Get all information about a street in OpenStreetMap - coordinates

I've been playing around with API, XAPI and Overpass of OSM. But I can not get some info a need: to get all information nodes of a street.
Here a example:
This gives information of a way called "Watts Street" (in NYC), but it's not all the street, just a part of it.
The other part:
This happens with some streets, that are split in different OSM "ways"
Is there a way to get all the nodes of a same street having more than "one way" to get all the coordinates across that street ?
Thank you

You could try to query the street name and get all ways with the same name. Then you could take all individual nodes and you should have what you want. I know Nominatim does that mapping but I'm not familiar with the api's you mentioned.
Another (maybe more cumbersome) method is to look at the nodes of your way and see in what ways they are involved. If you take your example, the node 42426060 is part of both ways you're looking for. If you could query the ways for that node and match them (according to name), you could merge them yourself.


Mapbox: Is there a way to retrieve all coordinates for a specific feature ID?

I'm building a feature where I need to extract all coordinates of a selecetd road/path in Mapbox when it's clicked on. I've attempted to use the queryRenderedFeatures method, but it seems the result list is fragmented. By "fragmented" I mean that if you have a road or path which is clearly just one long path/road when rendered on the map, it often consists up of 4-5-6 or more features, and you cannot really work out from the feature collection how they're supposed to be connected (in order)
I then tried to use the Tilequery API, but it doesn't return any coordinates for LineStrings.
Is there any API - server or client side - in Mapbox, where you can provide an ID of a feature and retrieve the all coordinates for a road or path?
Thanks in advance :-)
I think you're really asking: "is there a way to access complete LineString features for data in Mapbox's tilesets", to which the answer is, no, not really - other than trying to reassemble them in the way you have tried.
For your own data, you could host it using Mapbox's Datasets, rather than Tilesets.

How can I log my position regularly in a GIS Model?

I have a GIS model where a truck leaves a main distributor, visits several customers along a route to make deliveries, and then return to the distributor once it is empty. The route is chosen based on proximity of agents to the main distributor and to each other. I'm trying to figure out how to log the route the truck took in order to make the deliveries, though I have not been able to do so yet. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
If you want to log street names (as you do):
You can't.
Not with the free GIS map service that pulls data from OSM. I believe that you could do it from Google Maps services but it is very expensive... Your only chance is to download OpenStreeMap shapefiles of the area of interest, convert them into a network of paths and pull the street names from there.
The OSM shapefiles should have street names in their dbf files and you can specify in the AnyLogic GIS map object in which column of your dbf file the street names are located. Then, upon converting to path objects, AnyLogic will name the path object according to the street name.
But to be honest, this is not trivial and might be overkill for you. Maybe think about logging something else?
In order to log coordinates i would use a collection of type GISRoute. This is the type you are getting anyway when calculating route for your truck. And GISRoute contains an array of segments (GISMarkupSegment). And every segment has a start and end (type Point) with its lat and lon (methods getLatitude, getLongitude).

