Atomic Iptables changes involving ipsets - atomic

In a project I happen to need to adjust iptables rules programatically. After some research (involving this and that), I have concluded that it would be suitable to generate a iptables-save compatible output and import it using iptables-restore. Fine so far.
However I would very much like to make use of ipsets, because they greatly simplify the result chains. So at the time of update I need to atomically flush all the iptables & ipset data and put a new set of entries in. How can I do that?
The only solution I can think of is to create new ipsets first (not atomically while they are not being used yet), then atomically flush iptables with references to the old ipsets and then import the new chains with references to the new ipsets. (In one atomic swipe). After that I can non-atomically delete old ipsets as they are no longer referenced and used.
However, such proposed solution seems quite complicated and overheady..
Does anyone know, how this could be done in any better way?


Stateful session memory management in Drools

Just have a general question regarding memory management when using "Stateful sessions" in Drools. For context, I'm specifically looking to use a ksession in "Stream" mode, together with fireUntilHalt() to process an infinite stream of events. Each event is timestamped, however I'm mainly writing rules using length-based windows notation (i.e. window:length()) and the from accumulate syntax for decision making.
The docs are a little vague though about how memory management works in this case. The docs suggest that using temporal operators the engine can automatically remove any facts/events that can no longer match. However, would this also apply to rules that only use the window:length()? Or would my system need to manually delete events that are no longer applicable, in order to prevent running OOM?
window:time() calculates expiration, so works for automatic removal. However, window:length() doesn't calculate expiration, so events would be retained.
You can confirm the behaviour with my example:
You would need to explicitly delete them or set #expires (if it's possible for your application to specify expiration with time) to avoid OOME.
Thank you for pointing that the document is not clear about it. I have filed a doc JIRA to explain it.

What is the difference between reg_defaults and reg_defaults_raw in regmap facility?

When configuring regmap, it is possible to include a list of power on defaults for the registers. As I understand it, the purpose is to pre-populate the cache in order to avoid an initial read after power on or after waking up. I'm confused by the fact that there is both a reg_defaults and a reg_defaults_raw field. Only one or the other is ever used. The vast majority of drivers use reg_defaults however there's a small handful that use reg_defaults_raw. I did look through the git history and found the commit that introduced reg_defaults and the later commit that introduced reg_defaults_raw. Unfortunately I wasn't able to divine the reason for that new field.
Does anyone know the difference between those fields?

Getting Spring Data MongoDB to recreate indexes

I'd like to be able to purge the database of all data between Integration test executions. My first thought was to use an
registered using the #TestExecutionListeners annotation to perform the necessary cleanup between tests.
In the afterTestMethod(TestContext testContext) method I tried getting the database from the test context and using the com.mongodb.DB.drop() method. This worked ok, apart from the fact that it also destroys the indexes that were automatically created by Spring Data when it first bound my managed #Document objects.
For now I have fixed this by resorting to iterating through the collection names and calling remove as follows:
for (String collectionName : database.getCollectionNames()) {
if (collectionIsNotASystemCollection(collectionName)
database.getCollection(collectionName).remove(new BasicDBObject());
This works and achieves the desired result - but it'd be nice if there was a way I could simply drop the database and just ask Spring Data to "rebind" and perform the same initialisation that it did when it started up to create all of the necessary indexes. That feels a bit cleaner and safer...
I tried playing around with the but haven't yet managed to work out if there is a way to do what I want.
Can anyone offer any guidance?
See this ticket for an explanation why it currently works as it works and why working around this issue creates more problems than it solves.
Supposed you're working with Hibernate and then trigger a call to delete the database, would you even dream to assume that the tables and all indexes reappear magically? If you drop a MongoDB database/collection you remove all metadata associated with it. Thus, you need to set it up the way you'd like it to work.
P.S.: I am not sure we did ourselves a favor to add automatic indexing support as this of course triggers the expectations that you now have :). Feel free to comment on the ticket if you have suggestions how this could be achieved without the downsides I outlined in my initial comment.

Expert/Rule Engine that updates facts atomically?

