Hortonworks-oozie - workflow

I am trying to run a workflow in hortonworks cluster using oozie.
Getting the following error:
Error: Invalid workflow-app, org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The matching wildcard is strict, but no declaration can be found for element 'hive'.
does anyone know the reason?
Atleast a sample hive workflow.xml which can be run on hortonworks distribution would be helpful??

This has to do with the first line of your workflow:
<workflow-app name="${workflowName}" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4">
Specifically: uri:oozie:workflow:0.4
the xmlns value tells oozie what xml pattern to follow. I am assuming you used an online resource to build an action, which maybe in a newer scheme than what you specified.
There are versions
See: Oozie Workflow Schemes
But Usually setting yours to the code example above (0.4) will work for all newer workflows.
Actions also have schemes so it is important to look at what functions they have in each version.
The hive action currently goes up to 0.5 I believe, although I use 0.4 with this line:
<hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.4">
If this does not help, please update the question with your workflow for further help.


Azure batch Application package not getting copied to Working Directory of Task

I have created Azure Batch pool with Linux Machine and specified Application Package for the Pool.
My command line is
command='python $AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1/tasks/XXX/get_XXXXX_data.py',
python3: can't open file '$AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1/tasks/XXX/get_XXXXX_data.py':
[Errno 2] No such file or directory
when i connect to node and look at working directory non of the Application Package files are present there.
How do i make sure that files from Application Package are available in working directory or I can invoke/execute files under Application Package from command line ?
Make sure that your async operation have proper await in place before you start using the package in your code.
Also please share your design \ pseudo-code scenario and how you are approaching it as a design?
Further to add:
Seems like this one is pool level package.
The error seems like that the application env variable is either incorrectly used or there is some other user level issue. Please checkout linmk below and specially the section where use of env variable is mentioned.
This seems like user level issue because In case of downloading the package resource, if there will be an error it will be visible to you via exception handler or at the tool level is you are using batch explorer \ Batch-labs or code level exception handling.
Reason \ Rationale:
If the pool level or the task application has error, an error-list will come back if there was an error in the application package then it will be returned as the UserError or and AppPackageError which will be visible in the exception handle of the code.
Key you can always RDP into your node and checkout the package availability: information here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/batch/batch-api-basics#connecting-to-compute-nodes
I once created a small sample to help peeps around so this resource might help you to checkeout the use here.
Hope rest helps.
On Linux, the application package with version string is formatted as:
On Windows it is formatted as:
Where 0 is the application name and 1 is the version.
$AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_scriptv1_1 will take you to the root folder where the application was unzipped.
Does this "exact" path exist in that location?
You can see more information here:
Edit: Just saw this question: "or can I invoke/execute files under Application Package from command line"
Yes you can invoke and execute files from the application package directory with the environment variable above.
If you type env on the node you will see the environment variables that have been set.

What does the "One of the deployment parameters has an empty key" mean in VSTS ARM release

