How can I download a perl script from a CGI server instead of running it? - perl

I am trying to download the perl scripts from this site:
When I open or download any of them, the scripts execute. However, I want the text in the scripts. Is there any way I can do this?

For the non .pl files,
The server is actually retuning the script (not its output), so you must be executing it on your end. Right-click on the link and choose Save Link As.
For the .pl files,
The server is actually executing these scripts and returning the output. You would need to use a different URL to get the script itself. No such URL is likely to exist.
Contact your prof and advise him of the issue.

If the scripts are executing then the webserver is configured to execute scripts in that directory or it is configured to execute all .pl or .cgi files where ever they reside. That is normal for a webserver to execute a script. If you want the script source then the webserver must be configured to not execute the scripts, in which case it would deliver the source you are after. Contact the administrator to configure correctly, assuming they shouldn't be executing.
Otherwise you would need filesystem access to ~david/courses/cs552/S12/handouts/bins/, be it via FTP or whatever to download them. Basically access however you can without it being over HTTP.

Just right-click it and choose "Save link As..." (works only if no script processing enabled on server side)
Normaly you can't do this, because when you request any script it beiing processed server-side and only result shown at browser.
If you try to configure you httpd to let users download scripts you should disable script handling by extension, or just change the extension to txt for example.


Scripted FTP Upload from Container

I am trying to upload a file from a container field to a location on FTP as a serverside script. I have been trying to use the Base Elements BE_FTP_Upload as I'm lead to believe this works on a server script, however I just simply cannot get it to work, I've had the file on FTP, but its always blank missing the content.
I should also add that the BE_Curl_Trace feedback shows successful connection to the FTP, it seems to be my method of moving the file rather than a bad connection. Script attached. (excuse the squiggles, data protection and what not.)
After all of this, simply changing the "filewin:" to "file:" solved my problem, I am now exporting from FM to FTP via a scheduled server script :)

How to run powershell script remotely using chef?

I have powershell script which is present on chef server to run on remote windows server, how can i run this powershell script from chef server on remote windows server.
Chef doesn't do anything like this. First, Chef Server can never remotely access servers directly, all it does is stores data. Second, Chef doesn't really do "run a thing in a place right now". We offer workstation tools like knife ssh and knife winrm as simplistic wrappers but they aren't made for anything complex. The Chef-y way to do this would be to make a recipe and run your script using the the powershell_script resource.
Does it mean chef is also running on Windows server ?
If yes, why not to use psexec from Windows Ps tools ?
Here is my understanding of what you are trying to achieve. If I'm wrong then please correct me in a comment and I will update my answer.
You have a powershell script that you need to run on a specific server or set of servers.
It would be convenient to have a central management solution for running this script instead of logging into each server and running it manually.
Ergo you either need to run this script in many places when a condition isn't filled, such as a file is missing, or you need to run this script often, or you need this script to be run with a certain timing in regards to other processes you have going on.
Without knowing precisely what you're trying to achieve with your script the best solution I know of is to write a cookbook and do one of the following
If your script is complex place it in your cookbook/files folder (assuming the script will be identical on all computers it runs on) or in your cookbook/templates folder (if you will need to inject information into it at write time). You can then write the .ps file to the local computer during a Chef converge with the following code snippet. After you write it to disk you will also have to call it with one of the commands in the next bullet.
Monomorphic file:
cookbook_file '<destination>' do
source '<>'
<other options>
Options can be found at
Polymorphic file:
template '<destination>' do
source '<>'
variables {<hash of variables and values>}
<other options>
Options can be found at
If your script is a simple one-liner you can instead use powershell_script, powershell_out! or execute. powershell_out! has all the same options and features as the shell_out! command and the added advantage that your converge will pause until it receives an exit status for the command, if that is desirable. The documentation on using it is a bit more spotty though so spend time experimenting with it and googling.
Which ever option you end up going with you will probably want to guard your resource with conditions on when it should not run, such as when a file already exists, a registry key is set or what ever else your script changes that you can use. If you truly want the script to execute every single converge then you can skip this step, but that is a code smell and I urge you to reconsider your plans.
It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list of how to run a powershell script on your nodes, just a collection of common patterns I've seen.
Hope this helped.