Atomically might not be the right word. When modelling cellular automata or neural networks, usually you have two copies of the system state. One is the current state, and one is the state of the next step that you are updating. This ensures consistency that the state of the system as a whole remains unchanged while running all of the rules to determine the next step. For example, if you run the rules for one cell/neuron to determine the state of it for the next step, you then run the rules for the next cell, it's neighbor, you want to use as the input for those rules the current state of the neighbor cell, not its updated state.
This may seem inefficient due to the fact that each step requires you copy all of the current step states to the next step states before updating them, however it is important to do this to accurately simulate the system as if all cells/neurons were actually being processed simultaneously, and thus all inputs for rules/firing functions were the current states.
Something that has bothered me when designing rules for expert systems is how one rule can run, update some facts that should trigger other rules to run, and you might have 100 rules queued up to run in response, but the salience is used as a fragile way to ensure the really important ones run first. As these rules run, the system changes more. The state of the facts are consistently changing, so by the time you get to processing the 100th rule, the state of the system has changed significantly since the time it was added to the queue when it was really responding to the first fact change. It might have changed so drastically that the rule doesn't have a chance to react to the original state of the system when it really should have. Usually as a workaround you carefully adjust its salience, but then that moves other rules down the list and you run into a chicken or egg problem. Other workarounds involve adding "processing flag" facts that serve as a locking mechanism to suppress certain rules until other rules process. These all feel like hacks and cause rules to include criteria beyond just the core domain model.
If you build a really sophisticated system that modeled a problem accurately, you would really want the changes to the facts to be staged to a separate "updates" queue that doesn't affect the current facts until the rules queue is empty. So lets say you make a fact change that fills the queue of rules to run with 100 rules. All of these rules would run, but none of them would update facts in the current fact list, any change they make gets queued to a change list, and that ensures no other rules get activated while the current batch is processing. Once all rules are processed, then the fact changes get applied to the current fact list, all at once, and then that triggers more rules to be activated. Rinse repeat. So it becomes much like how neural networks or cellular automata are processed. Run all rules against an unchanging current state, queue changes, after running all rules apply the changes to current state.
Is this mode of operation a concept that exist in the academic world of expert systems? I'm wondering if there is a term for it.
Does Drools have the capability to run in a way that allows all rules to run without affecting the current facts, and queue fact changes separately until all rules have run? If so, how? I don't expect you to write the code for me, but just some keywords of what it's called or keywords in the API, some starting point to help me search.
Do any other expert/rule engines have this capability?
Note that in such a case, the order rules run in no longer matters, because all of the rules queued to run will all be seeing only the current state. Thus as the queue of rules is run and cleared, none of the rules see any of the changes the other rules are making, because they are all being run against the current set of facts. Thus the order becomes irrelevant and the complexities of managing rule execution order go away. All fact changes are pending and not applied to the current state until all rules have been cleared from the queue. Then all of those changes are applied at once, and thus cause relevant rules to queue again. So my goal is not to have more control over the order that rules run in, but to avoid the issue of rule execution order entirely by using an engine that simulates simultaneous rule execution.
If I understand what you describe:
You have one fact that is managed by many rules
Each rule should apply on the initial value of your fact and has no right to modify the fact value (to not modify other rules'executions)
You then batch all the updates made by the rules on your fact
Other rules apply on this new fact value in a similar manner 'simutanously'
It seems to me that it is a Unit of Work design pattern just like Hibernate implements it (and many ORM in fact):
Basically you store in-memory all the changes (in a 'technical' fact for instance) and then execute a 'transaction' when all the rules based on the initial value have been fired that updates the fact value, and so on. Hibernate does that with its session (you modify your attached object, then when required it executes the update query on the database, not all modifications on the java object produce queries on your database).
Still you will have troubles if updates conflict (same fact field value modified, which value to choose? Same as a source version control conflict), you will have to define a determinist way to order updates, but it will be defined only once and available for all rules and for other changes it will work seamlessly.
This workaournd may/may not work based on your rather vague description. If you really are concerned about rules triggering further activations, why not queue the intermediate state yourself. And once the current evaluation is complete, insert those new facts into the working memory.
You would have to invoke fireAllRules() after inserting each fact though, this could be quite expensive. And then in the rules, rather than inserting the facts directly, push these into a queue. Once the above call returns, walk through the queue doing the same (or after inserting the original facts completely...)
I would imagine that this will be quite slow, to speed up, you could have multiple parallel working memories with the same rules, and evaluate multiple facts in one go into several queues etc. But things get pretty hairy..
Anyway, just an idea that's too long for the comments...

[Drools]Fact Objects Mistakenly Updated During Multi-Stage Rule Firing OR wtih Long Fact Object List

If the subject is confusing, that is because the problem itself is way too confusing to us. Here is the thing.
We have an application that leverages Drools' rule engine to help us evaluate java beans - Fact Objects in Drool's term - on their field values and update a particular flag field within the bean to "true" or "false" according to the evaluation result. All the evaluations and update operations are defined in the template.
The way it invokes Drools is like this. First it creates a stateful session before the first use. And when we have a list of beans, we insert them one by one to the session, and call fireAllRules. After firing the rules, we keep the session for later uses. And once we have another batch of beans, we do the same again, and again, and again...
This sounds making sense. But later during the testing, we found that although during the first batch, the rule engine worked fine, the following batches didn't. Some beans were mistakenly updated, that is, even no fields did match any rules, the flag was updated to true.
Then we thought maybe we should not reuse the session. So we put all beans from all batches into one big list. But soon we found that the problematic beans still got wrong update. And what's more weird, if we run this testing on different machines, problematic bean could be different. But if we test any of the problematic beans in unit test with itself, everything works fine.
Now I hope I have explained the problem. We are new to Drools. Maybe we did something wrong somewhere that we don't know. Could anyone here give any direction of the problem? That'll us a very big favor!
It sounds to me as though you're not clearing out working memory after each 'fireAllRules'.
If you use a stateful session, then every fact which you insert will remain in working memory until you explicitly retract it. Therefore every time you fire rules, you are re-evaluating the original set of facts, plus the new ones.
It might be useful to add a little debugging to your code. Using session.getObjects(), you will be able to see what facts are in working memory before and after execution of the rules. This should indicate what is not being retracted between evaluations.