I need to add a file to Mercurial but not track changes to it - version-control

I know about templates. I know this has been asked before (here and here). Please let me explain my situation in detail and hopefully you'll understand why I'm asking this question again.
I use an IDE (and language) called PowerBuilder. PowerBuilder (PB) stores source code and binary object code together in a PBL (pibble) file. A PBL can contain source code for multiple classes. Because of this, it's not really practical to keep the PBL under version control; it's each individual class that should be revisioned independently. However, since it's the PBL file itself that the IDE uses, and because of the presence of the object code within the PBL, these files need to be pushed out when a repository is cloned. I can go into more detail on this if requested.
The PB IDE provides hooks for the MSSCCAPI interface so that it can support source code control providers. It works great with Visual Source Safe 6! But there are no usable MSSCCAPI providers for Mercurial. (I've asked before.) Yes, I'm trying to get the people that create PB to support an updated API, but there's no telling how long that will take. The IDE does, however, offer its own, basic, SCC functions. It's not a "real" solution; it's more of a "this will get you by, you cheap b*****d, until you can buy a real SCC program" type of thing. It works, though, by exporting the source for each class into individual text files and creating a corresponding "status" file (PRP file) for each class. Text files? Those can be tracked by Mercurial! FYI, this basic, "get you by" SCC option doesn't keep history or handle merges.
Let me detail a little more about these PRP files. PB's built-in SCC solution is built around exclusive locks. Check-out, check-in, all that old stuff. It manages these check-outs and check-ins via the PRP files. It also knows what is and what isn't under revision control by the presence of the corresponding PRP file.
So first with the PRP files. I need to have these pushed out (and added for new classes) so that the IDE can see that the corresponding class should be tracked. If there's no PRP file, the IDE doesn't export the syntax and nothing can get tracked in Mercurial. But if I continue to track changes to the PRP files, then that means that I'm pushing out the exclusive locks on the classes as well, and nobody wants that. So I need to add the PRP files but not track any subsequent changes to them.
And I need the same for the binary PBL files. As mentioned before, I need them to exist so that the IDE knows what PBLs make up a code base, but the complexities of the object code, compilation, and class inter-dependencies mean that it's not feasible to recreate them on the fly. So I need the PBLs added to Mercurial, but I don't really want to track the changes to those PBLs. And though I might be able to get by with templates for the PRP files, I can't do that for these binary PBL files.
Hopefully, that explains my situation fully. I apologize that this question is so long, but I wanted to make sure that you had a clear understanding of what I was up against so that I didn't get a bunch of off-the-cuff "This is a duplicate of X" responses. Thank you for your patience and for any guidance you can offer.

Even if I can't understand this
if I continue to track changes to the PRP files, then that means that I'm pushing out the exclusive locks on the classes as well, and nobody wants that. So I need to add the PRP files but not track any subsequent changes to them.
namely: "...nobody wants that..." and "...add the PRP files but not track any subsequent changes to them..." - if you don't version-contol changeable (and changed) sources I can't see reason to add outdated after fist change files to Mercurial
You can add, store and ignore later files in Mercurial. This answer play game nicely with small change: because you want .hgignore full working copy (really want?) you can use hg up -r N

Alternative solutions
SourceControl integration for PB 11.5 - TortoiseSVN (SVN)
WizSource - SCM on top of RDBMS
PushOk Git or SVN SCC plug-ins - Git or SVN respectively


Version control personally and simply?

make history for web text/code source files.
login-worker is only me, i.e personal usage.
automatically save history for each updated files(no require at once but at least once per week)
It must be a simple way to start and work.
I have 3 work places so need to do async files.
(not must but hopefully for future working environment) Any other non-engineer can also understand the location of history file and can see it easily.
Current way:
I made history folder the day, download files in there for edit, copy files when I edit/creat new one.
Advantage of the current way:
Very quick and simple, no need to do additional task to make history
Disadvantage of the current way:
Messy. Whenever day I work, I create a new history folder to keep downloaded files, so that it is messy in Finder(or windows explore).
Also, I don't have a way to Doing Async files for sure with in other places.
I tested to use GIT before, I had Thought GIT automatically save files I edit and save with a editor, but that was not the case. Also GIT is too complicated to use/start. If you recommend GIT, you need to show me ways to deal with the problem I had, for instance, simple GIT GUI with limited options without merging/project/branch etc because of personal usage for maintaining just one website.
Do you know any way to do version control personally and simply?
Suppose you entered <form ...> in your HTML—without the closing tag—and saved the file; do you really think the commit created by our imaginary VCS picked up that file's update event would have any sense?
What I mean, is that as with writing programs¹,
the history of source code changes are there for humans to read,
and for that matter, a good history graph should really read like a prose:
each commit should be atomic in the sense it comprises one (small) but
internally integral feature or fixes a bug, and had to be properly annotated
so that the intent of the change captured by that commit is clear.
What you want instead is just some dumb stream of changes purely for backup purposes.
Well, if you're fully aware of the repercussions (the most glaring one is that the generated history is completely useless for doing development on
the project and can only be used for rollbacks in case of "oopsies"),
there are two ways to go:
Some IDEs (namely, Eclipse) save a backup copy of each file they manage
on each save—thus providing your with such a rollback functionality w/o
using any VCS.
Script around any VCS you like: say, on Linux,
you start something like inotifywait telling it to watch your
project's root directory, recurvively, for write events on files,
read whatever the tool prints to its stdout when these events happen,
and for each event, call to your VCS of choice to record a new commit
with these changes.
¹ «Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.» — Abelson & Sussman, "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs", preface to the first edition.
I strongly suggest you to have a deeper look at git.
It may looks difficult at the beginning, but you should spend some time learning it, that's all. All the problems above could be easily solved if you spend some time to learn the basics. There is also a nice "tutorial" on github on how to use git, no need to install anything: https://try.github.io/levels/1/challenges/1.

