Why do all my 'Sum of Units' rows all have the same values in PowerPivot? - bids

I'm pretty new to PowerPivot and have a problem.
I created an SSIS project (.dtsx) to import around 10 million rows of data and an Analysis Services Tabular Project (.bim) to process the data model.
Up until today, everything worked as expected, but after making a schema change to add further columns to a table and updating the model, I now have a problem. When opening the existing connection in Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) to update the schema changes, I was told that I would have to drop and reload the Sales and Returns tables as they were related.
Now, when I try to filter on a particular attribute, the Sales 'Sum of Units' column always displays the total sum of units for every row, instead of the correct values. I remember having this problem once when I was building the system, but it went away after re-processing the tables in BIDS... this time however, no amount of processing is making any difference.
I'm really hoping that this is a common problem and that someone has a nice easy solution for me, but I'll take whatever I can get at this stage. I'd also quite like to understand what is causing this. Many thanks in advance.

For anyone with a similar problem, I found the answer.
Basically, I had made a schema change and BIDS told me that I had to drop my SalesFact and ReturnsFact tables before updating the model with the new database schema. The problem was that I did not realise that relationships had been set up on these tables and so after re-adding them, the model was missing its relationships to the other tables... that's why all rows showed the same value.
The fix was to put the model into design view and to create relationships between the tables by clicking and dragging between them.
I knew it was something simple.


PostgreSQL: Information about sources (for a View)

I have a VIEW which is huge. Lots of tables, other views and CASE WHENs feed this view.
I would like to make sense of it, so I figured I could write some statement in order to get a table-like output with sources for all columns within this VIEW. Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how to do this (as for some columns there are multiple sources).
Also, would it be possible to have this also in a diagram-type drawing?
I know i can select multiple tables and then get a diagram with connections between them, but what about different sources for the columns within this VIEW?
I would even appreciate any other way to approach this.
I got this task to write down all sources for all columns and try figure out which ones (tables/or calculated fields) are no longer working for the VIEW. Unfortunately, very few tables have a "last_updated" column so there is no way for me to find out if/when they got last updated.
I figured out, I could make an inventory first, and then go through all departments tracking down who works on what.
I use Dbeaver for Postgres databases (if that matters)

Reading newest rows from the updated database table : Anylogic 8

In my project I have to keep on inserting new rows in a table based on some logic. After this I want that each time an event is triggered, the rows of updated table should be fetched.
But the Problem is that new rows aren't accessed. The table is always updated after i close the current simulation. A similar case was posted last year but the answer wasn't clear, and due to less reputation score I am unable to comment on it. Does anyone know that whether Anylogic 8.1.0 PLE supports reading of newly updated database table records at runtime or not? or is there some other beneficial solution?
This works correctly in AnyLogic (at least in the latest 8.2.3 version) so I suspect there is another problem with your model.
I just tested it:
set up a simple 2-column database table;
list its contents (via query) at model startup;
update values in all rows (and add a bunch of rows) via a time 1 event;
list its contents (via query) via a time 2 event.
All the new and updated rows show correctly (including when viewing the table in AnyLogic, even when I do this during the simulation, pausing it just after the changes).
Note that, if you're checking the database contents via the AnyLogic client, you need to close/reopen the table to see the changes if you were already in it when starting the run. This view does auto-update when you close the experiment, so I suspect that is what you were seeing. Basically, the rows had been added (and will be there when/if you query them later in the model) but the table in the AnyLogic client only shows the changes when closing/reopening it or when the experiment is closed.
Since you used the SQL syntax (rather than the QueryDSL alternative syntax) to do your inserts, I also checked with both options (and everything works the same in either case).
The table is always updated after i close the current simulation
Do you mean when you close the experiment?
It might help if you can show the logic/syntax you are using for your database inserts and your queries.

Adding Default value to oracle database with high volumes of data

I am trying to add a new column to a table with upwards of 9 million records.
This issue is the column needs to be default value of 'N'. When updating the table the database is getting an issue with the temp data being filled. Also, it is taking a huge amount of time.
I was wondering if anyone knows of anyway to make this faster or a better way of doing this to avoid problems with the temp data filling up.
The database is Oracle10g.
If you could move to 11g and the column was NOT NULL, Oracle has an optimization where the default value doesn't need to be stored in each row so you can add the column very quickly. Unfortunately, it sounds like you're stuck with a depricated version of Oracle where that isn't available.
Most likely, you don't have a lot of really good options other than waiting. It may be more efficient, assuming you're doing this during a period of downtime, to create a new table with the new column, do a direct-path insert of all the data from the old table to the new table, rename the tables, and re-point any constraints at the new table. Whether this is actually more efficient than waiting for the update will depend on your hardware and your table but an INSERT is likely to be more efficient than an UPDATE. On the other hand, for a new single-character column that isn't going to create a lot of migrated rows, you're probably better off waiting for the UPDATE rather than going to this level of effort-- there are a lot of things that could potentially go wrong that you'd need to test and validate (i.e. making sure that you updated all the constraints correctly).

track changes in database tables

I have a large postgresql database, and I want to track all it's tables if a change has been made.
The reason for that is that I can't know a relation between two different tables in the database.
I googled about it but I couldn't find anything helpful.
So how can I know if a change has been made to a table ?
There isn't currently a global audit function in PostgreSQL.
It'll be possible to build one using the new logical changeset extraction feature in 9.4, and I know some people are working on that.
In the mean time, you need to add some form of audit trigger to every table.

Entity Framework with large number of tables

Our database has about 500 tables we'd like to use in our EF model. Of those I'd be happy to start with 50 or fewer just to get our feet wet after working in plain ADO.net for years.
The problem is, our SQL server contains many thousands of other tables that exist in our database that have been created through the years and many that are dynamically generated. Believe it or not:
select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
So that's a lot of tables. I have found that pretty much every tool I've tried to design, build or template EF models or entities either hangs or does not return a list of tables. Even SQL Server Object Explorer in VS2012 won't list the tables and instead shows the Tables folder with a little "x" over the icon. So I can't even select a subset of tables.
What options do I have for using EF? Is there a template where I can explicitly define the tables that I want to use entities for? Even with 50 tables, I don't want to hand code each one in an empty EDMX.
Using a Database / Code First approach and avoiding connecting Visual Studio to the database at all (i.e. don't create an edmx, or connect with server explorer) would allow you to do this easily. It does not give you any of the Model First advantages, but I think it sounds like your project would be better served with a Database / Code First approach anyway as:
You have an existing Model, and are not looking to push changes from your EDMX to the DB
You are looking to implement this on a subset of your database
This link has a good summation ( Code-first vs Model/Database-first ) with the caveat that in you case a Database/Code First approach does not have you pushing changes from code to the Database, so the last two bullets under code first apply less, and yours is a Database/Code First hybrid.
With 70k tables I think that any GUI is going to be tricky. When I am saying Database / Code First, I am trying to convey that you are not using the code to create / define and update your Database. Someone may be able to answer this more succinctly / accurately?
I now this is an old question. But for those who land here on a google search. The only tool I have found that actually works with thousands of tables is The Sharp Factory.
It is an ORM. Pretty simple to use. So if you are looking for an ORM that can work with a large number of tables and does not require you to write "POCOS" or "Mappings" or SQL then this is the tool.
You can find it here: The Sharp Factory