iOS tint textfield background of Search bar - iphone

In iOS (support for 5.x+) what is the easiest way to change the white background color of the UISearchBar textfield to be a different color? There is no tintColor property on it.

You can try with this method as,
[searchBar setSearchFieldBackgroundImage: forState:];
In versions prior to iOS 5, you can use a category as,
#implementation UISearchBar (BackgroundColor)
- (UITextField *)field {
// HACK: This may not work in future iOS versions
for (UIView *subview in self.subviews) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
return (UITextField *)subview;
return nil;
- (void)setTextBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)color {
self.field.backgroundColor = color;


UIPickerview Multiple TextFields Xcode

I'm looking for a way to use a single UIPickerview for two different textfields. I'd like to have the pickerview popup when each textfield is selected. After the user selects their item, the item will populate the specific text field. The picker would have to populate based on the textfield chosen.
I've read this:
How to use one UIPickerView for multiple textfields in one view?
and this:
How to use UIPickerView to populate different textfields in one view?
and this:
Multiple sources for UIPickerView on textfield editing
However, none gives a complete solution.
I'm very new at Xcode so I'd like a solution that includes steps to set the storyboard also.
I appreciate any help as i've researched this for weeks.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface klViewController : UIViewController <UIPickerViewDelegate, UIPickerViewDataSource> {
IBOutlet UITextField *textField1;
IBOutlet UITextField *textField2;
NSMutableArray *pickerArray1;
NSMutableArray *pickerArray2;
UIPickerView *pickerView;
#property(nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UITextField *textField1;
#property(nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UITextField *textField2;
#property(nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UIPickerView *pickerView;
#import "klViewController.h"
#interface klViewController ()
#implementation klViewController
#synthesize pickerView;
#synthesize textField1;
#synthesize textField2;
int variabla;
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
[pickerView setHidden:YES];
if (textField1.editing == YES) {
[textField1 resignFirstResponder];
[pickerView setHidden:NO];
variabla = 1;
}else if (textField2.editing == YES) {
[textField2 resignFirstResponder];
[pickerView setHidden:NO];
variabla = 2;
NSLog(#"variabla %d",variabla);
[pickerView reloadAllComponents];
- (NSInteger)numberOfComponentsInPickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView;
return 1;
- (NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component;
if (variabla == 1) {
return [pickerArray1 count];
}else if (variabla == 2) {
return [pickerArray2 count];
}else {
return 0;
- (NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component;
if (variabla == 1) {
return [pickerArray1 objectAtIndex:row];
}else if (variabla == 2) {
return [pickerArray2 objectAtIndex:row];
}else {
return 0;
- (void)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField{
[textField resignFirstResponder];
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
[pickerView setHidden:YES];
pickerArray1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"0", #"1", #"2", nil];
pickerArray2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"3", #"4", #"5", nil];
When I run the program:
1) the pickerview is hidden.
2) when I select a textfield, the picker view appears and populates correctly depending on the textfield selected.
1) Picker doesn't go away when click outside of the textfield.
2) Textfields don't populated when a row in the Picker is selected.
Hope this provides more insight.
1) Picker doesn't go away when click outside of the textfield.
You have no code that attempts to make the picker go away when that happens. Try adding a simple tap gesture recognizer to the view. Add a line to viewDidLoad like:
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:[[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(backgroundTap:)]];
Then implement the function simply like:
-(void)backgroundTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)tapGR{
self.pickerView.hidden = YES;
// And maybe..
variabla = 0;
Since you are making the picker appear and disappear using the hidden property this will work very simply. There are other more sophisticated ways to do this which I hope you explore. Generally the picker is set as the textfield's inputView property; that is worth investigating.
2) Textfields don't populated when a row in the Picker is selected.
You haven't handled the picker's pickerView:didSelectRow:inComponent: delegate method. That's the method that gets called when the picker stops turning and lands on an item. Don't assume that this is the item the user selected it will be called multiple times.