Working with folders in RCS

I have been following the tutorial http://www.burlingtontelecom.net/~ashawley/rcs/tutorial.html on how to work with files using RCS. This works well but only with one file. Is there a way to create an RCS file with directories as well?
I have a project folder called myproject, and in this directory I have all my files for that project. I want to create a revision control system for the myproject folder and all its files that are inside.
As William's comment says, RCS only works with single files. (It also doesn't seem to be particularly suitable for multiple-user stuff.)
Of course, nothing stops you from putting each (source) file in a directory under RCS control; in fact, this is essentially what CVS does (though in recent versions it handles the RCS data itself, rather than invoking RCS to do it as it used to do). Unfortunately, this fragments the change history rather badly; a commit affecting many files ends up as separate commits to each file, which just happen to have the same commit message (and timestamp?), and in general every file will have a different revision in what the user might like to think of as the "same" revision. (This makes tags quite essential.) CVS also has issues with the atomicity of commits: you could end up with commit A and commit B getting tangled up, such that in file foo commit A precedes commit B, but in file bar commit B precedes commit A!
SVN (Subversion) is an attempt to rectify some of the problems in CVS, though it also brings some new limitations, and keeps many of the existing ones; it is probably wiser (as William implies) to just use a distributed version control system (DVCS) for your multi-file projects. There are many choices:
Darcs uses a unique patch-based model: a repository is treated as a sequence of patches, which can be applied to an empty tree to build the current revision; patches can often be reordered by "commuting" pairs of patches, and cherry-picking patches from other repositories is quite easy. The downside is that the change history is a bit less clear than in most DVCSes. See http://wiki.darcs.net/Using/Model, http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Understanding_Darcs/Patch_theory.
Directed-acyclic-graph (DAG) based DVCSes model a repository as a directed acyclic graph of revisions, where each revision can have one parent, two parents, or perhaps more. Each revision has an associated file tree state; sometimes renames are also tracked somehow.
Git, as already mentioned. Has a very simple model, but a very complicated interface: there are many commands, some of which are not really intended for humans to use (owing to many parts of it having been prototyped in shell script, probably), so it can be hard to find the ones you want. Also, its model might be a bit too simple: it doesn't track renames at all.
Bazaar (a.k.a. bzr) has a more complicated model, including support for file/directory renames. It's difficult to say how much more complicated, though, because whatever documentation may exist is not nearly as accessible as Git's. It does, however, have a rather simpler user interface, and there are a number of useful plugins, including a distributed-development-friendly SVN plugin: committing from a branch back to SVN need not interfere with the validity of others' branches of your branches, and bzr metadata is even committed back to SVN. Can make things much less painful if you want to start hacking on an SVN-based project without having commit access, but hope to get your changes committed eventually. Bazaar is my personal favorite DAG-based DVCS.
Mercurial (a.k.a. hg) seems fairly similar to Bazaar, though I think it tracks renames only for individual files, not for directories. It also supports plugins, though its SVN plugin isn't as nice as Bazaar's: it doesn't support lossless commits, so branching from other peoples' branches is unwise. I don't have much experience with it, so I can't really evaluate it in-depth.
As the comments already mention, if you are starting out with version control, you would be well advised to choose a newer system than RCS (git, mercurial, fossil, subversion, ...). That said, RCS still works fine for a single developer working primarily on a single machine - I still use it for my own code because I've not yet OK worked out how to get the (20+ years of) history I want into git in the way I want it.
Anyway, to use RCS, make sure you have an RCS sub-directory in each directory where you have working source code under RCS management. The RCS files will be placed in the sub-directory automatically, and retrieved automatically. If your version of make is not already aware of RCS, then you can train it so that it is - or get a version of make that does (GNU Make, for example).
TL:DR - Look into DCVS for an alternative of RCS. It uses CVS, which uses RCS, but it's more modular for working in a repository that is distributed, as well as having a hierarchy of directories.
I'm currently going through a similar issue, and may have found something worthy of note, especially for people who are being forced to use a light, command-line based revision control systems with multiple team members.
My manager will not get off this idea of using RCS as our version control. But for the specifications, he wants developers to be able to create and edit on their own repository on a localized server within our company. Two issues with this:
RCS does not create, nor hold any sort of 'repository'. It is software that keeps track of file edits, on a Per File Basis. Meaning that the 'repository' is nothing more than another directory with RCS checked-in files. This is sub-par for team-geared projects, to say the least.
On a large project with multiple directories and tens of individual working files, even the prospect of creating a top-level RCS directory with a symbolic link in the working directories gives rise to complications such as naming conventions, as well as forgetting which file came from which bottom-level / working directory.
With what SamB posted, even CVS gives additional problems with RCS that we now have to account for, but gives us a slight ability for some additional hierarchy. But one suggestion he forgot was DCVS.
It's nothing more than an extension of CVS, CVSup, and:
contains functionality to distribute CVS repositories with local lines of development and automatically handles synchronization of the distributed repositories in the background.

