postgres partition number - postgresql

I have a table that is partitoned on time field. I have 25 partitions. Now I consider partitioning it further more using object type field. I have ten object types so it will result in 250 partitions. According to what I read, the recommended partition number is few dozens but in my cases the schema is very simple and doesn't include any joins so I wonder if it's o.k. to define that many partitions. I am using postgres version 9.1.2
CREATE TABLE metric_store.lc_aggregated_data_master_10_minutes
from_time integer,
object_id integer,
object_type integer,
latencies_client_fetch_sec_sum bigint,
latencies_client_rttsec_sum bigint,
latencies_db_bci_res_sec_sum bigint,
latencies_net_infrastructure_ttlb_sec_sum bigint,
latencies_retransmissions_sec_sum bigint,
latencies_ttfbsec_sum bigint,
latencies_ttlbsec_sum bigint,
latencies_ttlbsec_sumsqr bigint,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level0 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level1 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level2 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level3 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level4 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level5 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level6 integer,
latencies_ttlbsec_histogram_level7 integer,
usage_bytes_total bigint,
usage_hits_total integer,
latencies_server_net_ttlbsec_sum bigint,
latencies_server_rttsec_sum bigint,
avaiability_errors_total integer
ALTER TABLE metric_store.lc_aggregated_data_master_10_minutes
OWNER TO postgres;
CREATE TABLE metric_store.lc_aggregated_data_10_minutes_from_1353070800
CONSTRAINT lc_aggregated_data_10_minutes_from_1353070800_pkey PRIMARY KEY (from_time , object_id ),
CONSTRAINT lc_aggregated_data_10_minutes_from_1353070800_from_time_check CHECK (from_time >= 1353070800 AND from_time < 1353190800)
INHERITS (metric_store.lc_aggregated_data_master_10_minutes)
ALTER TABLE metric_store.lc_aggregated_data_10_minutes_from_1353070800
OWNER TO postgres;
CREATE INDEX lc_aggregated_data_10_minutes_from_1353070800_obj_typ_idx
ON metric_store.lc_aggregated_data_10_minutes_from_1353070800
USING btree
(from_time , object_type );

The current version (9.2) has this guidance about the number of partitions. (That guidance hasn't changed since 8.3.)
All constraints on all partitions of the master table are examined
during constraint exclusion, so large numbers of partitions are likely
to increase query planning time considerably. Partitioning using these
techniques will work well with up to perhaps a hundred partitions;
don't try to use many thousands of partitions.
From reading the PostgreSQL mailing lists, I believe increasing the time for query planning is the main problem you face.
If your partitions can segregate hot data from cold data, or if your partitions can group clustered sets of data you frequently query, you will probably be ok. But testing is your best bet. EXPLAIN ANALYZE representative queries in the unpartitioned table, then do the same after partitioning. Choose representative queries before you analyze any of them.


How to create TimescaleDB Hypertable with time partitioning on non unique timestamp?

