vbscript to check if Matlab Runtime Compiler is Installed - matlab

I need to write a vbscript to see if "Matlab Compier Runtime" is installed on the system. After searching the internet, I was able to put together the following code:
Dim oShell
Dim value
On Error Resume Next
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
value = oShell.RegRead(Key)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
''#Error code 0 indicates success
MsgBox("MCR is installed.")
MsgBox("MCR is NOT installed.")
End If
My problem is, that I am not able to determine what value to assign for 'Key'. I have looked for a key in the Registry Editor and found
but sadly, this does not give me the result. I have also tried
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v716\runtime\win32
but this is also not giving me he desired result. Note that my inslattation path is
C:\Program Files (x86)\MatLab\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\
My question is, is my key wrong? or is there something I am overlooking in the script?

Though this question is old (really old), on my machine it is located here:
So it is MathWorks instead of MatLab.


Where to find "Log Dyld API Usage" and "Log Library Loads" on XCode 11?

I want to disable the printing of Logging Dynamic loader events (dyld) in the XCode console. I found a solution here.
But I couldn't find Log Dyld API Usage and Log Library Loads options in product scheme diagnostics of XCode 11. Please help me find them.
PS: If there is a new process in Xcode11 for disabling logs, please let me know.
Answer: This step by step solution is suggested below in the answers. I am just attaching this picture for a better understanding.
Dynamic loader
Events environment variables
One would say that you can set environment variables like DYLD_PRINT_APIS=0, DYLD_PRINT_APIS=false, DYLD_PRINT_APIS=no, ... but it doesn't work in this way. Check the source code:
else if ( strcmp(key, "DYLD_PRINT_APIS") == 0 ) {
gLogAPIs = true;
In other words gLogAPIs is true when the variable exists. You can set it to whatever value, keep it empty, it will be always enabled if the variable exists.
Xcode scheme
UI for this setting is gone in the Xcode 11, but it can still be in the scheme file. Let's say that you have a simple project Foo. The scheme is located at Foo/Foo.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Foo.xcscheme1). It's a XML file. Quit Xcode and open this file in any editor and search for the LaunchAction element.
There will be:
LaunchAction element attribute like enableAddressSanitizer = "YES"2) or
DYLD_... environment variable set.
Just remove this attribute/environment variable and you should be fine.
1) The exact path can vary, because it the scheme can be included in the workspace, project, ...
2) I don't have a previous version (10) of Xcode installed, can't check for the exact name, but it should be there and it will be obvious which one it is. This one, I used, is for the Address Sanitizer checkbox. If you find the exact name, let me know and I will update this answer or answer it yourself and I'll delete this one.
Instructions above helped OP to find exact XML element names. One has to remove:
LaunchAction/AdditionalOptions/AdditionalOption elements
where the key is either DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES and/or DYLD_PRINT_APIS

Working with layout object attributes and variables in FileMaker

This is the first time I'm encountering GetLayoutObjectAttribute and I am having serious issues with it. My variable $web won't set. I think it's because PD_WebV isn't the right object name to refer to, but I don't know how to find the right object name. I can't find the objects name when I hit Edit Layout, so does anyone know how to find an layout objects name?
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
#execute if statements
After Edit:
After some troubleshooting, I found out that PD_WebV is the right object name to refer and it's refered to correctly, so my new question is why doesn't the script go to the line If[$Web="done"] and how could I fix it? Ss my If statement not evaluating something it should be? Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something completely different? Would the problem possibly have to do with my WebDirect sharing settings? Any guidance would help. Thanks.
After, After Edit:
So now that my application is getting past Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")], the variable $web only equals <HTML></HTML>. Does anyone know a way, without using javascript, to test the inside of the html tags?
Also, I printed the bounds of the webViewer PD_WebV that I can't locate on the layout but am referring to in the script. The bounds that are printed are different each time I run the script. Is the usual or unusual? My source is also about:blank so it doesn't look like I'm sourcing from a URL
Is my $web variable never set to done or is the issue something
completely different?
If you're doing:
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
then the only time
will return true is when the web page loaded into your web viewer contains exactly the string "done" (in practical terms, that's never).
I have already suggested in a comment that you test for:
PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" )
This is assuming you want the subsequent steps to execute only after the page has finished loading. The entire script would look something like this:
Pause/Resume Script [Duration (seconds): 1]
Set Variable[$Web; Value: GetLayoutObjectAttribute("PD_WebV";"content")]
Exit Loop If [ PatternCount ( $webpage ; "</html>" ) ]
End Loop
# execute statements
You might also want to add a counter to the loop and exit the script after n trials.
Ah, I reread your question.
To set the object name for your webviewer so that the GetLayoutObjectAttribute function works you need to set it in the Name field in the inspector when you have the webviewer selected.
After that your variable should populate.
Be aware
What it will populate with will be all of the html from the browser, i.e. not a boolean true/false liek your conditional suggests.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish, but to be able to determine a result from your web viewer you'll need to either parse the HTML to see if it's content contains what you're looking for or within the code you're setting the webviewer with, fire a javascript function that calls back to the FileMaker file using a FileMaker url.

