twitter boostrap collapsible divs search - dom

I've the same as this and I need to create a search functionality, in order to find the searched word inside each accordion-group: inside the heading and inside the body, and highlight the matched words.
Is there a way to do it? Any idea?


need to change colour of a selected word in a paragraph in flutter

Exactly like the attached Image i need to select a word from the paragraph and highlight the particular word.
We tried using rich text but id doesn’t meet our requirement(we need to select a word and highlight it) so we need a alternate way to achieve this using flutter
Use RichText. Text widget uses it internally. You can provide list of TextSpan with different styles.

How can I add static text to my MSCRM form?

I need to add static text on my form (can't use the xrm notification option) under specific terms I need to show and hide that text but I can't hold it in a field.
First I thought to use an Image with my text on the form, is there a better way to do that?
Like said in comments, HTML web resource is the way to go. You can embed the HTML in a form section/tab and hide them using conditional scripting in form load.

tinyMCE - point between block elements

I am using tinyMCE in show block elements mode.
I have written custom plugin that inserts prepared html blocks (layout partials) in actual cursor position.
It's problematic to point a space between two divs.
If I have markup like that:
<div id="first"></div><div id="second"></div>
When I click beteween those divs I would land in first or second div, never between.
So I try to edit html source and result in markup whit br's:
<div id="first"></div><br/><div id="second"></div>
Now I can point between those divs, but it does not work with elements that I add dynamically via tinyMCE. If I add partial eg.
clicking after that div is not posibble. But it's posibble when I edit source manually. Weird. Do you have any solution at this subject?
Tinymce takes care that the user is not able to click between div or p tags.
The reason for this is easy: If a user could click inbetween and he would type in a letter - then there would be another div or p created containing that letter. This is not the way rtes are designed to work. If you want to insert somthing between two divs you will need to use a special button or own plugin to take care of this, but placing the cursor where you won't it to be by hand won't work.

Adding hyperlink to any text in UITextFiled and perform a custom action - iPhone 4

I am trying to accomplish the following:
Read and Parse the text in a UITextField. Identify all the numbers in the UITextField and convert these into hyperlinks.
When these hyperlinks are clicked perform a custom action, which is to display a UIActionSheet and based on the selection assign the number (in the hyperlink) to another UITextField instance
For example if the UITextField has the text - "This is a sample test with number 123445 and more numbers 44555, 66777".
I should be able to parse the above text, detect all three numbers and add hyperlinks to them.
For the first part (parsing) I found out that there is a NSRegularExpression class that can be used to detect patterns in a text. But I could not find a way of adding hyperlinks to the matched numbers. I tried looking at Three20 documentation and could not figure out a way. Even tried the answer in this link - Just how to you use TTStyledTextLabel? but it only auto detects URLs and adds hyperlinks to them, I want to add hyperlinks to any custom text.
Can someone please help me with this. Please do not ask me to use WebView. I would really appreciate some code snippets. Thanks in advance. I am using xCode4.
If you don't need the text to be user-editable directly, you may use my OHAttributedLabel class to achieve this. (here on github)
This allows you to display any NSAttributedString and can also autodetect links, phone numbers and everything Apple's NSDataDetector class is able to detect. You can also add custom links to your label on any part of the text.
See the sample project included in my github repository for more details.
It is very customizable, both for link colors, underline style, action to perform when a link is tapped, which link types it should autodetect, and you can add any custom links and style you need on the text.

Is there a Zend_Form_Element that renders a plain div with some content?

Working on a bunch of forms at the moment and I'm finding that I want to be able to split a form into sections with some text in between. Is there a Zend_Form_Element that simply allows me to place some text mixed in with my form (not as a label or description linked to an individual input)?
I think there's not.
Although, you can do one of the following things:
If the text inbetween is more like a title, you can group them in display groups.
If you want to put a lot of text then you'll have to write your own custom form element.
If you choose the second option beware of your form decorations. If you want the text to be from side to side of the page (ie. without the labels space to the left and not aligned to the rest of the input forms) you'll probably have to disable default decorators and set new ones.