I've been banging my head against the wall for ages now but I just can't get the facebook comment sorter to appear above my comments.
It usually says something like '21 Comments' and has a drop down that allows you to change the sort order of the comments.
I can see it working on other people's facebook pages, it just won't appear on mine :(
I have this code from all the documentation I've read:
<div class="fb-comments"
data-colorscheme="dark" data-num-posts="3" data-width="440"
But still I get no sorter, just the comment box and the last 3 comments.
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Facebook's documentation for instant articles states that for "related articles" if we leave off the list of related articles, Facebook will automatically select 4 articles for us. I am not seeing this behavior. Instead, I get the error: Related Articles Block is Empty. Has anyone come across this?
The tag that I current have is as below:
<ul class="op-related-articles">
You can include a maximum of four links in this list. Unlike in the footer, Facebook will not automatically populate the remaining links if you include fewer than four.
This is not actually the case.
I tried the same thing after reading the FB documentation, I thought facebook will get pages randomly but they don't.
I know this question has been asked before, but no answer I've found here or elsewhere has resolved my issue.
I would like my Facebook Like-button to show faces of friends who have liked the same page. Now it does not. If I like the page it shows my facebook profile picture but no other.
I know I have friends who have liked said page. They cannot see my picture either
I have used the HTML5 implementation of the button with following html: <div class="fb-like" data-width="300" data-show-faces="true" data-send="true"></div>
There is no issue with the height of the container since it can show one face (my own)
The URL of the page to like is not set in the fb-tag since it's a dynamic like-button that's availible on several pages.
See it in action on the right side of this page: http://www.takespace.se/Campaign/Stoppa-slavhandeln-i-Sverige
I'm creating a Facebook iframe game and have used the following code to allow players to post comments:
<div class="comments">
<fb:comments data-href="http://www.facebook.com/xxxx/app_222222222222222" data-colorscheme="dark" data-width="440" data-order-by="reverse_time"></fb:comments>
I've seen other pages have a similar comments section but they have a dropdown sorter like this
Can you tell me how you get that sorter generated?
Also, they have a button you can press to show more comments as below:
Do you know how you generate that button?
The functionality is inherent to the plugin. Documentation here. It's possible that this option only appears if theres enough activity on the comments to begin with.
So, I have an interesting question here. Right now, I have a facebook comments app on my blog, howmanyfrogs.com - I updated my permalink structure because another plugin broke it, and now all my comments, although they are showing under my application on facebook at this link here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments/?id=254902427882384 they aren't displaying on the website because facebook can't find the page they are supposed to go on. I was wondering if there was a way in the facebook app to repoint them to the correct link?
I have tried the data-href myself and it hasn't made a difference. I would think the best solution would be to associate it with the shortlink (since that never changes) and display it even with the longer friendly urls.
<div class="fb-comments" href="<?php echo wp_get_shortlink(); ?>"></div>
It works, but I lose all my comments made before when I used permalink. (quite annoying, believe me.)
However, since the link now goes to the post not the pretty link of the post it stays with the post even when the url changes (i.e. due to moving the post between categories)
Facebook Comments and Likes are tied to a URL - which is basically Open Graph Object identifier. So when you changed your URLs (permalinks), the Comments and Like plugins think they are on a new page (the new URL) with no comments.
You'll need to figure out a way to pass the old permalink into your Comments Plugin call, I think. That should bring up the lost comments.
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="YOUR OLD POST URL"></div>
I'm not sure the best way to do that though... you might have to write custom WordPress function (in functions.php) that generates the old URLs based on the new URLs.
It would have been helpful if you told us your old permalink structure and your new one. I did some Googling and it looks like this guy had some success. Maybe look at how he solved this issue.
I've got Facebook Comments enabled on my site, but it puts the same comments on every post.
I think I know where the issue is. I just don't know how to resolve it.
Basically, I've got FB Comments set up to populate the href field with the current page's permalink. (I can't paste it here, as php isn't allowed. But, you can see it in my page source, next to "fb:comment."
In theory, it should populate the permalink section above with the page of the site the comment's being left on.
But, if you look at this post...
...then look at the page source in a browser, you'll see that the permalink that shows up next to fb:comments is this one:
So, I guess my question is this: Why is the site pulling up the latter permalink, not the one of the post being viewed?
Any ideas would be appreciated.