Error when updating many to many relation in EF5 - entity-framework

I have an ASP.NET WebForms project with N-Layers using Entity Framework 5.
I have two entities: Cliente and Banda.
One Cliente may have many Banda's, and one Banda may have many Cliente's
In the bussines layer I have this code:
public void Update(Cliente cliente)
using (MegaStudioEntities contexto = new MegaStudioEntities())
if (contexto.Entry(cliente).State == EntityState.Detached)
contexto.Entry(cliente).State = EntityState.Modified;
//Delete existing relations
var qBandas = from qb in contexto.Bandas.Where(b => b.Clientes.Any(c => c.IdCliente == cliente.IdCliente))
select qb;
foreach (Banda b in qBandas.ToList())
((IObjectContextAdapter)contexto).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(cliente, b, c => c.Bandas, EntityState.Deleted);
//Adding new relations
foreach (Banda banda in cliente.Bandas)
((IObjectContextAdapter)contexto).ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeRelationshipState(cliente, banda, c => c.Bandas, EntityState.Added);
cliente.TipoCliente = contexto.TipoClientes.Find(cliente.IdTipoCliente);
cliente.FechaModificacion = System.DateTime.Now;
The first time I call Update method, run sucessfully, but the second time I get this error:
"An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key."
What I forget to close?
This is the correct way to update many to many relations in EF5?
Thanks in advance!!!
Finally my code is like that:
public void Update(Cliente cliente)
using (MegaStudioEntities contexto = new MegaStudioEntities())
Cliente savedClient = contexto.Clientes.Find(cliente.IdCliente);
foreach (var banda in savedClient.Bandas.ToList())
foreach (var banda in cliente.Bandas)
Thanks Gert Arnold!!!

You don't really have to attach any object to the context. So you can prevent this exception by not doing that.
public void Update(Cliente cliente)
using (MegaStudioEntities contexto = new MegaStudioEntities())
Cliente savedClient = contexto.TipoClientes.Find(cliente.IdCliente);
foreach (var banda in savedClient.Bandas.ToList())
foreach (var banda in cliente.Bandas)
savedClient.IdTipoCliente = cliente.IdTipoCliente;
savedClient.FechaModificacion = System.DateTime.Now;
I'm not sure if this break code in Encriptar(cliente); because (obviously) I don't know what happens there.
As you see, you add and remove associations in a m:m relationship by adding/removing objects. You hardly ever (probably never) need to manipulate relationship state explicitly. If you feel a need to do that it most likely indicates that you overlook an easier way to achieve what you want.


Entity Framework is failing to delete a record from an associated table throwing an error

I have a simple association table whose PK isn't referenced anywhere but when I am trying to delete a record from it in the following way, I get an error. I am using EF code-first. Any help would be very very helpful. Thanks in advance.
List<ViolationTypeNOV> novRels = UnitOfWork.Context.ViolationTypeNOVs.Where(x => x.NOVId == nov.NOVId).Include("ViolationType").Include("NOV").ToList();
foreach (ViolationTypeNOV o in novRels)
Here is the error message I am getting. If the table's PK isn't referenced in any way, why is it failing with this error? Just not able to understand:
The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. When a change is made to a relationship, the related foreign-key property is set to a null value. If the foreign-key does not support null values, a new relationship must be defined, the foreign-key property must be assigned another non-null value, or the unrelated object must be deleted.
The same thing if I am running through SSMS same thing is working though:
DELETE ViolationTypeNOVs
WHERE ViolationTypeNOVId = 2
But again if I am running the same query through context as below, I get the same error at the calling SaveChanges:
foreach (ViolationTypeNOV o in novRels)
string str = string.Format("Delete ViolationTypeNOVs where ViolationTypeNOVId = {0}", new object[] { o.ViolationTypeNOVId });
It seems like some of the objects within the context aren't nulling or getting deleted, is there anyway to clear them all in one go? Because these ids/objects are used in multiple places in the code - please let me know how to clear them all - thanks a lot.
Any help please?
Fixed it - the problem is we need to clear up all the objects and its links that the parent object is using then only we can save the changes thanks here is my solution
public bool Delete(NOV nov, bool performCommit = true)
System.Data.Entity.DbContextTransaction dbOperation = null;
if (performCommit)
dbOperation = UnitOfWork.BeginTransaction();
//-- Remove the Items - "foreach" approach was a problem
// Remove the Violations that are in this NOV
List<Violation> violationIdlist = new List<Violation>();
foreach (var v in nov.ViolationNOVs)
var a = UnitOfWork.ViolationRepository.GetAll().Where(z => z.ViolationId == v.ViolationId).FirstOrDefault();
foreach (var v in violationIdlist)
var a = nov.ViolationNOVs.Where(x => x.NOVId == nov.NOVId && x.ViolationId == v.ViolationId)?.FirstOrDefault();
//deleting all OneToMany references to NOV
List<ViolationTypeNOV> novRels = UnitOfWork.Context.ViolationTypeNOVs.Where(x => x.NOVId == nov.NOVId).Include("ViolationType").Include("NOV").ToList();
//foreach (ViolationTypeNOV o in novRels)
// UnitOfWork.Context.ViolationTypeNOVs.Remove(o);
// o?.ViolationType?.ViolationTypeNOVs?.Remove(o);
// nov?.ViolationTypeNOVs?.Remove(o);
List<ViolationNOV> violationNOVs = UnitOfWork.Context.ViolationNOVs.Where(x => x.NOVId == nov.NOVId).Include("Violation").Include("NOV").ToList();
List<CaseNOV> caseNOVs = UnitOfWork.Context.CaseNOVs.Where(x => x.NOVId == nov.NOVId).Include("Case").Include("NOV").ToList();
if (dbOperation != null)
LogHandler.LogInfo(2521, "Deleted NOV " + nov.NOVNumber);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
LogHandler.LogError(2523, "Commit Fail in NOV Delete", ex);
if (dbOperation != null)
throw ex;
This statement has fixed the problem: UnitOfWork.Context.ViolationTypeNOVs.RemoveRange(novRels); thanks a lot for everybody who tried to help me

Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Error during transaction

During the execution of the following piece of code, I get the message
Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.
And there are loads of occurrences of that in here, but I didn't find a solution to my problem.
This only happens to me because I'm running _db.SaveChanges() two times inside one transaction (_db is my database context object), and I HAVE to do so because I need the generated ID that it gives me in order to proceed with the code.
If anyone can help me, I'd appreciate it. Also, if you know a way to proceed without the two _db.SaveChanges() or with a different way of approaching the transaction, I welcome you to show it.
using (var trans = _db.Database.BeginTransaction())
var f = cbxFornecedor.SelectedItem as Fornecedor;
var c = new Compra
CompraId = compra.CompraId,
DataCompra = dtpDataCompra.Value,
ListaProdutos = new List<ListaProdutos>(),
Fornecedor = f,
Referencia = tbxReferencia.Text,
Situacao = rbtEntregue.Checked
foreach (var cada in _itens)
c.ListaProdutos.Add(new ListaProdutos
Compra = c,
CompraId = c.CompraId,
Produto = cada.ProdutoClasse,
ProdutoId = cada.ProdutoClasse.ProdutoId,
Valor = cada.ValorTotal,
Quantidade = cada.Quantidade,
foreach (var cada in c.ListaProdutos)
if (_db.ListaProdutos.Find(cada.CompraId, cada.ProdutoId) != null)
_db.Entry(cada).State = EntityState.Modified;
_db.Entry(c).State = EntityState.Modified;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, #"Erro", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
And, just to be clear, I know that my problem is with that fact that the transaction is there. I tried removing it and it worked. Also, if I take out the second _db.SaveChanges(), it works too.
The exception is only thrown in the second _db.SaveChanges(), and only if it is surrounded by the transaction block.
It is not direct answer to your question, but it may be helpful.
You do not need to specify Compra and CompraId for new ListaProdutos because EF smart enough to figure it out. Also it looks like that you do not need _db.ListaProdutos.Find(cada.CompraId, cada.ProdutoId) != null check because cada.CompraId - is new Id and it can not be in DB at this moment. Also you do not need _db.ListaProdutos.Add(cada); because EF already new that you are adding this records. Can you try next code?
var f = cbxFornecedor.SelectedItem as Fornecedor;
var c = new Compra
DataCompra = dtpDataCompra.Value,
ListaProdutos = new List<ListaProdutos>(),
Fornecedor = f,
Referencia = tbxReferencia.Text,
Situacao = rbtEntregue.Checked
foreach (var cada in _itens)
c.ListaProdutos.Add(new ListaProdutos
Produto = cada.ProdutoClasse,
ProdutoId = cada.ProdutoClasse.ProdutoId,
Valor = cada.ValorTotal,
Quantidade = cada.Quantidade,