I have just started to use TimescaleDB and want to create a hypertable on a table with events.
Originally I thought of following the conventional pattern of:
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX event_ts_idx on event(ts);
However, when I tried to create the hypertable with the following query:
SELECT create_hypertable('event', 'ts');
I got: ERROR: cannot create a unique index without the column "ts" (used in partitioning)
After doing some research, it seems that the timestamp itself needs to be the (or part of the) primary key.
However, I do not want the timestamp ts to be unique. It is very likely that these high frequency events will coincide in the same microsecond (the maximum resolution of the timestamp type). It is the whole reason why I am looking into TimescaleDB in the first place.
What is the best practice in this case?
I was thinking of maybe keeping the serial id as part of the primary key, and making it composite like this:
CREATE TABLE event_hyper (
id serial,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (id, ts)
SELECT create_hypertable('event_hyper', 'ts');
This sort of works, but I am unsure if it is the right approach, or if I am creating a complicated primary key which will slow down inserts or create other problems.
What is the right approach when you have possible collision in timestamps when using TimescaleDB hypertables?
How to create TimescaleDB Hypertable with time partitioning on non unique timestamp?
There is no need to create unique constraint on time dimension (unique constraints are not required). This works:
id serial,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL
SELECT create_hypertable('event', 'ts');
Note that the primary key on id is removed.
If you want to create unique constraint or primary key, then TimescaleDB requires that any unique constraint or primary key includes the time dimension. This is similar to limitation of PostgreSQL in declarative partitioning to include partition key into unique constraint:
Unique constraints (and hence primary keys) on partitioned tables must include all the partition key columns. This limitation exists because PostgreSQL can only enforce uniqueness in each partition individually.
TimescaleDB also enforces uniqueness in each chunk individually. Maintaining uniqueness across chunks can affect ingesting performance dramatically.
The most common approach to fix the issue with the primary key is to create a composite key and include the time dimension as proposed in the question. If the index on the time dimension is not needed (no queries only on time is expected), then the index on time dimension can be avoided:
CREATE TABLE event_hyper (
id serial,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (id, ts)
SELECT create_hypertable('event_hyper', 'ts', create_default_indexes => FALSE);
It is also possible to use an integer column as the time dimension. It is important that such column has time dimension properties: the value is increasing over time, which is important for insert performance, and queries will select a time range, which is critical for query performance over large database. The common case is for storing unix epoch.
Since id in event_hyper is SERIAL, it will increase with time. However, I doubt the queries will select the range on it. For completeness SQL will be:
CREATE TABLE event_hyper (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL
SELECT create_hypertable('event_hyper', 'id', chunk_time_interval => 1000000);
To build on #k_rus 's answer, it seems like the generated primary key here is not actually what you're looking for. What meaning does that id have? Isn't it just identifying a unique details, ts combination? Or can there meaningfully be two values that have the same timestamp and the same details but different ids that actually has some sort of semantic meaning. It seems to me that that is somewhat nonsensical, in which case, I would do a primary key on (details, ts) which should provide you the uniqueness condition that you need. I do not know if your ORM will like this, they tend to be overly dependent on generated primary keys because, among other things, not all databases support composite primary keys. But in general, my advice for cases like this is to actually use a composite primary key with logical meaning.
Now if you actually care about multiple messages with the same details at the same timestamp, I might suggest a table structure something like
CREATE TABLE event_hyper (
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL,
count int,
PRIMARY KEY (details, ts)
with which you can do an INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE in order to increment it.
I wish that ORMs were better about doing this sort of thing, but you can usually trick ORMs into reading from other tables (or a view over them because then they think they can't update records there etc, which is why they need to have the generated PK). Then it just means that there's a little bit of custom ingest code to write that inserts into the hypertable. It's often better to do this anyway because, in general, I've found that ORMs don't always follow best practices for high volume inserts, and often don't use bulk loading techniques.
So a table like that, with a view that just select's * from the table should then allow you to use the ORM for reads, write a very small amount of custom code to do ingest into the timeseries table and voila - it works. The rest of your relational model, which is the part that the ORM excels at doing can live in the ORM and then have a minor integration here with a bit of custom SQL and a few custom methods.
The limitation is:
Need to make all partition columns (primary & secondary, if any) as a unique key of table.
2 choices in my opinion:
partition by a single column, which is a unique key (e.g the primary key),
partition with a 2nd space partition key, need to make the 2 columns a combined unique key,
I got the same problem.
The solution was to avoid this field:
id: 'id'
I think I'm replying a little bit too late, but still.
You can try something like this:
CREATE TABLE event_hyper (
id serial,
ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
details varchar(255) NOT NULL
SELECT create_hypertable('event_hyper', 'ts', partitioning_column => 'id', number_partitions => X);
Where X is the desirable number of hash partitions by column 'id'.
As you can also notice there's no PRIMARY KEY constraint in table 'event_hyper'.
Output of create_hypertable() operation should be:

Redshift table size

This is more like a puzzling question for me and would like to understand why.
I have two tables, almost identical the only differences are one column's data type and sortkey.
table mbytes rows
stg_user_event_properties_hist 460948 2378751028
stg_user_event_properties_hist_1 246442 2513860837
Even though they have almost same number of rows, size is close to double.
Here are the table structures
id bigint,
source varchar(20),
time_of_txn timestamp,
product varchar(50),
region varchar(50),
city varchar(100),
state varchar(100),
zip varchar(10),
price integer,
category varchar(50),
model varchar(50),
origin varchar(50),
l_code varchar(10),
d_name varchar(100),
d_id varchar(10),
medium varchar(255),
network varchar(255),
campaign varchar(255),
creative varchar(255),
event varchar(255),
property_name varchar(100),
property_value varchar(4000),
source_file_name varchar(255),
etl_batch_id integer,
etl_row_id integer,
load_date timestamp
id bigint,
source varchar(20),
time_of_txn timestamp,
product varchar(50),
region varchar(50),
city varchar(100),
state varchar(100),
zip varchar(10),
price integer,
category varchar(50),
model varchar(50),
origin varchar(50),
l_code varchar(10),
d_name varchar(100),
d_id varchar(10),
medium varchar(255),
network varchar(255),
campaign varchar(255),
creative varchar(255),
event varchar(255),
property_name varchar(100),
property_value varchar(4000),
source_file_name varchar(255),
etl_batch_id integer,
etl_row_id varchar(20),
load_date timestamp
The differences again etl_row_id has data type varchar(20) in _1, integer in the other table, and the first table has a sortkey on source column.
What would be the explanation for the size difference?
The problem was both compression and sort keys, even though _1 table created with CTAS 11 of 26 had different compression settings, also the first table was created with Compound SortKey of 14 columns, recreated the table with no sort keys (it's a history table after all) size went down to 231GB.
Suspect that the larger table has different compression settings or no compression at all. You can use our view v_generate_tbl_ddl to generate table DDL that includes the compression settings.
Even with the same compression settings table size can vary with different sort keys. The sort key is use to place the data into blocks on disk. If one sort key places lots of similar column values together it will compress better and require less space.
The sizes are different for these two tables because one table is being allocated more blocks than the other based on sortkeys. For your bigger table, the distribution is happening in such a way that the disk blocks are not fully occupied, thus needing more blocks to store the same amount of data.
This happens because of the 1MB block size of Redshift and the way it stores data across slices and nodes. In general, data gets distributed across different nodes and slices based on the diststyle. For your case I am assuming this distribution is happening in a round robin way. So slice1 gets the first record, slice2 gets second record etc. As the minimum block size is 1MB for Redshift, every time a new record goes to a new slice, 1MB gets allocated (even if the record only takes a few KBs). For subsequent records to the same slice, data goes to the same 1MB block till it is possible, after which a new 1MB block gets allocated on the slice. But, if there are no more records after the first record for this slice, it still occupies the first block of 1MB size. The total size of the table is the sum of all blocks being occupied (irrespective of how much data in present in the blocks)
The difference in table size could be due to the following reasons.
The encoding used for each column. (query PG_TABLE_DEF)
Distribution key used for the table. (query PG_TABLE_DEF)
Vaccum performed on the table. (query SVV_VACUUM_SUMMARY)
If I’ve made a bad assumption please comment and I’ll refocus my answer.

