How to add Credentials of the server - perl

I am very new for perl and we had very emergency requirment. I need to convert the bat file code into Perl script code. I am confused, how we add credentials in Perl.
In bat file: I have the above sample credentials
How can I change the above credentials in Perl. How to write the above credentials in Perl script.Help is very much appropriated

To execute an external command, you probably want to use the system built-in. It will not capture the output, however:
system "program", "-argument", "value", "-argument2", ...;
before using it, you should read the whole documentation and also look into exec, qx{} and open, for different nuances.
If your requirements are more complex, you should look into the IPC family of modules on CPAN.


Locking My Own Perl Script

How can I lock my Perl script, list I have to do
Prevent Others from read or write Perl Script.
They should have only Permission to Executing the Perl script.
This depends on your operating system, which you haven't specified.
Typically, this is not possible.
On a UNIX based system (such as Linux or Mac OS) there are three permissions that can be given to users, groups and everyone: Read, Write, and Execute.
You can remove Write permission easily enough, but Read permission is required to allow the script to be executed.
(I assume you would experience a similar problem on Windows).
The only work around I can think of would be to rewrite the script as a webservice. Then the HTTP server would need to be able to read it, but the users themselves would not.
If the system at hand is Linux/Unix and you have administrative access then you can use sudo.
With the following line in /etc/sudoers, anyone would be able to run, as author1, any executable file in the public_bin folder:
ALL ALL = (author1) /home/author1/public_bin/*
However, take a look at man sudoers to understand implications wrt. environment and command line arguments.
755 is the *nix permission you'll need. This will give the owner full access and other read and execute.
As other has said, there is no way to make your code unreadable. However,can you obfuscate you code so only a reasonably good programmer could decode it. There are online tools, if you search "perl obfuscate" on bing you'll get some good results; these tools will mean no module is required. Or my personal favorite is the module Acme::Bleach.

Perl and SNMP - input options

script uses Net::SNMP module for Perl.
I'm trying to run snmpget command with some options added e.g. ( -Ir ) (here is list of options), but I haven't found any way to do that. In documentation for this module I didn't found anything about adding input options to snmp command.
If there is any other module that supports this, it would bi nice but it wouldn't be first pick as that would require a lot of changes in script (not mine script, just doing minor changes).
I could run system (or backticks) command from Perl, e.g.:
snmpget -v2c -c COMMUNITY -Ir HOST OID
and parse output but I would like to avoid that also.
Any advice or solution would be welcome since I'm still new to Perl.
You linked to the documentation of Net::SNMP so I'm sure you've read it all before asking... Right?
There is no "command", there is only your script's calls to the API.
[Edit after the below comments]
Net::SNMP has no option to check indexes before sending the request. So, you could say the equivalent of -Ir is enabled by default. In fact, Net::SNMP does not load your MIB, so it has no way of checking the validity of your requested variables before sending the request.

Should I turn a perl script that parses a /var/log/.* file into a daemon?

I am writing a perl script to parse, for example, /var/log/syslog.
The perl script triggers further subsequent tasks when particular events in the log appear. The log is parsed following the advice of this post:
Command line: monitor log file and add data to database
Which what I believe is the use of a pipe.
Now I'd like this script to forever run in the background.
This sounds like a daemon to me, and the daemon program referenced in the following question seems ideal:
How can I run a Perl script as a system daemon in linux?
But from this post, it seems clear that daemon's have no open file handles. So how can I have a daemon, or a perl script that becomes a daemon, that monitors a logfile?
It sounds like what you want is a daemon. In that case the advise given in the second post you reference is the best practice. However, you do have other options like daemontools, which removes the fork complexity.
Daemons are allowed to have filehandles, but you should close STDIN, STDOUT, and STDERRR because you shouldn't really use them anymore. A lot of this has to do with the way fork works in *nix systems. Just open the pipe filehandle after your second fork, and you shouldn't have any issues.
this doesn't answer your question, but is another route to consider which may or may not be appropriate for you:
rsyslog can execute a program when a certain message is logged
see Filter Conditions for setting up the up the trigger, Templates for formatting the output that's passed to the script, and Actions > Shell Execute for specifying the executable.
Be sure to read the security implications, and that ryslog blocks while the external program runs. But if your script runs reliably quickly, it may be an option.

In Perl CGI, how can I use UNIX commands?

I'm trying to run ssh, mkdir from a Perl CGI script. It's not working. But in normal Perl script, it is working fine. Can any one tell me how to run commands in a Perl CGI script?
If you're running this script via a webserver, chances are the active user (e.g. "nobody", "www", etc) may not have the necessary privileges to execute commands like mkdir and ssh. If so, that is not something that perl can fix. You can test who the active user is with something like:
print "The active user is: ", `whoami`;
It is also a security concern, to have your web user privileges set to create files and perform commands.
system() or popen() are probably what you're looking for, if you're feeling dirty I think you can use back ticks too.
Do you need to run unix commands? Perl has a built-in mkdir, and there are modules to handle SSH. Normally a CGI process is going to have limited capabilities or access to the system. The more you can do in Perl the better.

Input Redirection for Password in Perl Script from Command Prompt

I am using a Windows System Command Prompt to call on a Perl Script. At one point and time, the Perl Script calls on svn+ssh to update a repo. The repository that is called asks the for user input - specifically a password.
I am trying to automate the execution of the Perl Script, but it continually gets hung up on the call to svn. I have tried many forms of input redirection (specifically < with an external file, | with cat, and the windows power shell use of the # symbol to specify a multi-lined string). Is there a way to input a password for this Perl script?
For purposes of this problem, I do not have access to the Perl Script and I will need to implement a work around.
You don't mention the svn+ssh implementation the script uses, but my guess is that the problem is this:
SSH clients tend to ask for passwords directly from the terminal. Password prompts often don't read from stdin, so you can't redirect input. For example, the OpenSSH client does it that way. It is designed that way to prevent users from doing insecure things - like storing passwords in files, environment variables or shell variables.
The common recommandation in this situation is to use public key authentication.
Without knowing your script, it will not be possible to come up with a workaround I think.