How to get public Facebook Page data no matter the country/language admin selected? - facebook

As you may know, Facebook Page Administrators can select for posts to be visible to only certain countries/langauges ( ).
However, I would like to use the Graph API to retrieve feed messages ( /feed ) for ALL countries/languages or be able to select data for a specific country.
For example:
1) I would like to get ALL posts (and comments ...) from all of Starbucks Facebook Page. So no matter what the administrator says, just ALL.
2) I would like to be able to retrieve only the posts that are visible to users in Germany.
Are both these example actually possible? Probably, because I use access_tokens Facebook will probably use my own country/langauge to decide what data I get so that would mean I would have to change country all the time which is of course not an option to ask my users.
Any of you know what to do?

This is only possible if you're using the app as an admin of the posting page.
As you mentioned, the API will detect the user behind your access_token and only display posts that would normally be accessible to them on the desktop site.
This is an intentional restriction, so there's no way around it.


How to get link to user's timeline from Facebook Messanger Platform API?

Did I miss sth or it is impossible to get link to user's timeline from Facebook Messenger API?
According to: User Profile API doesn't return link in fields.
Is there any other option?
You would have to use the User Profile endpoint and use all the information for determining which Facebook user it matches to. If you image match the profile picture and match all the other information, and compare timezone to their location, it is probably possible, but it's probably not easy.
Making a workaround like this might not be a bad idea because Facebook seems to want to keep all the stuff seperate right now, as their user ID's are different for seemingly everything. The User Profile endpoint exists for personalization purposes, but it doesn't identify a user.
The user matching through login might also be useful as a outside of messenger solution, but I'm not sure exactly how that would be done.

Interact with Facebook data

I would like to know if there is a way to extract some informations from facebook users and pages without creating a facebook app.
In other words, I would like to know if it is possible to do on facebook what can be done on Twitter using their streaming API (facebook is more suitable for my purposes), or if is there a dataset that I can query without having to interact with every single user to get his/her permission (without using access tokens).
To be more specific, I need to know two kind of infos from users: the place where they live and their likes on page and nothing more, users can be anonymous or with a fake ID or whatever.
Thank you!
For privacy reasons, it is not possible at all. You must authorize a user with the correct permissions to get that kind of data.
Also, you would not be allowed to use the data in any way without asking the user for permission, and scraping is not allowed on Facebook. Even if it would be possible without the Graph API, it would not be allowed.

Starting with facebook app (need guidelines)

i'm trying to make a facebook app, to make draws (like raffles) between the users who like my fan page, or eventually who likes a post.
I've been developing another app which do other stuff, but i'm stuck with this and it's really frustrating to not be able to do something so simple as this.
In the first place, i wish to make it available in a page tab (and that users doesn't need to "install" the app. Maybe this isn't needed if the user is just "looking" at a page that is loaded in my hosting)
Second, i don't know how could i get (assuming the one who enters the app/page tab is an admin) all the users who liked the page/post without using an access_token (because this damn access_token has an expiration time, and if i could, i'd try not to use an access token at all, since i assume the user who gets in into some parts is an admin
Any ideas?
You can't make an app that draws a contest winner from the people who like your page. Facebook does not allow you to query the fans of your pages anymore.
You can still query the users who like a post on your page though so you should set your contest up this way.
To get started, you'll need to create a connector app for your page. Users don't need to register for this app. As long as they like your page, your app will be able to access their public data. Your app will have an API key and secret. Using these, you'll be able to access information about your page.
To find a user who liked a post, you can query this with a variety of languages. I'm not sure which one you are using, so I'll give you instructions to do this from the Graph API Explorer:
Make your post on a page, and type PAGE_ID_OR_USERNAME/feed where you replace PAGE_ID_OR_USERNAME with your page's id or username. Find the id of the post you just listed in there. It will look something like this: 213365490637345_40261112079719 (not a real post_id)
Now you can get all the user ids of people who liked that post by typing this into the explorer box:
fql?q=SELECT user_id FROM like WHERE post_id = "213365490637345_40261112079719"
And then choose a random id from that list and contact that particular user. You may have to use Facebook as your page when you try to contact them.

Facebook - public posts not appearing in Graph?

I am currently trying to get the posts for a specific user from Facebook's Graph API. I have done this numerous times before using a php script I have developed; but the problem this time seems to be on Facebook's end, not mine.
I am trying to get the posts from (replacing TOKEN with an access token):
The graph won't show any posts by the owner of that page but will show everyone else's posts, and as far as I can see the posts are marked as public, and there are no privacy settings set on the account that would stop it from adding the posts to the graph.
Any ideas?
Check that you have requested the manage_pages permission to give you full access to the page (if you need access as the "page owner").
Using the access_token you've got, according to this documentation there are three different things that you can select feed, statuses and posts.
I'd give those three a go from and if what you get back is what you require.
You need to check the "profile" privacy settings (what to share with apps). But most importantly, this is against Facebook ToS!
You can't use a user profile to represent your business, you need to use Facebook pages instead!
More can found here:
Why should I convert my profile (timeline) to a Page?
Since profiles
(timelines) are for meant individual people, they aren't suited to
meet your business needs. Pages offer more robust features for
organizations, businesses, brands, and public figures, which you can
learn more about here.
Further, maintaining a profile (timeline) for anything other than an
individual person is a violation of Facebook's Statement of Rights and
Responsibilities. If you don’t convert your profile (timeline) to a
Page, you risk permanently losing access to the profile (timeline) and
all of your content.

Check whether user of non-facebook app likes/shares particular URL on FB

I'd like to know if there is a possibility to check (using Graph API or any other way) whether given user likes / shares a specific link. Probably I'll have this user's facebook ID or facebook login, but my site is non-Facebook application. Actually it's Dot Net Nuke portal (target: .NET with MS SQL Server) with part of it being avaliable as Facebook app, but certainly not greater part of it, so the solution should be out of Facebook Connect, although it's not a showstopper if it's necessary.
We'll be giving points to users who share/like most of links that we serve in our portal and such possibility would be a great help to make a ranking.
Another option we consider is making some kind of "wrapper" or proxy for FB like / share buttons which will at first save some data in our database (probably - this user clicked on like for this link) and then go on with standard FB like / share route. Did anybody of You tried such solution?
If You have any other suggestion on the subject, please, post them, we'll be really thankful.
It is possible to know if a user has LIKED a site or not. You can get all user's likes with Graph API (you need user_likes permission). Take a look at the docs:
I'm not sure if you can know if he has shared your site, but you could try by parsing his wall with the read_stream permission and then look for your site name/URL post by post.
For just general liking of items on your site, you can use a Facebook Social Plugin. However, you won't be able to associate (or really even access) user activity with users on your site without integrating Facebook Connect and creating a Facebook application for your site. At that point you can design with greater control all the possible user activity and interleave with your facebook calls other calls that affect users' accounts on your site.