My ARM template resource group deployment fails in VSTS.
I get an error without any specific reference to parameter that has an issue: "One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-deploy/#parameter-file for details."
The referenced url contain general information, with one comment asking the same question, but no answer to it.
Person asking it alluded that it may have something to do with the version of the deployment step (2.*) and it not using Powershell anymore. I went though the template back and forth comparing parameters in BeyondCompare and nothing sticks out...
Does anyone know what does this error mean?
I had the same issue and found out that some parameters has a space in their values.
So you should write -adminUsername "$(vmuser)".
This works for me
Check Your parameter key or value does not have space in between.
if your value required space then, use "".
check this link.
direct value -param1 "Value with Space"
value from pipeline variables -param1 "$(valueFromVariables)".
It means you've got a parameterkey in your deployment template without a name. For example "-" instead of "-parametername" or "- parametername" (notice the space).
It can also happen if you manage to paste an 'em-dash' (e.g. from a web browser) instead of a standard dash.
We had the same as matendie; a space between the dash and the parameter name:
- pricingTier "standard"
^ note the space
So, I'm not sure what the issue was, but I gave up on trying to identify the problem, and I deleted the release definition. Recreating it from scratch using the same template, works fine now...
Maybe the definition got some how corrupted.
Not sure, but new one is not having this issue.
In my case the problem was with template parameters override. I needed to put parameter value in quotes - "DEV" on screenshot below.
Ran into this the other day. The release pipeline used to be working, and it suddenly started failing continuously with this error:
Error text:
##[error] One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see https://aka.ms/resource-manager-parameter-files for details.
##[warning] Validation errors were found in the Azure Resource Manager template. This can potentially cause template deployment to fail. Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.. Please follow https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/templates/template-syntax
Starting Deployment.
Deployment name is TemplateDeployment-20220504-******-****
There were errors in your deployment. Error code: InvalidDeploymentParameterKey.
##[error] One of the deployment parameters has an empty key. Please see https://aka.ms/resource-manager-parameter-files for details.
##[error] Check out the troubleshooting guide to see if your issue is addressed: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/deploy/azure-resource-group-deployment?view=azure-devops#troubleshooting
##[error] Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.
Change that caused the error
I had changed the build pipeline such that the build numbers would now have spaces in it: so it changed from my-build-number to my build number. I was still using template param overrides this way: -buildNumber $(Build.BuildNumber):
this would expand to -buildNumber my build number, which breaks the command line processing of the ARM template deployment release task.
Used quotes for my build number variable: -buildNumber "$(Build.BuildNumber)":
Now this would expand to -buildNumber "my build number", and the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template deployment release task is happy:

ADMG0007E: The configuration data type ConfigSynchronizationService is not valid

I'm trying to automize WebSphere Deployment process for zero down-time using steps which you can find in this link..
According to documentation's first step , we should disable "Automatic Synchronization" for each node. To automize it, I'm using script which given in documentation but when I try to apply the command below :
set syncServ [$AdminConfig list ConfigSynchronizationService $na_id]
I'm facing with an error that : ADMG0007E: The configuration data type ConfigSynchronizationService is not valid
As I checked IBM documentations, I couldn't see any resource which referred to this problem.
Does anyone have any workaround or direct solution for it?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
PS: I should mention that document written for zOS system but I'm trying to apply that methodology to WebSphere AS on Linux.

HOCON not substituting environment variables

I have read the documentation concerning falling back to environment variables at https://github.com/typesafehub/config/blob/master/HOCON.md#substitution-fallback-to-environment-variables. My understanding was that it would pickup any envars. So for instance, if from the shell I was able to do echo $HOSTNAME and see a non-empty response then HOCON should do that as well.
In my application.conf I have a line
akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname = ${HOSTNAME}
However, my app is not happy with this and fails to start with.
/conf/application.conf: 9: Could not resolve substitution to a value: ${HOSTNAME}
Is this a user issue? A shell issue? I am able to login as the user and echo $HOSTNAME
Tagging this scala and akka since that userbase probably has the most exposure to HOCON
The reason for HOCON not picking up the envar is that my app runs as a linux service (Centos 6.5) which clears away most environment variables.
See https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/44370/how-to-make-unix-service-see-environment-variables for a relevant description of the issue
this is a shot in the dark, but are you using an older version of typesafe-config? maybe its a newer-ish feature? the feature seems to be advertised as you describe, but if you are pulling in typesafe-config as a transient dependency (say from akka), maybe you are getting an older version.
what happens if you remove the substitution in your .conf file (so parsing is successful) and then print out the contents of ConfigFactory.systemEnvironment()? for reference: http://typesafehub.github.io/config/latest/api/com/typesafe/config/ConfigFactory.html#systemEnvironment--
HOSTNAME isn't an environment variable. It's a bash internal variable. See https://superuser.com/questions/132489/hostname-environment-variable-on-linux for more details.

Sending events to the dev version of a ruleset via HTTP

I've been writing an endpoint that sends events to a KRL ruleset via HTTP GET (based on the documentation here), in this format:
That works great when the version of the app I want to test is the same one that's deployed. I don't always want to deploy before testing it, though. Using the stated format for calling the dev version doesn't work. It still calls the deployed version of my ruleset:
What am I doing wrong?
is a query parameter so it needs to come after a '?' or a '&'
Changing your query to the following should get it to work