postgresql autodoc - perl

I want to generate a ER Diagram sort of, of my spatial database i created inside of Postgresql. As i am also new to Postgresql, i am not too sure if the diagramming functionality can be done using whats offered by the PgAdmin (not referring to the Graphical Query Builder). However, it seems to me there is none. I read around that there is a perl based tool called postgresql_autodoc that can run through PostgreSQL system tables and return HTML, Dot, Dia and DocBook XML which describes the database. Now this is not exactly what i wanted but its the closest option i have. So i have successfully installed, ActivePerl 5.8 and DBD-Pg 2.10.0 for Perl 5.8 (DBD PG is a Perl DBI driver for the PostgreSQL database) and i have also downloaded the file. I have also added the path for Perl. But when i try to run the via the command prompt, i was getting this error: Possible Unintended Interpolation of #TEMPLATE in string at C:/Perl/bin/ line 1831. Global symbol "#TEMPLATE" requires explicit package name at C:/Perl/bin/ line 1831. Execution of C:/Perl/bin/ aborted due to compilation errors.
I tried to view the using notepad++ however i have no experience with the perl language and so i cant figure out what is really wrong. All i could do is locate line 1831 but i dont know what i should do to fix this problem.
The file was downloaded from:
I would appreciate if anyone can help me here!
Thanks in advance

That thingy, ##TEMPLATE-DIR##, is a string that is replaced when you build and install the module -- meaning you're not supposed to run it directly from the unpacked archive.
Most Perl modules are installed with a more or less simple three-step installation process, something like perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make install. However, this package is slightly different, you seem only to need make install.
Note that I have no experience with installing Perl modules on Windows with ActiveState. So the above may not work (e.g. if there's no make utility which is usually not part of Perl -- though it might be part of the ActiveState Perl distribution).
But there's a workaround. You can simply do what the install script does and replace the ##TEMPLATE-DIR## string yourself. It can be done easily with any text editor by replacing the two occurrences of ##TEMPLATE-DIR## with the path to where the script has been unpacked to -- meaning it's the path the script will look for the *.tmpl files in.
Note that Windows path names can be written with forward slashes in Perl, meaning C:/Temp/postgresql_autodoc should be OK.


Can I suppress the "Perl API version %s of %s does not match %s" error

I copied a Perl module (DBD::Pg) from one system to another to run some quick checks on a Mojolicious project. On the new system, it all works fine when I run it under morbo (the Mojolicious test web daemon). But when I try to run the tests (via the Module::Build installer), I get the error:
Perl API version v5.16.0 of DBD::Pg does not match v5.20.0 at /usr/local/lib/perl/ line 216.
I researched why I am getting this, and read the explanation in the perldoc. But since the project runs under morbo, that seems to imply to me that the version mismatch may be trivial in this case. It looks like PerlXS does make some allowances for disabling VERSIONCHECK, but I don't see how that can be applied when running a Perl script.
You can't copy non-pure Perl modules from one system to the next (or into one group of perl lib directories into another perl's). Generally the code in those modules is compiled against the specific perl binary. That binary could have linked to different libraries, changed how it does things, used a different compiler, and many other things. It may not even work if the perl versions are the same.
Instead, install the DBD::Pg for each perl that needs to use it.

How does PAR::Packer work?