-(void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component{
NSString *text = [self pickerView:pickerView titleForRow:row forComponent:component];
UITextField *current = nil;
if (variabla == 1) current = self.textField1;
else if (variabla == 2) current = self.textField2;
current.text = text;
That should get your implementation working. One more thing though variabla is an instance variable and should be declared in curly braces immediately following the #interface or #implementation line.
#implementation klViewController {
int variabla;
Give the Tag of two Different textfield for identify which textfield you select and everything is ok you just need to change below method.
Hope This Work
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
if ([textField viewWithTag:100]) {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
[self.View1 setHidden:NO];
else if ([textField viewWithTag:101]) {
[textField resignFirstResponder];
[self.View1 setHidden:NO];
[_Picker_view reloadAllComponents];
Thanks :)
Make sure you have declared the Picker View object in the header file.
In the header file, import the UITextFieldDelegate protocol:
#interface MyView:UIViewController < UITextFieldDelegate>
In IB, set a tag for each text field you have.
In the *.m file, implement the textFieldShouldBeginEditing method, update the PickerView array Data Source and Reload all the picker view components.
-(BOOL) textFieldShouldBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField {
if (textField.tag == 1) {
itemsArray = [[NSArray alloc] arrayWithObjects:#"A", #"B"];
if (textField.tag == 2) {
itemsArray = [[NSArray alloc] arrayWithObjects:#"Green", #"Yellow"];
[myPickerView reloadAllComponents];
Make sure you import the UIPickerViewDelegate and UIPickerViewDataSource in the header file.
You can use the same picker view for as many text fields as you want, to change the content of the picker view according to the selected text field you need to replace the data source of the picker view with different items whenever a text field is being selected and then reload the picker view components.
Well my friend, I'm afraid it's a little bit to complicated to explain here.
You can set object's tag value in the IB properties menu.
Once you dragged a PickerView into your view and it's selected, you can change the tag attribute in the Object Properties menu (on the side).
I think you should look for tutorials that will show you how to setup a simple picker view, or table view (they work very similar to one another) and that will give you much more information on how to do what you want to do. In a nutshell, every Picker View takes information from a Data Source, you can create an array that contains some strings and have the picker view load each item in the array as a row. I have a small website with some beginners information, check it out.
In .h
#interface TQViewController : UIViewController<UIPickerViewDelegate>
UITextField *textfield;
UIPickerView *Picker1;
NSArray *Array1,*Array2;
and in .m
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
textfield=[[UITextField alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5,5,310,40)];
textfield.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
textfield.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
textfield.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
textfield.placeholder = #"<enter amount>";
[self.view addSubview:textfield];
textfield1=[[UITextField alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(5,100,310,40)];
textfield1.borderStyle = UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect;
textfield1.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
textfield1.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;
textfield1.placeholder = #"<enter amount>";
[self.view addSubview:textfield1];
// PickerView1
Array1=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"USD",#"INR",#"EUR", nil];
Picker1=[[UIPickerView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 50, 320,10)];
[self.view addSubview:Picker1];
Array2=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:#"USD",#"INR",#"EUR", nil];
-(NSInteger)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView numberOfRowsInComponent:(NSInteger)component
if([textfield becomeFirstResponder])
return [Array1 count];
if([textfield1 becomeFirstResponder])
return [Array2 count];
- (NSString *)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView titleForRow:(NSInteger)row forComponent:(NSInteger)component {
NSString *title;
if([textfield becomeFirstResponder])
title=[Array1 objectAtIndex:row];
return title;
([textfield1 becomeFirstResponder])
title=[Array2 objectAtIndex:row];
return title;
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
if([textfield becomeFirstResponder])
//your code
([textfield1 becomeFirstResponder])
//your code

