time to write read file? - powershell

Here's a strange one...is there anyway of using powershell to see how long it takes to write a file?
So, if I create a file - can powershell tell me how long it took to create that file (ie 25ms or whatever the number is). Also, if I delete a file can it also tell me the time?

Measure-Command can do this for you.
Measure-Command { new-item -Path test.txt -ItemType File -Force }

You mean something like this?
$before = Get-Date
# do stuff
$after = Get-Date
echo ($after - $before).TotalMilliseconds


Copy and rename a file every minute

So I am trying to copy files from a folder to another one. The files in this folder are overwritten every minute by another program. I want to get a copy of each file every minute before it gets overwritten and save it somewhere else. See example structure below:
Folder 1 # gets overwritten every minute
Folder 2
It would be even better if the files in Folder 2 would contain the date and time of when they were copied in their names.
I came up with the following:
$Source = 'C:\Users\Source'
$Destination = 'C:\Users\Target'
Copy-Item $Source\* -Destination $Destination
sleep -s 59
} while($true)
However, this does not do the job completely as I am only copying the file once and then copy the same file again when it's overwritten...
Any help is warmly welcome!
New on giving answers but here's my proposal.
Get Content , and out to another file with current time as of writing maybe? Of course include your loop around it
Get-Content C:\log.txt | Out-File "Log.$([System.Math]::Round((date -UFormat %s),0)).txt""
Get-ChildItem -Path $source | % { copy-item $_.FullName -Destination "$Destination\$((Get-Date).ToString("MMddyyyy-hhmmss"))$($_.Name)" }
This statement will take care of it but what it will not do is hide the exceptions and failures you will get while the file is being written to.
$_.FullName includes the full path.. can be used as source
$_.Name gives you the filename only (without the path)
(Get-Date).ToString("MMddyyyy-hhmmss") gives you the date in format specified in ToString(). Since the file is updated every minute, you will need to include the minutes and seconds in your filename as well.

Powershell rename and move file every day

I would like to create a powershell which must rename a file by adding the current date then move it to another folder (ie.e to archive it). the script should be automatically executed every day at a specific start time (10:OO PM)
I wonder if someone could help me to do that.
Thanks in advance !
this is not how stackoverflow works but i had this part ready
$destpath = 'C:\TEMP\XMLTRANS\Backup\'+(get-date -Format
yyyyMMddHHmm)+'.xml' $sourcepath = 'C:\TEMP\XMLTRANS\FILE.xml'
Move-Item -Path $sourcepath -Destination $destpath
you can run this script behind a scheduler or Cron
hope it help !
This script will rename a file with the addition of a date/time stamp and move to an another folder.
A mention to #alex above as I used his script and made a slight change. I wanted to keep the original file name but add the date/time stamp. Thank you Alex, very simple script for a newbie like me :)
$fileName = 'My Test File_'
$destpath = 'G:\ArchiveFolder\'+ $filename + (get-date -Format yyyyMMddHHmm)+'.sql'
$sourcepath = 'G:\OriginalFolder\My Test File.sql'
Move-Item -Path $sourcepath -Destination $destpath
Hope it helps?

Powershell script to change time by filename for each file in directory

I have a few thousand pictures & videos in a directory and i want to change all the lastAccess, lastWrite,... dates.
My files are all named like 'IMG_20170101_120000.png'.
I want to change for every File the lastAccessDate as the date is in the filename.
Surely there are also other ways, but i found some statements to run it in powershell
$(ls IMG_20170101_120000.png).LastAccessTime = (Get-Date "2017-01-01T12:00:00")
But now i want to do this for all these files in the directory automatically.
Somebody who can help me?
Thank you for your help!
This code should do what you want.
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $YourPath -Filter "*.png"
Foreach($File in $Files){
$FileName = $File.BaseName
$FileName =$FileName.Replace("IMG_","")
$FileName =$FileName.Replace("_","")
$File.LastAccessTime = [datetime]::ParseExact("$($filename.Substring(0,4))-$($filename.Substring(4,2))-$($filename.Substring(6,2)) $($filename.Substring(8,2)):$($filename.Substring(10,2))", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", $null)
}catch{"Wrong filename"}
Please take a look in the powershell documentation, because your code is hard to read, and will not work.

