Create symbolic link from find - sed

I'm trying to create a symbolic link (soft link) from the results of a find command. I'm using sed to remove the ./ that precedes the file name. I'm doing this so I can paste the file name to the end of the path where the link will be saved. I'm working on this with Ubuntu Server 8.04.
I learned from this post, which is kind of the solution to my problem but not quite-
How do I selectively create symbolic links to specific files in another directory in LINUX?
The resulting file name didn't work, though, so I started trying to learn awk and then decided on sed.
I'm using a one-line loop to accomplish this. The problem is that the structure of the loop is separating the filename, creating a link for each word in the filename. There are quite a few files and I would like to automate the process with each link taking the filename of the file it's linked to.
I'm comfortable with basic bash commands but I'm far from being a command line expert. I started this with ls and awk and moved to find and sed. My sed syntax could probably be better but I've learned this in two days and I'm kind of stuck now.
for t in find -type f -name "*txt*" | sed -e 's/.//' -e 's$/$$'; do echo ln -s $t ../folder2/$t; done
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Go to the folder where you want to have the files in and do:
find /path/with/files -type f -name "*txt*" -exec ln -s {} . ';'

Execute your for loop like this:
(IFS=$'\n'; for t in `find -type f -name "*txt*" | sed 's|.*/||'`; do ln -s $t ../folder2/$t; done)
By setting the IFS to only a newline, you should be able to read the entire filename without getting splitted at space.
The brackets are to make sure the loop is executed in a sub-shell and the IFS of the current shell does not get changed.


Need to find list of scripts that uses a certain file

I have a file named "performance". I need to know which scripts use this file.
I don't believe there is a straight forward way of listing files used by scripts. You will have to run grep in combination of find to check if the script contains the name of the file that you want to check for. Knowing the exact name of the file will help. Using words like performance might end up grepping files that uses that word in comments.
find /path/ \( -name "*.sh" -o -name "*.pl" \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep "performance"
If you're on linux, then you may install and configure auditd to watch for accesses to a particular file.
You can use the -r option to recursively grep through all sub-directories and find text. The syntax is as follows:
grep -r "performance" /dir/

Assistance with the "find" and "grep" command

I'm looking for help with a one-liner that I can run from the Mac OS X terminal. I use MAMP for web development on my Mac. I have a lot of CakePHP projects in my "/Applications/MAMP/htdocs" directory. For the sake of simplicity, let's just say that I had two CakePHP projects and that this was the output of the find /Applications/MAMP/htdocs -type d -iname Controller* command:
Now, sometimes I want to find a piece of code that I know I used in one of my CakePHP projects' controllers, but I can't remember which project it was, so I want to search all of them. I don't want to waste time searching in the "app/tests/cases/controllers" folder or any of the ones within "cake/", though. The find /Applications/MAMP/htdocs -type d -iname Controller* | grep -i /app/Controller command gives me the list of folders I want to search in:
I just need to find a way to take that output, add a slash and asterisk (/*) to the end of each line, and pipe each line to the grep -il "string to search for" command. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
solution 1
maybe you want to check two options of find command: (i)path and regex
with them you could narrow your find result and pass found files to your grep -il "searchString" for example by |xargs . it looks like:
find /Applications/MAMP/htdocs -type f -ipath "*/app/Controller/*.php"
| xargs grep -il 'foo'
with -regex would be more flexiable.
solution 2
however if you really really want to :
find a way to take that output, add a slash and asterisk (/*) to the
end of each line, and pipe each line to the grep -il "string to search
for" command.
(btw, here "pipe" won't work.)
you could do this:
find .(your original find).. |grep -i "/app/Controller"
|sed -r 's#^(.*)$#grep -il "foo" \1/*#g'|sh
the trick was done by the sed....|sh. the sed line will pick the result of your previous grep, add grep command and options :(grep -il "foo") and append "/*" in order to construct a complete grep command. finally pipe to sh, to execute it.
Have you tried this?
find /Applications/MAMP/htdocs -type d -iname Controller*
-exec grep -il "string to search for" {} /;

unix find and replace text in dir and subdirs

I'm trying to change the name of "my-silly-home-page-name.html" to "index.html" in all documents within a given master directory and subdirs.
I saw this: Shell script - search and replace text in multiple files using a list of strings.
And this: How to change all occurrences of a word in all files in a directory
I have tried this:
grep -r "my-silly-home-page-name.html" .
This finds the lines on which the text exists, but now I would like to substitute 'my-silly-home-page-name' for 'index'.
How would I do this with sed or perl?
Or do I even need sed/perl?
Something like:
grep -r "my-silly-home-page-name.html" . | sed 's/$1/'index'/g'
Also; I am trying this with perl, and I try the following:
perl -i -p -e 's/my-silly-home-page-name\.html/index\.html/g' *
This works, but I get an error when perl encounters directories, saying "Can't do inplace edit: SOMEDIR-NAME is not a regular file, <> line N"
find . -type f -exec \
perl -i -pe's/my-silly-home-page-name(?=\.html)/index/g' {} +
Or if your find doesn't support -exec +,
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 \
perl -i -pe's/my-silly-home-page-name(?=\.html)/index/g'
Both pass to Perl as arguments as many names at a time as possible. Both work with any file name, including those that contains newlines.
If you are on Windows and you are using a Windows build of Perl (as opposed to a cygwin build), -i won't work unless you also do a backup of the original. Change -i to -i.bak. You can then go and delete the backups using
find . -type f -name '*.bak' -delete
This should do the job:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -e 's/my-silly-home-page-name\.html/index\.html/g' -i
Basically it gathers recursively all the files from the given directory (. in the example) with find and runs sed with the same substitution command as in the perl command in the question through xargs.
Regarding the question about sed vs. perl, I'd say that you should use the one you're more comfortable with since I don't expect huge differences (the substitution command is the same one after all).
There are probably better ways to do this but you can use:
find . -name oldname.html |perl -e 'map { s/[\r\n]//g; $old = $_; s/oldname.txt$/newname.html/; rename $old,$_ } <>';
Fyi, grep searches for a pattern; find searches for files.

