How to restrict the payment via paypal account? - paypal

I am using AdaptivePayments API.
When I create a new transaction, which has not the sender specified,
after redirecting to PayPal, the login form has an option either to
login to your PayPal account, or to pay via Credit Card.
What I'm trying to do is to "remove" the credit card payment method
and allow only the users with PayPal account to complete the payment.
Is there any way how to achieve this?

In your PayPal account profile under Website Payment Preferences you should see an option for PayPal Account Optional. Make sure this is disabled and the option to pay without an account should go away.

I found the solution at forums - the key directive for the Pay request is 'fundingConstraint' -


Accept credit card payments without account

I have Premiere account that is verified and I can accept PayPal payments.
But when I create donate or buy now button and click on it I see that non users have to create their PayPal account to pay me. How to enable them to pay to me without they having account?
I guess there is some option for that but I can't find it. Does anyone use it?
You would need to make sure that you have PayPal account optional turned on in your account. You can turn this on by logging into your account and going into your profile settings. Then go to my selling tools and then into website payment perferences. The option to turn PayPal account on should be at the bottom of the page.
When user will pay via credit card, he have to have a PayPal account?
I want that my users can pay product with credit card via paypal form.
This answers yoru question:
Premier and Business account holders may optionally set that their customers are NOT required to sign in with their PayPal account.

PayPal Express Chekout no pay by credit/debit card option

I have a website which is using PayPal Express Checkout as a payment method.
It was working for 2 years without a problem but yesterday I noticed that the payment options are changed before there were 2 payment option presented to the user
Login and pay with PayPal account.
Do not have PayPal account pay by credit/debit card.
But now the second option is replaced by Create a PayPal account. There is no option to pay without having a PayPal account.
I have not changed anything.
Anybody knows why the Pay by credit/debit card is gone.
First make sure in your Paypal/Sandbox account the PayPal Account have
Optional: ON
Go to -->
PayPal account's Profile -> More Options -> My Selling Tools -> Website Preferences screen.
And then set SolutionTypeType to Sole while making request for setExpressCheckout this will enable the option to Pay with your debit or credit card.
And you are done :)
What I know is earlier when you pay with credit card on paypal using express check out API it also create an account for that user and let user process different things like link bank account with paypal or credit card payment.
It is default behavior of paypal express checkout according to their new View
PayPal displays different options for Express Checkout depending upon the COUNTRY selected (it will detect your IP address and set the country if no country is passed to the page). eg Indonesia (etc) forces you to create a Paypal account whereas USA (etc) does not (and provides other options).

paypal website standard for subscription, cancelling subscription

Please help me with my requirement to implement using paypal.
My requirement is this :
The user can subscribe to a service, using paypal account or credit card ( without paypal account ) . The user can unsubscribe later if he/she wishes to .
I implemented the first part using Subscription button of "website standard" where paypal gave me a button and upon clicking it will lead to paypal website.
I am getting the notifications using IPN
Now there are two problems:
How to test credit card, I could test paypal account payment using the sandbox test users, but for the credit card, I dont have dummy credit cards. If I use the credit cards of the paypal accounts, it says "paypal users should use paypal to pay "
I want to cancel the subscription. The paypal user can go to the paypal account and cancel the subscription. That works fine. But how can we cancel the subscription from my website, or how can we cancel the subscription of the creditcard payer. The paypal SDK says the subscription profile ID is invalid.
Did anyone tried this kind of implementation.
Any help would do, be it links or places to search .
Thanks a lot
First, Guest Checkout (paying with a credit card without signing into PayPal) is only available without recurring payments. When using recurring payments it will force the person to create a PayPal account. You would need to use Payments Pro in order to do recurring payments directly with credit cards, and then the person would never even be redirected over to PayPal at all.
For test cards, any old expired card you have would work, or what you can do is login to your PayPal sandbox account, go into the profile, and go through the process to add a new credit card to the account. It will actually fill in a card number for you, but DO NOT add this card to the account. Just copy that card number and then cancel out of this screen. Now you can use that card number for testing on the PayPal system.
In order to refund using the API you'll need to create the profiles using the CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile API. The profile ID that gives you will be compatible with all API calls to manage it in the future.

Paypal integration to accept credit card payment directly

I have a question regarding PayPal integration with my website. I have a Premier account with PayPal. I tried integrating it with my website by adding a 'Buy Now' button. When I click on it it asks the end user to create a PayPal account. However, I want the users to be able to make a payment directly with their credit/debit card without creating a PayPal account.
I am not a technical guy, so I might have missed out on something. I want to know if it is possible to integrate paypal without me having to code something technically. Kindly advise.
According to PayPal, buyers do not need a PayPal account to pay you:
They can pay with their credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover) — all without having a PayPal account.
Sources: Do my buyers need a PayPal account to pay me? and Buttons for single purchases
To create the button, simply visit PayPal's button creator wizard and supply the required information. Once submitted, PayPal will autogenerate the HTML for you. See: Create PayPal payment button
This happened because the account was a PayPal account in UAE, and this feature is not enabled there yet.

Can you force PayPal Payments Standard API to show credit card fields first?

I'm using PayPal Website Payments Standard. Whenever the user lands on PayPal with the variables I sent, it shows a PayPal Login form and at the bottom it shows "Don't have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available)."
I want it to default to always ask for credit card and maybe say "Have PayPal? Use that!". Any ideas?
I've struggled with this question and found the answer following Roberts comment about using LANDINGPAGE=Billing in the ExpressCheckout API.
From the page:
LANDINGPAGE:Type of PayPal page to display.
It is one of the following values:
Billing – Non-PayPal account
Login – PayPal account login
Additionally see:
SOLUTIONTYPE: Type of checkout flow. It is one of the following values:
Sole – Buyer does not need to create a PayPal account to check out. This is referred to as PayPal Account Optional.
Mark – Buyer must have a PayPal account to check out.
NOTE:You can pass Mark to selectively override the PayPal Account Optional setting if PayPal Account Optional is turned on in your merchant account. Passing Sole has no effect if PayPal Account Optional is turned off in your account
Hope this helps.
On a thread in the PayPal Developer Community they explain it with cookies based visits to the checkout page.
Basically if PayPal detects you being a user and spots their cookie, they will show the login form by default.
If they can't see that cookie, then they will show the credit card option first with a note that if you already have a PayPal account, to log in.
So the answer is no.