I was using PAR::Packer and this question popped up in my mind. How does PAR::Packer work in Perl? Does it actually compile the Perl script to .exe like g++ compiles C++ Sources to .exe or does it work like py2exe in Python that packs the interpreter and the script into an .exe?
To make this absolutely clear:
Tools like PAR::Packer do not “compile” your Perl script. They bundle the perl interpreter together with your source files and any required modules into a big fat executable file. When it is run, the original sources are extracted and fed to the enclosed perl.
This works reasonably well, but does not yield a speed improvement (on the contrary…). The only advantage is that you can distribute your programs as a single (albeit quite large) file, without dependencies.
There is a very experimental tool called perlcc that is able to translate some Perl programs to C or a Perl bytecode serialization. As the docs put it:
The code generated in this way is not guaranteed to work. The whole codegen suite (perlcc included) should be considered very experimental. Use for production purposes is strongly discouraged.
This is because the Perl language does not support static compilation. It needs to be able to execute code during parsing for some dynamic features during the same session where the main execution phase takes place.
There are other, commercial tools, that usually fall in the same category as PAR::Packer (creating fat executables).
Summary: If you want a single executable, use PAR::Packer. If you want speed, inline some C (or use XS). There is no tool that can compile all Perl scripts to machine code.
I was using PAR::Packer and this question popped up in my mind. How
does PAR::Packer work in Perl?
Does it actually compile the Perl
script to .exe like g++ compiles C++ Sources to .exe
no pp and perl2exe doesn't. (though pp is free).
but it looks like perlcc does
or does it work
like py2exe in Python that packs the interpreter and the script into
an .exe?
pp and perl2exe, yes
As an example- sendemail.exe that looks like something done in PAR Packer or Perl2exe
It packs the interpreter into the exe.
You can open sendemail.exe in 7-zip! There are some folders there but one can't really see it actual files.
I suppose it's some form of self extracting executable, but, that executes code.
You can monitor it with process monitor, and you see.
Or with, process explorer and see if it uses any dll from the temp directory that it creates..
It creates a temp directory e.g.
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\pdk-user <--- Win7
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\pdk-user <-- WinXP
The temporary directory it creates contains a bunch of strange named DLLs and a DLL called perl58.dll which is no doubt, the perl interpreter
I'm sure at one point I saw it had a dll there with a normal name. SSLEAY32.DLL and interestingly when I ran the pl file it used a dll with a similar name from my c:\perl64 directory. So the EXE looks like a bit of a hack really. It's more reliable to run the pl file directly.
DIR /s/b within that directory, shows-
6145f78a34d5ced8200800f1455d578a <-- the directory with the perl58. dll
no normal named DLLs showing other than perl58.dll (though I have seen a normal one there in the past).
if you look in process explorer, you see it using perl58.dll and other normal named dlls
If you look at the PAR website, a page describes perl2exe
Perl2Exe is commercial, command-line application that can build
standalone executables from perl sources. It works by creating an
executable that contains
A standalone perl interpreter (that is capable of grokking perl 5.8.x)
Your perl script and All perl modules that are referenced by your perl
pp - PAR Packager provides that same functionality, but is free.
And if you look here
...the perl2exe tool is not a way to hide your source code.
Now it's even come to the attention of the security community (reported in bugtraq, for example).
For details, see the report from net-security's page.
Please stop supporting perl2exe. Please use PAR for a complete installation package, or perlcc to simply compile the top-level program.
-- Randal L. Schwartz, Perl hacker
So, PP and perl2exe combine the interpreter into the EXE, And you can get an idea that there's something funny atypical about the EXE when it opens in 7zip!
perlcc compiles properly.
it appears to have been unmaintained for a while , people said it was buggy, but some work was done on it as recently as June 2014 It gets better performance than interpreted perl. (unlike the EXEs that pack an interpreter, which are slower than running a perl script normally).

How to solve dll missing in perl script?

I installed perl 5.14 version just before, when I executed script display errors perl58.dll missing. How can solve the problem..
how can I solve this problem?
It sounds to me that the thing you're describing as a 'perl script' is actually an executable built from a perl script using ActiveState's perlapp with the --dependent flag. By default, perlapp executables are self contained, but the perl{version number here}.dll can be left out to save space.
Possible courses of action (roughly in order of ease + sanity):
Get the original source from the guy who wrote it, & just run it.
Get the guy who wrote it to update the perlapp executable to a non-dependent version or a version that runs under your installed version of ActivePerl.
Pony up for ActiveState's 'business' subscription to download & install ActivePerl 5.8 (and no other version) on that machine.
Find a copy of the perl58.dll and place it where windows will find it. (may require subscription, or the guy who built the perlapp may have a copy lying about)
Extract the original script from within the .exe and either build a newer (and non-dependent) perlapp or just run it from the source as Larry intended.
Depending on what options were used to build the perlapp executable you may have the origional source lying about in a temp directory. Otherwise I believe you may be able to open it up with a program that understands .zip files, but I've never tried this.
It is also possible that you've got a directory in your path that contains a v5.8 perl.exe but not it's accompanying .dll and that you've asked your newly installed v5.14 perl not to place its directories at the beginning of your path. I don't expect this is the case.

Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/LibXML.dll' for module XML::LibXML

I have downloaded strawberry PERL and writing one application with CGI Perl Apache on Winxp sp3).
One of the libraries (written by someone else) which I using uses XML::LibXML. When i load the page it gives Internal Server Error. From Apache error log i can see this error:
Can't load 'C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/LibXML.dll' for module XML::LibXML: load_file:The specified module could not be found at C:/strawberry/perl/lib/ line 190.
C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/auto/XML/LibXML/LibXML.dll exists with all permissions.
Also this library works properly on Linux. My application also works fine if I remove all code that needs LibXML.
Can anyone tell me when can be possible issue here.
If you peek into the source for DynaLoader you'll find
Many dynamic extension loading problems will appear to come from
this section of code: XYZ failed at line 123 of
Often these errors are actually occurring in the initialisation
C code of the extension XS file. Perl reports the error as being
in this perl code simply because this was the last perl code
it executed.
You should have also gotten (but may not have noticed) the following dialog, which provides a more accurate error message:
The problem isn't that perl can't find LibXML.dll; it's that LibXML.dll can't find the real libxml. (The former is just a wrapper that provides Perl bindings for the latter.) To fix that you need to ensure that Strawberry Perl's c\bin folder is in your PATH. In your case, that would be C:\strawberry\c\bin.
You might have to check the environment variable settings in the windows,
make sure that the installation path of the module is present in the PATH variable.
The reason it works in linux is that make files usually set the environment variables for you in linux in windows it may not have set properly.
For eg;
go to Control Panel\System and Security\System click change settings then advanced tab in user variable section see if there is a variable called perl5lib.
if not create an new perl5lib variable and add the path of your library ( usuall C:\Perl\site\lib but may be different in your case)
I had the same issue after installing Strawberry perl. It was working fine when I run the script from server, but not remotely from a automation tool. The issue was because of the Environment variables not updated when we run it remotely. So I did server reboot, which resolved the issue.
I encountered the same problem recently, in my case it was not related to PATH variable (it was already correct). The thing is I was executing my script from Git Bash console and as it turned out git-bash perl was being used instead of Strawberry (see git-bash perl should not be first in path). Switching to standard Windows CMD terminal helped.

Can I move a Perl installation from one computer to another computer?

I am trying to set up an application dependant on few Perl modules, but the server I am installing to, does not have Internet connection. I read about offline module installs via ppd files, however I would have to resolve all the dependencies one by one.. All the more tedious considering I don't have direct internet connection.
I am hoping to find a solution, where I install ActivePerl on my PC and install all the libraries that I want and then copy paste the directories to my server. If it is just a matter of fixing some environment variables, that would be fine. Just want to know the definitive list of variables to modify. Not sure whether it is mandatory to install the perl libraries on the computer in which it is intended to run? (One is 32 bit platform and other one is 64 bit, but the server is already running various 32 bit applications so I hope it is not a major problem) For best compatibility, I plan to install ActivePerl on both the systems and merge the library directories to be identical.
The answer was on Perl FAQ, my bad didn't go through it properly.
I copied the perl binary from one machine to another, but scripts don't work.
That's probably because you forgot libraries, or library paths differ.
You really should build the whole distribution on the machine it will
eventually live on, and then type "make install". Most other approaches
are doomed to failure.
One simple way to check that things are in the right place is to print
out the hard-coded #INC that perl looks through for libraries:
% perl -le 'print for #INC'
If this command lists any paths that don't exist on your system, then
you may need to move the appropriate libraries to these locations, or
create symbolic links, aliases, or shortcuts appropriately. #INC is also
printed as part of the output of
% perl -V
You might also want to check out "How do I keep my own module/library
directory?" in perlfaq8.
From this link
Occasionally, you will not be able to
use any of the methods to install
modules. This may be the case if you
are a particularly under-privileged
user - perhaps you are renting web
space on a server, where you are not
given rights to do anything.
It is possible, for some modules, to
install the module without compiling
anything, and so you can just drop the
file in place and have it work.
Without going into a lot of the
detail, some Perl modules contain a
portion written in some other language
(such as C or C++) and some are
written in just in Perl. It is the
latter type that this method will work
for. How will you know? Well, if there
are no files called something.c and
something.h in the package, chances
are that it is a module that contains
only Perl code.
In these cases, you can just unpack
the file, and then copy just the *.pm
files to a directory from which you
will run the modules. Two examples of
this should suffice to illustrate how
this is done. is a wonderful little
module that allows you to read
configuration information out of a
.ini-style config file. is
written only in Perl, and has no C
portion. When you unpack the .tar.gz
file that you got from CPAN, you will
find several files in there, and one
of them is called This is
the only file that you are actually
interested in. Copy that file to the
directory where you have the Perl
programs that will be using this
module. You can then use the module as
you would if it was installed
``correctly,'' with just the line:
use IniConf;
Time::CTime is another very handy
module that lets you print times in
any format that strikes your fancy. It
is written just in Perl, without a C
component. You will install it just
the same way as you did with IniConf,
except that the file, called,
must be placed in a subdirectory
called Time. The colons, as well as
indicating an organization of modules,
also indicates a directory structure
on your file system.