Create WSDL message from SOAP Response - soap

I have a WSDL that contains a different response then the actual responds with. I want to update the WSDL with the format of the API response but am having trouble. Is there a tool to generate a WSDL response from SOAP XML?
I should mention that they gave me the WSDL as a file, no public WSDL is visible.
The response contains this unknown anonymous xml element, s-gensym3. It should be userid.

If it's a .NET web service you can browse to [serviceurl]?WSDL to get the WSDL.

There's surely service endpoint you communicate with. You shall be able to invoke this endpoint in the browser and add to the end:
i.e. http://service:8123/operationName?wsdl
This will print you entire WSDL. Just make sure you have the same and you're done.


How to call soap web service from camel rest java DEL

I am trying to call soap web service from camel rest, from java DSL. but getting server error with 500 response code.
I will receive call from a rest with json data and i have to make call to a third party soap service also i need to process the soap response and send back the response in json formate.
here is my code
String getCustomerDetailsurl="http://<serverip>/webservice/Service.asmx?op=GetClientDetail&bridgeEndpoint=true";
.description("Aviva Mobile sales customer service")
.post().type(ClientRequest.class) // incomming request data
//.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, constant("POST"))
.process(new CustomerProcessor()).marshal().xstream()
org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpOperationFailedException: HTTP operation failed invoking http://<serverip>/webservice/Service.asmx?op=GetClientDetail with statusCode: 500
at org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpProducer.populateHttpOperationFailedException( ~[camel-http-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.component.http.HttpProducer.process( ~[camel-http-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorConverterHelper$ProcessorToAsyncProcessorBridge.process( ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.processor.SendProcessor.process( ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
at org.apache.camel.processor.RedeliveryErrorHandler.process( ~[camel-core-2.17.5.jar:2.17.5]
You have to look at Server side for what actual error is.
You may use some tool like tcp monitor (tcpMon) to see exactly what you send and what you get back.
Actually, To use SOAP service it is much better to use SOAP client, rather than raw call through http. Take a look at Camel-CXF component. Then create a CXF endpoint and use it uri in your .to({cxfEndpointUri}). CXF will do all SOAP work for you. Maybe you will need to make a little work in its interceptors, like authorization if Server requires it.
P.S. In your code what kind of Exchange.body your CustomerProcessor produces? is it a valid for server SOAP Envelope? does it have all what server requires by its contract (WSDL)?

Add Request SOAP-Header to Response

I am working on an bottom up web service for axis2 deployed on tomcat.
The processing is all working, but for tracking purposes I would like to include some meta data using the Soap Header. Do you know how to make axis2 include the header received into the response? E.g. I would like to pass an id with the header and receive it with the response.
The way to handle these scenarios in Axis2 is to use a handler. You can engage your handler to the out flow and do the header adding part is there. This article[1] describes about the axis2 architecture and how to add new handlers using modules.