Powershell add header record

I have a process in SSIS where I create three files.
Then I use an Execute Process Task to call my Powershell script. I basically need to take the work.txt file and prepend the header record to it (while maintaining integrity of original values in work.txt) and then append the trailer record (which is generated with total row counts, etc.).
Currently I have:
Set-Location "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS"
Clear-Content "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\CVSMemberEligibility"
Get-Content Header.txt, work.txt, Trailer.txt|out-file "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\CVSMemberEligibility" -Confirm
This is fine in testing where I only had 1000 rows, but now that I have 67,000 rows the process takes forever.
I was looking at the Add-Content cmdlet but I can't find an example where it adds the header. Can someone assist with the syntax on going to the first line in the file and then adding the content before that first line?
many thanks in advance!
Just to clarify: I would like to build off the work.txt file. This si where the majority of the data is already, so instead of rewriting it all to a new file, I think a copy would make more sense. So in theory I would create all three files. copy the work file to say workfile.txt . Prepend header to workfile, append trailer to workfile, rename workfile.
This seems to work for the trailer.
Set-Location "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS"
#Clear-Content "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\CVSMemberEligibility"
Copy-Item work.txt workfile.txt
#Get-Content Header.txt, work.txt, Trailer.txt|out-file "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\CVSMemberEligibility"
Add-Content workfile.txt -value (get-content Trailer.txt)
Also tried:
Set-Location "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS"
$header = "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\Header.txt"
#Clear-Content "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\CVSMemberEligibility.txt"
Copy-Item work.txt workfile.txt
#(Get-Content Header.txt, work.txt, Trailer.txt -readcount 1000)|Set-Content "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\CVSMemberEligibility"
Add-Content workfile.txt -value (get-content Trailer.txt)
.\workfile.txt = $header + (gc workfile.txt)
This is something that seems so easy but the reality is that it is not due to the underlying filesystem. You are going to need a file buffer or a temp file or if you are really brave you can look at extending the file and transposing the characters. As this guy did in C#.
Insert Text into Existing Files in C#, Without Temp Files or Memory Buffers
So as it turns out out-file and get-content are not very performance enhanced. I found that it was taking over 5 minutes to run 5000 record result set and write/read the data.
When i researched some different performance options for Powershell I found the streamwriter .NET method. For the same process this ran in under 15 seconds.
Being that my result set in production environment would be 70-90000 records this was the approach I took.
Here is what i did:
Set-Location "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS"
Copy-Item ".\ELIGFINAL.txt" H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\archive\ELIGFINAL(Get-Date -f yyyyMMdd).txt
Clear-Content "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\ELIGFINAL.txt"
Copy-Item work.txt workfile.txt
Add-Content workfile.txt -value (get-content Trailer.txt)
$work = ".\workfile.txt"
$output = "H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\ELIGFINAL.txt"
$readerwork = [IO.File]::OpenText("H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\workfile.txt")
$readerheader = [IO.File]::OpenText("H:\Documentation\Projects\CVS\StageCVS\Header.txt")
$wStream = New-Object IO.FileStream $output ,'Append','Write','Read'
$writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter $wStream
#$write-host "OK"

How to copy file for one time a day - elegant solution

I have remote server, where will be uploaded one file per day. I don't know when the file will be uploaded. I need to COPY this file to another server for processing and I need to do this just once per file (once a day). When the file is uploaded on remote server, I need to copy it within a hour, so I have to run this script at least once per hour. I'm using this script:
# Get yesterday date
$date = (Get-Date).Adddays(-1) | Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$check = ""
$check = Get-Content c:\checkiftransfered.txt
# Test if file checkiftransfered.txt contains True or False. If it contains True, file for this day was already copyied
if ($check -ne "True") {
#Test if file exists - it has specific name and yesterday date
if(Test-Path \\remoteserver\folder\abc_$date.xls) {
Copy-Item \\remoteserver\folder\abc_$date.xls \\remoteserver2\folder\abc_$date.xls
# Write down information that file was already copyied
$check = "True" | Out-File c:\checkiftransfered.txt
} else { Write-Host "File has not been uploaded."}
} else { Write-Host "File has been copyied."}
# + I will need another script that will delete the checkiftransfered.txt at 0:00
It will work fine, I think, but I'm looking for more elegant solution - the best way how to solve it. Thank you
In PowerShell V3, Test-Path has a handy -NewerThan and -OlderThan parameters so you could simplify to this:
$yesterday = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
$date = $yesterday | Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd
$path = "\\remoteserver\folder\abc_$date.xls"
if (Test-Path $path -NewerThan $yesterday)
Copy-Item $path \\remoteserver2\folder\abc_$date.xls -Verbose
(Get-Item $path).LastWriteTime = $yesterday
This eliminates the need to track copy status in a separate by using the LastWriteTime. One note about using -NewerThan and -OlderThan - don't use them together. It doesn't work as expected.
And lest we forget about some great native tools, here's a solution using robocopy:
robocopy $srcdir $destdir /maxage:1 /mot:60
The /mot:n option will cause robocopy to continuously monitor the source dir - every 60 minutes as specified above.
There is a much, much easier and more reliable way. You can use the FileSystemWatcher class.
$watcher = New-Object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$watcher.Path = 'C:\Uploads'
$watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = $true
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
$created = Register-ObjectEvent $watcher "Created" -Action {
Sleep (30*60)
Copy-Item $($eventArgs.FullPath) '\\remoteserver2\folder\'
So lets take a look at what we doing here, we create a new watcher and tell it to watch C:\Uploads when a new file is uploaded there the file system sends a notification through the framework to our program, which in turn fires the created event. When that happens, we tell our program to sleep to for 30 minutes to allow the upload to finish (that may be to long depending on the size of the upload) then we call Copy-Item on the event arguments which contains a full path to our new file.
By the way you would need to paste this in a powershell window and leave it open on the server, alternatively you could use the ISE and leave that open. Either way it is way more reliable that what you currently have.