How to use multiple files at once using bash

I have a perl script which is used to process some data files from a given directory. I have written below bash script to look for the last updated file in the given directory and process that file.
cd $data_dir
find \( -type f -mtime -1 \) -exec ./ {} \;
Sometimes, user copied multiple files to the data dir and hence the previous one skipped. The perl script execute only the last updated file. Can you please suggest me how to fix this using bash script.
cd $data_dir
find \( -type f -mtime -1 \) -exec ./ {} +
Note the termination of -exec with a + vs your \;
From the man page
-exec command {} +
This variant of the -exec action runs the specified command on the selected files, but the command line is built by appending each selected file name at the end;
Now that you'll have one or more file names passed into your perl script, you can alter your perl script to iterate over each passed in file name.
If I understood the question correctly, you need to process any files that were created or modified in a directory since the last time your script was run.
In my opinion find is not the right tool to determine those files, because it has no notion of which files it has already seen.
Using any of the -atime/-ctime/-mtime options will either produce duplicates if you run your script twice in the specified period, or miss some files if it is not executed at the right time. The timing intricacies of using these options for something like this are not easy to deal with.
I can propose a few alternatives:
a) Use three directories instead of one: incoming/ processing/ done/. Your users should only be allowed to put files in incoming/. You move any files in there to processing/ with a simple mv incoming/* processing/ before running your perl script. Then you move them from processing/ to done/ when its over.
In my opinion this is the simplest and best solution, and the one used by mail servers etc when dealing with this issue. If I were you and there were not any special circumstances preventing you from doing this, I'd stop reading here.
b) Have your finder script touch a special file (e.g. .timestamp, perhaps in a different directory, so that your users will not tamper with it) when it's done. This will allow your script to remember the last time it was run. Then use
find \( -cnewer .timestamp -o -newer .timestamp \) -type f -exec ./ '{}' ';'
to run your perl script for each file. You should modify your perl script so that it can run repeatedly with a different file name each time. If you can modify it to accept multiple files in one go, you can also run it with
find \( -cnewer .timestamp -o -newer .timestamp \) -type f -exec ./ '{}' +
which will minimise the number of ./ processes. Take care to handle the first run of the find script, when the .timestamp file is missing. A good solution would be to simply ignore it by not using the -*newer options at all in that case. Also keep in mind that there is a race condition where files added after find was started but before touching the timestamp file will not be processed.
c) As a variation of (b), have your script update the timestamp with the time of the processed file that was created/modified most recently. This is tricky, because find cannot order its output on its own. You could use a wrapper around your perl script to handle this:
for i in "$#"; do
find "$i" \( -cnewer .timestamp -o -newer .timestamp \) -exec touch -r '{}' .timestamp ';'
./ "$#"
This will update the timestamp if it is called to process a file with a newer mtime or ctime, minimising (but not eliminating) the race condition. It is however somewhat awkward - unavoidable since bash's [[ -nt option seems to only check the mtime. It might be better if your perl script handled that on its own.
d) Have your script store each processed filename and its timestamps somewhere and then skip duplicates. That would allow you to just pass all files in the directory to it and let it sort out the mess. Kinda tricky though...
e) Since your are using Linux, you might want to have a look at inotify and the inotify-tools package - specifically the inotifywait tool. With a bit of scripting it would allow you to process files as they are added in the directory:
inotifywait -e MOVED_TO -e CLOSE_WRITE -m -r testd/ | grep --line-buffered -e MOVED_TO -e CLOSE_WRITE | while read d e f; do ./ "$f"; done
This has no race conditions, as long as your users do not create/copy/move any directories rather than just files.
The perl script will only execute against the file which find gives it. Perhaps you should remove the -mtime -1 option from the find command so that it picks up all the files in the directory?

run program multiple times using one line shell command

I have the following gifs on my linux system:
$ find . -name *.gif
...and so on
What I have written is a program that converts GIF files to BMP with the following interface:
./gif2bmp -i inputfile -o outputfile
My question is, is it possible to write a one line command using xargs, awk, find etc. to run my program once for each one of these files? Or do I have to write a shell script with a loop?
For that kind of work, it may be worth looking at find man page, especially the -exec option.
You can write something along the line of:
find . -name *.gif -exec gif2bmp -i {} -o {}.bmp \;
You can play with combinations ofdirname and basename to obtain better naming for the output file, though in this case, I would prefer to use a shell for loop, something like:
for i in `find . -name "*.gif"`; do
DIR=`dirname $i`
NAME=`basename $i .gif`
gif2bmp -i $i -o ${DIR}/${NAME}.bmp
Using GNU Parallel you can do:
parallel ./gif2bmp -i {} -o {.}.bmp ::: *.gif
The added benefit is that it will run one job for each cpu core in parallel.
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