How do I add programmatically-generated new files to source control?

This is something I've never really understood about source control, specifically Subversion (the only source control I've ever used, which isn't saying much). I'm considering moving to git or Mercurial, so if that affects the answer to my question, please indicate as such.
Ok. As I understand it, every time I create a new file, I have to tell SVN about it, so that it knows to add it to the repository and place it under control. Something like:
svn add newfile
That's fine if I'm the one creating the file: I know I created it, I know its name, I know where it lives, so it's easy to tell SVN about it.
But now suppose I'm using a framework of some kind, like Rails, Django, Symfony, etc., and suppose I've already done the initial commit. All of these frameworks create new files programmatically, often many at once, in different directories, etc. etc. How do I tell the source control about these new files? Do I have to hunt each one of them down individually and add them? Is there an easier way? (Or am I possibly misunderstanding something fundamental about source control?)
Generally speaking, you shouldn't add files to source control if they can be generated from other files in your project. It's true that in some cases, a file is initially generated, but must be modified manually. In that case you will have to add it to source control. However, you should almost never automatically add files.
I agree with Matthew in general, if it can be generated it shouldn't be added but remain dynamically created.
For the practical question of adding multiple files, I don't remember in svn (though I think it should be possible), but to do this in git:
Using git bash (command line) you can add all "loose" files under the directory or subdirectory by not specifying a file after the add command. You can also set git to ignore certain files, so they wont be added in that case.
Another way is using git gui, it displays all un-tracked files and you can select them all (or groups of it) and add them in one click.

How do you "check out" code?

I've never really worked with a lot of people where we had to check out code and have repositories of old code, etc. I'm not sure I even know what these terms mean. If I want to to start a new project that involves more than myself that tracks all the code changes, does "check out" (again, don't know what that means), how do I get started? Is that what SVN is for? Something else? Do I download a program that keeps up with the code?
What do I do?
It will all be in house. No Internet for storing code.
I don't even know if what I am asking for is called source control. I see things about checking out, SVN, source control, and so on. I don't know if it is all talking about the same thing or not. I was hoping to use something open source.
So, a long time ago, in the bad old days of yore, source control used a library metaphor. If you wanted to edit a file, the only way to avoid conflicts was to make sure that you were the ONLY one editing the file. What you'd do is ask the source control system to "check out" that file, indicating that you were editing it and nobody else was allowed to edit it until you made your changes and the file was "checked in". If you needed to make a change to a checked out file, you had to go find that freakin' developer who'd had everythingImportant.conf checked out since last Tuesday..freakin' Bill...
Anyway, source control doesn't really work like that anymore, but the language stuck with us. Nowadays, "checking out" code means downloading a copy of the code from the code repository. The files will appear in a local directory, allowing you to use them, compile the code, and even make changes to the source that you could perhaps upload back to the repository later, should you need to. Even better, with just a single command, you can get all the changes that have been made by other developers since the last time you downloaded the code. Good stuff.
There are several major source control libraries, of which SVN (also called Subversion) is one (CVS, Git, HG, Perforce, ClearCase, etc are others). I recommend starting with SVN, Git, or HG, since they're all free and all have excellent documentation.
You might want to start using source control even if you're the only developer. There's nothing worse than realizing that last night the thousand lines of code you deleted as useless were actually critically important and are now lost forever. Source control allows you to zoom forwards and backwards in the history of your files, letting you easily recover stuff that you should not have removed, and giving you a lot more confidence about deleting useless stuff. Plus, fiddling around with it on your own is good practice.
Being comfortable with source/revision control software is a critical job skill of any serious software engineer. Mastering it will effectively level you up as a professional developer. Coming onto a project and finding that the team keeps all their source in a folder somewhere is an awful experience. Good luck! You're already on the right path just by being interested!
Check out Eric Sink's excellent series of articles:
Source Control HOWTO
I recommend Git and Subversion (SVN) both as free, open-source version control systems that work very well. Git has some nice features given that it can be easier to work decentralized.
Checkout means retrieving a file from a source control system. A source control system is a database (some, like CVS, use just specially marked up text files, but a file system is also a database) that holds all versions of your code (that are checked in after you make modifications).
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe uses a very proprietary database which is prone to corruption if it is not regularly maintained and uses reserved checkouts exclusively. Don't use it, for all those reasons.
The difference between a reserved checkout and an unreserved checkout is in an unreserved checkout; two people can be modifying the same file at once. The first one to check in gets in no problem, and the second one has to update their code to the latest version and merge the changes into theirs (which usually happens automatically, but if the same area of the file was changed, then there is a conflict, which has to be resolved before it can be checked in).
For some arguments for unreserved checkouts, see here.
Following this, you will be looking at a build process that independently checks out the code and builds the source code, so that everyone's changes are built and distributed together.
Are you creating the project that requires source control? If so, choose a source control system that meets your needs, and read the documentation for how to get it set up. If you are simply using a previously set up source control system for an existing project, ask a coworker who has been using it, or ask the person who set up the source control system.
For choosing a source control system that meets your needs, most source control systems have extensive descriptions of their features online, many provide evaluation or even completely free products, and there are many many many anecdotal descriptions of what working with each individual source control system is like, which can help.
Just don't use Microsoft Visual SourceSafe if you value your sanity and your code.

