MercurialEclipse branches - eclipse

How to pull changes from one branch to other in MercurialEclipse plugin?
I can't find any info. Also I saw few options: rebase and merge, but I'm afraid to use them, because I work on commercial project.

This is not really a MercurialEclipse question - an answer for plain mercurial would be valid too. The short answer is to use merge. Merge will apply all changes that were made on the other branch to the current branch since the last merge (or since the branch point if there had never been a merge before).
Rebase removes the source changesets so usually isn't appropriate for applying changes from one named branch to another.
A 3rd option is to use transplant. This lets you chose specific changesets to apply onto the current branch.


Do squashed pull requests show up in the contributions graph as a single commit?

I'm working on feature branches that can have over a hundred commits over the course of a week or two. I've expected to get daily marks on my contribution graph for these daily commits once my pull request is accepted, but when that pull request gets "Squashed and merged", it looks like it just shows up as a single commit on the contribution graph.
Is this the intended behavior, or are my commits missing for a different reason?
Yes, this is the intended behavior. You only got one commit merged. That's the point of squash and merge.
I do not recommend squash merges. It takes all the carefully considered commit history about how the branch was developed and mashes it into a convenient but homogeneous paste.
I'm working on feature branches that can have over a hundred commits over the course of a week or two.
I would say this is the real problem. Feature branches should not regularly have over a hundred commits. Your features are too
big, or you're making a lot of commits to fix previous commits, or you have a lot of incidental merge commits from updating your branch, or all of the above.
Update your branch using rebase instead of merge. git rebase main rewrites your branch as if it were written on top of the latest version of main all along. This removes merge commits which say nothing but "I updated my branch" and makes it easier to see what work has been done on the branch. You can change git pull to do a rebase instead of a merge with git pull --rebase and by default by setting pull.rebase. See git-config and Git Branching - Rebasing.
Break up large features into a series of smaller features. This is a skill beyond the scope of this answer, but often a big change can be broken down into a series of smaller refactorings.
Eliminate incidental fixup commits. If you need to fix something in the previous commit, instead of making a new commit "amend" your changes to the previous one with git commit --amend.
For a general cleanup, do an interactive rebase and squash your incidental commits individually. Use fixup.
$ git rebase -i master
pick abcd1234 feature: do that thing
fixup 1234dcba whoops, had a typo in that thing
fixup b33fdead docs: document that thing
fixup afdcefff test: test that thing
fixup deadb33f fix that thing
pick efga1389 feature: did another thing
You had six commits, but you only really did two things. Now you will have just two commits for doing two things.
Using these techniques you can bring your PRs down to a handful of well thought out commits, each conveying important information to the reviewer and future developers wondering why the code was written that way.
See Rewriting History for more.
Yes, they show up as a single commit. That's because GitHub only counts commits that end up on the default branch, and when you squash a PR, you end up with one commit on the default branch.
I personally don't worry about my contribution graph, so this doesn't matter to me. However, I also don't use squash and merge, since I write nice, bisectable commits with good commit messages, and squash and merge destroys that. If it's important to you not to reduce the work that a contributor has made down to a single commit, then you would need a merge strategy whose goal isn't explicitly to destroy history.

How do I keep a fork of a branch in sync with the actual branch while also keeping the edits I made to the fork?

There is a library with a branch named dev which I created a fork of here. I then made a commit to my fork so that it would better suit my needs, and I intend to make further commits in the future. However, as the library is still in development I would also like my fork to stay up to date with the changed made in the original dev branch so that it has all of the latest bugfixes and such. Is it possible to sync the two branches while keeping my personal changes?
I've looked at the possible duplicate and it seems like an appropriate answer but I just want to clear up one thing before I accept it - I need to sync to just the dev branch and not the whole repo, so would I do git rebase upstream/dev? What does git rebase upstream/master even do?
You'll want to periodically rebase your fork. Alternatively, you could merge the changes in if you'd like to preserve the history.