Routing network from OSM

I'm looking for some good tool to import map.osm to postgres and next create some routes which will be displayed by geoserver. I need route, with some text information about vertexes (e.g. city, address, address number, and so on...)
I found this:
osm2pgrouting - Import OSM data into pgRouting Database
osm2postgis -Import OSM data to PostGIS
osm2po - tool to convert OSM data into a routable format
osm4routing - OpenStreetMap data parser to turn them into a nodes-edges adapted for routing applications
I do not have many experiences with GIS, so how tool is the best for me? I try osm2pgrouting, but in result I have tables, which do not contains data about vertexes(only lat. and alt.) Thanks for answers.
UPDATE App Info:
I will be have web and android client where user enter text value of start and end node, and next over geoserver get wms with vertexes of entered route for example
My result from could be be some edges and nodes like this like this:
sequence_num, edge_distance, and informations about edge vertexes like osm_id, some text value, lat alt, etc...
I think you have a lot of work to do before you get to a complete solution, but here are some pointers. I suggest you break down your project into smaller chunks and ask specific questions on any bits you might get stuck on.
First, you need to import your data. Then you'll need some pre-processing / cleaning. Then you need your routing queries and, finally, a way to use the outputs (with this last part determining to some extent the previous steps).
Import OSM data
As I described in an answer to your previous question here, you can use OGR2OGR to import OSM data to Postgis. You can use other programs, as you mention above, but I guess you'll get much the same results. I think the difference between the OGR2OGR tables and the osm2postgis ones is that some of the columns in the latter appear in the other_tags column. However, the data is still there, you just need slightly different queries.
Preparing data
I'm assuming you'll use pgrouting for the routing, but whatever you use, you'll need a network suitable for routing (in short, the edges have a start and end node, and the end nodes must connect with other start nodes). Pgrouting has tools to create what you need and validate it. E.g. you create integer columns source and target and the function pgr_createtopology will populate the columns for you.
OGR2OGR gives you tables "lines", "points", "multipolygons", "multilinestrings". I suggest you read up on OSM to understand exactly what is in these tables, but, roughly speaking, the lines contain your roads and the multipolygons contain, amongst other things, buildings with e.g. addresses. The addresses are in a hstore column called "other_tags".
The lines do not contain addresses! (although they do contain street names). So, if you want to do address-to-address routing you need to do some preparation. You can skip this if you can live with the street names.
Create your network (e.g. if you're routing for cars, you'll want to
throw out pedestrian routes and so on)
Extract the desired addresses (including coordinates)
Either snap the addresses to the nearest node, or otherwise
relate the address to the nearest node
Pgrouting will return the edges in your route, so you need the above to relate back to your addresses.
Your app is going to send to your server (in an as-yet unspecified way) a pair of addresses or coordinates and you need postgis to return the route. With pgrouting, that's quite easy and there are plenty of examples out there, for example here. You will need to write queries that join the output to your address table to give you the desired output.
pgrouting creates a vertices table. You can get the nearest vertex with the following query:
select id from vertices_pgr
order by the_geom <-> st_setsrid(st_point(lon,lat),4326)
limit 1
Using the output
Using WMS from geoserver is unlikely to be a good choice - you won't have the information on individual edges without a lot of messing about. You might consider geoJSON, which can be read by e.g. OpenLayers, Leaflet, or you can manipulate in Javascript. Postgres has lots of useful functions for working with json and geojson.
That's quite a lot of work and probably new stuff if you have little GIS knowledge, and it, er, basically recreates what you'd get from Graphhopper! Are you sure that's not a better way to go?
If you do decide to go this (or similar) route break things down into manageable chunks! First, figure out exactly what you're trying to achieve, then work backwards from there. If you do decide to use OSM / pgrouting, then play with the data and pgrouting first so you understand how it works before trying address matching etc.
The tools you listed are only for producing data, but I think you actually need a routing engine.
Try Graphhopper:
Using the WEB Api (more likely what you need), you don't need the import the data in your database. This is the easiest solution. You will have not control over the input openstreetmap data but this is fine if you don't have special requirements.
Import data and implement/integrate a routing engine directly in your application would be much more complicated.

How can i find certain types of buildings in OpenStreetMap?

i'm trying to make a list of all the police stations that are in so i can compare it with mine (a full one with all the police stations in the country) and add the ones that are not there. at the moment i'm doing it one by one, searching from my list and if it is not in the map i add it. but i want to now if there is a way to make the map show me all the police stations that are in a country or a region. if someone who knows about OSM could help me that would be great
To find the policestations you can use e.g. OverPass-API (I recommend TURBO). The more complex way is to use the planet.osm dump / extracts and process it using filterers (e.g. osmosis). Last one is more complex, but allows you to controll the area more precise.
Please be aware that building is the wrong feature. Some mappers prefer to map the amenity / usage as a seperate POI and some policestations are mapped as are for the whole site of the station. Be also aware that the community is skeptical about imports and quality of external datasets.
You can use e.g. Overpass to query OpenStreetMap for features. Here is the query that you need to retrieve all police stations.
This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.
The original search was:
// gather results
// query part for: “amenity=police”
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;
You can run the query with Overpass Turbo, here. First position the map over the area you are interested in, then press "Run".
You can use any of the export options to download the results, instead of viewing them on the map
I forgot to mention that a police station is not really a building type in OpenStreetMap, it is considered an amenity. More information about the correct tagging can be found on the OpenStreetMap wiki, but this system does not allow me to post more links to help you further.

Tiled OSM's - find the bounds of given city/state

I used the overpass api to downloaded a couple of tiled pieces of USA's map and now that I have the USA map locally, I would like to obtain the bounds of a given city (or state) without involving the API.
Should I search for certain tags, or relations? I assume I'll have to start from a node tagged (k=name, v=city_name) and (k=place, v=city), and based on it's id to find a way node.
Is my assumption correct? If yes, can you give me some directions on what should I look for once I have the node corresponding to the city?
Note. I went through the OSM wiki and studied a little bit the OSM XML format, however I was not able so far to have a whole picture of the OSM XML structure, so perhaps someone who has more experience with this can help me.
Administrative boundaries are mapped as ways or relations with a boundary=administrative tag. The boundary type is specified by an admin_level. The admin_level value for cities differs from country to country and can even include multiple values. But for most countries, admin_level values for cities range from 6 to 8 (for the US it starts even from 5). In contrast, US states have an admin_level of 4. With the help of these keys you can construct a Overpass query for specific cities/stares, or even query for all cities and states. Here is an example for Denver:
// gather results
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;
You can see that it will yield multiple results. Look at the place and admin_level tags to determine the importance of your results.
Alternatively you can use a geocoder as for example Nominatim. Here is an example for Denver. In contrast to Overpass API, Nominatim will weight the results by importance. It also supports multiple output formats and can return polygons (which you can use for determining the bounds). Please read about Nominatim's usage policy when using the instance at
And also see search engine results.