osgi - multiple instances of a service - soap

How can I create multiple instances of a bundle that consumes an external webservice?
An external webservice requires clients to logon before using the services. I have multiple accounts. The problem is I want to be able to add multiple instances; one for each account. Each instance is an osgi declarative service that consumes the external service.
Do I have to deploy a new bundle for each account? This does not feel like the right way to solve this.

What you need is multiple instances of an OSGi component or service, not multiple instances of a bundle.
I'd recommend a service factory, where each OSGi config that you create (account parameters in your case) for your service causes a new instance of a service to be created.
Neil Bartlett's tutorial at http://njbartlett.name/2010/07/19/factory-components-in-ds.html looks like a good starting point for that.

Is that bundle under your control - can you refactor it ?
If yes, it might be useful to expose a client factory service, rather than client service itself.
Then each instance can log into a different account.


Azure Logic App custom connector SOAP endpoint using WSDL

I am using a Logic App for which I need to create a custom connector. This connector depends on a web service, for which I am trying to add using wsdl definition.
Now If I provide the url, it needs authentication, which I am not able to provide via this UI. I can see the parameters can be provided while using it in the logic app. However it fails to pull the services and hence not creating the definition for the connector
I tried downloading the wsdl and adding here as a file, but the schema have xs import tags, because of which its failing again. And as per this answer, I can not replace it with actual schema.
<xs:import namespace="http://some.name/" schemaLocation="./path/to/it.xsd"/>
Is there a way that I do not need to provide the custom connector definition manually and make it work using wsdl, as it contains a lot of endpoints and it would be too much to add all actions and triggers manually. Plus it would be also reference for me if needed in future for such scenario
You may try this if the services are accessible over the internet, then you call service endpoint over HTTP or HTTPS from azure logic apps. This article will help you with details steps to be followed: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/connectors/connectors-native-http
If it is not accessible over the internet then this article will help with step by step process: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-gateway-connection
Before you can access data sources on premises from your logic apps, you need to create an Azure resource after you install the on-premises data gateway on a local computer. Your logic apps then use this Azure gateway resource in the triggers and actions provided by the on-premises connectors that are available for Azure Logic Apps.
Also check this

How can I use SpringCloudContract for third party providers to create stubs

In our project, we need to work on multiple services. so started implementing Spring cloud contract testing between two services. (internal services ex: BookService, Employee Service)
Our Requriment:
How Can I implement Spring cloud contact for Third-party service( ex: AccessService) where we can access only API's but no control on Dev Code Base.
The base idea of contracts is that you can ensure that the producer API matches the requirements codified in the contract files. If that is not possible (you don't own the producer code base and you cannot do contract PRs to producer codebase), this approach will not be helpful for you. So you can use contracts for the services in which you can verify producer code against them and use a different approach for external services.

API Management Service : How to import Service Fabric Cluster APIs?

We have created two APIs and deployed them to a Service Fabric Cluster, which exposes them as https://[clusterurl]:8100 and https://[ClusterURL]>:8101.
Now we want to expose these APIs via API Management Service, and we couldn't find any easy way to do so. There is one article at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-tutorial-deploy-api-management, but it's really very hard to understand and relate it with this SDK.
We managed to create an API Management Service instance and also to create a blank API (or import through Swagger) using the SDK. But we don't know how to import the Service Fabric API.
And we could create an API Management BackEnd pointing to the Service Fabric app, but then we couldn't find any way to bind this BackEnd to any API created in the API Management Service.
Any help, sample, and/or pointing in right direction is greatly appreciated.
For service fabric integration to work you need:
VNET that includes both your SF cluster and APIM instance.
Backend entity: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/apimanagement/backend/createorupdate it will let APIM know where your cluster is and provide it with necessary credentials to make calls.
set-backend-service policy: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-transformation-policies#SetBackendService It's usually placed in inbound section of API that needs to talk to SF. You should omit "base-url" attribute, use "backend-id" to specify id of backend entity created in previous point, and other "sf-*" to configure how exactly call should be made.

Can user provided services be shared across multiple apps

I am creating a logdrain service in Bluemix for my apps:
`cf cups myapps-logdrain -l <logdrain-endpoint>`
Can I bind the myapp-logdrain service to multiple apps at a time? I looked at the cloudfoundry documentation and played with the logdrain service from cf cli. Its settings don't specify whether or not it can be shared.
Yes. Log drain service(user provided service) can be shared just like any other service.
You can differentiate logs from different applications by querying for application GUID and/or instance number.
You may see logs similar to following format:
[Date][log-service-name][application guid][app-instance-number][log-message]
Apr 21 00:35:44 bluemixlogs
3398064b-8de6-46dd-egf1-0dde35546496/[App/0]: sending logs to 3rd party service
: some log info
In general user defined services in cloudfoundry can be shared across multiple apps. They are usually just configuration data that tell your app how it can connect to some other application or service.
Yet I have nod specific knowledge about the logdrain service.

Create New Windows Azure Hosted Service from a Worker Role

What is the best way to create a new Windows Azure Hosted service from a running role using a package and configuration that I have stored in blob storage?
I am guessing that I could use a Service Management REST API Create Deployment request, however running a cmdlet from my worker role might be better. Any thoughts? If the cmdlet route is better, bonus points if you can point me in the right direction on how to run them from a worker role.
Not sure what is 'best' here because it depends on what you are trying to do. If you just need to create a hosted service programmatically it would be about the same to create a REST client, upload a cert, and just do it versus using the cmdlets or anything else.
As the creator of the cmdlets, they have a special place in my heart, but I would probably stick to using those for IT admin tasks. They rock for cmd line automation.
That being said, it is not terribly hard to roll your own client, but I typically recommend that you download the Service Managements contracts from csmanage. That way, you have a simple wrapper around this to get going. While it does use WCF, it is not too onerous.