I get errors when typing the #SidedProxy. What happened?

I am making a Minecraft Mod with Eclipse Mars and I got errors when typing the following:
#SidedProxy(clientSide = Reference.CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS, serverSide = Reference.SERVER_PROXY_CLASS)
What did I do wrong? It said "the attribute clientSide/serverSide is undefined for the annotation type SidedProxy" .
I cannot run Minecraft to test my mod without it, so I need to fix this error.
For a definitive answer you need to give us more information.
What version of minecraft forge are you using?
Have you correctly imported SidedProxy?
In eclipse, hold ctrl and click on #SidedProxy to open where it is declared, and check that you are using the correct attribute names (it may have changed between versions, so you may need to put something different)

problems with prefs.get and set ImageJ Macro

I'm trying to write a macro to save preferences and read them after closing and reopening ImageJ.
The saving works, but the macro isn't reading the file. Moreover when I try to use one of these two lines an error occurs that the variable "Prefs" is unknown.
int myNumber = Prefs.get("my.persistent.number", 0);
What am I doing wrong? please help me :-)
The ImageJ macro language itself does not support storing custom preferences. (Only the set of built-in options (accessible via Edit > Options in the menu) can be saved, restored and adjusted.) You need to resort to calling the Java class via call("ij.Prefs.get", "my.persistent.number", "0");.
The following ImageJ macro works in an up-to-date Fiji/ImageJ installation:
myNumber = call("ij.Prefs.get", "my.persistent.number", "0");
call("ij.Prefs.set", "my.persistent.number", 3);
In the first run, it prints 0; every following run will print 3; after restarting Fiji, it will print 3 again. In case it does not work for you even after updating to the newest version, please report a bug via Help > Report a bug, which will also submit essential information about your installation to the developers to help them fix the issue.
Using one of the many scripting languages however, you can access the ij.Prefs java class directly, as you are trying to do it. Just do not forget to import the class before using it. This is an example Javascript:
myNumber = Prefs.get("my.persistent.number", 0);
Prefs.set("my.persistent.number", myNumber);
Hope that helps.

Matlab editor issue, a bug?

I am having this problem that when I run the below written code in the main screen matlab does'nt give me a problem.
However if i write it in the editor then it complains that it is invalid syntax.
Can you tell me what am i doing wrong or is it a bug?
Ques1 = { #(data) mean(data) #(data) std(data) };
mean = Ques1 {1} (data(:,1)) # runs perfectly on the main compiler screen
On my editor page the compilers complains on the = sign that a possible bracket is missing. However I do not understand why it works on the matlab line by line compiler !!
Those two lines of code are absolutely correct. Somewhere in you code you have forgotten an open left bracket e.g. [ , { , (
EDIT Now I understand what g24l was saying! Yes, that is likely the culprit of your problem.
Not sure what version of matlab you're using but when I run a very simple script:
data = kron(1:25,transpose(1:25)); % very simple 2D matrix of data;
Ques1 = { #(data) mean(data) #(data) std(data) };
mean1 = Ques1 {1} (data(:,1)) % runs perfectly on the main compiler screen
It works perfectly on R2007B and R2009B, are you using an older or newer version? I suspect there is some other issue creeping up in your script. Also, as a matter of following Mathworks recommended programming procedures, I would encourage you not to name a variable or function the same name as another variable or function. In this instance I'm referring to mean = .... It's easy to get this stuff mixed up and then have nasty problems. If you need more help, please feel free to post more of your script. Hope this helps!
I don't have access to Matlab at the moment so I can't test this out, but your syntax doesn't look right to me. Try this:
Ques1 = {#(data)mean, #(data)std};
mean = Ques1{1}(data(:,1))
If you run it your way in your debugger, how many elements does it say are in your cell array?