GWT Async to URL

I'm using GWT to develop a web app. I'm currently using AJAX calls to retrieve values from the server. I have following queries regarding to AJAX calls:
Assume: I have an app, name of which is: "Application" and the entry point class is: ""
I know: the application could be invoked as: http://localhost:8080/Application/entry.html
1. I would like to know what what is the output URL given by gwt.getmodulebaseURL()?
Assume: In the same application I have a service called "ServerValuesService" and its corresponding Async. I have corresponding serviceImpl, which has a method called List < String >search(String) at the server side.
I could retrieve the values from the server as well. However,
2. I would like to know what would be the direct URL to access this service? For Instance, I need to obtain the list of values, by just giving a URL (passing value for the String). i.e. I need to access the method search(String) and retrieve the list just by typing a url such as:
I'm sure the above URL is wrong. I need to know exact conversion between URL and the corresponding service. Is this possible at all?
Thanks in advance!
1) In your case it will give you http://localhost:8080/Application . Application is your modulename.
2) These services are actually HttpServlets and their URL's are defined in the web.xml file. But Google uses POST method to send your variables and takes care of serialization for you, what you are trying to do is send it via GET method which is as far as I know not implemented by Google RemoteServiceServlet.So I would say no its not possible unless you extend these services to work with GET methods yourself but I don't know if that is possible.
Assume: I have an app, name of which is: "Application" and the entry point class is: ""
I know: the application could be invoked as: http://localhost:8080/Application/entry.html
The url http://localhost:8080/Application/entry.html is called host page url. In this html page you load your GWT module using a script tag:
<!-- This script tag is what actually loads the GWT module. The -->
<!-- 'nocache.js' file (also called a "selection script") is -->
<!-- produced by the GWT compiler in the module output directory -->
<!-- or generated automatically in hosted mode. -->
<script language="javascript" src="calendar/calendar.nocache.js"></script>
So if you put above example in your entry.html, the module will be loaded from http://localhost:8080/Application/calendar/calendar.nocache.js making http://localhost:8080/Application/calendar/ your module base url.
I would like to know what would be the direct URL to access this
service? For Instance, I need to obtain the list of values, by just
giving a URL (passing value for the String). i.e. I need to access the
method search(String) and retrieve the list just by typing a url
GWT RPC use a custom serialization format to encode requests to the RPC Service on server. The RPC service is implemented as a subclass of RemoteServiceServlet on the server. The RemoteServiceServlet handles the http POST requests, de-serializing the request from client and invvoking appropriate service method of sub-class.
So for directly accessing the service you'll need:
1. The service URL
2. Request payload encoded in GWT's custom serialization format
3. Ability to HTTP POST the payload to the Service URL
1 and 3 are easy to acquire. You already know the URL at which your service is mapped in web.xml. And you can do post from any http client or browser plugins like this. The hard-part would be to generate request payload in GWT's custom serialization format. For simple cases, you can generate a request from your application and capture the raw payload from Firebug, Fiddler or similar tool and simply replay it using your http client.

How to pass parameters to soap in classic asp

I need to call a web service from my classic ASP website. I have been provided with a URL and three variables from the SOAP provider:
URL of web service:
Parameter1: CustId
Parameter2: PWord
Parameter3: OrderNo
So I'm supposed to send this SOAP request from my classic ASP website, along with the parameter values (which I've been given too) and it's supposed to return a string.
I've tested the SOAP response using, and sure enough if I enter the web service URL and add the paramter values, it returns a string, like it should.
The problem is I just can't find how to do it with classic ASP!! I've found numerous examples of calling a SOAP URL from classic ASP, but none of them mention how to pass parameters.
Can someone please show me a simple-as-possible implementation of how I get the return string from this web service in ASP, passing the parameters in?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Dan, you have to change the GET for a POST
I don't know much about classic ASP and don't know if it has a SOAP client implementation, but if classic ASP allows you to send an HTTP POST with an arbitrary body and arbitrary HTTP headers, it should be possible to do what you want (in a somewhat hacky way).
Just issue a POST request with the entire SOAP message hard-coded except for your parameters. Make sure to get the Content-Type and SOAPAction headers right.
If you don't know how to properly create a valid SOAP message and to properly set the headers, use a tool like to send a test message, then use a tool like Fiddler to take a look at what was actually sent, and then hard-code it into your app.

How do I write a WSDL file to accept arbitrary SOAP Headers?

I have a client that wants to send a large number of SOAP Header fields to my web service. The only thing I am expected to do with these values is reflect them back.
What is the proper way to handle this? They would like me to define each of them in the WSDL, but they are quite specific and will have no meaning to any other clients.
I have some code that simply intercepts the request and copies the headers back onto the response, but I don't know how to handle this in the WSDL. Is it legitimate to simply leave them out yet? Or a generic way to say "send me anything and I'll send it back"?
At least in WSDL 1.1, it isn't required to list all the headers in the WSDL file:
It is not necessary to exhaustively list all headers that appear in the SOAP Envelope using soap:header. For example, extensions (see section 2.1.3) to WSDL may imply specific headers should be added to the actual payload and it is not required to list those headers here.
I can't find the corresponding section in the WSDL 2.0 spec, but I don't think this would have changed.