do so.
That is, your END routine shouldn't run unless it has reason to do so, and your module probably ought to allow a developer to disable the automatic cleanup. (E.g., use My_Package qw(:no_auto_restore).)
Failing that, the POD ought to explicitly document that the module fiddles with a system resource upon exit.

Test for existence of perl mod inside script

Based on the answer provided here, I am attempting to validate whether or not a perl module is installed.
For this, I have:
# &getYN and &prompt are only included here for completeness
sub getYN {
unless ( $autoyes =~ /[Yy]/ ) {
my ( $prompt, $default ) = #_;
my $defaultValue = $default ? "[$default]" : "";
print "$prompt $defaultValue: ";
chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );
return $input ? $input : $default;
} else {
return "Y";
sub prompt {
my ( $prompt, $default ) = #_;
my $defaultValue = $default ? "[$default]" : "";
print "$prompt $defaultValue: ";
chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );
return $input ? $input : $default;
sub chklib {
my $lib = shift;
eval { require $lib; };
if ($#) {
print "You are missing a required Perl Module: $lib\n";
my $ok = &getYN( "Shall I attempt to install it for you?", "y" );
if ( $ok =~ /[Yy]/ ) {
require CPAN;
} else {
print "Installation requires $lib\n";
This runs as expected, but for some reason, the eval returns that I don't have RRDTool::OO installed, when, in fact, I do.
If I create an empty file and run:
# File
use strict;
$| = 1;
use RRDTool::OO;
Then I get no errors.
But when I run the first file with print $#;, it returns:
Can't locate RRDTool::OO in ...
What am I doing wrong?
You have to check the result of the eval, like
if (eval("require xxx;")) {
print "you have it\n";
} else {
print "you don't\n";
What is happening is that
$lib = "RRDTool::OO";
eval { require $lib }
is executed with the stringified expression
require "RRDTool::OO"
not the bareword style
require RRDTool::OO
so it is looking for a file called RRDTool::OO in your #INC path instead of a file called RRDTool/
If you want to use require at run-time with a variable expression, you'll want to either use the stringy form of eval
eval "require $lib"
or process the arg to require yourself
$lib = "RRDTool::OO";
$lib =~ s{::}{/}g;
eval { require "$" }