Subversion in Eclipse - Switching branch with uncommitted work in repository

Suppose I have the following senario:
Trunk is my main development line where programmers commit to when done.
Branch V1.0 is a branch I created when releasing version 1.0.
The programmer is working on the trunk but needs to switch to the branch in order to fix bugs.
When switching back to the trunk Subversion will give me the latest in the SVN repository which does not include the recent changes.
So, in order to switch he will have to commit what he has because otherwise the changes are "lost". I know they are still kept in the local repository but it would still mean restoring them one by one once he switchesback.
Am I missing something here?
Now I am thinking down these lines:
Each programmer would have his own "private" development branch off of the trunch. He could commit to there whenever he wants. When he has finished what he has written he can them merge it into the trunk. He starts again for the next assignment.
If at any point he is required to fix a bug in some other release he can just commit to his own private branch, fetch the odl release and fix it. Then, after committing the changes to the fix, he can easily switch back to his own development branch.
Would that work?
I think that subversion is not thought for switching as you described. A solution would be to have two workspaces, one for the branch and another one the trunk, so you can switch from one to another without problems. I know it is not a nice one.
Consider switching to a version control tool that is better suited for your approach. My own suggestion is Mercurial, coupled with MercurialEclipse. The only drawbacks I'm aware of are that Subversion is better suited to store binary files and that Mercurial's subrepositories don't work so well as Subversion's externals.
In Mercurial your programmers would be able to commit their changes to their private repositories, merge and commit locally again, and then push the resulting changes to an official repository, from which other programmers would pull them into their own private repositories.
The best solution for such purposes is to have two separate working copies. One for working with trunk and one working with the branch.

Clearcase: Automate the checkout comment of source branch while checking out destination branch

I have made all my modifications in my branch and going to another branch(or main). I had given the detailed comments while I checked in my work branch. But with clearcase merge manager, I have to reenter the same comments again which is really tough. Are there some way to use the original comments of the corresponding source version of the element?
The ClearCase Merge Manager, based on cleartool findmerge shouldn't ask you for any comment, and perform all merges automatically (except for the non-trivial ones).
The merge manager wizards should allow you to merge automatically files and directories, and the merge comment should be a default one.

Merging of branch to trunk in SVN using Eclipse

I am looking forward to merge my code which I developed in a branch of SVN to the trunk. I am using Eclipse and I have been using Team->Commit to commit my updates to the SVN. But I haven't done a merge before. Please help me with this.
First of all make sure you are up to date. Update your working copy of the target branch, ie. where you are merging into. In this example we're working on the trunk of "core" and we want to grab the changes that have happened in the maintenance branch and merge them.
Resolve any conflicts. There should be no conflicts at this stage between the working copy and the repository.
Select the SVN merge option on the working copy. In Eclipse this is going to be found under the "Team" menu and called "Merge Branch".
SVN: Merging in Eclipse
Change the From URL to the specific branch you want to be merged into your working copy. In this example we're looking for the p400 maintenance branch (./core/branches/p400).
Change the From Revision to the last revision that was merged into the target branch. Essentially you don't want to keep merging the whole branch history, you just want to include those changes since the last time you merged. There is no easy way to determine the last merge point at this time in Subversion. You have to review your message log and look for the last commit that talks about merging. If you are disciplined about the commit messages you use for merging this should be easy (see below). Make a note of what that revision is -- you'll need this later when you commit your changes.
SVN: Merge with Eclipse
Change the To Revision to the latest (i.e. head). Make a note of what that revision is -- you'll need this later when you commit your changes.
Click Merge and wait. Depending on how big the differences are this may be quick or Eclipse my just fall over. If you have such an enormous change that you can't get it done in Eclipse you may need to make the range of revisions you are merging smaller. Or you may even have to skip certain revisions and do them manually if they are massive. We've had this problem from time to time when updating large third-party libraries. The vast majority of the time you will be fine.
Review changes and resolve conflicts. Once the merge is complete, look through the changes made to your working copy and make sure you address any conflicts you find.
Once all the changes have been resolved in the target working copy, check them in with a single commit. The reason you're not doing lots of commits is that these are changes that should have been documented in the branch from which you merged. The commit message needs to be in a specific format that details the merge and is easy to find in the future. We use the following format, but you can use anything that works for you -- as long as you stick to it.
Merging [source] to [target]; [repository]. Merge rev [start]:[end]
In eclipse we have an option to merge. Right click the project , you will see "Team" option and on clicking it you will see merge option. There are three different options you can see in the merge.
To successfully merge the changes from the branch to the trunk, we need to switch the local workspace to the trunk (but make sure all the changes are committed to the branch before that). Once we do that we can use merge option and select "2 URLs" option. I put url for trunk as url 1 and the branch I wanted to merge as url 2. I could see all the incoming changes I selected "OK". All the changes are in my local now (at this point my workspace is linked to the trunk). Then I committed my changes to the trunk and hence merge from branch to the trunk was successful.
I would like to add for Point 8 .Review changes and resolve conflicts. ---
When working on conflicts manually- when you do copy from right to left on chunks of code - Be careful
Sometimes chunk of code gets added, sometimes it properly replaces the chunk.
Make sure there is no duplicate chunk of code.
Also, this is helpful-- What is the proper way to do a Subversion merge in Eclipse?