how to clear the dynamically created UITextfield values in IPhone?

I Created five UITextField using for loop i want to clear the textfield values when i Click the Clear button but only clear the last textfield values.i want to clear all text fiel values how can i solve this any one Help me Thanks
In your clear method write like:
for (UIView *addedView in [self.view subViews])
if([addedView isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
UITextField *myText = (UITextField *)addedView ;
myText.text = #"";
Here each sub view is taken from the self.view and check if it is a UITextField or not. If it is a UITextField then we set #"" to it.
for (UIView *view in self.view.subviews)
if([view isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
[(UITextField*) view setText:#""];
You can do this by using following:
UITextField *textField=(UITextField*)[self.view viewWithTag:100];

How get rid of reorderControl while still using reorder?

Not long ago I asked about how to move reorderControl view close to the center of my custom cell, so this reorderControl break custom design. As I can't move this view and my cell always in editing mode - I just draw this reorderControl in right place of my cell background. But now I have two reorderControls ) one from my background in right place and one from iOS. If I set return value of - (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath to NO, iOS reorderControl disappear but I can't reorder rows anymore.
How can I remove iOS reorderControl from screen and still be able to reorder my custom UITableViewCell?
ps cell.showsReorderControl=NO; is not working
It's kind of a hack but the following does work
for(UIView* view in self.subviews)
if([[[view class] description] isEqualToString:#"UITableViewCellReorderControl"])
for(UIImageView* cellGrip in view.subviews)
if([cellGrip isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]])
[cellGrip setImage:nil];
The solution I got it work in iOS7 is to add another method to find reorder control. Since the tableview structure has changed in iOS7 It was a little bit hard to track UITableViewCellReorderControl. It is now in UITableViewCellScrollView.
The solution is like below
- (void)changeReorderControl:(UITableViewCell *)cell subviewCell:(UIView *)subviewCell
if([[[subviewCell class] description] isEqualToString:#"UITableViewCellReorderControl"]) {
[subviewCell.subviews makeObjectsPerformSelector:#selector(removeFromSuperview)];
UIImageView *imageView= [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"hand"]]; = CGPointMake(subviewCell.frame.size.width/2 , subviewCell.frame.size.height/2);
[subviewCell addSubview:imageView];
- (void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(UITableViewCell *)cell forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
for(UIView* subviewCell in cell.subviews)
if([[[subviewCell class] description] isEqualToString:#"UITableViewCellScrollView"]) {
for(UIView* subSubviewCell in subviewCell.subviews) {
[self changeReorderControl:cell subviewCell:subSubviewCell];
Hope you will get the idea.

UISearchBar text color

Browsed the documentation and I couldn't find anything to change the color of UISearchBar. Does anybody know how to change it? There isn't any textColor property :/
Works on iOS 7 and later:
[[UITextField appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UISearchBar class], nil] setDefaultTextAttributes:#{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [UIColor whiteColor],
NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont systemFontOfSize:15]
You may remove unused attribute as well.
UPDATE. Due to appearanceWhenContainedIn is deprecated in iOS 9, see the Dishant's answer below:
You can do the following: Just get the searchField property from the SearchBar, and then change its textColor property.
UITextField *searchField = [searchbar valueForKey:#"_searchField"];
searchField.textColor = [UIColor redColor]; //You can put any color here.
That's it! Now you manipulate the textField in any way possible.
iOS 8: See
iOS 6 / 7:
[[UITextField appearanceWhenContainedIn:[UISearchBar class], nil] setTextColor:[UIColor redColor]];
I suspect you could use techniques described in this post
Modifying the code presented there slightly, you subclass UISearchBar:
#interface SearchBar : UISearchBar {
Then in your implementation:
- (void)layoutSubviews {
UITextField *searchField;
NSUInteger numViews = [self.subviews count];
for(int i = 0; i < numViews; i++) {
if([[self.subviews objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
searchField = [self.subviews objectAtIndex:i];
if(!(searchField == nil)) {
searchField.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
[super layoutSubviews];
I haven't tested either the original post's code or this code, but looks like it ought to work.
Here's a category that adds this functionality:
#implementation UISearchBar (UISearchBar_TextColor)
- (UITextField *)field {
// HACK: This may not work in future iOS versions
for (UIView *subview in self.subviews) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
return (UITextField *)subview;
return nil;
- (UIColor *)textColor {
return self.field.textColor;
- (void)setTextColor:(UIColor *)color {
self.field.textColor = color;
For iOS11, I found this worked:
After setting the searchController into the navigationItem, the search text was black on black. To make it white, I had to do:
searchController.searchBar.barStyle = .blackTranslucent
It was the only thing that worked for me. My app has a transparent navigation bar to let the background gradient show through, and I am guessing the SearchBar takes on that appearance since my appearance settings for UISearchBar were largely ignored with one exception:
UISearchBar.appearance().tintColor =
This made the Cancel button and the text insertion cursor red. The placeholder text was light gray.
Note that: UISearchBar.appearance().barStyle = .blackTranslucent did not work - it had to be set on the instance. This also had no visible effect on the search bar (it was still transparent like the navigation bar); it just made the search text white.
appearanceWhenContainedIn is deprecated in iOS 9 , so we have to use below method for iOS 9 and above.
[[UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses:#[[UISearchBar class]]]
setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
With iOS 11 the search bar is expected to become part of the navigation bar which, as you might expect, adds all kinds of new "features."
I think it's a bug but I found that I needed to do the following to change the text (and cancel button) colour:
self.searchController.searchBar.barStyle = UISearchBarStyleMinimal;
[[UIBarButtonItem appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses:#[[UISearchBar class]]]
setTintColor:[UIColor whiteColor]];
I found that the bar-style, when left to "default," would make the text black no matter the tint colour, etc. When set to either Minimal or Prominent the text was visible.
Here's a cleaner approach:
UITextField *searchField = nil;
for (UIView *v in self.searchBar.subviews)
if ([v isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]])
searchField = (UITextField *)v;
if (searchField)
searchField.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
Modified the category suggested by David Foster (#david-foster) to work on iOS 8.
static UITextField *PBFindTextFieldInView(UIView *view) {
for(UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
if([subview isKindOfClass:UITextField.class]) {
return (UITextField *)subview;
} else {
UITextField* textField = PBFindTextFieldInView(subview);
if(textField) {
return textField;
return nil;
#implementation UISearchBar (Appearance)
- (UITextField *)field {
return PBFindTextFieldInView(self);
- (UIColor *)textColor {
return self.field.textColor;
- (void)setTextColor:(UIColor *)color {
self.field.textColor = color;
After setting the searchController in the navigationItem for iOS 11, I found that attempting to set the textColor via UIAppearance for any UITextField within a UISearchBar had no affect, but a custom appearance property that simply called the regular textColor worked just fine.
// Implement a custom appearance property via a UITextField category
#interface UITextField (SearchBarTextColor)
#property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor * textColorWorkaround UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;
#implementation UITextField (SearchBarTextColor)
- (UIColor *)textColorWorkaround {
return self.textColor;
- (void)setTextColorWorkaround:(UIColor *)textColor {
self.textColor = textColor;
And then use as follows:
UITextField *textFieldProxy = [UITextField appearanceWhenContainedInInstancesOfClasses:#[UISearchBar.class]];
textFieldProxy.textColorWorkaround = UIColor.lightGrayColor;
P.S. The same trick helped me color the seemingly inaccessible labels of UIDatePicker and UIPickerView