Can RemoteSigned run scripts created on same domain?

I'm creating and testing some powershell scripts to do some basic file copying. I've set my executionpolicy to RemoteSigned. According to the help, this should allow me to run scripts that were not downloaded from the internet. However, my observations seem to indicate that this will run only scripts created on the local machine.
For instance, if I create a script on my development machine and try to copy to my server (on my same domain), the script will not run. However, if I open up the Powershell ISE on the server and open my script, copy the code and paste it into a new file window and save it to the server, the script then runs. Further, if I want to create a self-signed certificate, it will not run on other computers (per the help).
So, this all seems a bit cumbersome that I have to develop my scripts on the machine they are to be run or go through the copy/paste routine mentioned above to get them to run on my server. I just want to know that I've understood all of this correctly and there is no other way to create a script within the same domain and run it under the remotesigned execution policy without paying the fee for a certificate.
this post here provide the method for executing script from shared folder. hope this could help you :-)

Spawn external process from a CGI script

I've searched and found several very similar questions to mine but nothing in those answers have worked for me yet.
I have a perl CGI script that accepts a file upload. It looks at the file and determines how it should be processed and then calls a second non-CGI script to do the actual processing. At least, that's how it should work.
This is running on Windows with Apache 2.0.59 and ActiveState Perl 5.8.8. The file uploading part works fine but I can't seem to get the upload.cgi script to run the second script that does the actual processing. The second script doesn't communicate in any way with the user that sent the file (other than it sends an email when it's done). I want the CGI script to run the second script (in a separate process) and then 'go away'.
So far I've tried exec, system (passing a 1 as the first parameter), system (without using 1 as first parameter and calling 'start'), and Win32::Process. Using system with 1 as the first parameter gave me errors in the Apache log:
'1' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\r, referer:
Nothing else has given me any errors but they just don't seem to work. The second script logs a message to the Windows event log as one of the first things it does. No log entry is being created.
It works fine on my local machine under Omni webserver but not on the actual server machine running Apache. Is there an Apache config that could be affecting this? The upload.cgi script resides in the d:\wwwroot\test\cgi-bin dir but the other script is elsewhere on the same machine (d:\wwwroot\scripts).
There may be a security related problem, but it should be apparent in the logs.
This won't exactly answer your question but it may give you other implementation ideas where you will not face with potential security and performance problems.
I don't quite like mixing my web server environment with system() calls. Instead, I create an application server (with POE usually) which accepts the relevant parameters from the web server, processes the job, and notifies the web server upon completion. (well, the notification part may not be straightforward but that's another topic.)

running an exe file from a sql job

i'm trying to run an exe from a sql job.
the db is on the server, as well as the exe file.
the exe is supposed to write stuff on a log.
even though the sql job is successful, i see no change on the log file.
i've checked the exe locally, and it does work.
The job runs on type cmdexec, and the command is :
ustlvint02 - the server's name.
the path is valid, since i tested it by running it from my computer (and there, the log isn't created as well).
i'll appreciate any help you can offer.
The account that SQL Server Agent runs on needs to have permissions to 1.) un the exe in that location and 2.) write to the log file location.
Find out account is used by SQL Agent, then verify that this user has the proper execute and write permissions.
Look for the log file in %WINDIR%\System32 (for 32-bit version of SQL Server) or in %WINDIR%\SysWOW64 (for 64-bit version of SQL Server), where %WINDIR% is a path to the folder where Windows is installed (typically, C:\Windows). This destination does not depend on the system account specified for the SQL Agent job. All files which your executable needs to write to or read from must be either specified within an absolute path or be specified within a relative path and thus be present in the aforementioned system folder.