How to take ScreenShots of C# Exceptions through Programming? - c#-3.0

I know how to take a Screen Shots through Programing but i want to take ScreenShots of the Exceptions Which I show in a messagebox appear runtime? Is it possible to do? please Suggest me...Thanks in Advance
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height);
Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap as Image);
graphics.CopyFromScreen(0, 0, 0, 0, bitmap.Size);
bitmap.Save("c:\\screenshot.jpeg", ImageFormat.Jpeg);

If you want a screenshot of a message box created using MessageBox.Show(), it's going to be a bit tricky. Here are several options:
Skip the screenshot and capture the content of the error instead, using ex.ToString() (where ex is your Exception object).
Create a custom message box form so you can grab its size and position for your screenshot.
Use the title of the message box to find its handle and see if you can get its position and size. Frankly, I'm not sure this will work at all.
Also, keep in mind that MessageBox.Show() is modal. If you put your screenshot code after this line, the message box will be gone before your code runs. You can work around this with a thread, but that's also probably more work than it's worth, and may be unreliable due to timing issues.
Personally, I would recommend just using the content of the error and skipping the screenshot. It will be far more useful, and can include information you don't want to show the user in the message box.


C# flipping mainwindow

this is my very first entry here, may it not be the last....
I am having a bit of a struggle with some GUI stuff.
I really have an animation up front my eyes and it should look like the following: using c# with desktop application.
This Form looks like a login window with server address, username and pw textboxes and with a connect button as well, so nothing special. Size wise it can be small or at least same as size as the turned window. doesnt matter at the end.
once you entered your credentials and all turns out to be fine, connection is there and valid.
The main Form is suppost to flip then (doesnt matter horizontal or vertical),
and shows you your options you got then in this newly window. kind of an animated sign, that you are logged in and have now these options.
But the flip is suppost to stay on the same place. Like a card flip or a coin flip, but just the whole form and it ends then at the same place as before.
(sounds really wired to explain)
This can also be done with a new form poping up, just with a animated turn over, no problem with that.
And this is exactly where I am stuck.
I really cant find any information on how this would look like in code or even in animation.
I am using c# and the basic project started as a desktop application project, which it will be at the end.
Its been a while since my last coding, please be gentle.
i know there are plenty of entries in here also in google as well, but i didnt found anything which will do this for the main window as a total. images etc: yes, but for the whole form: no.
Any help out there?
May be tehr eis a trick i am not aware of? Its been a while since the last coding work, I need to admit that.#greyhairsarecomming
many thanks in advance! much appreciated
kind regards TG

kineticjs drag & drop - no release inconsistency

First of all drag and drop works correctly in my stages in version 4.3.0, so I just want to understand why I get the following problem with 4.3.3.
I have three stages. One sits in a container in a document in an iframe. The others sit in containers in the iframe's parent document, one displaying a complex layout of shapes and the other a single simple shape for testing. The document in the iframe which controls all the action has a viewfinder overlay that drags and drops correctly. However the shapes in the layout and test stages do not release on mouseup.
Any idea about what's going on would be appreciated ... I like to try and keep up to date.
Well, since I can't see any of your code I can only help so much, try doing the following.
For each shape that you have, add this attribute:
dragOnTop: false
fill: 'blue',
dragOnTop: false
Let me explain how I found an answer by first amending the structure. There is a holding file which contains shared files and two iframes - one for a machine-like index and one for a display each with its own scripts. The main shared file is nameset.json which lists all the objects and their key/value couplets. These are sent to 'fill out' the machine and display frameworks. I thought I could do the same with the Kinetic Global object, referring to the Global.stages array. It seems obvious now that each of the iframes needs its own Kinetic link (rather than pointer) and these need to be used to marry machine/display interactions like the map shown here. Anyway all the dragging and dropping works smoothly as promoted. Thanks for that!
Will mark as answered but if anyone has any comments would be pleased to read them.

C, GTK: window stops updating

I'm developing an application that periodically draws images on a GTK Drawing Area inside a window.
The rendering first works well and the window content gets repainted if I drag another window over the drawing one, but after some random amount of time (some seconds), the window stops updating itself.
New images dont get displayed, and if I then drag another window over the rendering one I get this:
When I click one of the checkboxes below my drawing area, the window gets refreshed and the problem is gone for another few seconds.
Any idea what could make the GTK threads stop updating the window content?
I dont know which part of my code is of interest to answer that question, so I pasted the mostly full version here.
My GTK-main() is called like this:
void window_main()
pthread_create(&drawing_thread, NULL, img_draw, NULL);
Thanks for any hints! :)
Found the solution: in the original example code I used (here) they use a g_timeout_add() to register their periodic drawing function.
The g_timeout_add()-registered function is run by gtk_main(), which means it is protected internally by gdk_threads_enter() and gdk_threads_leave(). That's the point I was not aware of.
Surrounded my call to gtk_widget_queue_draw_area() with these two functions and the bug is gone 8)

Is it possible to control top & bottom page margins when using UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter?

I'm trying to use the printing stuff in iOS 4.2 to print from my iPhone app, but I'm having real trouble getting multi-page content to display nicely. As you can see in the attached screenshots of PDFs generated through the iOS printing API, UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter really likes to use a painfully small top-margin when rendering.
Additionally, it doesn't seem to try to split block-elements too nicely either ... it's tough to see in the screenshot but the page break actually occurs halfway through a table row, rather than on a border between rows.
I've tried using the CSS #page directives to specify page boundaries, however iOS Webkit doesn't seem to support these at all.
Does anyone know of any techniques, either in HTML or through the iOS SDK to make these top-margins bigger?
I really don't want to write a custom UIPrintPageRenderer class because I'm trying to give my users the ability to customize their printouts through HTML templates ... going with a custom renderer would almost certainly make this impossible (or really difficult).
Any help is much appreciated!
You're on the right track with UIPrintPageRenderer, but fortunately you don't need to write a custom subclass to do this. All you need to do is instantiate a vanilla UIPrintPageRenderer, set the headerHeight and footerHeight properties, and add your HTML formatter to the renderer using addPrintFormatter:startingAtPage:. It only takes a few extra lines of code, I have posted my method here: Print paper size and content inset

How do I use an SWT Control to render the content of an SWT/JFace table?

I have a JFace TableViewer with an SWT Table, and I would like to custom render the content of some cells. I would like to use an SWT Control to render the cell content.
I would prefer to have only one instance of the Control doing the rendering, but if I have to instantiate one for each row, that would be acceptable.
Next, the solution MUST be compatible with the ContentProvider/LabelProvider approach (I am using EMF). This means that I cannot use the solution described in Sniplet 126 (
Next, I though about using custom drawing. But here the catch is, that I have to send individual drawing operations to the graphics context. I was trying to have the Control render the content for me by calling redraw() or print(GC) upon SWT.PaintItem, but that just lead to uncontrollable flickering.
At this point, my best guess is to use SWT.PaintItem to do the drawing. This will result in duplicate code, as I already have a Control that can render the content the way I'd like it. I'd like to prevent this redundancy.
Any help is appreciated!
Well, after banging my head against a wall several times I made some progress. Specifically, I found this formu entry:
It actually offers two solutions: The first solution actually uses widgets (not recommended due to performance, but I knew that before). I will try this out, and may post here how it goes.
The second solution suggests using StyledCellLabelProvider. I looked into this before, but it isn't powerful enough for my purposes. At least that's what I think right now.