Custom colors in UITabBar

Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar? I realize that Apple would like everyone to use the same blue and gray tab bars, but is there any way to customize this?
Second, even I were to create my own TabBar-like view controller, along with custom images, would this violate Apple's Human Interface Guidelines?
I found an answer to this at Silent Mac Design.
I implemented this way:
First make a subclass of UITabBarContoller
// CustomUITabBarController.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface CustomUITabBarController: UITabBarController {
IBOutlet UITabBar *tabBar1;
#property(nonatomic, retain) UITabBar *tabBar1;
// CustomUITabBarController.m
#import "CustomUITabBarController.h"
#implementation CustomUITabBarController
#synthesize tabBar1;
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, 48);
UIView *v = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[v setBackgroundColor:[[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:1.0
[tabBar1 insertSubview:v atIndex:0];
[v release];
And in your Nib file replace the class of your TabBar Controller with CustomUITabBarController.
FYI, from iOS 5 onwards you can customize various aspects of the UITabBar, including setting its background image using the backgroundImage property.
The new UITabBar "Customizing Appearance" properties in iOS 5 are:
Given that Apple have introduced these methods in iOS 5, then it's possible they may be more sympathetic to attempts to customize the UITabBar for earlier OSes. This website says the Twitter app uses a custom tab bar, so that might be more reason that Apple would let such an app into the App Store, it's no guarantee though!
Use Following images ( Assuming, tabBar is having 5 Tabs as follows )
Create a new project using - "TabBar Application" template & Place following code.
Contents of AppDel.h File.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#interface cTabBarAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate, UITabBarControllerDelegate> {
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow *window;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITabBarController *tabBarController;
#property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIImageView *imgV;
Contents of AppDel.m File.
#import "cTabBarAppDelegate.h"
#implementation cTabBarAppDelegate
#synthesize window=_window;
#synthesize tabBarController=_tabBarController;
#synthesize imgV = _imgV;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
self.imgV.frame=CGRectMake(0, 425, 320, 55);
[self.tabBarController.view addSubview:self.imgV];
self.window.rootViewController = self.tabBarController;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
return YES;
- (BOOL)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController shouldSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController{
NSUInteger index=[[tabBarController viewControllers] indexOfObject:viewController];
switch (index) {
case 0:
self.imgV.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"tBar1.png"];
case 1:
self.imgV.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"tBar2.png"];
case 2:
self.imgV.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"tBar3.png"];
case 3:
self.imgV.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"tBar4.png"];
case 4:
self.imgV.image=[UIImage imageNamed:#"tBar5.png"];
return YES;
At the beginning of ***ViewController.m add the following might help set background image of UITabBar.
#implementation UITabBar (CustomImage)
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed: #"background.png"];
[image drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.frame.size.width, self.frame.size.height)];
If you want to use custom colors for the icons (and not just the background) instead of the default gray and blue, do it like this:
Basically, you need to create complete tabbar images (background and icons and text) for each selected tab and set your UITabBarItems to no icon and no title and insert the image into the tabbar as an UIImageView in viewWillAppear:
And Apple won't mind since we are not using any private APIs.
Since iOS 7.0, you can use -[UIImage imageWithRenderingMode:] with UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal to preserve colors:
// Preserve the colors of the tabs.
UITabBarController *controller = (UITabBarController *)((UIWindow *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].windows[0]).rootViewController;
NSArray *onIcons = #[ #"tab1-on", #"tab2-on", #"tab3-on" ];
NSArray *offIcons = #[ #"tab1-off", #"tab2-off", #"tab3-off" ];