Entity Framework dbset not finding added entity

I am having an issue understanding why when adding a new entity to a DbSet of ObjectContext, that entity is not found will looking it up again.
using (var db = new SmartrailDB())
var cart01 = db.Carts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Number == 0);
if (cart01 == null)
cart01 = new Cart { Number = 0 };
var cart02 = db.Carts.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Number == 0); // Should find the cart I just added - right?
Assert.IsNotNull(cart02); // Fails because cart02 does not exist in the db.Carts collection
Is anyone able to tell me what I am doing wrong here?
Also late on a Friday here so brain half asleep now.
You have to update your context before you try to access the entity. Just do:
db.SaveChanges(); right after db.Cart.Add(cart01);

Unable to delete with EF

Found the issue...I had MergeOption.NoTracking set on my context.entity...sigh
Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
The object cannot be deleted because it was not found in the ObjectStateManager.
var deleteOrders = db.TABLE.Where(x => x.WCCR_ID == WccrId && x.ADAM == null).ToList();
foreach (var item in deleteOrders)
I tried attaching the item db.Attach(item), but that throws an error 'Object with the same Key already exists'.
thanks for your help. cheers
Your code looks good. Try using:
var deleteOrders = db.TABLE.Where(x => x.WCCR_ID == WccrId && x.ADAM == null)
foreach (var item in deleteOrders)
db.Entry(item).State = System.Data.EntityState.Deleted;
EF 4.0 uses the ObjectContext class.
using(YourContext ctx = new YourContext())
ctx.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, System.Data.EntityState.Deleted);
EF 4.1 uses the DbContext class in which the methods like Set<T> and Entry are defined.
using(YourContext ctx = new YourContext())
ctx.Entry(entity).State = System.Data.EntityState.Deleted;
The NuGet package only includes the EF 4.1 runtime and does not include the Visual Studio item templates for using DbContext with Model First and Database First development.

entity framework update

i know how to do updates, inserts and deletes with the entityframework but in this case i don't know what to do.
In this case i have 3 tables: the table A the table B and the table AB which has 2 columns, one is the foreing key of the table A and one is the foreing key of the table B.
The entity framework shows only the tables A and B so how i can update only the content of the table AB?
I've tried to use the references in entity A and entity B but it gives me an exception saying that the entityset AB doesn't have the insert function and the delete function.
You try to make a
Public Virtual List<int> Ids
in your "A" and "B" Class to recover all the associations
For an insert, you would create a record for Table A, then add the Table B records to the item created that inserts into A. EF will handle the rest.
var tableA = new TableAtype { Description = "blah", etc.};
tableA.TableBtype.Add(new TableBtype { Property1 = "foo", Property2 = "bar"};
i'll be more specific using the code of my project as asked by TheGeekYouNeed
public void ModificaAbilitazioni(int IdGruppoAnagrafica, List<DefAbilitazioni> AbilitazioniList)
GruppiAnag gruppo = (from g in entities.GruppiAnags
where g.IdGruppoAnag == IdGruppoAnagrafica
select g).First();
List<DefAbilitazioni> tutteAbilitazioni = GetTutteAbilitazioni();
for (int i = 0; i < AbilitazioniList.Count; i++)
if (tutteAbilitazioni[i].GruppiAnags.Contains(gruppo))
foreach (DefAbilitazioni abilitazione in AbilitazioniList)
for (int i = 0; i < tutteAbilitazioni.Count; i++)
if (tutteAbilitazioni[i].IdAbilitazione == abilitazione.IdAbilitazione)
} it is
this method should change the privilegies accounts.
First i recover the account using his id, than i recover all the privilegies and if in their reference they have the account recovered, then i remove it from the reference.
This way the account doesn't have any privilegies. Now in the privilegies that i've passed calling the method and in theri reference i put the account. (just a wipe and refill i'm just trying for now...)
i've also di the opposite, wiping the privilegies references in the account and refill them, but in both way won't work, in the first case it says that the third entity (AB) doesn't have the insert function
i've resolved the thing, the problem was that i was working with objects not attached to the db, i've tried with the attach like this
foreach (DefAbilitazioni abilitazione in abilitazioni)
but it doesn't work it says that the entitykey is null, maybe if somebody gives me an example of using the attach i'll try to change my code that now is like this
public void ModificaAbilitazioni(int IdGruppoAnagrafica, List<DefAbilitazioni> AbilitazioniList)
GruppiAnag gruppo = (from g in entities.GruppiAnags
where g.IdGruppoAnag == IdGruppoAnagrafica
select g).First();
IEnumerable<int> idAbilitazioni = from id in AbilitazioniList
select id.IdAbilitazione;
List<DefAbilitazioni> abilitazioni = (from abilitazione in entities.DefAbilitazionis
where idAbilitazioni.Contains(abilitazione.IdAbilitazione)
select abilitazione).ToList();
foreach (DefAbilitazioni abilitazione in abilitazioni)