Create a Partition Table in Postgresql

I'm trying to find an example to create a partition table.
I have some tables with many tuples and I can classify them according to a value of one column, but, I just find examples using range and date (my column is a varchar and, in other table, is a int/foreign key).
I'm trying to speed my SELECT with this technique.
Here one of my CREATE tables (column Source will be used to partition this table):
CREATE TABLE tb_hit_source (
Hit_SourceId bigserial NOT NULL,
Source varchar(50) NOT NULL,
UniqueId varchar(50) NOT NULL,
tb_hit_HitId int8 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT tb_hit_source_ak_1 UNIQUE (Source, tb_hit_HitId, UniqueId) NOT DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE,
CONSTRAINT tb_hit_source_pk PRIMARY KEY (Hit_SourceId)
CREATE INDEX tb_hit_source_idx_1 on tb_hit_source (Source ASC);
CREATE INDEX tb_hit_source_idx_2 on tb_hit_source (tb_hit_HitId ASC);
ALTER TABLE tb_hit_source ALTER COLUMN Hit_SourceId SET DEFAULT nextval('"HitSourceId_seq_tb_hit_source"');;
to create the table do.
CREATE TABLE tb_hit_source (
Hit_SourceId bigserial NOT NULL,
Source varchar(50) NOT NULL,
UniqueId varchar(50) NOT NULL,
tb_hit_HitId int8 NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT tb_hit_source_ak_1
UNIQUE (Source, tb_hit_HitId, UniqueId) NOT DEFERRABLE,
CONSTRAINT tb_hit_source_pk PRIMARY KEY (Hit_SourceId)
then to create the partitions use the same value at each end of the range to force a single value partition.
CREATE TABLE tb_hit_source_a PARTITION OF tb_hit_source
FOR VALUES FROM ('a') TO ('a');
podtgresql 11 offers PARTITION BY LIST (source) allowing the partitions to be declared more simply.
CREATE TABLE tb_hit_source_a PARTITION OF tb_hit_source
to create the partitions do
create table part_a (check source='part_a' )inherits (tb_hit_source);
create table part_a (check source='part_b' )inherits (tb_hit_source);
but if there are going to be many partitions it will probably be more convenient to put them in a separate schema.
create schema hit_source_parts;
create table hit_source_parts.a (check(source='a'))inherits (tb_hit_source);
create table hit_source_parts.b (check(source='b'))inherits (tb_hit_source);
Any partitions you make will also need the aproptiate indexes.
unique constraints won't work across partitions this is one reaon why most uses of partitioning partition on one of the unique colums, by fragmenting this way uniqueness in each partition also enforces global uniqueness.

How to best partition the database in postgres 10

I have the following table(below), and am planning on adding 250 million rows/day, and I'm trying to partition it by date, was wondering how best to do it in Postgres 10, if there is an automatic way to create a partition on daily basis.
uitid character varying(40),
batch character varying(32),
scenario character varying(32),
date date NOT NULL,
pv double precision,
ctime real,
CONSTRAINT pricing_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uitid, batch, scenario, date)
TABLESPACE pg_default;

postgresql - integer out of range

I've set up a table accordingly:
regtime float NOT NULL,
time float NOT NULL,
source varchar(15),
sourceport INTEGER,
destination varchar(15),
destport INTEGER,
blocked boolean
); ... + index and grants
I've successfully used this table for a while now, and all of a sudden the following insert doesn't work any longer..
time, regtime, blocked, destport, sourceport, source, destination
1403184512.2283964, 1403184662.118, False, 2, 3, '', ''
The error is: ERROR: integer out of range
Not even sure where to begin debugging this.. I'm not out of disk-space and the error itself is kinda discreet.
SERIAL columns are stored as INTEGERs, giving them a maximum value of 231-1. So after ~2 billion inserts, your new id values will no longer fit.
If you expect this many inserts over the life of your table, create it with a BIGSERIAL (internally a BIGINT, with a maximum of 263-1).
If you discover later on that a SERIAL isn't big enough, you can increase the size of an existing field with:
Note that it's BIGINT here, rather than BIGSERIAL (as serials aren't real types). And keep in mind that, if you actually have 2 billion records in your table, this might take a little while...