html tags in notepad++ - plugins

I am looking for plugin to notepad++, which can add html tags at the begining of the selected text and at the end f.e.:
I have:
good day
after I select good day and click plugin it will add <b>good day</b>
Where can I find it??

The zen coding plugin has a "wrap with abbreviation" feature that will wrap highlighted text with any tag. It is not as quick as Ctrl + b but it does provide some other great features.


How to add a macro to an umbraco page when using the markdown editor

What I really need is an editor that'll allow me to write html directly and allow inserting macros.
I'm using WMD editor in umbraco 7 and need to add a partial view macro to the page.
The editor does not have an insert macro button and if I pasted the following code in the editor, it is not shown in the page. I think the markdown processor removes it from the page ; <umbraco:Macro Alias="YourMacroAlias" \>
How can I add the macro to the page ?
Out of the box, the WMD editor does not support embedding Macros in the same way as the Richtext Editor does. You could raise a feature request at and see if they'll add it, or you could take the source of the WMD from the Umbraco source at and create your own version of the markdown editor based on it.
The way the Richtext editor does it is that it stores the macro details as a specially formatted bit of markup, and there's some code in the front end that looks for that markup and replaces it with the output of the Macro.
Go to the developer section. Open the Macros.
In your macro there is a checkbox "Use in rich text editor and the grid" and "Render in rich text editor and the grid" check this.
For Using in Rich Text the option must be checked in the Data Type.
In the Developer section there is below Data Types, the Richtext editor data type check umbmacro.
In the Rich Text editor there is a "Insert Macro" Button, the 2 gears icon.
But for a markdown datatype there is no button, no support, An option is invent a tag a replace you tag in the template with somethings else. To come a bit near a macro functionality.
Instead of using Markdown editor for less options, you can disable excess commands for the tinyMce too. Extra tags added by tinyMce can also be disabled, see at end
Firstly there is file in config folder named tinyMceConfig.config. It handles the options in all datatypes using tinyMce. Below is entry for macro
<tinyMceCommand value="" userInterface="true" frontendCommand="umbmacro">umbracomacro</tinyMceCommand>
Go to
Developer -> DataTypes -> Rich Text Editor
There will be toolbar checkbox list. Select umbmacro from the list and save the data type. You will see the macro on the WYSIWYG editor. Uncheck all unwanted options. Also you can create new datatype say "RTE Lite" using property editor "Rich Text Editor" and use this "RTE Lite" where less options are needed.
Edit: Okay, if you do not like extra p tag added by tinyMce, go to "tiny_mce_src.js" file from your umbraco solution, search for forced_root_block : 'p' and change it to forced_root_block : ''

How to change jEdit autoclose html tag functionality?

jEdit autocloses the last open html tag when typing
I want jEdit to close the open tag automatically (as it closes a bracket) and places the cursor between the tags.
How can I do this?
jEdit does not auto-close any brackets.
I guess you are using the FirstMate plugin or something similar which is providing that functionality.
The functionality you are searching is in the XML plugin which also handles HTML.
In its settings you have an option for autoclosing on typing "

Is there a way to highlight code in NetBeans manually?

When I am figuring out someone's code in NetBeans, it occurred to me I could use a feature to mark code as 'understood', or 'suspicious', etc. while going through it. Is there any way to manually highlight or format code in NetBeans, the way it is done in Word? Some plugin maybe?
The alternative, i guess, is adding short comments everywhere, which is often not too convenient.
The Netbeans Collab plugin was pretty useful to share code and color them when you are sharing it through an XMPP server or discussing the code with someone.
You could use that to talk to yourself and color parts that you want to comment on.
You could surround sections of code with an editor-fold. To quickly do this:
Select the section of code you want surrounded
Press Alt + Enter
Select Surround with // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="comment">... from the hints popup
Enter your tag ie. "understood"
Press enter
This will give you a collapsible section of code that when collapsed will only show the tag that you've entered for the comment attribute.