The theory (and terminology) behind Source Control

I've tried using source control for a couple projects but still don't really understand it. For these projects, we've used TortoiseSVN and have only had one line of revisions. (No trunk, branch, or any of that.) If there is a recommended way to set up source control systems, what are they? What are the reasons and benifits for setting it up that way? What is the underlying differences between the workings of a centralized and distributed source control system?
Think of source control as a giant "Undo" button for your source code. Every time you check in, you're adding a point to which you can roll back. Even if you don't use branching/merging, this feature alone can be very valuable.
Additionally, by having one 'authoritative' version of the source control, it becomes much easier to back up.
Centralized vs. distributed... the difference is really that in distributed, there isn't necessarily one 'authoritative' version of the source control, although in practice people usually still do have the master tree.
The big advantage to distributed source control is two-fold:
When you use distributed source control, you have the whole source tree on your local machine. You can commit, create branches, and work pretty much as though you were all alone, and then when you're ready to push up your changes, you can promote them from your machine to the master copy. If you're working "offline" a lot, this can be a huge benefit.
You don't have to ask anybody's permission to become a distributor of the source control. If person A is running the project, but person B and C want to make changes, and share those changes with each other, it becomes much easier with distributed source control.
I recommend checking out the following from Eric Sink:
Having some sort of revision control system in place is probably the most important tool a programmer has for reviewing code changes and understanding who did what to whom. Even for single person projects, it is invaluable to be able to diff current code against previous known working version to understand what might have gone wrong due to a change.
Here are two articles that are very helpful for understanding the basics. Beyond being informative, Sink's company sells a great source control product called Vault that is free for single users (I am not affiliated in any way with that company).
Vault info at www.vault.com.
Even if you don't branch, you may find it useful to use tags to mark releases.
Imagine that you rolled out a new version of your software yesterday and have started making major changes for the next version. A user calls you to report a serious bug in yesterday's release. You can't just fix it and copy over the changes from your development trunk because the changes you've just made the whole thing unstable.
If you had tagged the release, you could check out a working copy of it and use it to fix the bug.
Then, you might choose to create a branch at the tag and check the bug fix into it. That way, you can fix more bugs on that release while you continue to upgrade the trunk. You can also merge those fixes into the trunk so that they'll be present in the next release.
The common standard for setting up Subversion is to have three folders under the root of your repository: trunk, branches and tags. The trunk folder holds your current "main" line of development. For many shops and situations, this is all they ever use... just a single working repository of code.
The tags folder takes it one step further and allows you to "checkpoint" your code at certain points in time. For example, when you release a new build or sometimes even when you simply make a new build, you "tag" a copy into this folder. This just allows you to know exactly what your code looked like at that point in time.
The branches folder holds different kinds of branches that you might need in special situations. Sometimes a branch is a place to work on experimental feature or features that might take a long time to get stable (therefore you don't want to introduce them into your main line just yet). Other times, a branch might represent the "production" copy of your code which can be edited and deployed independently from your main line of code which contains changes intended for a future release.
Anyway, this is just one aspect of how to set up your system, but I think giving some thought to this structure is important.