NSArray *items = controller.tabBar.items;
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < items.count; ++i) {
UITabBarItem *item = items[i];
item.image = [[UIImage imageNamed:offIcons[i]] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
item.selectedImage = [[UIImage imageNamed:onIcons[i]] imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
Works like a charm.
In AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[[UITabBar appearance] setSelectedImageTintColor:[UIColor redColor]];
return YES;
As far as the UITabBar class is concerned, the icons in the bar are limited to the colours: blue for selected and grey for unselected. This is because the tab bar only uses the alpha value from the icons you supply to create the image on the bar.
The bar itself is limited to being black, as far as I can remember. I've not seen anything like the 'tint' property on UINavigationBar in the docs.
I guess you could go ahead and create your own tab bar style class and do what you want with it, but I have absolutely no idea how that fits in with Apple's HIG, or whether or not they'd challenge it during the review process.
In my experience, Apple reviewers only rejected my app if I didn't use THEIR UI elements according to the HIG. They might have a different view when it's your own UI elements you're playing with.
Here's the document that says we can't change pressed or selected appearance with our icons.
It's under the heading
Icons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars
Its possible without adding any subView.
In the class where you define the tab bar set the property of the
tabBarItem to ->>
UITabBarItem *tabBarItem1 = [[self.tabBar.tabBar items] objectAtIndex:0];
[tabBarItem1 setFinishedSelectedImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"campaigns_hover.png"] withFinishedUnselectedImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"campaigns.png"]];
Its a property of tabBarItem and u can change the default blue image to a custom image.
campaigns_hover.png is the selected custom image AND
campaigns.png is the custom image when not selected...
Enjoy the secret.. :)
The below code helps you to add custom colors with RGB values to ur tabBar.
self.tabBarController.tabBar.tintColor = [[UIColor alloc] initWithRed:0.00
You can do that without -insertSubview:atIndex, because a new UIView is not needed. You can apply a theme using QuartzCore on each view (UITabBar and it's subviews). So the UITabBar's background is added as I've described here.
Now we must apply the image on each UITabBarItem as it's background:
// UITabBar+CustomItem.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
#interface UITabBar (CustomItem)
-(void)setSelectedItemBackground:(UIImage *)backgroundImage;
Now the .m file:
// UITabBar+CustomItem.m
#implementation UITabBar (CustomItem)
#define kItemViewTag 445533 // <-- casual number
#define kItemViewOldTag 445599 // <-- casual number different from the above
-(void)setSelectedItemBackground:(UIImage *)backgroundImage {
UIView *oldView = [self viewWithTag:kImageViewItemTag];
oldView.layer.contents = nil; // <-- remove the previous background
oldView.tag = kItemViewOldTag; // <-- this will avoid problems
NSUInteger index = [self.items indexOfObject:self.selectedItem];
UIView *buttonView = [self.subviews objectAtIndex:index];
buttonView.tag = kItemViewTag;
buttonView.layer.contents = (id)backgroundImage.CGImage; // <-- add
// the new background
You can also change the color of the selected images, as someone made here. But what I'm wondering is: can I change the color of the selected label? The answer is yes, as described below (the following works on ios 3.x/4.x, not iOS5+):
#implementation UITabBar (Custom)
#define kSelectedLabel 334499 // <-- casual number
-(void)changeCurrentSelectedLabelColor:(UIColor *)color {
UIView *labelOldView = [self viewWithTag:kSelectedLabel];
[labelOldView removeFromSuperview];
NSString *selectedText = self.selectedItem.title;
for(UIView *subview in self.subviews) {
if ([NSStringFromClass([subview class])
isEqualToString:#"UITabBarButton"]) {
for(UIView *itemSubview in subview.subviews) {
if ([itemSubview isKindOfClass:[UILabel class]]) {
UILabel *itemLabel = (UILabel *)itemSubview;
if([itemLabel.text isEqualToString:selectedText]) {
UILabel *selectedLabel = [[UILabel alloc]
selectedLabel.text = itemLabel.text;
selectedLabel.textColor = color;
selectedLabel.font = itemLabel.font;
selectedLabel.tag = kSelectedLabel;
selectedLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[itemSubview addSubview:selectedLabel];
[selectedLabel release];