Eclipse highlighting the same occurrence of the word

In Notepad++, it has a very nice feature that if I select a word, it will highlight all the same words throughout the text. I can also set the hot-keys to highlight up to five different words with different styles (See the effect below) .
Is there any ways to get this similar effect in eclipse? I know when editing Java, it will highlight all the same variables, but it will not work when I highlight the comments and editing other files type (e.g. xml, html, js, css and etc).
I've been working with Eclipse for quite a while and I'm pretty certain that there is no canonical way of doing this.
In Eclipse these things are managed on a per-editor basis and the Java editor does not support what your looking for for all I know. At least for the Java editor you can do some minor configuration in what is highlighted and how (Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences), but I guess you already know that.
As for plugins, I'm not aware of any plugin that achieves what you're looking for. As a matter of fact I'd be surprised if there really was a plugin which achieves what you're looking for.
If something comes up I'd much appreciate you sharing it here, I've been trying to get decent highlighting into Eclipse for years unsuccessfully... :)
Here is a plugin for eclipse:
It highlights all occurrences as with notepad++ upon hitting Ctrl + Alt + F.
Below is what I found works for me but you can also assign a key shortcut to 'Find Text in File':
Select the word or section of text
Press CTR+3 to activate 'Quick Access' search
Type 'Find Text in File'
As mentioned by #Kislingk you can modify how the words are highlighted/marked in 'Preferences > General >Editors>Text Editors > Annotations'.
Here is the closest solution I have found:
Create a shortcut in Preferences/General/Keys
type in the search field: "Find Text in File"
By default it has nothing assigned so just assign your key binding to it.
Annotations can help with displaying it in the sidebar
If you enable "Mark Occurrences" (Alt + Shift + O), then all words that are the same as the one you have marked will be highlighted.
Well if you're searching in the currently open file only (via CTRL-F) then no, you can't have everything highlighted.
However if you use the advanced search (CTRL-H, then go to "File search" tab) there you can input the search pattern, as well as the file-name pattern for the file(s) where it should search, and when the search is done, the search terms are highlighted in each file where they were found:
Use file search to search selected resource can highlight same word in single file.
Another useful eclipse plugin is eclipse instasearch. It has extensive feature set. This is also available in eclipse marketplace.
There are other options needed to enable.(Preferences > General >Editors>Text Editors > Annotations). Find Occurrences and WriteOccurrences and enable Text as 'Hightlight'
Have tried all of the above answer, but all not working. At the end, i found that it's due to i have accidentally remove some of the JRE System Library, after add back, it's work correctly
Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Mark Occurrences

How do I make Dreamweaver to show me closing tags?

I would like Dreamweaver to show me the opening/closing tag when I select a tag. This functionality is seen in many editors, I know for sure Eclipse has it.
To make things clearer: When I select/highlight a <div> opening tag with my mouse I would like Dreamweaver to select/highlight the </div> closing tag.
My main questions:
Does anybody know what this functionality is called?
Does anybody know how to add this functionality to Dreamweaver?
I've tried searching the Dreamweaver extensions on the Adobe exchange but couldn't find what I'm looking for.
Dreamweaver has two different ways of selecting matching tags, depending on whether you're working with HTML or a scripting language.
To select the matching opening and closing tags of an HTML element, click inside the element, and click the Select Parent Tag button in the Coding toolbar. It's the sixth button from the top (I tried to attach a screenshot, but don't yet have sufficient privileges to do so).
To select matching opening and closing curly braces, brackets, or parentheses, click inside the opening or closing symbol, and click the Balance Braces button on the Coding toolbar (it's immediately below Select Parent Tag). Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+'/Cmd+'.
well I dont know If Im really giving u a solution but if u select a tag, the code editor will show u (at the end of the window) the tag u are on. If u click on the tag information (same place) then the code-editor will highlight the place in btw the choosen-tag
I have to echo the sentiments of Ahmet Sali in saying that its a shame that Dreamweaver does not support the functionality of highlighting the beginning and end tags. This should be very simple. I became accustomed to this feature in Visual Studio and found it very useful.
I think Dreamweaver doest it better than All other Editors.
You just need to see the Small Vertical Toolbar on the Left of the Line-numbers and search for 'Balance Braces' (highlights between { and } AND 'Select Parent Tag' (Highlights all inside parent-element ).
For HTML Tag Highlighting , again , just see the Small Horizontal bar' on the Bottom (also called Status Bar).
Whenever you select a HTML Tag, it automatically creates its Hierarchy in the shape of Small-Buttons. If you just Click on any Tag (or small-button) , then it highlights that Element upto the Matching Element.
I don't think Dreamweaver has this option. The only way is to just go what David Powers says. You would have to click within the braces and click on the symbol. This would highlight the whole text from beginning of the brace to the end. If it doesn't do anything then that means there no ending or beginning. I'm using both dreamweaver and notepad++ and notepad++ does exactly that.